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Play-Game-Act: An Introductory Method to Game Design

Game design lecturer Jerome Bodin offers a simple method for explaining game concepts, allowing you to share your ideas with others quickly and efficiently.

From Student to Developer: Five Things I've Learned

Sunless Sea developer Liam McDonald shares the key lessons he learned while transitioning from student life to a career in the games industry.

Alternatives to the Game Over Screen

Game design student Dorian Bucur suggests several alternate approaches to failure states, giving you an idea of how to get players to return to your game without feeling discouraged.

Level Design: From Paper to Screen

James Buckle outlines the process involved in transforming concepts and sketches into workable level designs.

Students in Games: Cultivating Success Before Finishing Your Studies

Claire Barilla explains how students can begin cultivating success while preparing for a career in the games industry.

Game Design Challenge: Artistic Endeavors

It's one thing to produce a work of art, but inspiring others to do so is another matter entirely. Can you design a game in which players create in-world artwork?

Vancouver Film School

The one-year Game Design program at Vancouver Film School covers everything students need to thrive in the game industry, from game theory to coding to portfolio production.

  • Designing for Self-Expression [03.15.16]
  • img Nikhil Murthy explains how game mechanics that encourage self-expression can result in compelling gameplay and happier players.