September 19th, 2012
11:01 PM ET

Exclusive: Amb. Chris Stevens worried about al Qaeda hit list

A source says Ambassador Chris Stevens was concerned about the threat of extremists in Benghazi, Libya before he died during an attack on the U.S. Consulate.

At a Senate Homeland Security hearing on Wednesday, the National Counterterrorism Center Director acknowledged that Stevens and three other Americans were killed "in the course of a terrorist attack."

Sen. John McCain says it doesn't make sense that the White House, Sec. Clinton and United Nations' Ambassador Susan Rice stated "categorically that it was not a terrorist attack, when obviously it had all the earmarks of a terrorist attack."

McCain believes Amb. Stevens should have been provided more security in Libya, and particularly in Benghazi with reports of the growing al Qaeda presence.

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Filed under: Libya • Terrorism
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