October 2nd, 2012
10:36 PM ET

RidicuList: Restaurant roadkill

Oh, deer! A restaurant in Williamsburg, Kentucky gets in trouble for wheeling in some roadkill and earns a spot on our RidicuList.

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Filed under: The RidicuList
soundoff (2 Responses)
  1. Pauline N. Fromer

    Dear Readers: I am surprised you are all so surprised; have you never seen or heard or read about what happens in restaurants in China How live dogs are brought in for consumption, how live monkeys' heads are sliced open, so that their great delicacy is to eat their brains? And I am talking, or rather writing, about LIVE monkeys. Shame.
    Are we civilized or are we not?
    Pauline N. Fromer
    Capestrano Italy

    October 4, 2012 at 12:49 am |
  2. Hali

    hahahaha! My family would order takeout here all the time! Though this is pretty disgusting if you start thinking about what you ate. I'm a vegetarian so hopefully I didn't get any deer in my tofu. But this was the best Chinese restaurant! If you had ordered takeout from here, you would have been in love! I'm not even joking.

    October 3, 2012 at 9:38 pm |