November 1st, 2012
07:40 PM ET

Tonight on AC360: Nurse saves baby’s life during Sandy evacuation

Margot Condon is the NYU Langone Medical Center NICU nurse seen in a picture that went viral this week. In the photo, she’s holding a small baby, just 8 hours old, and pumping air into its lungs outside the hospital during the emergency evacuation. Backup generators failed during Superstorm Sandy and the medical staff was tasked with safely transferring everyone to other facilities.

It took a team of at least six people to get the fragile patient safely down nine flights of stairs in the dark. They had to coordinate their movements, each with a different job. The doctor was there, the security guard with an oxygen tank, the father and others assisting. The baby’s mother was still hospitalized during the dramatic mission.

Condon, a nurse for 36 years, says she remained focused on each step they needed to take, but has never seen anything like it. Anderson talks with her about the ordeal and her training.

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Filed under: Hurricane Sandy • Weather
soundoff (One Response)
  1. Kenneth

    I'd like to thank Nurse Margot Condon and the rest of the staff at NYU who helped make the evacuation of my son and his mother as safe as possible. We truly appreciate your support and efforts in our time of need. I look forward to seeing you and expressing our gratitude in person. Kenneth III father.

    November 3, 2012 at 2:50 am |