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Take your research to the next level with expert advice and instruction from our Professional Genealogist Michael J. Leclerc.


Work with thousands of genealogists to help you uncover the missing piece of your story.

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connections with other researchers just like you.

Surname Groups

It used to be that if you wanted to talk to someone who was looking for the same surname that you are, you'd have to look at their trees, send them an email, wait for a response, and repeat this process with every person you could find. With Mocavo's Surname Groups, now you can simply join a group and the other community members who are looking for the same name will be in one convenient location, helping you all make more discoveries and cover more ground.

Fireside Chats

Every other week Chief Genealogist Michael J. Leclerc interviews leading genealogists to discuss all aspects of family history. Tune in to get free advice and helpful research tips that will take your research to the next level. You will also have the opportunity to get your very own family history questions answered by these expert genealogists during the chat.

Genealogy Karma

With Genealogy Karma you can take advantage of the vast network of Mocavo community members spread far and wide. If you're looking for documents, records, or photos from an ancestor who lived far away, we will connect you with family history volunteers who can do this research for you in other cities. Likewise, if you'd like to give back to the Mocavo community and have a little time to donate, you can sign up as a volunteer.

Learning Center

Ancestry is such a rich subject that you can never truly finish your research. The Learning Center offers a place to begin if you're just starting your research, and a guide to return to if you're feeling stuck or need some new tips.

Genealogy Blog

Stay in the know with the Mocavo Genealogy Blog. Each day our Chief Genealogist Michael J. Leclerc delivers intriguing stories about history and genealogy, plus advice that will help you discover more ancestors faster.

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