Side Effects of Botox
Before and After Photos, Common Botox Headache Problems

By now you've heard about the side effects of Botox result.

botox-before-afterMaybe you've read reports of drooping eyelids. Perhaps you've listened to patients talk about the Botox headache. You're intrigued by the Botox before and after photos, but you might also be a bit nervous about getting this cosmetic procedure.

Botox, also known as the Botox shot, is the brand name for a form of Botulinum toxin, which in much more concentrated doses is the source for serious cases of food poisoning.

A physician injects the product into several points around a particular muscle, preventing it from contracting and forming a wrinkle or crease. The result is smoother skin for up to six months.

What does a mild side effect of Botox feel like?

This medication, like other cosmetic treatments, does cause mild side effects in some patients. For example, patients sometimes report bruising and swelling where the doctor injected the product.

Botox for Headache Cure

Another Botox-triggered effect is weakness in the muscles around the injection site. It can occur up to one week following treatment. Patients have also reported symptoms that mimic the flu, as well as respiratory infections and headaches.

What is the Botox headache?

A mild headache is one of the most common side effects. It's often reported by patients who receive the shot for treatment of the lines between the eyebrows, or glabellar lines. The headaches are brief, often lasting half a day or less.

However, research indicates that a few patients experience a more serious headache in the days following the injections. The patients report constant pain that lasts up to four weeks.

In addition, according to online reports from Botox users, the pain wasn't easily relieved by conventional over the counter pain medications. As a result, some users report that the risk of additional headaches would stop them from repeating the injections in the future.

What are more serious Botox problems?

side-effects-of-botoxAccording to the manufacturer's medical guide, a serious side effect of Botox might include dangerous and life-threatening problems, such as difficulty swallowing, speaking, or breathing. This happens when the injection weakens the muscles that control these critical functions.

Another of the potential serious effect of Botox happens when the toxin spreads away from the injection site, causing botulism. Symptoms of this potentially deadly condition include, to name a few, loss of strength, double vision, blurred vision, and loss of bladder control.

What can I do to lessen the chance of Botox side effects?

Always share your full and complete medical history with the health care professional administering the injection. The chance of certain serious complications, such as breathing or swallowing difficulty, is increased in patients who have previously experienced these problems.

Disclosure also requires giving the doctor a full list of all the medications and supplements you take, even if it seems like something that's not a big medical deal, like a birth control pill or a vitamin E capsule.

How can I learn more about Botox injection side effects?

botox-before-and-afterAlways consult with an experienced medical professional, such as a doctor, physician's assistant (PA) or registered nurse (RN), before receiving the Botox shot.

Can the side effects of Botox hurt if you're pregnant or nursing? No one knows how Botox injections affect unborn children or breastfeeding infants, so do not take the shot if you're pregnant or nursing.

Are the consequences worth the risk?

Only you and your health care professional can determine if this anti wrinkle treatment is right for you. Potential effects can be as mild as minor swelling or as serious and life-threatening as breathing trouble. The risk of suffering a Botox headache alone is enough to keep some patients from repeating the treatment.

However, consider that almost 12 million doses of Botox have been injected since the early 2000s, according to the statistics. What's more, if you check out Botox before and after pictures, you'll notice the injections deliver noticeable Botox results without the need to submit to the scalpel or subject the skin to a chemical peel.

Botox side effects are an important consideration, especially if you want to get beautiful skin and you want to get it safely.

By learning the risks, you're taking an important step in making the right decision. Talk to a doctor to find out more about the side effects of Botox and determine if this procedure really is the wrinkle solution you're looking for.


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Updated October 21, 2010