

2012 Gold Medal Winner, Florida Publishers Association, Self-Help Category



Why do people love firemen? People love firemen because when
everyone else is running out of a burning building, they’re running
in. It’s easier to run away. Caregivers are running into the burning
building. Other people care, but they don’t know what to do, so
they run away.

―Chuck’s mother

No first-time caregiver should face cancer caregiving without this book in hand. It offers keys to unlocking the dilemmas of cancer
caregiving so you can take charge  as a knowledgeable advocate for
your patient.

This book is the first to capture the thoughts, feelings, and insights
of cancer caregivers on a large scale. Things I Wish I’d Known shares what 95 interviewees and dozens of others who were consulted informally wish they had known at the outset of their caregiving journ

In this book, practical lessons drawn from caregivers’ experiences are intermingled with their own words and most intimate feelings to forge a compelling narrative about the full range of issues you’ll face as caregiver or patient.

The lessons provide building blocks on which you can rely as you participate in decision-making and plan for the future.

You will learn about caregiver considerations in:

       Getting a clear cancer diagnosis

       Gathering information about the cancer diagnosis

       Choosing cancer treatment partners

       Making cancer treatment decisions (including complementary and 
          alternative treatments and palliative care)

       Getting inside the cancer caregiving role

       Accessing available cancer information and treatment resources (including clinical trials)

       Managing cancer-related financial and legal issues

       Seeking normalcy during camcer treatment

       Confronting cancer-related issues facing families with children 
          (children in a household with cancer, and children as patients)

       Managing cancer caregiver emotions and health

       Nearing life’s end from cancer

       Preparing for the aftermath (including how cancer caregivers heal)

       Anticipating how cancer changes caregivers