An Attitude of Gratitude is not a cheese-fest, kids!

Tracy Logo Letter Head

My wonderful friend Dr John Demartini, taught me to have an ‘attitude of gratitude,’ the year I walked away from my $1M job.

That was over a decade ago.

When I left that role, I was sick, spiritually bereft, exhausted and resentful.

Resentful, with a capital RESENTFUL.

I’d been treated so badly and I’d worked so hard! Why were they so mean to me? Why wasn’t I appreciated?

I can now see that my OWN duplicitous behaviour was pivotal in creating such an awful work environment.  I can see that I treated people badly.I also treated myself hideously; I burnt myself into the ground. I cracked that invisible whip over my head with terrifying repetition.


Screen Shot 2014-08-17 at 1.55.06 pmI also treated myself hideously; I burnt myself into the ground. I cracked that invisible whip over my head with terrifying repetition.

I can see that the Law of Attraction brought all this behaviour to me, as I was focussing on the Darkness instead of the Light.

What we focus on, we attract.

I am so grateful for that time in my life as it lead me to many more amazing experiences!

Screen Shot 2014-08-17 at 2.40.50 pmTwelve years on (yup!) and I have forgiven all the horrors that were inflicted upon me by my colleagues.

I have forgiven myself for being such a Diva, Prima Donna and Megalomaniac.

That took a while……. I really was down on myself.

I now come from a place of such enormous gratitude that I am humbled.

I am humbled that I was ever given the opportunity to be a broadcaster in the first place.

Screen Shot 2014-08-17 at 2.01.17 pmI’m grateful that so many people continue to share with me how laughing in the mornings made such a difference to their lives. Oh, me too! I just loved all of that laughter!


I am grateful to have made my amends with those who hurt me (and those who were polite enough to respond to my overtures).

I am grateful that those who DID hurt me were also some of my greatest teachers.

Dr Simon

This is Dr. Simon Floreani, from He’s the most incredible practitioner, mentor, father, husband and businessman. Book in to have an adjustment with him ASAP if you really want to be well. All of my students and clients see Simon.

I am grateful that I am now able to see immediately when I am in pain, what the lesson is and how to release that pain.

I am grateful that extraordinary people, who have ONLY my highest good in their hearts and minds for me, surround me with love and support.

This is what gratitude is.  Going within, digging out the festering crap that’s eating away at us, bringing it into the light and watching it disappear like so much belly button lint in the sun!

I am humbled and grateful that all the pain I carried for sooooo long has DISAPPEARED!

No more!We give lip service to gratitude.

To truly experience it, I have discovered that being joyful and grateful for EVERYTHING is the way to bring even MORE joy into my life!

A colleague told me, when I left my last marriage, ‘do you realise how badly you speak to your ex’? You never say please or thank you’.

Really? Seriously? Gah! I was mortified!

I rectified that immediately. I still say please and thank you to my ex, but he’s still my ex!  And, I am so grateful for the time we spent together, the son we created and the lessons I learnt in that marriage.

I now correct teenagers in shops when they ‘forget’ to say please and thank you. Yes, you’re right! They LOVE that!!!

Three little words that could almost mean I love you when said with total sincerity.


Thank you.

Want to try this easy experiment? Say please and thank you to every single person in your life for a whole week (when those words are needed, cheeky!)


But you have to make  genuine eye contact when saying the words. And please smile!

From the checkout chap, the woman in the petrol station, the usher, the bus driver, your children, your lover, your colleagues, your friends and your enemies! Make them your friends by loving yourself a little more each time you greet them.

Recognise what all of these people teach you by being in your life – even fleetingly –  and watch how your gratitude soars!

Please, share the results of your experiment! Just drop me a comment below, (please!).

Your week will be soooooo sweet! I guarantee it! You’ll have a spring in your step that you haven’t had before, I promise.

This week at Manifesting Monday (Mon August 18,2014) we will excavate our own gratitude, what it feels like to be  grateful, to whom we are most grateful and, how we can most effectively express that gratitude.

We are creating gratitude journals and an action plan for our gratitude, so that we can express it daily and improve the quality of our daily lives.

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To make each day sweeter and, more meaningful.

As we continue this gorgeous winter series of Manifesting Monday, I will as usual, be creating a divine soup (with extra love) and a special gluten free, Paleo, vegan morsel to have with our herbal tea.  Plus your Pro-biotic shot to help your gut integrity and,  filtered water with organic lemons and Dr. Emoto – inspired water   messages.

Moby & Roger

Moby (back) 14 yo rescued Schnoodle & Roger (front) 7yo Schnauzer. Both adorable & divine.

Our regular HUGS, meditation, sharing, LAUGHS, love and Moby the Wonderdog are always part of our Mondays. Plus  the perfect essential oils and oracle cards for your Highest Good.

We now have Roger the Schnauzer here in Doggie Rehab, so he will love any affection you pour upon him.

You don’t have to be vegan or vegetarian to attend, I’m not and I live here!

Love to see you on Monday, Beloveds!

This series is open to all people who have:

      1. Attended a prior Manifesting class with me.
      2. Hired me in a professional capacity as a Speaker, Comedian, Consultant or Facilitator
      3. A real friend (as opposed to imaginary friends on Facebook).
      4. A friend of someone who is one of the above. In other words, if you have a previous connection to me you are welcome in my private sanctuary, my home, for these  sessions.

Any questions?

Feel free to email me at and I will happily respond.

To claim your space, click here. We have 20 seats.




Tracy Bartram, Goddess of the Tongue in Cheek




P.S.  We are limited to 20 grateful bums on seats in my gorgeous home.

P.P.S.  In case you think I’ve gone all God-bothery and have lost my sense of humour (Really? Is that possible?) I just want to warn you that I still swear like a wharfie. And I laugh with abandon. If swearing makes you uncomfortable, please don’t book a ticket!

Screen Shot 2014-08-17 at 3.06.12 pmI mean, I may not swear at ALL! I never did on radio and I rarely do in my classes, but I do have to warn you that…. I could drop the F-bomb and I don’t want anyone having a hissy fit.  OK?


<Click here to reserve your space>

4 thoughts on “An Attitude of Gratitude is not a cheese-fest, kids!

    1. Oh Moira, I really must be more diligent about checking on my lovely comments. Thank you! i love you too. And I’d love to go for walkies (I think we need to go back to texting each other!) as soon as Roger comes back :-(

  1. To come out of working in what can be a soul destroying environment, and to end up so positive is a wonderful tribute to who you are. You rock Ms Bartram – thank you for the laughs, the encouragement and for telling it like it is.

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