Love Letter.

Dear 2015,

Grateful to have known you. Thank you for teaching me about my capacities – for love and kindness, strength and softness, incredible inappropriateness and full forgiveness.

You’ve shown me that my heart is enough. You’ve granted me closeness to a partner whose willingness to evolve has informed my own evolution. You’ve helped me understand the heart of my child as a child of the Universe; I am blessed to have this hilarious healer in my own home, a creative collaborator, a superb source of light; nine years, many lifetimes old. Thank you for granting me the ability to see him and treat him respectfully.

Thank you for taking me on long walks with wise leaders, putting me in touch with strong spiritual seekers, and for helping me believe I am a teacher amongst teachers. Thank you for reminding me to circle the fire, chant till I’m free, and trust that when I hear the calling, it really is for me.

Thanks also for sending me the best collaborators. I’m now hooked on the feeling i have when a colleague or co-teacher contacts me and we’re aligned, right on time. It’s one of the finest gifts of this year and I’m grateful to sit nearby this fine truth and clear wisdom.

When you closed a door, you closed it gently, so I could hear the latch click and know precisely when it was time to look for the next opening. And thank you for every subsequent sacred new beginning; each was a quiet blessing force that carried me onward.

Thank you for my new life, my sobriety. You were my first full year intentionally clean and clear. I’ve never felt more beautiful, more peaceful. More complete. More real.

Thank you for making sure I took the time to connect to my friends and family. Thank you for inspiring me to apologize when I acted less than extraordinary. Thank you for helping me see that my business is a source of light, and for moving me to find ways to live my work that feel just right.

Thank you for the courage to look myself in the eyes to create an atmosphere of compassion. Thank you for the knowingness to sit with consistency, and for the willingness to rise when it’s time to bring the best of me.

And in the presence of long, lingering moments of doubt, you brought me to a new, true sense of love for myself, a tenderness for myself at every age, a rewriting of a story that needed to be retold. This burgeoning love releases any sense of separateness, and reminds me of the oneness that propels me forward in all my relations.

Thank you for making kindness sexy and easy. And thank you for placing me close to soul friends and family who truly see me.


  1. You’re so eloquent beautiful lady. Thank you for the reminder to look back too and be grateful. You’re awesome X

  2. Dear Elena,

    Your letter is absolutely beautiful. I love the way you write And I can see it all in your eyes in each of your Instagram pictures. Keep going. You are an inspiration to so many… You are an inspiration to me!

    My IG is Ines_Andina if you want to see my world in the mountains and how I am trying to inspire women!

    LOVE Ines

  3. Thank you for gifting the world this window of your soul.
    And thank you for ‘’ – this generous opportunity for other yoga teachers to share their work and read your wise words. You and ‘’ made the yoga world a better place in 2015.

  4. Very nice letter! Thank you for sharing it. We are all working on getting to that place, a place where we love ourselves enough to release any doubt of our own divinity. It shouldn’t be difficult, but if we are not told this as children, we have to learn to allow the truth in, breaking through the walls and barriers we constructed and thought we needed to survive. Peace and love to you, and everyone in the new year.


  5. thank you elena, i find authentic word hard to come by. writing and speaking from the heart is difficult. I am inspired by your clarity and make clearing space for this important learning for me in the coming year

  6. Patricia Spahn Borrageiro says:

    Thank you for that beautiful piece of inspiration! a perfect way to set my new year! I hope our paths cross again someday!

  7. Thanks Elena. I appreciate you writing from your heart and inspiring us to do the same. This letter helps me today as I create some intentions for the new year and think about the growth I made in 2015. :-)


  1. […] inspired by a Note of Gratitude by my dearest, Nikki Belcher and Love Letter by the ever-awesome, Elena […]

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