Cook Inertial Propulsion?US Patent #4238968
CIP Principle

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The CIP Engine Principle

The CIP Engine is a device that converts centrifugal force into a linear motion.  Using an electric motor to rotate the components of the device, this force is generated from within the system which means no reaction with its outer environment is necessary to propel.  The applications of this type of propulsion are endless as vehicles would now be "forceborne" rather than "airborne".  Applications of this force would cover all vehicles on land, in the sea, air and space.

This device is not a perpetual motion machine, however, it is theorized that as the device increases its rotational speed, its efficiency will increase at a tremendous rate.  None of the models built thus far have achieved the speeds necessary for the higher efficiency, but they all have demonstrated the principle.  Units have propelled successfully on concrete, a steel bar, water, ice, on air bearings and currently a torsion pendulum.  The device has always performed better on the surfaces that had less friction.  The only thing left to do with the device is to levitate it.

Technical Description

The CIP engine converts centrifugal force (angular momentum) into a linear or translational force.  In other words it converts J=Iω to P=MV.

When John Wallis wrote the laws of the conservation of angular momentum (which Sir Isaac Newton plagiarized) he plainly stated that angular momentum could not be converted to a translational force because it had none to give!

The way he reasoned was:  because the constants I and ω had to remain constant (or the same) for 360°of spin, the net result had to be forces in equilibrium which could only create bounded motion.  This would tie into Newton's 3rd law of action and reaction.

Keep in mind that:

I = mr² and  

m  =


 *ω  = angular velocity in radians per second.

How the CIP Circumvents Wallis' Law

  1. The CIP engine mechanically splits the mass (represented by I in the equation)  after 180° of spin.  One half of the equally split mass reverses direction and therefore the ω part of the equation must now show a positive ω (counter clockwise direction) and a negative ω (clockwise direction).

  2. Because the evenly divided masses move at the same angular velocity, they create forces in equilibrium for only 180° of the complete cycle.  The split mass is then made complete and becomes one mass which creates an unbalanced centrifugal force for 180° which can be used to propel.  The splitting and recombining of the mass causes no negative impulses at all!

  3. This fact was demonstrated at Boeing Field, Seattle, Washington on November 29th and 30th 1999.  At the speed the mass was rotating, engineers at Boeing calculated that a 90 pound second negative impulse should have registered each time the mass split or was recombined.  But there was absolutely NO reaction force detected by the instruments recording impulses in the x, y and z axes.

    On the other hand a 5 pound second impulse (which could be viewed as a unidirectional force) was recorded by the load cell/computer.

Where Newton and Wallis Erred

They never considered that the mass (I) in the equation could ever be split mechanically.  When this possibility is considered, most scientists assume that the splitting and recombining of the mass will result in two negative impulses being created that will cancel the one positive unbalanced centrifugal force created by the fully recombined or whole mass.

It's as simple as that as far as the principle goes but the mechanics and the other things involved are a nightmare to fully explain and no attempt to explain the mechanics of the system will be made here.

-Bob Cook
Inventor of the CIP Engine


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