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Richard Fenton vs William Norwood Potter
offhand game (1875)  ·  Chess variants (000)  ·  1-0
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Kibitzer's Corner
Premium Chessgames Member
  Phony Benoni: This is the initial link in the Saavedra chain. See
Mar-09-11  gauer: Okay, so being a library cataloger by profession, are you able to peek at the rare book source discussed at J L Fernandez Saavedra vs R D Da Silva, 2001 - & once the score gets corrected, it might fit into your "Instructive Positions from Master Chess" well.

How often does the theme occur in practice? More often than one suspects, since Beliavsky vs Kotronias, 2009 & Svidler vs Topalov, 2006 , both scoring 1-0, are trusty tools to have armed in one's utility belt of ♖ v ♙ endings.

Premium Chessgames Member
  john barleycorn: <Phoni Benoni> I add this as your link does not work anymore:

Löwenfisch and Smyslov in their book on rook endgames wrote that this game was the origin for Saavedra's position. 1895 Barbier gave this position as "Black to move and draw". Saavedra's contribution from 1902 lies in the underpromotion of the c-pawn into a rook and make it a "White to move and win" study.

Here is a related problem by Horwitz given in the book by Löwenfisch and Smyslov:

White to move and win:

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the Original Saavedra theme
from chess strategems ix - under construction by gauer

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