Michael Ramirez by Michael Ramirez

Michael Ramirez

Comments (47) (Please sign in to comment)

  1. NeedaChuckle

    NeedaChuckle said, about 13 hours ago

    Wait, I thought all 1.6 Billion Muslims are ISIS now we are telling the truth that it is only a small minority?

  2. Ted Lind

    Ted Lind GoComics PRO Member said, about 13 hours ago

    Even that number is probably way on the high side. It’s probably half of that.

  3. nlkilpat

    nlkilpat GoComics PRO Member said, about 12 hours ago

    ISIS is 35,000 Saudi multimillionaires? Wow!

  4. Dypak

    Dypak GoComics PRO Member said, about 12 hours ago

    Another cowardly, anti-American cartoon. Have you no faith in the US military? The CIA? The FBI? Is your government hatred so strong that you do not trust the men and women who work in our service, to protect? Do you have more faith in the strength of ISIS than you do in our own? If you think we are weak, demand that Congress raise revenue to increase defense spending. By this point why continue to fuss and worry about Obama? He’s as good as done and gone. I know it’s a habit you can’t break, slamming the president and the people who defend our nation. But it’s a filthy, disgusting habit, one which you should practice alone and in the dark.

  5. fuzzbucket

    fuzzbucket said, about 12 hours ago


    35,000 is not ‘small’ when they are willing to die to kill you and have explosives.

  6. tod4

    tod4 GoComics PRO Member said, about 12 hours ago

    Amen with Dypak

  7. Fiendly Neighbourhood Terrorist (Justice For Michael_wme!)

    Fiendly Neighbourhood Terrorist (Justice For Michael_wme!) GoComics PRO Member said, about 11 hours ago


    I have no faith in the Amerikastani war criminal services, but fortunately I’m not an Amerikastani.

  8. Fiendly Neighbourhood Terrorist (Justice For Michael_wme!)

    Fiendly Neighbourhood Terrorist (Justice For Michael_wme!) GoComics PRO Member said, about 11 hours ago

    By the way, Ramirez, don’t forget that it was the Imperialist States of Amerikastan which made Osama bin Laden into a pet jihadi terrorist.

  9. Silmenume

    Silmenume said, about 10 hours ago

    Osama bin Laden made Osama bin Laden. He made the choices to become who he was. He didn’t like what America did, that was his own choice what he did with that.

    >>Wait, I thought all 1.6 Billion Muslims are ISIS now we are telling the truth that it is only a small minority?<<

    Have you even looked at the Koran? Are you aware there is NOTHING in it the prevents Muslims from murdering Infidels. Point in fact, a practicing Muslim is, upon meeting an infidel, supposed to immediately ask if they will convert to Islam. The infidels has three choices -

    1. Accept.
    2. Submit themselves to the annual tax and accept public humiliation every year. That is only supposed to be extended to those who follow/believe the Old Testament.
    3. Be murdered on the spot for refusing 1 and 2.

    This is religion that is soaked in blood by its own teachings. While everyone may not be jihadis the reason why the masses aren’t coming out against the attacks is that they comport with the basic tenets of the religion.

    While in Christianity EVERYONE is a child of God whether they believe or not Christians are supposed to treat everyone as a brother or sister. People may fail in this task but it is a fundamental tenet of the faith we are all one family are we are supposed to treat each other as such.

    In Islam if you are in infidel a Muslim can do anything he/she wants to because you aren’t saved. Lie, cheat, steal, murder, rape, enslave are all acceptable actions to perpetrate upon the infidel.

    Yet none of you goofs are willing to open your eyes and see the truth.

    FREX – did you know that not one single county in the history of Islam converted willingly? Every single one was converted under the sword.

  10. Old Crow Nobo , enjoying the GOP implosion

    Old Crow Nobo , enjoying the GOP implosion said, about 10 hours ago

    Considering that bin Laden was hired by the Bush admin to pull off 911 so they would have an excuse to invade the mid east, we are safe until another republican becomes president.

  11. californicated1

    californicated1 said, about 10 hours ago

    In order for the US to defeat bin Laden and al Qaeda was for them to attack two symbolic targets on US soil and bring about a lot of death and destruction at home.

    Until DAESH does that, they aren’t a threat, here.

    And DAESH should have learned that lesson that if you want minimal American involvement in your war, don’t attack the American homeland, because once you do, you may wind up with the full force of the American government and military against you.

  12. Ncorgbl

    Ncorgbl said, about 10 hours ago


    You really don’t know what you’re talking about.
    Have you ever noticed that Jews and Orthodox Christians are never called ‘infidel’?
    Are you aware that the Qur’an has more about Jesus’ life than the New Testament? Did you know that the Qur’an prophesies teach all of Islam about the Second Coming of Jesus to rule the world?
    Did you know that the reason for Islam was to take the worship of GOD back to where it is supposed to be?

    Trying to twist and warp what the Qur’an teaches is what the power hungry and fanatics do. Just like Christianity.

  13. Olongapojoe

    Olongapojoe GoComics PRO Member said, about 9 hours ago


    Please explain how you got the idea that this cartoon was a attack on the US military, CIA, or the FBI? The whole point of the cartoon is to show how the President has his head in the sand as to declaring ISIS a threat to the US.

  14. jack75287

    jack75287 said, about 9 hours ago


    I wouldn’t say the president’s head is in the sand, I can think of another place…….

  15. jack75287

    jack75287 said, about 9 hours ago


    And guns, and secure communications and there own ability to make more.

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