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Generally favorable reviews- based on 283 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 17 out of 283
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  1. Apr 2, 2013
    The 3D graphics in this game are of the best looking games on an HD display in my opinion. The gameplay is great and fun; its easy to pick up and play. However, the classic Sonic is more fun to play than then modern Sonic. In fact, I kind of wish that the game was all done in the style of classic Sonic...sort of a Genesis-era Sonic the Hedgehog HD. The sense of speed, whetherThe 3D graphics in this game are of the best looking games on an HD display in my opinion. The gameplay is great and fun; its easy to pick up and play. However, the classic Sonic is more fun to play than then modern Sonic. In fact, I kind of wish that the game was all done in the style of classic Sonic...sort of a Genesis-era Sonic the Hedgehog HD. The sense of speed, whether you're playing in classic or modern levels is superb. This is how Sonic was meant to be. I remember playing the original Sonic game on Genesis and thought that it moved very fast. THAT was nothing compared to this game. I would caution parents buying this for very young children. My son is 6 years old and I don't let him play this game. It to bright, too colorful and moves much too quickly for his little eyes. Expand
  2. Sep 19, 2013
    It was fun but it was way too short. This game is probably a classic Sonic fanboys wet dream, because Classic Sonic is in the game. I think the Modern Sonic levels are more fun. The game only has 9 Modern Sonic levels, and 9 Classic Sonic levels. It's good, but I would rather have a Sonic 06 for the PS4 and Xbox One that fixes everything about Sonic 06.
  3. Nov 1, 2011
    The game's beatable in few hours, and it's not that fun, it has some missions but, more acts would have been much better, modern gameplay is too boost to win, with platforming, but sometimes it don't work very well, hopefully the classic stages are cool, but not that much to "save" the game from being not so good.
  4. Jan 20, 2013
    The game starts off fun, but it falls into the same woes that have played Sonic for years....and it does so far too quickly. It's the closest to a "real" Sonic game we've gotten, but it still sorta stinks.
  5. Nov 4, 2011
    First off, let me mention my experience with Sonic games. I was a rabid child fan during the Sonic hey dey of the early 90s, devouring the various Sonic games, even the (very fun) Sonic Spinball. After that, I never touched a Sonic game until just a few days ago when I bought Sonic Generations. Sonic Generations combines the 2D Classic Sonic with the 3D/2D levels of Modern Sonic and letFirst off, let me mention my experience with Sonic games. I was a rabid child fan during the Sonic hey dey of the early 90s, devouring the various Sonic games, even the (very fun) Sonic Spinball. After that, I never touched a Sonic game until just a few days ago when I bought Sonic Generations. Sonic Generations combines the 2D Classic Sonic with the 3D/2D levels of Modern Sonic and let me say that the Classic Sonic levels are uniformly amazing bar none. Most of them mix tricky platforming with exploration while others focus specifically on tricky platforming with other elements (such as wind).

    Modern Sonic, on the other hand, ruins this game with the one glorious exception of Green Hill Zone. This level epitomizes what Modern Sonic should be about - speed, precision, and fun. There is no free-roam platforming in Green Hill Zone, just forward movement with the addition of grind rails, multiple paths, and sliding. What Sonic Team doesn't seem to understand is what makes for a great Modern Sonic level, despite having created one in the first place. What they probably did was spend the majority of their time making the first level (Green Hill) and then tack on the rest, having exhausted their creative abilities. Green Hill does not slow down the action, which is why it is so amenable to speed runs. It's fair and the action never stops. All the other levels give you too much freedom to move around where the action slows down and you're forced to deal with the horrible controls and animation that has seemingly plagued Modern Sonic for far too long. The rest of Modern Sonic levels are abysmal, with the odd exception of Crisis City and the half-decent Rooftop Run. All of them focus on platforming rather than speed. It would seem that the difference between the two Sonics would be freaking obvious considering that both of them are in the same but Sonic Team just doesn't understand. They need to go back to the drawing board of the drawing board and understand the core mechanics and competitive advantages of each brand of gameplay. Modern Sonic = Speed. Classic Sonic = Platforming. That being said, "Boost to Win" should not be a tactic. Like Green Hill Zone, it should be a mix of strategic, lightning quick platforming that fairly reward precision with a lower time.

    The music is great, by the way. You can choose from a variety of songs from across 20 years of Sonic music and customize each level to play a different song from a list that grows longer as you beat Challenge levels after beating each world. Challenge levels are actually pretty unique because they can either use the same level with tweaks or use an entirely different level based on the same theme. Some have you collect lots of rings, fight large badniks, race against friends, race against Rivals such as Metal Sonic and Shadow the Hedgehog, or race for fast times, etc. Some are very unique while others are useless. Thankfully, you don't have to play the dumb ones in order to progress.

    All in all, this could have been a fantastic game if Sega had built Modern Sonic on the premise of the first level but here 2D Sonic rules resulting in only half a game.
  6. Nov 1, 2011
    I will show my point, the classic sections in the game are nice, you have platforming and speed and amazing graphics, nice level design too, but the modern part of the game is just awful, they picked up the "boost to win" mechanic from Sonic Unleashed and throwed into the game, if SEGA used Sonic Colors gameplay for modern Sonic, it WOULD have been better, the rival dialogues are stupid inI will show my point, the classic sections in the game are nice, you have platforming and speed and amazing graphics, nice level design too, but the modern part of the game is just awful, they picked up the "boost to win" mechanic from Sonic Unleashed and throwed into the game, if SEGA used Sonic Colors gameplay for modern Sonic, it WOULD have been better, the rival dialogues are stupid in the hub world, good soundtrack, but planet wisp would have been cooler without wisps. Expand
  7. Dec 30, 2011
    Sonic Generations is an enjoyable experience if paying in small bursts, bringing back some of the nostalgic feel that made the original such a success. 9 levels split between 2D/3D, I was more or less only interested in the appeal of 2D. Each level offers extra challenges to offer extra value, if that's what your looking for. However as the game progresses, the same issues as inSonic Generations is an enjoyable experience if paying in small bursts, bringing back some of the nostalgic feel that made the original such a success. 9 levels split between 2D/3D, I was more or less only interested in the appeal of 2D. Each level offers extra challenges to offer extra value, if that's what your looking for. However as the game progresses, the same issues as in previous games return to cause frustration as usual, sonic doesn't seem to respond the best to jump as and when needed, and the later 3D levels are like insane trips to your inevitable, unlucky death, that leaves you sitting their thinking why bother.....?. As your screaming down the loop aiming for that speed ramp, before you know it your cascading downwards, towards your death like a vertigo loving blur. All in all I am a fan of Sonic, I really am, as this blue dude set the starting line for platforming in my eyes, with some great level designs, and not to forget few, but decent boss fights, do here's a game that works well, but fails overall to deliver the great expectations, fans will love, non fans will enjoy the short trip. Expand
  8. Nov 4, 2011
    I've been die-hard Sonic fan since his 1991 debut and while I've enjoyed most of his recent outings, I still thought many of them were tragically flawed. They all leave me wanting something more and have me questioning Sonic Teams decisions to include this or exclude that. Sonic Generations is no exception to this trend. While the game handles better than any recent Sonic in termsI've been die-hard Sonic fan since his 1991 debut and while I've enjoyed most of his recent outings, I still thought many of them were tragically flawed. They all leave me wanting something more and have me questioning Sonic Teams decisions to include this or exclude that. Sonic Generations is no exception to this trend. While the game handles better than any recent Sonic in terms performance, because of its high influence in modern Sonic game play, I can't imagine anyone that isn't already an existing Sonic fan being interested in this game. So while I enjoy the game, I'm still waiting for that perfect revival where I can honestly recommend the game to non-Sonic fans, this is not that game. Anyway, for the rest of you still interested, here are my thoughts on Sonic Generations. The first three zones, all inspired from the Genesis era, were phenomenal, I lit up with glee as I raced through each of these acts with both classic and modern Sonic, the nostalgia made me feel like a kid again and the exquisite level design and graphical detail allowed the adult in me to also greatly appreciate these early stages. Unfortunately for me, the next two thirds of the game were all inspired by modern Sonic and I feel the magic was lost. The Genesis era stages all had a wonderful fantasy element to them, they take you outside of the real world and place you in these exotic locations that ooze creativity and it took Sonic Generations to make me realize that most of the modern stuff they have you running through very modern looking cities, four of the nine chapters are in a city (although one is post-apocalypse) and I just can't get into this setting, because of its real world attributes the level structure never looked natural to me, I was constantly questioning why a city would have these crazy contraptions set up for a hedgehog to run through, silly I know, but I never once thought to question why Green Hill Zone had floating platforms or looping terrain, I just accepted it as the fantasy world it is and moved along but modern Sonic's insistence on living in our real world ruins the illusion and removes the player from the fantasy they should be enjoying. That's not to say all the modern stages were disappointing, Planet Wisp brings back that fantasy element and I loved it to pieces. I know this complaint is mostly aesthetic but it makes a big difference for me, most of the actual level design on these modern stages was pretty decent but still pales in comparison to the first three zones. It's a shame they didn't draw more influence from the Genesis era or even create something entirely new using the current engine because for the first time in awhile the game play actually works well but I have to question their level choices because I feel they've missed a huge opportunity to create something unique. Expand
  9. Nov 11, 2011
    Will the Sonic cycle finally be over? If youâ
  10. Sep 25, 2012
    Sonic Generations is the second overhyped Sonic game in a row. There is also an entirely different game for the 3DS which I will get to later. This game on the 360, PS3, and PC is not too good. Sure, the game has good level redesigns, but they are redesigns. There is nothing new about it which can either be good or bad depending on your taste. But if you can look past that, there areSonic Generations is the second overhyped Sonic game in a row. There is also an entirely different game for the 3DS which I will get to later. This game on the 360, PS3, and PC is not too good. Sure, the game has good level redesigns, but they are redesigns. There is nothing new about it which can either be good or bad depending on your taste. But if you can look past that, there are still incredibly easy boss levels and forced frustrating side missions. The story is alright I guess. Sonic is celebrating his birthday and the other characters get kidnapped and Sonic travels through time to rescue them. Other than that, this game is mediocre at its best. If you want as good Sonic game, travel back to the last generation when Sonic was still relevant. Expand
  11. Jun 2, 2012
    Don't bother with the installment options of Sonic 4, this really is the superior in every way of the two, I'm annoyed I even bothered with the terrible Sonic 4. This game comfortably fulfills the nostalgia nods to the 90's Sonic games, but updates it all and adds in modern game advances in a much more complete and stylish way. The Sonic games come with quite a few inherent limitationsDon't bother with the installment options of Sonic 4, this really is the superior in every way of the two, I'm annoyed I even bothered with the terrible Sonic 4. This game comfortably fulfills the nostalgia nods to the 90's Sonic games, but updates it all and adds in modern game advances in a much more complete and stylish way. The Sonic games come with quite a few inherent limitations when viewed with modern gaming expectations, but this is Sonic as good as it should be now and it is a lot of fun. Expand
  12. Dec 21, 2017
    I think its a fun game. But the more you play it, the more you see the shortcomings with challenges & unlocks that aren't Sonic-like. If you are a fan of Sonic its probably one of the better games, but not a classic. Highlights include the music and ability to switch to Classic Sonic, as well as new areas to play in.
    The level design is OK. It definitely nails the feel & imagination of
    I think its a fun game. But the more you play it, the more you see the shortcomings with challenges & unlocks that aren't Sonic-like. If you are a fan of Sonic its probably one of the better games, but not a classic. Highlights include the music and ability to switch to Classic Sonic, as well as new areas to play in.
    The level design is OK. It definitely nails the feel & imagination of where Sonic should be. It needed some easy bosses early on (Like Sonic 1). I wish it had more hidden things to explore.

    Good Sega music; a lot of it is remixes of the old games.

    Not everything is perfect, like some animations and the feel of the game is different. The early levels should be more challenging. The fun part of Sonic is here. I think they finally took a lot of fan feedback to heart in this game, and it worked. I think newer games like Freedom Planet are better, but this is a good Sonic 3d game, where you are basically platforming all the time. The whole look of the game, and the music is polished, so it gets a thumbs up from me. Normally I hate these remakes. I think you will get bored at some point and probably won't finish the game though. Solid 7/10.
  13. Jan 22, 2012
    Ignore the previous entry if it is still there as I clicked submit before changing the slider scale by mistake

    I am really enjoying this game but it's far from perfect. The story is kinda lackluster and it's lacking the entertaining dialogue that was found in Sonic Colours but overall i'd describe it as a step in the right direction for Sega. The game is still haunted by a few bugs and
    Ignore the previous entry if it is still there as I clicked submit before changing the slider scale by mistake

    I am really enjoying this game but it's far from perfect. The story is kinda lackluster and it's lacking the entertaining dialogue that was found in Sonic Colours but overall i'd describe it as a step in the right direction for Sega. The game is still haunted by a few bugs and glitches that can frustrate at times but overall the game plays a lot smoother than previous entries, Sonic Team seem to be finding a better balance between speed and platforming sections comparing to previous titles such as Colours which was a lot of platforming and not much speed and Unleashed (day missions) which were pretty much all speed and not much platforming. I find it fun for a quick burst of gaming such as trying to beat my previous time on ranking attack before I have to leave for work in 20 minutes for example so it has pretty good replay value. The soundtrack sounds fantastic and a large amount of tracks can be unlocked in the main story such as Hydrocity Zone. They serve not only as a simple music hall of fame but you can also change the music of the levels in story mode to any track that you have unlocked via the side missions. Sega are playing it safe with this game but since it was made to celebrate 20 years of Sonic you can forgive them for that. Overall though the game plays better than previous modern Sonic games. If Sega can build upon this for their next title then the blue hedgehog might return to his former glory.
  14. Jan 15, 2017
    My score is not higher because of how bad and messy and confusing the controls can be at times, specialy (or basically) when you control the adult Sonic on 3D stages. My, that made me remember of the bad times on Sonic Adventure (another overstimated Sonic game). Maybe it's one of the best Sonic games on desk-console, but the messy controls make the experience less enjoyable.... and, whyMy score is not higher because of how bad and messy and confusing the controls can be at times, specialy (or basically) when you control the adult Sonic on 3D stages. My, that made me remember of the bad times on Sonic Adventure (another overstimated Sonic game). Maybe it's one of the best Sonic games on desk-console, but the messy controls make the experience less enjoyable.... and, why there has to be so many challenges? Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 38 Critics

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 38
  2. Negative: 0 out of 38
  1. Playstation Official Magazine Australia
    Mar 6, 2012
    Perhaps one of the best things we can say about Sonic Generations is that it feels complete, and that it looks absolutely stunning. 20 years offers a lot of time to draw inspiration from, and Team Sonic's determination to show off everything that Sonic has accomplished is to be applauded. As an homage it's without peer. As a game in its own right it's flawed, but it'll leave you with more smiles than frowns. [Dec 2011, p70]
  2. Feb 6, 2012
    Sonic Generations marks the 20th birthday of Segas beloved mascot, and it also shows us why he deserves to be celebrated. Even though the 3D platforming part of the game carries with it most of the problems from other later installments in the franchise, the 2D levels stand up as one of the best Sonic experiences in many years. It's a two sided experience, but definitely worth a closer look.
  3. 95
    Probably the best Sonic game ever made, and the perfect celebration of everything Hedgehog for any type of fan. Happy Birthday, Sonic!