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Shabbat, kosher, mezuzah, tefillin, mikvah . . . The essence of Judaism is in its rituals and observances. A selection of websites offering information and guidance on some of the most basic mitzvot.

Mitzvahs & Traditions

Mitzvahs & Traditions

Jewish traditions and mitzvah observances

Eating Jewishly
Tranquility. Awareness. Jewish identity. Family . . .
Binding mind, heart and deed
The Jewish security system
Tefillah: Reconnecting. Refocusing. Rejuvenating.
How to give, how much to give, and the uniquely Jewish perspective on charity
The key to the sanctity of marriage and family purity
The Forget-Me-Not Knots
An interactive tour
“Kibbud Av Va-em”
Learn it. Say it. Understand it.
Kiddush Levanah, the blessing on the moon
What you need to know when attending Jewish events