Posted by | April 2, 2016 07:46 | Filed under: Good News Planet Politics

President Xi Jinping and US President Barack Obama meet in Washington on Thursday. Kevin Lamarque / Reuters China and the United States announced on Thursday that they will sign the Paris climate agreement on April 22, as the world’s two largest greenhouse gas emitters continue to strengthen their cooperation to combat climate change. The two countries…

By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

  • The Original Just Me

    Humm, Even the Chinese are smarter than our Republicans.

    • eyelashviper

      Rocks in my yard are smarter than Republicans.

      • The Original Just Me

        I live in Idaho. That means most of out rocks are lava rocks. Lava is pretty sharp. Okay, i’m playing with words nut that’s me. :+)

  • robert

    they have alot of work ahead of them

  • eyelashviper

    Climate change deniers have to be some of the most delusional idiots on the planet…they rank with Palinbots and Trumpanzees.

  • Kick Frenzy

    I wonder if they discussed the $50Trillion global energy grid idea that China has been talking about.
    It sounds a little scary to have a global network, but mostly it sounds like a radically awesome idea.