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    1. Advanced Patent Search
    Publication numberUSD170666 S
    Publication typeGrant
    Publication dateOct 20, 1953
    Filing dateMay 1, 1953
    Publication numberUS D170666 S, US D170666S, US-S-D170666, USD170666 S, USD170666S
    InventorsLouis W. Stenger
    Export CitationBiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan
    External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, Espacenet
    Stenger glass
    US D170666 S
    Abstract  available in
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    Claims  available in
    Description  (OCR text may contain errors)

    Patented Oct. 20, 1953 Des. 170,666

    UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE GLASS Louis W. Stenger, Morgantown, W. Va., assignor to Seneca Glass Company, Morgantown, W. Va., a corporation of West Virginia Application May 1, 1953, Serial No. 24,800

    Term of patent 14 years (Cl. D36--8) I olaim: The ornamental design for a glass, as shown.


    References Cite in the file of this patent UNITED STATES PA'I'ENTS Number Name Date D. 24,962 Gault Dec. 10, 1895 809,567 Henckel Jan. 9, 1906

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