Language skills, especially German, at the core of AvH program

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The Alexander von Humboldt German International School Montreal (AvH) is a self-contained unit, teaching students from the very early stages of their school life (mini-kindergarten, pre-school and kindergarten) right up to Grade 12 if they so choose.

With students conceivably spending as much as 15 years at AvH, there’s a sense of community among staff and students, who literally grow up together. Languages — three of them — are at the core of that growing process.

“There are many ways to prepare students,” said Thomas Linse, the school’s principal.

“One of the most effective is to give them the gift of additional languages, along with an internationally renowned education.”

AvH achieves that by offering instruction primarily in German to children in pre-school and kindergarten, but by Grade 1, courses in English and French are added to the curriculum.

“Parents and students are happy with this approach,” said Linse, who, besides his administrative duties, teaches geography (in German) and French.

“Most students stay with us for the duration of their education, even though when they start out, only about one-third of our students speak German at home. The other two-thirds are a mixture of families from various backgrounds.”

AvH offers a three-to-five-day program for children ranging from 2½ to 3½ years old. In pre-school, 3- to 5-year-olds will be doing a full week preparing them for the move to kindergarten. Through stories, songs and games, the children learn to understand and express themselves in the German language.

The emphasis on the sciences at AvH begins in Grade 5 with biology (science courses remain compulsory throughout the student’s stay at AvH.) By the time they graduate, they have taken various chemistry, physics and biology courses for about six years.

In the end, students who choose to go all the way to Grade 12 can graduate AvH with the German International Abitur, an internationally recognized diploma that enables students to apply to universities worldwide directly from high school. AvH, as part of a worldwide network of 140 German schools, is the only one in Canada offering students the option of completing Grade 12 and earning the Abitur.

AvH adheres closely to the parameters of the Quebec Ministry of Education although its funding comes only from the German government; the school has an entente with Quebec and students can choose to get their high school leaving and go on to CEGEP.

As AvH students have a high proficiency in German, the school hosts the “Deutsche Sprachdiplom II (DSD)” (German proficiency certificate). Students from throughout Montreal, Quebec City and Ottawa participate in this exam, as do Grade 11 AvH students.

The 320 student co-ed school has a solid extra-curricular program incorporating sports, drama, music field trips (including one to Germany for Grade 8 students), community service and various fundraisers like the AvH Christmas Bazaar in November, which has attracted thousands of visitors since 1980, the year AvH opened its doors.

“The school is transformed into a Christmas market,” said Vanessa Miehe, marketing and development manager at AvH.

“The parents are involved in making Advent wreaths, and arts and crafts of all kind are sold. The whole school community participates.”

In addition to their annual Terry Fox Run, AvH students each year adopt a specific charity project to support through fundraising activities. Last year it was Dans la Rue.

AvH also works with Montreal’s Goethe institute to promote German theatre and the arts.

This story was produced by Postmedia’s advertising department on behalf of AvH for commercial purposes. Postmedia’s editorial departments had no involvement in the creation of this content.


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