Policy & Law

Appeals court reopens Google's fight with MPAA-backed attorney general

Russell Brandom April 11, 2016 04:39 pm04.11.2016 1

A new appeals court ruling has reopened the fight between Google and Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood. Filed this morning by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, the core of the ruling is procedural,...

Close ties with Google's business rivals

Twitter spambots hate Ted Cruz

Russell Brandom April 8, 2016 02:17 pm04.08.2016 5

Yesterday, Republican strategist and #NeverTrump affiliate Patrick Ruffini noticed something strange. Four hundred sixty-five separate Twitter accounts had tweeted a message complaining about Ted Cruz's...

Make spam great again

Voices clash at first public hearing on self-driving cars

Andrew J . Hawkins April 8, 2016 03:57 pm04.08.2016 11

"We may be on the cusp of a safety innovation revolution," said Mark Rosekind, who runs the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), kicking off the federal government's first public hearing...

The government will continue fight against NY iPhone unlocking ruling

Russell Brandom April 8, 2016 11:34 am04.08.2016 2

The San Bernardino fight might be over, but the government hasn't given up on its battle against Apple's security measures. In a filing today, US Attorney Robert L. Capers announced the government's...

"The government’s application is not moot"

New bill would require companies to decrypt data on demand

Russell Brandom April 8, 2016 08:14 am04.08.2016 50

Today, legislators from the House and Senate published the text of a new bill that would require smartphone manufacturers to decrypt data in response to law enforcement demands. Introduced by Senators...

Broad new powers against encryption

850 airports sign up for a drone notification system

Ben Popper April 7, 2016 01:30 pm04.07.2016 2

As small drones have become increasingly commonplace, so have reports of close calls by airliners. A recent FAA report tallied the average at four sightings a day, a five-fold increase from the year...

And if you look out the window to your left...

FBI director Comey says iPhone hack 'doesn't work on a 5s'

Russell Brandom April 7, 2016 09:48 am04.07.2016 22

The FBI's new method for unlocking iPhones won't work on most models, FBI Director Comey said in a speech last night at Kenyon University. "It's a bit of a technological corner case, because the world has...

"We have a tool that works on a narrow slice of phones."

Nothing to see here

read the feature

Nothing to see here

Amar Toor April 7, 2016 07:30 am04.07.2016

The Panama Papers have sent shockwaves across the globe, spurring investigations in several countries and prompting Iceland’s prime minister to resign. But you might not know about it if you’re living in...

The FBI is telling senators how it hacked the San Bernardino iPhone

Russell Brandom April 6, 2016 04:30 pm04.06.2016 29

The FBI isn't keeping its new iPhone attack secret from everyone. According to a new report in National Journal, the FBI has already briefed Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) on the methods used to break into...

How did the FBI get in?

FAA committee says small drones should be allowed to fly over cities and crowds

Ben Popper April 6, 2016 02:13 pm04.06.2016 2

A working group commissioned by the Federal Aviation Administration has released a set of recommendations for how small drones should be regulated, opening a path for commercial drone flight over US...

The path to drone delivery is opening

New San Francisco law makes it first US city to require fully paid parental leave

Rich McCormick April 5, 2016 11:29 pm04.05.2016 45

San Francisco has become the first city in the United States to require that its companies provide their employees with paid parental leave. A new law, approved by the city's Board of Supervisors to come...

Leave it alone

This startup is using drones to deliver medicine in Rwanda

Amar Toor April 5, 2016 02:49 am04.05.2016

A Silicon Valley startup is using drones to deliver medicine and blood to patients in Rwanda, and it plans to expand to other countries by the end of the year. The company, Zipline International, announced...

Drone deliveries begin in July
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