Investing in surgery and cancer services - a new clinical facility

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About the new clinical facility

A new clinical facility is being built on the block between Grafton Way, Huntley Street and Tottenham Court Road. The whole facility will be over 25,000 sq m with four floors below ground and five floors above ground. The facility is scheduled to treat patients from 2019.

In the area below ground, we are building one of only two NHS proton beam therapy (PBT) centres in the UK – the other centre is being built at The Christie in Manchester.

PBT is an advanced form of radiotherapy used for the treatment of complex and hard-to-treat cancers in children and adults. Currently, patients have to travel abroad for PBT, but from 2018/19 patients will benefit from local access to this advanced treatment, with potentially better outcomes and a lower risk of longer term side effects.

The five floors above the PBT centre will be used to develop Europe’s largest haematological inpatient service and a short stay surgical centre.. Access to the facility will be through a main entrance at ground floor level on the corner of Grafton Way and Huntley Street.

The planning application has been approved by Camden Council planners and the Greater London Authority and work has started to develop the facility.