Michael Ramirez by Michael Ramirez

Michael Ramirez

Comments (62) (Please sign in to comment)

  1. Nos Nevets

    Nos Nevets said, about 23 hours ago

    You left out the word, “intentionally”
    Exact quote:

    “She would never intentionally put America in any kind of jeopardy.”

  2. NeedaChuckle

    NeedaChuckle said, about 23 hours ago

    I kept my doctor, I saved $7200, Congress screwed the shovel ready jobs by curtailing funds. One of the leaders of Benghazi SAID the video was partly responsible. ISIS is no where near as good as the US Military and how can you call yourself a patriot and say they ARE! PROOF OF THE CORRUPTION?

  3. Mephistopheles

    Mephistopheles GoComics PRO Member said, about 22 hours ago

    Mr. Ramirez is Spot On with this post!!!!

  4. John Locke

    John Locke said, about 22 hours ago


    I don’t believe you about your insurance. The trillion dollar stimulus couldn’t have cut many shovel-ready jobs (ha, ha, ha, ha!). The claim of a video causing the professionally planned and executed assault on the Benghazi compound is so transparently ludicrous as to be fantasy. Obama’s statement that ISIS was the JV team reflected his attitude, not his assessment. How about all the Obama’s million dollar vacations as proof of corruption?

  5. ODon

    ODon said, about 22 hours ago

    Want to keep your doctor, easy pay your doctor. It’s your insurance carrier who stands in the way.

  6. Ted Lind

    Ted Lind GoComics PRO Member said, about 22 hours ago

    The same old lies, rewarmed and served over and over again. At least you would think they would have some imagination and come up with something new every now and then.

  7. John Locke

    John Locke said, about 22 hours ago

    @Ted Lind

    The truth is not alterable. It’s not possible to come up with something different no matter how good your imagination is.

  8. fuzzbucket

    fuzzbucket said, about 21 hours ago

    It doesn’t matter how many of his lies are exposed. The true liberal believes the lie and not the exposure.

  9. Balto Bill

    Balto Bill said, about 21 hours ago


    You are describing your typical Fox News viewer, not a liberal.

  10. narrowminded

    narrowminded said, about 21 hours ago

    @Balto Bill

    Bill, who do you get your info. from? MSNBC, Huffpo, Salon, CNN, the NYTimes, other leftist websites, NBC…….etc? Please tell us the purely objective and unbiased sources you rely on for your version of the truth.

  11. narrowminded

    narrowminded said, about 20 hours ago


    Barry wasn’t referring to you alone. Many people were able to keep their doctors, many weren’t, people saved and people are paying more. The problem is that in selling the ACA to the people many believe he misled them. In reading the posts from Barry’s supporters I have to say….they’re awfully lame.

  12. Olongapojoe

    Olongapojoe GoComics PRO Member said, about 20 hours ago

    Ttrruussttt me.

  13. narrowminded

    narrowminded said, about 20 hours ago

    @John Locke

    I do. Those plans are available now. They weren’t in the past because no one wanted $5000+ deductibles. If chuckles had a Cadillac plan before and now has gone with a bare bones, high deductible one the savings could be that much. Or if he retired and went on Medicare without a supplemental plan, or he lost his job and is living off the Govn……there’s lots of ways to get to his numbers. None reflect the meaning of the ‘toon, but that’s not the point. Trashing the opposition is the point. To the left, the American right is the greatest enemy the world faces today.

  14. john spence

    john spence said, about 20 hours ago

    You still have Trump and Cruz, neener, neener.

  15. sueamarlucan

    sueamarlucan said, about 19 hours ago

    @Ted Lind

    What lies? He said everything you see in that ‘cartoon’.

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