Michael Ramirez by Michael Ramirez

Michael Ramirez

Comments (19) (Please sign in to comment)

  1. Ted Lind

    Ted Lind GoComics PRO Member said, 3 days ago

    I don’t think special ed would help. He needs a really good therapist, however being a narcissist he also has to want to change and that is not likely.

  2. dapperdan61

    dapperdan61 GoComics PRO Member said, 3 days ago

    I can’t believe that there’s finally a Ramirez editorial I can agree with & have a good laugh. It’s true that in Trumps mind whatever number or facts he spews with no credibility must be true. I’m hoping after the drubbing the Republicans get in November it will bring some sanity & reasoning back to the party. You can’t lead by being a bunch idiots & denying climate change & saying the economy is going to crash

  3. Olongapojoe

    Olongapojoe GoComics PRO Member said, 3 days ago


    You’re probably right about the election, but no one took him serious for the longest time. If Bernie gets the nomination any person older that 30 probably will not vote for him. If Hilary gets the nomination all her baggage will arrive with her. So you never know who will win the final vote. I suggest you don’t count your chicks until they have survived November.

  4. James Brown

    James Brown said, 3 days ago

    Stand aside and let the grownups fix things. Otherwise, the economy is going to crash. And the only ones who are delusional are those who think the science on climate change is finished.

  5. Mr Blawt

    Mr Blawt said, 3 days ago

    The GOP is changing the rules and trying to keep Trump from winning the nomination. They change the rules on Supreme Court nominations, they change the rules whenever it will benefit them.
    How fitting, then, the leader of the Republican party would want to change the rules. No wonder why he is doing so well among the right.

  6. Agewalker

    Agewalker said, 3 days ago

    @Mr Blawt

    Changing the rules?

    The rules haven’t been changed, Trump’s just ran into the part where the rules will destroy his run.

    Heck, flaws in the rules got him where he is now. He has 37% of the vote, and 60% of the delegates.

  7. Night-Gaunt49

    Night-Gaunt49 GoComics PRO Member said, 3 days ago


    I would vote for Sanders and I am 58.

  8. Night-Gaunt49

    Night-Gaunt49 GoComics PRO Member said, 3 days ago

    @James Brown

    It is the misguided grownups who have continually put our economy in jeopardy since 1980.

  9. Northern Redman

    Northern Redman said, 3 days ago

    Just to set the record straight. A member of the Republican National Convention Rules Committee said that Donald Trump may not need to reach 1,237 delegates to win the nomination.
    Both the statement and the cartoon have nothing to do with anything Trump has said.

  10. Night-Gaunt49

    Night-Gaunt49 GoComics PRO Member said, 2 days ago

    @Northern Redman

    It is still a problem by ignoring the rules for or against.

  11. denis1112

    denis1112 said, 2 days ago

    @James Brown

    Do you mean the scientists who know the last glacial maximum was 19,000 years ago and that the ice has been melting ever since?Or the ones that think ice melting started in the 1970’s and its caused by humans?

  12. Tarredandfeathered

    Tarredandfeathered said, 2 days ago

    He got it wrong.
    1100 in Octal = 576
    1100 in Hexidecimal = 4352
    But, we can all relax because T-Rump has no idea what either of those mean.

  13. Kylop

    Kylop said, 2 days ago

    Mike, did you draw him with small hands?

  14. ahab

    ahab GoComics PRO Member said, 1 day ago


    You probably think NASA faked the moon landings too, because they’re so corrupt. Derp!

  15. Dypak

    Dypak GoComics PRO Member said, 1 day ago


    I’m 55 and I’m voting for Bernie regardless of whom the Democrats nominate.

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