


Lexi Maggelet

I am a senior at Judge Memorial in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Posts by Lexi Maggelet

Summary Post information
Is perfectionism curable? | I began my research with one basic question, what is perfectionism? To my surprise, I have many more questions now and a much wider view on the topic and the seriousness of the condition. As of now,... Added on Sunday, April 17, 2016 - 11:36, with 1 comment(s)
A Perfectionist's Story | Throughout my research on the Gale Database this week, I came across an essay written by a so-called perfectionist herself. Susan Stocker was born hearing impaired and at a young age, she found... Added on Sunday, April 10, 2016 - 19:36, with 2 comment(s)
Research 3/23/16 Perfectionism | Today I learned about some of the feelings and behaviors of perfectionists. They think very black and white. It is very one sided and they are often very pessimistic. Examples of perfectionistic... Added on Wednesday, March 23, 2016 - 13:53, with
Beginning Research on Perfectionism | Perfectionism One main thing I found out about perfectionism is that there are two different ways of studying it. There is the psychological side that is more of a personality trait characterized... Added on Saturday, March 19, 2016 - 20:42, with
Merit-Aid vs Need-Based Scholarships | Most seniors, including myself, are looking for possible institutions to attend after graduation. However, a common problem is one’s ability to afford the costly colleges. I am very interested in... Added on Friday, January 29, 2016 - 00:35, with
Dystopian Warnings- Wage Gap and | One societal trend that concerns society today is the wage gap and class system. It is common to discuss the increasing gap between the middle and lower class, but it is more shocking to hear about... Added on Sunday, December 13, 2015 - 20:20, with
Private Schools vs. Public Schools | What are the benefits of private school vs. public school? What are the disadvantages? I have attended a public school, charter school, and two private schools. I believe there are advantages, as... Added on Friday, October 23, 2015 - 15:04, with
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Comments by Lexi Maggelet

Comment summary In response to
This is a very interesting | This is a very interesting question. I would... 5 days 3 hours ago in response to Low-income Hispanic community and Causes of Diabetes
Interesting! | This is such an interesting and unique topic. I... 5 days 3 hours ago in response to Language
I am so happy you are | I am so happy you are researching this topic. My... 1 week 3 days ago in response to Assisted Suicide
Very relevant | This is a great research topic. Not only is it... 1 week 3 days ago in response to Women are forced to accept a false idea of what they should look like
Thank you for sharing such a | Thank you for sharing such a great post on Donald... 5 weeks 1 day ago in response to Donald Trump's Manipulative Immigration Plan Analysis
Cite Sources | I really loved reading your perspective on this... 11 weeks 5 days ago in response to The New Generation: Are We the Answer?
I am intrigued to learn about | I am intrigued to learn about the issue... 11 weeks 5 days ago in response to Gentrification
It was great reading your | It was great reading your perspective, but I do... 18 weeks 3 days ago in response to Homeless Teenage African-American Males
Fairness | I was very interested learning about your... 22 weeks 2 days ago in response to Chinese Curriculum vs. U.S. Curriculum
Fairness | I was very interested learning about your... 22 weeks 2 days ago in response to Chinese Curriculum vs. U.S. Curriculum