
Momentous Crusades Include History’s Largest Healing Service

During April 1974, young Benny received a vision of people falling into a roaring inferno and heard the words:

“If you do not preach, every soul who falls will be your responsibility!”

On December 7 of that same year, four days after his 22nd birthday, Benny Hinn first stood behind a pulpit to preach the Gospel—his stuttering suddenly healed. From that moment, he would fearlessly seek to fulfill our Lord’s Great Commandment—

“Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).

As Pastor Benny moves through his 40th year of ministry, his calling and commitment remains steadfast, and through these decades he has proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world, both in person and via television, to an estimated 1.5 billion people.

His ministry has taken him to the four corners of the globe, and there have been many historic moments. 

In 2004 in Mumbai, India, with an historic crowd of more than 2 million looking on, a woman unexpectedly came on stage and asked Pastor Benny about “the book,” saying, “I cannot find the book.” Suddenly it hit him. She was talking about his book, The Greatest Miracle, that she had seen on This Is Your Day broadcasts. Because the laws of India prohibited him from singling one person out to be “converted,” her desperate question allowed him to answer her in front of the millions and explain what was in the book—the plan of salvation. Then he led that woman, her family, and most of the vast audience into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Our wonderful Lord Jesus, in His infinite wisdom, had orchestrated one of the most unforgettable moments in evangelical chronicles!

Historic Crusades

Another momentous milepost, shortly after his 52nd birthday, came when he stood before a combined total of 7.4 million people during three services in Bangalore, India—the largest healing services in recorded history!

As he continues to travel extensively, Pastor Benny Hinn’s straightforward and uncompromising message of Christ’s love has inspired untold millions of souls into a personal relationship with God.