Vol.2 No.7 Feb.14, 1968 Grace Potts, Editor

We have a newcomer in our midst as of February 12. Bob Shaner will be working the switchboard weekends and Monday evenings.

Mary Desentz makes news again this week as a result of a letter she received. Her son Danny is in the Air Force in North Dakota. The letter was from his Commanding Officer and in part read. "We all, on occasion, come across an Airman that seems to stand head and shoulders above the average man in ability, integrity and resourcefulness. Such a man, your son, is our nomination for Airman of the Month." You should be very proud of him, Mary. Congratulations.

It is our understanding that some of the KeeNeR people have interesting hobbies but we can't elaborate on them unless we know more about the~. We know Bill Settles is a boating enthusiast and Bill Hauke does unusual things with old cars and also has a boat. Everyone knows about Frank Maruca's interest in photography. Surely not all of the rest of you are girl watchers!. or are you?

Next Monday morning We will have a new FM disc jockey. Ron Morgan comes to us from WLYV, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Our nominee for runner-up in the "White Knuckles" competition (?) has to be Phil Nye as a result of his experience recently. Phil went to Washington Tuesday, February 6, to meet with the Metro Media News Bureau to discuss coverage of the political conventions this summer. On the way the plane broke down in Pittsburgh. Baggage was not transferred to the second plane in Pittsburgh so a hurried call was placed and his baggage arrived a couple of hours later. On the return, as the plane was about to take off, a fast call was made to the pilot from the control tower and the plane was brought to a screeching stop. It seems another plane was about to land and would have wound up on top of the plane Phil Was in if it had not stopped!

Paul Cannon spoke February 13 to seniors and graduate students of radio and broadcasting of Wayne state University.

"KeeNeR Sun" winner for this week is Mrs. Louis Raden of Orchard Lake and the vacation spot is Nassau in the Bahamas.


PROJECT DETROIT subject for Sunday, February 18 is "A Columnist's Views" featuring Carl T. Rowan..

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