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Solutions for bullies
Solutions for bystanders
Solutions for targets
Adults not helping
Afraid to ask for help
Afraid to go to school
Afraid to help
Being a bully
Being smaller or weaker
Being the new kid
Believing the labels
Body image
Bullying among friends
Bullying in sports
Class prejudice
Culture of bullying
Feeling different
Feeling excluded
Feeling unpopular
Ganging up on one kid
Ignoring the issue
Keeping it to yourself
Peer pressure
Physical bullying
Religious prejudice
Rumors and gossip
Self-destructive behavior
Sexual harassment
Students not helping
Suicidal thoughts
Thinking you can't help
Verbal abuse
Approach the bully later
Block or report cyberbullying
Break the cycle
Don't pass on rumors
Embrace your differences
Find true friends
Focus on the future
Get informed
Help a target get away
Imagine how others feel
Include someone new
Interrupt bullying
Learn from your mistakes
Look at your behavior
Make someone feel valued
Offer sympathy
Post support online
Protect others
Question rumors
Question the bully
Realize it's not about you
Remove yourself
Set a good example
Sit with someone new
Small acts of kindness
Solutions for bullies
Solutions for bystanders
Solutions for targets
Stand up for yourself
Step out of cliques
Support differences
Talk to someone
Tell an adult
Try new activities
Unite with others
Use your influence
What parents can do
What teachers can do
Dr. Philip Zimbardo | The Bystander Effect
What keeps people from helping when others are being mistreated? Answers and a solution from a famous psychologist and expert on the "Bystander Effect".
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Pick one piece of advice per video. It can be advice for a bystander, a target, or someone who has bullied. You can browse our solutions for ideas or come up with your own.

You can share a story (no real names, please), or just an idea you have.

Be specific. What should someone do? What should someone say?

Be positive. All solutions on the site encourage empathy for everyone involved.

Be personal. Imagine you’re giving this advice to a friend.

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Give examples. Offering sample phrases and actions can help people imagine how and when to best use your tip.

Keep it safe. Do not advise strategies that could be dangerous.

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Tell us about your experience. What happened to you or someone you know? Personal is best! Don't be afraid to talk about specifics and how you felt.

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What did you learn for this experience? Aare you able to see it from a different perspective?

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What advice would you give to someone else? Whether you were bullied or maybe weren't so nice to someone else, we can all learn from our experiences.

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