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Your searches are private here.

When you search with StartPage by Ixquick, we remove all identifying information from your query and submit it anonymously to Google ourselves.

We get the results and return them to you in total privacy. Your IP address is never recorded, your visit is not logged and no tracking cookies are placed on your browser.

Here’s more about how we protect your privacy.


The first thing you will find here is your search privacy.

  • Search, Find & Surf! Privacy friendly.

    StartPage by Ixquick gives you the best of two worlds: Google search results, with complete privacy protection.

  • No more worries or targeted ads.

    People unwittingly share enormous amounts of personal information every time they go online. StartPage protects your privacy so advertisers don’t use your search terms to target you with personalized ads that follow you around.

  • Get all results, not just what they want you to see.

    Other search engines deliver results based on what they know about you rather than giving you equal access to the Internet. In essence, you become trapped in a “filter bubble.” Some call it personalization. We call it censorship.

    • Get uncensored search results

      Nowadays, search engines know enough about their users to try to anticipate what sorts of results they will like. That means they receive fewer and fewer new or unexpected results, causing their world – and their minds – to shrink. If you'd rather broaden your horizons and explore the full Internet without censorship, then StartPage is the search engine for you!

    • StartPage doesn’t know what you've searched for in the past

      With StartPage, your search results are determined by your search query, collected from a refreshingly objective Internet. We give you neutral, balanced search results. Every time. To learn more about how this works, see our ‘filter bubble’ slideshow.

“Privacy is a
basic human right.”

Robert E.G. Beens

StartPage CEO
  • More privacy and more convenience.

    StartPage was designed for maximum privacy protection.

    It‘s user friendly and offers important features.

    StartPage offers the following features:

    • Privacy | Anonymous searching
    • SSL | Always a secure connection
    • Proxy | So you can surf the web invisibly
    • Highlight | Find search terms more easily
    • Settings URL | Cookie-free searching
    • Maps | View Google Maps in privacy
    • POST vs. GET | Prevent your search terms from being shared with third parties
    • Facebook and Twitter | Use social media without spying
    • More...
  • You can trust StartPage.

    We're a European company that has been obsessive about privacy since 2006.

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Join millions of worldwide users who love and trust us.

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