NTNU Research


Ship in ice, Arctic

Representatives from Japanese and Norwegian universities, research institutions, government and industries will participate in Japan–Norway Arctic Science and Innovation Week in Tokyo 2–3 June. Video: SAMCoT scientists out in the sea ice on a research cruise.


PhD Opportunities

NTNU offers a wide range of doctoral programmes. Candidates must be admitted to a specific PhD programme in order to earn a degree from NTNU, and must undertake both research and courseworkPhD positions are announced in NTNU's job listing: NTNU Vacancies and Job Openings.



NTNU NanoLab

Many NTNU laboratories are national resources. Most of the laboratories are used i teaching as well as reserach. NTNU and SINTEF operate several laboratories together.


Need an expert?


Find 530 of NTNU's experts, available to comment on a range of topics. Use the alphabetical guide or search by name or theme.


Research A-Z

Research A-Z at NTNU.


International Researcher Support

NIRS offers counselling services for international researchers at NTNU.


Teaching Excellence

The University Schools (School-University Partnership) work in close partnership with NTNU, and conduct research and development to promote learning combined with forward-looking teacher education.


Questions about research at NTNU?

Please contact faculty or the Research Staff

Contacts for the media

Business and Innovation

Evaluating the commerical possibilities of an idea, starting a company, or in need of expertise on intellectual property rights – NTNU provides its scientific community with the expertise. The commercialisation of new technology is one of the key tasks of NTNU's Technology Transfer Office.



A climate dictionary

A glossary that explains commonly used technical terms.


4 Nobel laureates
in Chemistry, Physics and Medicine

At lest 91 spin-offs
in the last five years

120 laboratories
from Nano Lab to Language Lab

385 doctoral dissertaions
in 2014

Art and Architecture

Naust Paa Aure

Tyin tegnestue Architects was established by two students, now employees at the Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art. The Naust Paa Aure was nominated to European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture, Mies Van der Rohe Award.


NTNU University museum

The 2014 Nobel Prize in Medicine
was awarded to May-Britt and Edvard Moser for the discovery of grid cells, that provide the brain with an internal coordinate system essential for navigation.


kahoot logo

The 2014 Teknologibragden Award was awarded to Professor Alf Inge Wang at the Department of Computer and Information Science for his effort within gamification of education and the education game Kahoot!


NTNU University Library

The 2014 winner of the Nils Klim Prize Terje Lohndal wants to "know whether there are any language-specific mechanisms at work, and what the interplay between the language faculty and general cognition is".


CERG logo

Be the winner of a strong heart!
The Cardiac Exercise Research Group (CERG) aims to define optimal exercise programs for everyday people. Try out their popular fitness calculator.