Mr Patrick Dodson

HonLLD (Melb), HonLittD (UNSW)

Patrick Dodson is one of Australia's most prominent indigenous leaders, and now Adjunct Professor at the University of Notre Dame, where he lectures in Spirituality and the Challenge of Reconciliation.

He is also Chair of the Yawuru Native Title Company "Nyamba Buru Yawuru Ltd", and a director on the Yawuru PBC.

Living in Broome, Western Australia, he is also a former Director of the Central and Kimberley Land Councils, was a Royal Commissioner into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody and for six years was the inaugural chair of the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation.

He has also co-chaired the expert panel on the constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Mr Dodson has worked as a consultant advising government, industry and community groups, and has been a strong and dynamic advocate for constructive relationships between indigenous and non-indigenous people based on mutual respect, understanding and dialogue.