Linux Archive

in this paper by show Yilin Feng provide friendship sponsor starting , in more world mud line server , need to source apache package made rpm package , and puts it on a company intranet yum source of download installation 。apache rpm package installation than source installation is fast ,…

Ubuntu Or Debian system update-rc.d command , is used to update system startup items in the script 。 these script links in /etc/rcN.d/ directory , corresponding script located in the directory /etc/init.d/ 。 in understanding update-rc.d command before , you need to know is the Linux system major promoter and…

Hadoop Is a distributed system infrastructure , he makes users can be in do not understand the underlying details of the distributed , the development of distributed applications 。 Hadoop core :HDFS and MapReduce。HDFS responsible for storage ,MapReduce responsible for calculation 。 described below to install Hadoop focus : actually…

Shell Based – environment variable configuration file   source configuration file or . configuration file : the writing environment variables configuration file , requires the user to login again to take effect , but with the command source , can directly effect main configuration file :          /etc/profile          /etc/profile.d/*.sh…

The first step : code to /var/www/html directory ( for default directory , specifically to see the apache settings ); directory can put a number of projects , such as : [root@www html]# pwd/var/www/html[root@www html]#  oem  yzhantong  second step : vim /usr/local/apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf <VirtualHost *:80>    DocumentRoot “/var/www/html/”    ServerName…

in this paper by show Yilin Feng provide friendship sponsor starting , in mud for the world in a piece of paper , we explain how to ubuntu installing remote desktop and configuration , this article we come again to explain about ubuntu remote desktop session 。 、 description when…

In the installation of ubuntu when , to /boot file directory allocation space , is 100M,/boot can separate into a district , can also do not separate , under the root directory of the /( ) will automatically to create a directory boot 。 incidentally ,linux partition is ,/ tree…

(1) Remote login Linux server used by the tool , free and open source , can is very easy from the site to download it to 。 (2) open putty, enter the server IP, into follow the prompts to enter the username and password input super administrator root, then the…