WebUI Archive

Some time ago to do a system server management system , using a EasyUI。 below is my in use that need to pay attention to the local or some EasyUI some special usage 。 summed up the following , to share with you , hope for beginners can some role…

Each Number toFixed() method the Number rounding for specified decimal digital 。 rounding five as the name suggests ,4 and the following rounding ,5 and above and 1。   rounding 1.31.toFixed(1) // 1.3 1.32.toFixed(1) // 1.3 1.33.toFixed(1) // 1.3 1.34.toFixed(1) // 1.3   five correct 1.35.toFixed(1) // 1.4 1.36.toFixed(1) //…

var result=”; function searchByStationName( address ) { // map.clearOverlays();// Empty the original annotation var keyword = address ; localSearch.setSearchCompleteCallback(function (searchResult) { var poi = searchResult.getPoi(0); result = poi.point.lng + “,” + poi.point.lat; }); localSearch.search(keyword); return result ; }    consult heroes , the method mentioned above is in order to…

1. Create ways //1. function declaration function sum(num1,num2){ return num1+num2; } //2. function expression var sum = function(num1,num2){ return num1+num2; } //3. use keyword new , create instance Function —- type is not recommended var sum = new Function("num1","num2","return num1+num2;"); console.log(sum(1,2));//3 function declarations, and function expression of the biggest difference…

// Select the full election judge $(‘#checkAll’).click(function () { // is selected var bischecked = $(‘#checkAll’).is(‘:checked’); var fruit = $(‘input[name=”check”]’); bischecked   fruit.attr(‘checked’, true) : fruit.attr(‘checked’, false); }); // inverse selection traversal of checkbox if the current for the selected set for not selected whereas the same $(“#tabVouchList tr”).each(function ()…

CSS3 Production 404 stereoscopic font page mouse     moving up , background pale white 。       dynamic effects :     .demo p:first-child span:hover { text-shadow:0px0px2px#686868, 0px1px1px#fff, 0px2px1px#fff, 0px3px1px#fff, 0px4px1px#fff, 0px5px1px#fff, 0px6px1px#fff, 0px7px1px#777, 0px8px3px#fff, 0px9px5px#fff, 0px10px7px#fff, 0px11px9px#fff, 0px12px11px#fff, 0px13px15px#fff; -webkit-transition: all .1s linear; transition: all .1s linear;…