Top News

Democrats Begin to Nudge Sanders Off the Primary Stage

  • Hillary Clinton’s primary successes on Tuesday muted the argument for Senator Bernie Sanders to stay in the race, and party leaders looked for a way forward.
  • Pivoting to the general election, Mrs. Clinton plans to campaign early next week in the battleground states of Ohio and Pennsylvania.

On Washington

Trump’s Advice to the G.O.P.: Man Up

Even as he chastised Washington’s political class for a lack of backbone, Donald J. Trump showed modest signs of getting the message that some of his remarks crossed a line.

Gunmen Open Fire in Tel Aviv, Leaving Four People Dead

The Israeli police called the shooting in a cafe a terrorist attack and said the assailants were Palestinian cousins in their 20s. One was wounded and hospitalized, and the other is in custody.

From the Magazine

Slide Show

Mecca Goes Mega for the
21st-Century Pilgrim

A building boom in the city’s sacred center has created a dazzling, high-tech experience.

Your Evening Briefing

Here’s what you need to know at the end of the day.

Puerto Rico Divided Over Plan to Reboot Economy

Congress is considering forming a panel to oversee the overhaul of Puerto Rico’s economy. Puerto Ricans are now caught between choosing local politicians they know, but feel have failed them, and a federal body they mistrust.

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