The following page outlines information on the priorities and outcomes of the allocation of Christchurch City Council funds.


The following priorities are used in allocating funding:

  • older adults
  • children and youth
  • people with disabilities
  • ethnic and culturally diverse groups
  • disadvantage and/or social exclusion
  • the capacity of community organisations
  • civic engagement

These priorities were developed from the key challenges to Building Strong Communities identified in the 2006-16 LTCCP - they will continue to be reviewed in line with the LTCCP.


The Council is not able to meet the needs and expectations of all not-for-profit and voluntary groups. Therefore, it focuses assistance on key activities and initiatives that contribute to and align with the community outcomes in the Long-Term Council Community Plan (LTCCP) and with other Council strategies.

The following funding outcomes are used to evaluate and assess applications:

  • Support, develop and promote the capacity and sustainability of community, recreation, sports, arts, heritage and environment groups
  • Increase participation in and awareness of community, recreation, sports, arts, heritage and environment groups, programmes and local events
  • Increase community engagement in local decision making
  • Enhance community and neighbourhood safety
  • Provide community based programmes which enhance basic life skills
  • Reduce or overcome barriers to participation
  • Foster collaborative responses to areas of need

 The Strengthening Communities Strategy is a framework to guide the Council's work with community organisations, which in turn work in a range of ways to help develop strong communities. Strong communities give people a sense of belonging and encourage them to take part in social, cultural, economic and political life.
For the Strategy to promote the well-being of people in Christchurch, it needs to understand ongoing and emerging issues.  As a starting point to help deliver on the Strategy, Council has undertaken a brief literature review to identify and understand community trends and issues.

Community Research Project - Executive summary 2008 [PDF 163KB)
Community Research Project - Full report 2008 [PDF 741KB]

In addition, community boards have their own objectives that are used in the prioritisation of local projects.

Council City Council funding outcomes and priorities [PDF 99KB]