mononymous [me|you|lost in time]

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does anyone still read livejournal? [14 Feb 2015|02:42am]
It's been several years for me. And I've failed to find an alternative journaling solution other than twitter. you?
7 obiter dictums|squeek

[02 May 2012|06:49pm]

I won the Mike Ivenitsky Award for Photographic Excellence 2012!! 

Please come to my reception, my work and the runners up will have work on display.

Monday May 21st 4:30-6:30pm

Room 6103-photographic building
Foothill College
12345 El Monte Road  Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 

To Find A Place

4 obiter dictums|squeek

The Golden Word [24 Nov 2011|12:47am]
Carving the golden word
found in tombs
rises out and conquers death
reaches me from beyond
where you traveled alone
and your voice silenced
leaving the echo formed
time and again
crawling forward on hands
knees until forgotten,
the golden word has
replaced your golden voice.
In my ear gone silent
the golden word,
clumsy ill-gotten,
I will say your words
out loud and pretend
to hear them again
the golden word
burns in my mouth.
The enemy of silence,
the door of memory,
feeds me
humble and naked
in the twilight,
the golden word
trembles in me
shaking spaces
unknown before exile
hidden behind my mask
from which the
golden word rings

black and white crust [30 Aug 2011|11:42pm]
Night stretches out with words

with a black and white crust

moving distant target aching

don't turn your back

back again

and run forward

I lose myself each time

falling in a nightmare

waking ugly dead trees

twisted pruned adult bonsai

murder yuppies peeping and ducking

all along rows of dead cars

lake in the clouds

behind the hill rain is sea is sky

the familiar is not familiar enough

to seem so

fit in and breathe worth

Under Our Skin [09 Jun 2011|01:45am]

If you have netflix there's a good documentary about Lyme disease called "Under Our Skin".

It may give you some idea of what it's like. I was undiagnosed for 20 years and now have late stage Lyme disease.

And please if you get bit by a tick make sure you take at least 30 days of antibiotics, let me know if you need a doctor reference.

Making a photo based etching on copper! [28 May 2011|04:34am]

Photo based copper etching

I noticed that people were using laserprinters to do copper etching. So I thought this should also work for making a printmaking type etching as well if proper aquatint was applied. And it does!

So I'm working on a little tutorial. It's not really done yet but I'm so excited that my process worked I had to share. While this isn't going to be my new way of making photogravures, it is a nice way to make a photo based image. Or even an image like the zepplin which is from a vintage image.

Totally steampunk too!

And hey did you see my new artist page over on Modernbook Gallery:

I can't believe how big a step it feels to have gallery representation! Next stop, ArtHamptons! I need to come up with 7 more images by July eek!! Here's my in progress work:

creepy green sky [26 May 2011|02:40am]
tornado weather

For those of you not from tornado alley... this is what it looks like when it's time to hide from a tornado. The sky is green. It's freaky. About the time you see it, the sirens start screaming. Thankfully that never ended in a direct hit for me.

I notice there is much debate in the comments about it being enhanced in photoshop. My guess is no-or not much beyond correcting the contrast.

It's odd there are all these storm chaser shows but they never get the sky the right creepy green color. It's a terrifying thing.
2 obiter dictums|squeek

[13 Mar 2011|12:47am]

Pet Project book [14 Oct 2010|03:40am]

inside cover, originally uploaded by violentbloom.

I just finished this awesome little book that's been close to a year in the making. It has 19 images, two of which I did, including the cover image. I used a woven structure called "Beauty in Use" which we learned in a bay area book artists workshop last year. The cover I devised based on a case I got for a set of postcards. The book slips into little blue loop on the bottom right. Once the cover is closed the book is held in place.

I'm relieved I finished it.

the photos are crap phone pics, I'll have to photograph it later when the sun is out. and I'm not so tired.

Now I just have a billion little things to organize for the Book Arts Jam Saturday. Hope to see you there!

You can bid on this fine book at the silent auction, proceeds go to benefit BABA.

9th Annual Regional Celebration of the Book Arts, Print Arts & Paper Arts

OCTOBER 16th, 2010
Saturday, 10:00am to 4:00pm
Foothill College 12345 El Monte Road, Los Altos Hills, California.

Admission; Free
Parking; $2.

[10 Jun 2010|01:04am]
1 obiter dictum|squeek

Printer's Fair this Saturday [13 May 2010|11:47pm]
I have lots of really awesome stuff to sell at the Printer's Fair! You should come!

Printer's Fair
May 15th 9-3
Fort Mason Building A

Pet Project [03 May 2010|12:50am]
Some fabulous print made for the Bay Area Book Artist collaborative book about our pets.


[06 Aug 2009|11:31pm]
for those of you not going tomorrow, I guess they're broadcasting it live.

I'm so excited!

Book Arts Jam Saturday October 17th [23 Jul 2009|07:08pm]
Hello Book Arts People,

There are a limited number of free-of-charge tables available for
artists who would like to display only at the
eighth annual Bay Area Book Arts Jam
at Foothill Collegein Los Altos on
Saturday October 17, 2009, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

If you are an instructor please pass the word along to your students.
Exhibitors who would like to sell their works may reserve a table for $50.

This one-day celebration of the book arts, print arts and paper
arts is co-sponsored by Bay Area Book Artists and Foothill College. It
reaches out to audiences of all ages from the San Francisco Bay Area
and beyond who are interested in the book arts, including the allied
fields of letterpress printing, fine press publishing, zines,
papermaking, printmaking, photography, and the arts of decorating
paper. A major emphasis of the Book Arts Jam is on education outreach
and sharing information.

We'd like to invite to you to reserve a table at our Jam to display or
sell. For an application please go to:

We look forward to seeing you then!


Union Design Festival this Sunday May 31st [26 May 2009|01:49am]

Come visit trollop and hexmachina at the Union Design Festival this coming Sunday May 31st 11am-6pm in Hayes Valley. Our booth will be on Linden near Dark Garden.
Union Design Festival vendors
Hope to see you there!
Seriously I have hundreds of cards. You really need some! And they're really awesome too so it's not just one of those things where you buy your friends ugly art because you love them. I am kind of hoping someone tells me if I have ugly art.


[04 Nov 2008|10:05pm]
Dear America,

Thank you for not sucking.

sincerely hopeful,

Dear Halloween [30 Oct 2008|09:57pm]
Dear Halloween,

It's over.

We had something special there for a while. You know I really loved you.

Its like you've turned into someone I don't know anymore. But you're all cheap and commercial now. You've been sold out. Sometimes these things just happen. You know just like Christmas. But worse for you, you've gone slutty as well.

I've watch you with this trend for a while. But the underage slutty is just going too far.

Trick or Treat
I'm through with you.

Actually I found this after I wrote that:
What's wrong with Children's Halloween Costumes? Everything

another slutoween costume article Though their actual example picture is not that bad, though GOTH IS ALSO NOT A FUCKING COSTUME!!


That last article does bring up a good point. I remember as a child it was cold on Halloween so an important part of the costume was it's ability to cover up my coat, or a large sweater at the very least. But maybe kids these days all trick or treat at the mall? In Montana the schools still make the kids go outside in their costumes in the snow and walk around the block. Which seemed cruel but the kids didn't seem to mind. In fact many of them would later end up watching our projected movies while sitting in the snow on our lawn. But not a single one of them were wearing a slutoween costume. This was only a few years ago. And last year in San Francisco none of the kids were wearing slutoween, and many costumes were in fact handmade.

Happy slutoween!
4 obiter dictums|squeek

State of the Union: Fear [29 Oct 2008|11:55pm]
Apparently a lot of people in Santa Clara are voting by mail this year. We don't have any other option. I must say it's a very different feel to sit on your sofa and vote with your boyfriend next to you. Though they do enclose a "I voted" sticker.

It is somewhat less special than the ritual of going off to vote. And while my fabulous young man would never tell me how to vote. I know there are many out there that would, or church groups that would. Thats why the voting booth is so sacred. Our voting system is continuing to erode. Voting at home, and electronic voting are in my mind two very bad things. Mostly because people can be bullied into voting for someone. Democratic vote? Not for us thanks! But we'll feel free to supervise you in your elections! I fear that even if there is a popular vote for Obama that the republicans will somehow manage to buy off enough people and cheat their way into office again. I really think we should have taken any one of the offers to supervise our election.

I am afraid to have hope.

Yet for once, I'm happy to be voting for someone, rather than for the lesser evil candidate. I have to say it's the first time I've *ever* been HAPPY to vote for someone.

Are we so afraid of change that we'll elect another republican? "My life is shit and that's the only way I can imagine it, and I want to drag everyone down to my level." Sadly there are a lot of people out there like that. As far as I can tell the whole republican party is like that, excepting of course the people who are profiting off of it.

Buck up little trooper be brave, its time for change. Vote for Obama.


Love your body day [15 Oct 2008|02:54pm]

Now Foundation's Love your body day.

blogher's response

Letter to my body.


I know we've had our differences.

In fact I admit I've hated you for years.
You hurt me. All day every day for years.
You were weak and tired and wouldn't do
what I needed you to do.
I know now it was a cry for help
but I didn't know how to fix it.
In fact I couldn't even understand
what you needed.

You were sick and hurt.
You need rest and medicine.
But how was I to know?

the pain
the fatigue
the bleeding
the cramping


It seemed senseless to me to me.
And my doctors told me it was
all in my head.
in fact
it was real and there in us all the time.

I hated the allergies
I couldn't feed you food
we liked.

Then again that is nothing new.
We did that before,
I didn't feed you.
I didn't want to exsist.

I'm sorry I doubted you.
You can understand
my confusion, my conflict
You made me hurt.
You made me bleed.
I couldn't wake you up
and then I couldn't make you sleep.


But lets put that behind us.
And start again.
I want to be.

This year I'm learning to listen.
We're going to sleep when we're tired.
And when we hurt, we know what's wrong now.
We can and will fix it.

I don't like our new weight, but
I'm going to trust you to work that out.
We're now a lady who spas.
And we will swim as much as you want.
And eat when we need to eat.

I hope we're no longer at odds.
I'm tired of the war.


I guess this is really a subject I've written a lot about over the years.
older work relating to my body:

Making Do

Movement in three parts

Homage to myopia


From "Love Is A Four Letter Word"

They try to tell me

Melancoly sits waiting


This the world centers or less

Violent Garden



tick check [16 Mar 2008|07:11pm]
Spring is here.

I just wanted to remind everyone that the ticks are also out. Don't forget to do a careful check when you come in from outside.


more days on end
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