
Doom Review – Hell Yes

Knee deep.


Developer: id Software
Publisher: Bethesda
Format: PC, PS4 (reviewed) , Xbox One
Released: May 13, 2016
Copy purchased

Doom had me the moment it concluded its opening sequence with a shotgun cocking to the rhythm of that classic At Doom’s Gate theme tune. The inimitable Doom Marine steps out of an elevator as the introductory music concludes and punctuates it with a “CHI-CHIK” of the firearm and control is slickly handed back to the player.

It was a deliciously silly slice of self-assured style that let me know I was in for a thoroughly good time.

This is the Doom I didn’t know I desperately needed. It’s one of the stupidest games I’ve played in a long time, and I mean that in a positive way. Doom is unapologetically nonsensical, a cavalcade of ultra violence and blood-spattered mayhem that lets up just long enough to give its audience a breather for the next incoming rush of demonic butchery.

A narrative does exist, and the Doom Marine’s place in it is masterfully presented – he literally doesn’t care. Communicated through mute animation from the player’s perspective, the nonchalance of Doom‘s destructive protagonist is made quite clear. He’s here to kill, and that’s it.

UAC overseer Samuel Hayden attempts to explain the game’s context and the Marine pushes the exposition screen away. While being told to carefully remove a delicate piece of technology, the Marine opts to smash it to pieces. The politics and backstory can be read at your leisure, but Doom never needed such things. The Marine certainly doesn’t.

What makes Doom‘s campaign so remarkable is that its narrative is surprisingly clever and ties the series’ lore together in inventive ways… all while giving the idea of plot a huge middle finger.


With such a legacy behind it, and a huge audience desperate for vintage carnage after the ponderous Doom 3, id Software had a lot to live up to and a huge amount of pressure to deliver unmistakable Doom flavors with modern expectations. In this task, id Software has performed most admirably, and I’m confident in saying Doom is perhaps as close to the series’ roots as you can get without straight up remaking the original releases.

Modern concessions have been made – there are story elements with associated downtime, there are upgrades for the Marine and his expanding arsenal of weapons, and the whole game has an unmistakable “AAA” sheen to it. At the heart of it, however, lies an unrelenting power fantasy concerned with only one thing – the constant slaughter of demons from a very literal Hell.

On Mars.

What becomes instantly noticeable when playing Doom is its speed. The Marine smoothly sprints through each corridor and arena at a constant 60fps while his demonic enemies rush, leap, and skitter at an alarming pace. Every battle is fast and furious, with players needing to constantly move around to avoid the incoming claws and fireballs flying their way.

Dealing enough damage to a demon staggers them and makes them susceptible to a Glory Kill – a melee attack that executes them in hilariously savage fashion, dispatching them efficiently and earning the player some bonus health. Rest assured, it’s immensely rewarding to chain these kills together, letting loose a salvo of fire before moving amongst the damned and ripping their eyes out, punching their faces off, or snapping their spines in two.

It’s difficult to describe how entertaining the game is without coming off as some sort of gleeful sadist, but I’ll merrily admit there’s a simple purity to the unfailing conga line of demonicide that keeps the whole thing riotous from beginning to end.

I feared the campaign would get old by the end, that it couldn’t keep me invested with a steady stream of Glory Kills and gunfire, but my fears were unfounded. The game’s clarity of purpose is its trump card, and it feeds new weapons, enemies, and combinations of demon waves to keep any bloodthirsty player sufficiently slaked.


Weapons are drawn from the classic series with a handful of new toys, and they all pack a beefy punch with a sense of high impact. It is triumphant to bring the Super Shotgun to bear against an incoming Hell Knight, or pump a Pinky full of plasma. The chainsaw is unlocked early in the game and acts more like a power-up than a weapon in its own right – fuel for it is extremely limited, but it can insta-kill all but a handful of boss creatures, making it a trick one should only pull off when necessary.

The same is true for another weapon found much later… but I won’t talk about that fun surprise, even if its appearance is mandatory.

Weapons can be modified to include alternate fire modes with cooldown conditions – the assault rifle can be modded to include a scope or fire missiles, while the rocket launcher can detonate its missiles mid-air or lock onto targets and fire multiple explosives. Once unlocked, mods may be switched out with a quick button press, and they’re upgraded with weapon points earned via combat to improve their usefulness.

The demons themselves are the stars of the show – varied, beautifully (if grotesquely) designed, and highly aggressive. From Imps that dart around the map like insects, to Revenants that jet from the air and fire off clusters of rockets, every monster type is uniquely threatening and carries its own distinct pattern of behavior.

Most levels consist of huge combat arenas connected via corridors, and that’s all they really need to be.

Arenas are painstakingly built to encourage mobility in combat. Rooms possess a sense of verticality and can feature all manner of stairwells, ledges, jump pads and teleporters to keep players constantly moving around. Even the Glory Kills reward constant motion, as approaching a stunned demon from any angle will showcase a new method of extermination.

Levels are also packed with secrets, and hunting for them can constitute a game in and of itself. There are fluffy unlockables such as action figures and lore entries, as well as character and armor upgrades, weapon mod bots, and timed challenges that can be completed to earn runes. Equipped runes offer passive bonuses such as increased ammo count or lengthier demon stun times, and are worth checking out – even if the challenges can be a bit bollocks.


The campaign alone is worth the price of admission. It sets a consistent pace and packs so much satiating savagery into its runtime that I feel I’ve gotten my money’s worth just from the single-player portion. Everything on top of that is gravy, and it’s worth noting there’s enough gravy here to constitute two whole thirds of the package.

Competitive multiplayer is basic but fun enough, nowhere near as refined or involving as many modern offerings, but a decent clash of rockets and rifles across a variety of straightforward game types. I’m not normally a fan of old school multiplayer shooters, preferring the quicker engagements found in more modern releases, but I’ve nonetheless wasted a good deal of time with Doom‘s back-to-basics approach.

There are enough obligatory unlocks to keep players going, with cosmetic armor pieces randomly earned at the end of battles and a number of loadout options to tinker with. Hacks can be equipped for temporary bonuses, such as the power to see enemies through walls or earn XP for other players’ kills, while most of the guns from the campaign find their way into loadout selections.

The real draw to multiplayer is demonic possession. At certain intervals during a match, a demonic symbol will spawn which, when touched, turns the contacting player into a monster. Players start out as Revenants, but as they accrue XP they can unlock Barons of Hell, Mancubi, and Prowlers, each one bringing its own set of malevolent skills. The team with the demon on its side gains a huge temporary advantage, but the possession can be “stolen” should an enemy player slay it.

While I can’t see myself being married to Doom‘s multiplayer for very long, it’s a good distraction and a nice bit of brainless blasting to cleanse the palate.


The final third of Doom‘s production is SnapMap, best thought of as LittleBigPlanet with Hell demons. Using a relatively simple interface, users can craft their own Doom levels using pre-made rooms and corridors as puzzle pieces, joining them together to make unique maps. Once built, the level can be populated with roaming demons, ambush spawn points, secrets, pickups, puzzles, and more.

There’s a lot of potential with SnapMap, and it allows for up to four player co-op in a variety of gameplay modes. Even soon after launch there are some clever little maps to play, including tributes to the original games, wave-based survival modes, and a whack-a-mole funfair game in which Lost Souls pop out of a contraption for the player to shoot down.

Loading times – a bane of the game overall – and some ill-thought out cooperative matchmaking hold Snapmap back. While crafting levels is easy and can be fun, none of the user-generated maps encountered thus far contain any of the polish or pace found in the campaign. They best serve as brief distractions, and have thus far failed to keep me coming back for more.

SnapMap’s inclusion as a forgettable extra is inoffensive when one considers just how great the campaign is. What really puzzles me, however, is the whole game needing to be restarted in order to move between each of Doom‘s three offerings. The campaign, multiplayer, and Snapmap features are all gated from one another and require the main menu to be reloaded each time they’re selected.

It’s unnecessary and makes switching modes a hassle. Loading screens are already Doom‘s biggest problem, and adding more of them arbitrarily doesn’t help matters.

These delays between the player and the game are annoying, but manage to be a small bugbear in comparison to just how grossly satisfying Doom manages to be. At the very least, a little extra waiting is well worth it.


It’s a damn pretty game too, even if such prettiness is fairly sickly given the gore-laden subject matter. Environments are daubed in garish reds with flashes of green and yellow, while the demons themselves are vibrant and gorgeously animated. The whole game has a pulpy comic book aesthetic which lends it a singular and energetic visual flare. This is a game that doesn’t care if its demons are bright pink – it’s not taking itself seriously, and doesn’t expect anybody else to.

The soundtrack is fantastic, bringing the classic metal sound of the original games and adding some modern musical styles to keep things fresh. While the tunes are nowhere near as memorable as they were in the DOS days, Doom fans should be quite pleasantly amused by the music – especially the audio callbacks that crop up from time to time.

Callbacks in general litter the entire experience, with Doom knowing just how to appeal to its long-lived fanbase. This is a game that knows exactly where it came from and pays due homage to those roots, hitting all the expected notes without coming off as cloying in doing so. While Doom 3, in many ways, tried to distance itself from its past, 2016’s fresh take actively revels in it.

It’s great that games can be deep, philosophical, and complex, but so many try and fail to hit such evocative notes when they might have been better off sticking to the basics. Doom is the kind of game we need more of. It’s not bogged down in gimmicks nor desperate to be taken seriously with dour stories and emotional depth.


id Software knows what it’s best at, and it works on honing that talent to a razor’s edge.

With Doom, id has delivered a highly polished, utterly shameless Hellbound hecatomb that confidently swaggers into the world with gaudy fervor. It’s huge, it’s preposterous, and it’s absolutely bloody majestic.

Just a shame about the Cyberdemon. For all his hype, he goes down like a chump.


  • Cherepanov Express


  • QU67

    I had to immediately see the score. Time to go cook up some popcorn.

  • goodbyejojo
    • Weasel Biggs

      I don’t know about that – we’re a mostly sedate bunch here. We’re jokey, but mostly sedate. If you want paranoid ramblings about reviewers being “paid off” for scoring Doom below 8, however, head to IGN.

      It’s like opinions are an alien concept that nobody can even grasp anymore. I don’t agree with IGN’s posted review, but they had every right to put that piece out for others to see. Their review cites a supposed dissonance between the Glory Kill system and map layouts – which I just don’t see – and laments the lack of a more coherent plot – which I just don’t care about.

      “Nyeah, rate down Doom, but CoD Ghosts gets an 8.5!” the comment posters say.

      Well, sure – it’s their reviewer’s *opinion*.

      • DeadlyYellow

        “A review is not about what you think a game is , its about what a game is. Objective measures are applied.”
        – Dimitris Xorikos 2016

        This statement is apparently still a common internet sentiment.

        • Weasel Biggs

          Sad, and very, very true.

      • Matrim

        “I don’t know about that – we’re a mostly sedate bunch here.”

        Um…not always…

        • Weasel Biggs

          Hence the use of the word “mostly”.

          • Matrim

            I wouldn’t even go that far. I might buy “More sedate than GameFAQs”

  • froyton

    How much did zenimacks pay you to do this!? You clearly were out to sabotage this game’s competition and tarnish its good name with your other review. I’m done with this site. See you tomorrow.

    • Stephen

      Forgive me since it’s hard to tell on the Internet, but… you are joking, right?

      • froyton

        I’m sorry, Stephen, but this is not a joking matter. We’re talking about my life here. If this so-called “reviewer” whose opinion I don’t even care about doesn’t choose the numbers that I think a game deserves, then… well… I just don’t know what to do with myself. My whole life is flipped upside-down. I can’t begin to describe how crushing the anxiety is….

        • Stephen

          I feel you, man. We shall never forgive Jim until he gives Sonic Colors the FAIR AND JUST review that it deserves.

        • You’re not the hero we deserve, froyton, but still you give your wits to us.

          For that, I’m grateful :’D

      • John Ryan

        “I’m done with this site. See you tomorrow.” wasn’t a dead giveaway?

        • Stephen

          Hahaha in hindsight yes. But again, on the Internet, I’ve seen people say similar things being serious.

        • Janio

          Looked at the picture its from a daily newspaper cartoo. Its darn teddy tigre with it hands in the air. Like whoo I fooled you.

    • Perfect.

      • Chris

        Also, you didn’t mention that this game has a season pass to it.

    • Weasel Biggs

      Gr8 b8, m8 – but I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t seen dozens of very serious takes on this.

      What boggles my mind is how many people have asked about the inclusion of iron sights; which I think is anathema to Doom. This isn’t a game about landing perfect headshots; there’s barely any time for you to line up your shots carefully, in any case! The Heavy Assault Rifle comes with an optional scope attachment, but that just seems to break the game’s flow. Not to mention that considering how hectic combat sequences can be, narrowing your field of view to the scope’s confines can be a death sentence.

      • Gervasius

        Admittedly, I got so used to ironsights that even in Wolfenstein I enjoyed using them. I never even noticed they were missing in Doom, though.
        Oh, BTW, Doom 1 and 2 DID have ironsights. You just couldn’t turn them off. 😉

        • Weasel Biggs

          True enough, but I think the complaints tended to refer to modern ironsights – the mouse-driven type. The original Doom couldn’t replicate that, so whatever was on the same vertical axis as your gun could be shot at, hence ironsights being more of an aesthetic design choice back then.

          In Doom 2016’s case, however, most guns are shot from the hip or shoulder. It’s that weird potential addition of “proper” sights for the Heavy Assault Rifle that feels jarring.

          • Wolfie

            I’ve used it more in the late-game, when I can pick off some easy targets from a distance before rushing in. I think that may have been the intention considering the upgrades the scope can get.

          • Weasel Biggs

            Huh. No wonder I never noticed – my playstyle amounts to rushing in, coating myself in the viscera of my enemies and scraping a Pyrrhic victory out of the ordeal by killing the last Baron of Hell left around with a sliver of health left to my name.

        • Iron sights make sense in the overall design of The New Order, but Doom ’16 is run-and-gun in it’s purest form. Pausing to line up a shot isn’t really what the game is about.

      • Matt Slanchik

        The burst rifle actually has ADS without a scope

        • Gervasius

          Well, burst rifle is also a multiplayer only weapon. Also, it’s technically an alt fire in a way.
          It’s also hilariously useless. XD It’s a great replacement for the pistol in SnapMap, though. Reminds me of the Assault Rifle in Brutal Doom.

      • Zachiepoo

        Bud. It’s made for longer range fire, not “call of duty ADS”. It even says that the scope makes the HAR basically a rapid fire sniper. So you should probably use it on enemies far away. Or not at all?

        • Weasel Biggs

          I already said why I hadn’t noticed. My playtime just isn’t conducive to long-distance HAR use.

      • BeerDone

        Depends, really. I mean in multiplayer it’s dumb, but in single-player the scope isn’t very powerful, so it doesn’t clip your FoV much, it gives a damage boost to headshots (which helps a lot), and eventually upgrades to explosive, deadlier rounds.

        I found it much more effective than the rockets, it’s a direct damage boost with none of the ammo cost.

        Did anyone actually REALLY ask for scope-ins, though? I don’t remember that.

    • Sapphire Crook

      See you tomorrow. 😀

    • Chris

      “I’m done with this site. See you tomorrow.”
      This may be the best summary of the internet ever written

    • Daniel Maloney

      You think if he was paid he would rate this game so poorly.

      9…A FUCKING 9!

      It’s an 11/10 at LEAST!

      Fucking bias in the games media.

      • Gorantharon


        • Matrim


  • supertramp

    So it’s a slightly different game than Uncharted 4, but still mostly similar? I’m confused…

    • Weasel Biggs

      Har har har. 😀

      Uncharted 4 scratches a different kind of itch – it doesn’t need to be compared to Doom in any of its iterations. You don’t play any of the Uncharted games for balls-out action, and you don’t play Doom for the sake of character development.

      Unless you’re some sort of Game Design scholar who sees angry foot stomps and manual demonic eviscerations as some sort of ludonarrative Art Nouveau, that is.

      • supertramp

        I hope you are joking? 😀

        • Weasel Biggs

          You’ll never know if I am. 😉

  • RussTech

    Jim gets it. Anyone playing DOOM for narrative or innovation should look elsewhere. This is a fast, dumb, fun as hell FPS.

  • Robby

    Hell yeah.

    Also Jim, I love your tag ‘Contains Skeletons.’

    • DoctorHam

      A claim that few of Doom’s corpses can make by the end of the campaign.

  • bimmyz

    is it just me or Doomguy in this version is quite pissed off, telling by this body movement, kinda reminds me of Jason in part 8, i like this style of story telling, showing without telling.

    • Pangalaktichki

      Wouldn’t you be pissed off if someone sent you to Hell three times and then freakin reopened the gates so he can mine Hell for oil?

    • They do an amazing job with Doomguy’s animations. He reflects a lot more personality saying nothing than 90% of videogame protagonists.

      • Weasel Biggs

        That little Big Hero 6-esque fist bump with one of the Doomguy collectibles. I grinned like an idiot for a good ten minutes.

      • Vince

        He’s just cranky, Imagine you woke up after a little sleepy and the 1st thing you saw was demon with an appitite for your face.

        Btw, loved the little fist bump he did with the doomguy toy.

    • Mike Wallace

      In proportions and body-language, he’s very Kane Hodder. He’s got that good mix of cold fury and dry gallows humor about himself as he goes.

      Which, if I had to fight off the forces of hell, I can think of worse men to send into battle than Jason Voorhees.

  • Notsowisesage
  • Wraithy2773

    Look, look, look, don’t bore me with all those pretty words, I just want to know one thing: Is it better or worse than Uncharted 4?!

    …seriously tho, looks interesting! The lack of review copies worried me, but glad to know the game holds up, might give it a play :).

  • Sned

    I’ve wrote out all of the comments for everyone, so you have quick access to them

    “How DARE you rate this better than Uncharted 4?”
    “Are you being PAID to rate this game that high?”
    “A 9? That’s way too high. Clearly clickbait.”
    “A 9? That’s way too low. Clearly clickbait.”
    “Stop Click-baiting you cucking cuck”
    “Your opinion is WRONG!”
    “I’m going to write a petition to get this review REMOVED!”

    Hope this helps.

    • Artemiy

      You forgot this one:

      • Weasel Biggs

        Not misspelled enough. See me after class.

        • Artemiy

          Yes ma’am.

    • Gervasius

      Not really. You forgot to assign them to numbers so I can just write the number instead of the whole comment.

      • Artemiy

        I spy with my little eye a database architect. =)

        • Gervasius

          It’s just easier thus way. Trolling needs to be more streamlined.

    • hardy83

      You forgot to call him a stupid SJW that is ruining the Internets.

    • Weasel Biggs

      You also forgot to mention the Dreaded Feminazis and the Ess Jay Dubyas. It’s like every opinion some reactionary idiot doesn’t agree with can be traced back to these two vague concepts.

  • If this game is so great… why was Bethesda so reluctant to send out review copies? It’s hard to understand.

    EDIT: I’m not saying I doubt it’s great; all the footage I’ve seen points to it. I just don’t get the rationale behind waiting so long on Bethesda’s part.

    • Gaming Geek

      You took the words right out of my mouth.

    • I am still completely puzzled by it.

      • Wraithy2773

        The only reason I can think of is that there was some ugly, nasty bug that wouldn’t get fixed until the day one update, so they didn’t want it affecting the reviews.

        • DoctorHam

          I… I mean maybe they really thought it was best? That whole “servers won’t be on until day 1” thing?

          The only other explanation I can think of is they were running a social experiment about how many preorders they can sell with a good game that had a poorly-received multiplayer beta and the red-flag of no review copies. Wanted to establish a baseline for how many people would buy their stuff against all logic.

          • VoidOfOne

            This is the same company that made “horse armor”.

            So I would buy that argument.

    • cowboyjimmy

      i think it might have to do with the negative beta reviews it received

    • Gervasius

      It was in development hel, and the beta was poorly received. I imagine they where terrified people would hate it regardless.

    • Edward Turvey

      A similar situation occurred with Shadow of Mordor. It was a great game but the publisher seemed unconvinced.

  • Gervasius

    I’m surprised you managed to enjoy yourself with the versus mode, despite it being massively panned across the board. Even I couldn’t really bring myself to liking it, even though I keep coming back just because I want to play Doom but with other people.

  • Exsanguinary .

    So, I’m guessing the lemons are top notch?

  • froyton

    I’m actually pretty excited that the game is being as well-received as it is. After hearing some mumblings about development trouble and Carmack jumping ship, I was worried it would turn out to be meh. Sounds like they done good! I wasn’t really planning on checking this out (and I hadn’t even played Doom 3 either) but this review, and all the positive buzz in general, is making me want to nab it.

    • Uldi

      If you liked the original Doom, you’ll probably like this one too.

    • Anton

      Well, given that Carmack’s last contribution was iD Tech 5, him jumping is a good thing. He only does tech, so it’s not like gameplay is gonna suffer.

  • Gervasius

    Also worth mentioning, the campaign and the multiplayer are reportedly running on different engines, as well as running on different rules. Effectively, they’re not the same game. Though it is weird that SnapMap and Multiplayer arent together, though; they have the same rules and engine. Maybe it’s because they were all separately developed and just stuck together?

    • cowboyjimmy

      same engine, different developer, Certain Affinity did the MP

      • Kaiser

        Probably explains why the MP fells so… Halo… Ish…

  • SNF

    Didn’t they only give out review copies for this game when it came out?

    I assumed that that was a very bad sign (especially because I heard people complain about the multiplayer beta being bad or something), but the game’s been getting very good reviews.

    So why did they hold the review copies back?

    • Gervasius

      It was in development hel, and the beta was poorly received. I imagine they where terrified people would hate it regardless.

    • Chicken008

      More chance of critics including impressions of the multiplayer in the review maybe?

  • goatsyrup

    Nine out of ten?!? More like… nein out of ten…
    Ah. Um…

    • Gervasius

      “More like… nein out of ten…”
      No, you’re thinking Wolfenstein.

      • longlivethedead

        No, he’s right. IIRC, they had Nazi Zombies at the end of Uncharted 1. They do show up basically out of nowhere like 26/27ths into the game, but they’re there.

        Edit: *he/she is right. Just realized I don’t know goatsyrup’s gender. Pologies if I got it wrong!

  • AndreasHvilsom

    So I just got my PS4 this friday, almost waited for the Neo (whatever that’s going to be), and what a time I chose to do that! Uncharted and Doom within a week..!!!
    And it’s running at 60fps you say? TB would be so proud!! 😀

    • Gervasius

      Wait, wait, wait… I heard it also has an FOV slider.

      • AndreasHvilsom

        Actually, I heard they mentions that on The GiantBombCast too!! I guess they listened to him! 🙂

      • Janio

        Didn’t TB find the guns to big ? By the god empire of mankind. There is always something with something. But this game is blessed by the Demon gods of Chaos and Quality.

        • MJC

          That may have been a minor gripe he brought up when talking about the beta. I don’t think he mentioned it when he was gushing about the single player, though.

          And I mean literally gushing. He titled his video “I will now gush about DOOM’s campaign for about 20 minutes”

  • I am more old school, im into level design layout and finding stuff. Doom never really gave you a mega ton of ammo so unlike stuff like FO4 or Bioshock I can live without carrying more stuff than I will ever use. Given how bad AAA games are made simplistic to get more people playing its good to see its now a complete waste. Still I want to make my own weapons for it…not textures or models….

    Also Uncharted started to suck after 1 Kinda like Farcry so meh.

  • James White

    So what you’re saying is it’s a whole 0.5 BETTER than Uncharted 4?

    • Anton

      Hey that 0.5 translates to “infinitely better”

  • Alvious

    Obligatory Reminder that Uncharted had 0.5 less score

  • eincvajdraj

    between this and the Wolfenstein reboot, i really like how bethesda is injecting new blood in the already tired FPS genre

    • Day_is_Over

      Yes. First person shooters worth playing.

    • SirAngry

      Or maybe some ‘old blood’?

      I’ll get my coat.

      • Artemiy

        It really looks like the best of both worlds. Take the straight-forward, no-nonsense nature of Ye Olde Doome and pair it with the “modern” elements and graphics.

    • David Boylan

      I wonder what’s next? Maybe Hexen or even Quake perhaps.

      • Artemiy

        I hope Epic releases UT soon. The fresh-ish alpha footage on YouTube looks nice.

        • Jinx 01

          You can already play it. It needs more content in terms of maps, but it feels tight. They’ve really nailed the feel of the weapons.

          • Artemiy

            Sounds nice. Gotta try it. Do you happen to know if they have a Linux version yet?

      • eincvajdraj

        im looking forward to STRAFE and Shadow Warrior 2

      • Weasel Biggs

        I’d love a new Hexen or Heretic to absolute fucking bits.

    • MJC

      Technically Bethesda isn’t doing anything. Machine Games and id Games are responsible for this.

      • Anton

        They did greenlight and fund those games.

        Which does matter.

      • eincvajdraj

        well, publishing counts for something

      • Daniel Maloney

        The fact that Bethesda gave this the greenlight and didn’t pull what other publishers do, which is restrict the project, and heavily force the developers to “iron out the edges” which would stop the game having “mass market appeal” and instead let both iD and Machine Games just role with what they wanted to, says a lot.

        Bethesda, out of all the mindless corporate publishers, you’re the least worse.

        Thanks for letting ID make a game that wasn’t shit!

  • Edward Turvey

    It’s one of the best FPS experiences i’ve had this year and I was utterly thrilled to be so wrong in my prediction of it’s quality before launch. So good that even when I was finished with the campaign, I went straight back in and played from the start.

    I don’t know about you Jim but, on Ultra Violence, that Cyberdemon kicked my ass.

  • Polishfury5000

    I’ve been absolutely in love with this game since I picked it up a couple days back. I was really, really happy that they went back to the classic formula. Doom 3 was fun enough, but it never felt like a proper Doom.

    In Doom 3 I felt like a fairly bad ass soldier trapped on Mars with a bunch of demons.

    Here I feel there’s a bunch of demon’s trapped on Mars with a walking extinction level event.

    To me, that’s Doom. It’s “Science done fucked up, here’s a shotgun, go be awesome.”

    • Day_is_Over

      LOL reminds me of that line in watchmen “I’m not stuck in here with you. You’re stuck in here with ME.”

      • Weasel Biggs

        Doomguy is either grinning from ear to ear while slaughtering Imps with his bare hands, or he’s mentally humming something really relaxed, seeing as this is really just a walk in the park for him.

        The hellspawn are forced to fight for survival, and Doomguy’s just there, ripping jaws out while whistling “Strangers in the Night”.

        That’s my personal in-gameplay mental construct, at least.

        • Polishfury5000

          I’d like to think it’s something like this:

          • Mulecenter78

            Thought of this picture instantly

          • Weasel Biggs

            Which begs the question: why hasn’t Hell learned its lesson yet?

            Just lay off Earth, Satan. We’ve got an overpowered mute sociopath covering our backs.

          • Artemiy

            They thought they could seal the Doomguy…

          • Weasel Biggs

            Again, how did they even manage to catch him? As far as I know, 1993’s Doom doesn’t end with you being stuck in Hades…

            I know that’s speculation and-slash-or fanfic territory at this point, but still.

          • Artemiy

            I think it was on TV Tropes somewhere…
            Basically, the Doomguy rampaged throughout Hell, and in order to defeat him, the demons had to lure him into a trap and bring down the ceiling on him.

          • Gorantharon

            Well, technically, we came, opened a portal and exploited them.

          • Wolfie

            They should have just leaned back and taken the pounding then. But no, they had to all be like uppity bitches, and Doomguy was there to pimp slap them hos back into place.

          • Weasel Biggs

            So today’s Penny Arcade could be right in positioning Doom as a video game-based op piece on the evils of fracking and shale gas exploitation…

          • Gorantharon

            Yup, DOOM of all things, has conflicted message and makes the humans look much more evil than the demons. For them it’s just the nature, humans here chose to be the bad guys.

          • Weasel Biggs

            That would be hilarious if it were true.

            Samuel Hayden thinks he’s released the bane of all Hellspawn, some kind of super-serious avenging angel minus wings and with weapon proficiency covering a small army’s worth of tools – but Doomguy’s fractured psyche actually renders Mars and Hell as verdant meadows filled with cutesy creatures to hug and cuddle into submissive and cooing pools of endearment.

            Yep, Hell is doomed, alright.

    • Gorantharon

      I mean, that’s quite literally the story. You are the thing that the demons locked away in their deepest vault in hell to never be released again.

      Then some humans come along and wake the ancient threat fucking everything up.

      Btw it’s always humans isn’t it? Always.

      • Polishfury5000

        Yes, always humans trying to better/save humanity.

        The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Sometimes literally.

  • Janio

    Is the solo map game hosted on a server or on the PC., because I cannot make up from the review. And how does progress save ?

  • Uldi

    I was really concerned when they wouldn’t have reviews up before release, but then I saw some streaming and thought it might just be OK. I was wrong. It’s fucking fantastic. I’m gleefully playing this game, smiling ear to ear even when I die.

    It’s DOOM.

  • The outlaw Jesse McCree

    Hell wasn’t ready for Jim fucking Sterling son. Thank god for that.

  • Anton

    Having played about 5 hours, I could not be happier with this game.

  • Artemiy

    I just keep listening to that elevator track. I think my chestfur gets thicker just by listening.

    • Weasel Biggs

      I think my Imaginary Third Ball dropped somewhere after the campaign’s third hour.

      Now I wish ripping someone’s jaw out or punching out their eyes were acceptable forms of social interaction.

      Jim: “Hey Bob, I’m Jim!”
      Bob: *courteously eviscerates Jim*
      Jim: “Whoa, forget good handshakes, this guy knows his innards!”

  • marvelator

    A good new Doom game and a Shadow Warrior sequel in the same year?
    For some reason, I have hope for the future. It’s an unfamiliar feeling.

  • Jeff Mcbiscuits

    my entire thought whilst reading the review: “please be higher than uncharted 4, please be higher than uncharted 4, *gets to the end* YEEEEESSSS!!! Jimmies will be rustled tonight!”

    • straga27

      I take the scores (if there is one) with a grain of salt. The written review is far more important in a judge of whether or not a game is worth my time than a somewhat arbitrary number.
      When the review gushes in a couple of places (like this one does) you can really tell that the reviewer like it.

      • MJC

        You do, I do, everyone with common sense does.

        Many people do not have common sense. So yeah, jimmies will be rustled and it will be hilarious.

        People’s jimmies are rustled because Jim didn’t finish Homefront, a game full of game-breaking bugs and piss poor framerate problems, before giving it a 1 out of 10. Just a suggestion to all those butthurt over it, maybe if the game wasn’t 1 out of 10 material, he would have felt compelled to finish the fucking thing. 😉

        • Weasel Biggs

          As much as I agree, can I say I was worried as soon as I realized Deep Silver had organized a promo event for Homefront on DeviantART?

          The first game was considered mediocre, so they try and ramp up the sequel’s release by having professionals and hobbyists alike release pieces based on the franchise. I mean, there’s some nice work that came out of that, sure – but it feels like a largely ineffective PR stint.

          No YouTube ads, no TV ads, no active promotions – but they ask a bunch of artists to riff off the franchise’s themes. That doesn’t exactly spell “increased visibility” to me.

          That alone was a sign that Revolution would have as hard a road ahead of itself than its predecessor. Or, well, it was to me.

  • Sapphire Crook

    To be fair, the original Doom’s Cyberdemon was only a real threat in tight spaces and generally was chump material anyway. :V

    • SirAngry

      I agree, it was a totally psychological fake out. An OMG moment meant to induce panic with its size.

      • Uldi

        I freaked out more over those near-misses with the rockets than his size. I still remember the first time one blew past ‘my’ face and I blurted out, “Was that a rocket,” and my dad smirked at me and said, “Yes, yes it was.”

  • Even Luck

    Happy to see the game turned out so well. It’s so strange that Bethesda seemed rather hostile towards it, with the lack of review copies.
    I’ve got Doom 3 BFG edition on my wishlist, next time it’s on sale, I’m buying it. New Doom will then be soon to come.

  • straga27

    I’m really liking what iD, Machine Games and Bethesda are doing with FPS games these days.
    I am heartily enjoying this game right now and trying to savour it as much as I can, as I blew through Wolfenstien a bit too fast the first time around and I’m trying to not do that this time.
    Its brutal mindless fun and I love it. Even though the plot is entirely secondary to the gameplay, if you do actually pay attention and listen / read the data logs its surprisingly nuanced and interesting.
    Though I’m certain the Doom Marine would just yawn and rip another Imp’s face off to pass the time.

  • Netero

    I have to say that I really enjoyed the story and lore of the game even though most people seem to have dismissed it. I like the fact that they didn’t jam the story in your face and instead left most of the details in the codex entries. That way you were free to kill hordes of demons without the narrative slowing things down.

    • straga27

      Its totally possible to bypass the hologram ghosts and ignore all the data caches and continue the murder if you want but people like me who like to know about lore like this are indulged too, even though I picture the Doom Marine rolling his eyes behind his helmet every time I open the codex or stand and watch holograms having a conversation. I love it!

      • Weasel Biggs

        I absolutely loved Doomguy’s palpable annoyance and Hayden’s smarmy contempt. That line where he says he’s observed “our affinity for guns” made me imagine Doomguy parroting that line back at him snidely, thanks to the relatively opaque confines of his helmet.

        Doomguy: “Mankind goes through an energy crisis, so an idiot reopens a portal I nearly died trying to close because blah blah, renewable energies, no choice, rah rah rah…

        *sighs* I hate my fuckin’ life.”

  • niteowl360

    Compliments on an awesome review, as well written as the game you describe.
    No pun intended, a Sterling review 🙂
    Thank you.

  • goodbyejojo
    • NerdAndANoob

      Such a douche in that movie 😀 honestly i liked the movie. They could have shown more demons and doom guy rather than a random team though. Who knows maybe well get a proper Doom movie 😀

      • FTLTom

        I like the movie too. I mean, it’s bad. But it’s bad in a good way – a fun way. I loved the Rock’s heel turn midstream.

  • Chlor

    Now if only this and Wolfenstein TNO didn’t take up so much of my dang hard drive.

    • Ushio

      HDD’s are cheap, really cheap 3TB for less than $90 cheap.

  • Vinny

    Really happy that Doom does indeed kick demon ass, and while my wallet is set on Overwatch, I will own this game eventually. Havent had a crazy adrenaline fueled FPS to play since Bulletstorm in 2011, welcome to the list Doom! in related news I found out that People Can Fly (Bullletstorm) are working on another first person shooter, today just keeps getting better!

    • MJC

      Bulletstorm was a crazy adrenaline fueled FPS? Funny, the game I played was a CoD clone that pretended to not be a CoD clone by making up words like bitch-tits. They can tout their skill kill system all they want, but when the main character is so fragile that the only way to survive is to ignore that system and play it like CoD (hide behind cover until the jam goes away, pop out and take a few shots, rinse, repeat), the system is useless and they look like assholes for bashing CoD and then releasing a CoD clone.

      Maybe I should have played it on the easiest difficulty so my character would love long enough to attempt using their silly skill kills. But nah, the original Doom games still manage to be crazy and adrenaline fueled on Ultra-violence and Nightmare, so the difficulty setting can’t be the problem here. I think Bulletstorm’s problem is regenerating health and hitscan weapons. Doom works because you can pick up more health whenever you want and because most of the attacks coming at you are projectiles that you can see coming and dodge. Bulletstorm fails because most of the attacks coming at you are hitscan, so you can’t dodge them, and because when you get hit you have to hide behind something and wait instead of grabbing another health pack. Nothing breaks up the action faster than having to shove your face against a wall or rock until your health comes back.

      Oh, and the PC port was total bullshit that locked the option to disable mouse acceleration inside a MOTHER FUCKING ENCRYPTED FILE. Right, message received loud and clear People Can Fly, fuck you as well.

      • qorl123

        ” message received loud and clear People Can Fly” No, I would blame Epic for that instead.

      • Ok first off are you seriously criticizing the hard mode…for being hard? Are you serious? Anyway yes, the game is incredibly fast paced, and the combat is as visceral as it is entertaining with the added bonus of skill kill shots. I played it on Normal mode, and still even today its a fun action movie experience. Also besides the fact that its friggin first person HOW is it a cod clone?? I could say the new Doom is a cod clone too since its an FPS….it just doesnt make sense. All the guns had a lot of love put into them, the animations were
        great! Especially the secondary fire feature, like the death beam from
        the peacekeeper or the flare gun on the revolver. I rarely EVER actually had to take cover, with the peacekeeper, quad barrel shotgun, badass revolver and of course the earthquake shattering electric leash at my disposal everything either was full of holes, flying away or just utterly destroyed. Honestly I’d be surprised if you played it on normal, I never had to hide in cover, nor did my brother when he eventually tried out the game after I lent him a copy, he was new to FPS’s at the time and he never talked about how hard it was. oh yeah and by avoiding skill kills you are literally making the game much more difficult for yourself since the points you get let you upgrade your weapons to keep up with the rising difficulty. The only thing Bulletstorm failed at was probably marketing, as it didnt sell that well. I’m not alone on thinking this game is great, it was praised by nearly every reviewer, receiving mostly 9s. I still dont see any AT ALL resemblance to Call of Duty when I play Bulletstorm besides that its a first person shooter…but again I could say its like Halo because of that reasoning.

  • Landusk79

    Haha I may not be skill as you are Cyberdemon was a hard fight I was shock there was 2nd round of him, and well I was bit wasteful so yeah, but all in all this was really fun game I happy I got

    • Jate

      Oh yeah, he killed me twice before i nailed down his patterns, AND THEN HE GETS BACK UP, and all i could do was grip my controller tighter and pray to DoomGuy

  • Anton

    A great Doom, a great Wolfenstein game, now all we need is another Duke Nuke….oh, that’s right, never mind.

    • Weasel Biggs

      Yeah, I don’t see how Duke could be made palatable in 2016. Yesterday’s chuckle-worthy adolescent humour is today’s try-hard japes.

      • gasmaskangel

        The only way I could see to do it is to make Duke the butt of the joke. Play his swaggering machismo for laughs, lampshade how he’s completely out of his depth, that sort of thing.

        They kinda tried that with DNF of course and it didn’t really work out, largely because the world around him bought into the same delusions and it just wasn’t funny.

        • Anton

          So, basically, it would be the FPS equivalent of “Loiue”

          • gasmaskangel

            I wonder how well that would work. It’d be an interesting experiment, that’s for sure… but I’m not sure that many people really want to play a game which calls the player’s avatar, and by extension the player, an asshole.

        • Weasel Biggs

          So… The Metroid formula, then.

          Duke starts out all-powerful as usual and swaggers his way through the opening sequence, never realizing how everyone else is rolling their eyes at his one-liners, and then the aliens somehow extract all of his Ego. From a cigar-chomping death machine, he’s now been reduced to a scrawny reed on two legs. Humility sinks in fast and hard – his sense of humor tweaks itself over the course of the game to become more observational and less referential.

          You play through the game and recover various abilities while unlocking gun pickups progressively, until you end up with a Duke that’s even better than he initially was – as he’s now self-aware and has matured as a character.

          • gasmaskangel

            That’d work really well if you ask me.

            What I had in mind is something similar, where Duke starts out really low, a washed up has been selling his autograph for drinks in a dingy bar lamenting how low he’s fallen, largely because of his own mistakes (basically, he squandered all the good will he got for saving the Earth… and also as bit of a jab towards Forever, by being a tasteless, corny hack and an idiotically condescending dickhead). Then, as happens in video games, aliens invade LA, and Duke jumps at a chance to reclaim his former glory…

            Only to find that no one wants him to. The Earth has new heroes now, and Duke is just seen as an embarrassment that no one wants anything to do with, so they chuck him a pity assignment to keep him out from under everyone’s feet and out of the eyes of the press and entirely by luck he happens to stumble his way into a much more severe threat than anyone anticipated.

          • Weasel Biggs

            The flipside to all this is that some people would cling to the notion that Duke needs to be on top of every situation while still being juvenile, crass and crude.

            If Forever’s taught us anything, it’s that something’s probably gotta give. Either that, or Gearbox really needs to get better scriptwriters for any hypothetical sequel.

    • Jinx 01

      Well we’re at least getting some great Shadow Warrior from what I’ve heard!

      • Anton

        I’ve heard mixed things. the critics certainly liked it a whole lot less than the fans.

        • Jinx 01

          ORLY? I haven’t read anything by “fans”, I just remember seeing impressions on game sites from journalists. They were pretty much gushing.

    • Saikyuu

      Or a Quake!

      • Anton

        That actually would be great. I actually liked the campaign in Q4 a lot. However, Bethesda probably wouldn’t risk it, because there is no way they would get the MP right.

    • greyXstar

      Thanks for nothing, Pitchford!

      • Jinx 01

        What’s sad is that if Gearbox’s Borderlands team did an original Duke game I think they might be able to manage the humor pretty well (funny without getting offensive). DNF was just them slapping together what 3D Realms had done and shoving it out the door, it wasn’t really their game.

        • MJC

          Yeah but the problem is that it’d still be Gearbox and Randy Pitchford, and they’re on my boycott list until Randy stops being such a fucking cuntlord about Aliens Colonial Marines. It was bad enough he lied to everyone before the game went on sale, but then every once in awhile he pops back up and reminds everyone that he still thinks it’s a great game, that he still thinks he didn’t lie, and then he openly mocks people who blasted that game for being the piece of shit that it was.

          Fuck Randy Pitchford.

          • Weasel Biggs

            As much as I like Borderlands and Battleborn – you’re right. I think Pitchford is in polite denial and can’t exactly renounce the work they’ve outsourced. Either his pride is clouding his judgement, or Fox burned Gearbox so bad as a result of the poor sales that he’s really just saving his ego by continuing to defend it.

            Although, I’m fine with supporting Gearbox, personally. Pitchford is only the CEO; he doesn’t exactly have lasting influence on any in-studio project’s tone and focus – the in-studio devs do.

            In other words, Pitchford isn’t Colonial Marines or Borderlands incarnate. Boycott them all you want, just remember that there’s honest folk stuck working behind a guy who bit off more than he could chew.

        • greyXstar

          That’s the problem. They slapped it together, Pitchford sold it as the greatest thing ever and when people said it was bad, he blamed it all on the separate studio that did the multiplayer. The only thing they ever put any real effort into is Borderlands.

          • And Half-Life: Opposing Force. And the Brothers In Arms series.

          • VoidOfOne

            Lets not forget: he asserts he still likes the game.

            That and Aliens:CM.

    • straga27

      Besides Hexen, do we have any other classic iD shooters that have not gotten the modern remake treatment?

      • Anton


        • gasmaskangel

          Goddamn, I want them to do a new Quake.

          • Mulecenter78

            Agreed, I thought Quake 4 had some interesting parts in it even if it was not the biggest standout fps ever.

            I’m not sure if spoilers for Quake 4 are something to worry about, but the crazy cutscene in the middle of the game and how that changed the gameplay I thought was a clever thing to do.

          • Weasel Biggs

            Seconded. None of that Strogg bullshit, either. Go full Lovecraftian or go home, id – explain to me why I had to go and telefrag Shub-Niggurath back in the nineties, because Lovecraft is still rolling around in his grave after that piss-poor treatment of his Mythos.

          • gasmaskangel

            I’d fucking love that.

      • Ketzerfriend

        Man… Hexen… It would make me very happy to see Heretic and/or Hexen get the same treatment as Doom. And it could be made very quickly: id would have nine Elder Scrolls games worth of pre-made assets at their disposal. 😀

  • Stan Claas

    It’s better than Uncharted 4!

  • Chris N

    This right here is a shining example of why I love to be proven wrong. I was so convinced, so very convinced, that the campaign was going to be garbage. And yet it’s not. And I’ll be picking it up probably this payday. Thanks for the review, Jim. Between you, RPS, and Destructoid, I’ll definitely be buying it.

  • Mike Wallace

    I sat on the sidelines watching the progress of this game. The average reactions have been as follows:

    6 Months Ago: HOLY SHIT A NEW DOOM GAME!

    1 Month Ago: Holy Shit the Beta Multiplayer sucked. This game is gonna suck.

    2 Weeks Ago: No Reviewer copies? This game is gonna suck.

    Release Day: Yeah, it’s okay. I haven’t really played it yet trying to get through Uncharted first.


    • Anton

      My process exactly.

    • Uldi

      That is indeed exactly what happened, excepting the Uncharted 4 part; I was actually playing the Collection (Uncharted 2, to be precise) and dropped it to play Doom.

    • MJC

      For me, Doom release day was watching everyone else say Doom was awesome and me being sad that I wasted $60 on Uncharted 4 having rage quit it the day before due to too many goddamn bugs that still need to be worked out.

      I should probably just resell Uncharted 4 and get Doom.

      • Anton

        What’s this about UC4 bugs? Game played like a dream for me.

        You know, once you get over 30 fps and nauseating motion blur.

      • jim vanlint

        CEX paying £35 for your old dull uncharted

    • Artemiy

      Yeah, I hope Bethesda learns their lesson.
      Let Id make both the campaign and the MP! Holy cow, they did more MP-oriented games than there are planets in the Solar System, can you just let them do their job?

    • That about sums it up.

  • Error 52

    This game is something that id should be really proud of.

    It’s a shame they don’t seem to be.

    • NerdAndANoob

      How you figure they dont seem to be proud of it?

  • greyXstar

    I just don’t get why they didn’t send out early review copies. Maybe they were RPing Doom Guy and just not giving a shit?

    • Dustin McSpadden

      Why does every game need to send out review copies? If you make a great product, why do you need someone else to validate your work? With many review sites being shills (not all but many) I’d rather stand on the quality of the game I crafted than someone else’s interpretation of my work.

      • diamond

        review sites are quickly becoming irrelevant anyways, most gamers now decide based on videos.

        • FTLTom

          You might very well be right about that. I’m just one guy and anecdote != data, but the time I used to spend reading gaming websites a few years ago is now almost exclusively spent watching LP’s on Youtube. I still check a handful of critics when I am on the fence about a game, but they are not the deciding factor. Whether I like what I see in a video is.

      • CaitSeith

        Crafting great work is good. But this is also business. The more news about the product going to be good, the more people will buy it when it is released (or even before). That’s pretty much an usual AAA strategy (where pre-orders are more common than games with guns).

      • greyXstar

        I personally agree, but it’s just surprising given how many industry jobs seem to be tied to games getting instantly positive reception.

      • qorl123

        If you send out review copies it just shows you’re confident in your product, and reviews, good and bad, will come regardless of whether or not you sent out review copies. NOT sending out review copies can be used for some shady practices, and it’s not like the company will be any poorer for giving away a hundred games for free.
        Also, if “many” review sites are shills then why would you not take advantage of it and send out review copies? And possibly gifts? Explain to me how the reasoning of your last sentence makes sense.

      • Chris

        Not every game needs review copies, but a trends show if you sent a game out on launch day, or put an embargo AFTER the launch (think Sonic Boom and Aliens Colonial Marines) it generally sends the message your game is shit and you know it and want to keep it quiet as long as possible.
        Yes, most sites give every game a minimum of 7/10 but on those occasions where it dips below (like it certainly would have for colonial marines and sonic boom) a lot of consumers will be like “Wait, what the fuck? I’m not buying this!”

      • Benj

        If you don’t send out review copies it means that all the info about the game pre-launch is controlled by the devs themselves. They have the right to do that but consumers also have the right to not trust them. Hearing opinions and analysis of a game from someone who doesn’t have a vested interest in its sales are a valuable tool for consumers and it’s suspicious when developers prevent this. Especially since demos basically don’t exist anymore and trailers can outright lie about content with no consequences.

        …also if review sites are shills then aren’t they shills for the very devs deciding whether or not to hand out review copies. I don’t understand your point here.

    • Something tells me they got really nervous after the lukewarm reception to the multiplayer beta.

  • Benj

    …so what the hell (badum tish) was up with not sending out review copies?

    Do publishers think that video game reviewers can’t appreciate dumb fun anymore?

    • Anton

      They knew the MP would get slagged off.

      • Benj

        maybe, but since the beta already made people think the multiplayer would be crap it seems weird to not give out copies for the superior single-player content.

        … meh, I barely ever understand the logic of game publishers decisions.

        • Uldi

          I think this might be one of those mysteries that is never solved. Unless or until the devs or publisher comes out and explains it directly, we’ll probably never know.

          • diamond

            I think they were being vindictive to people who hated on the MP beta

          • qorl123

            they’re not Konami though. And all it really did was make reviewers have to get through the game faster to write a review quickly

        • qorl123

          Yeah, their excuse was that the snapmaps and mp are just so fucking crucial to the experience, and that setting up servers before launch…is too hard…

    • Richard Cadman

      Like i said elsewhere i think some trumped up overpaid marketing moron genuinely believed that press release they sent out, they thought fully functioning multiplayer and snap map was actually important

  • Mike Fitzgerald

    Sounds like this is worth a purchase. Currently playing other stuff at the moment, but will give this a go in time

    • Jate

      You will love it

  • Daniel Hobson

    9/10 for Doom, 8.5/10 for Uncharted 4. When the fanboys come to lynch you I shall sing songs of your epicness. You shall not be forgotten Jim.

    • NerdAndANoob

      Well if were being honest, I do love the uncharted games but Doom is a breath of fresh air compared to uncharted. They could have left uncharted off with the third game and id be ok with that. Doom however just did everything it wanted besides multiplayer *which is actually fun* right.

      • Anton

        You know, I thought UC3 was a decent enough conclusion, but 4 proved me wrong. It’s probably the best in the series and a perfect end.

        That being said, Doom does feel a bit more “special” right now.

        • Weasel Biggs

          UC4 is great and all, but I felt like playing something that would revitalize me to a degree, remind me why I love games so much.

          And, well, there ain’t more gamey out there, right now, than Doom 2016. It’s fast, violent, gory, dumb and self-aware, it’s totally indulgent – and I love it to bits for it.

          As much as I love the fact that games allow for poignant experiences along the lines of what Naughty Dog can deliver – The Last of Us’ opening gave me chills for weeks – I also love it when the medium more or less goes “Here’s a controller and a Pepsi; just kick back, put your feet up and have three to four hours of pure, unadulterated fun.”

          And that’s the new Doom for me.

  • Knight_Blazer

    This sounds like what I was hoping Duke Nukem Forever was going to be like. I think I’m going to have to give this a go.

  • Anton

    I just realized something, Jim

    Some of the enemies the Doom guy kills aren’t demons, they are possessed people.



    • krazykain

      I get that you are joking and shouldnt be taken seriously but… that does happen after death.. so the posessed are quite literally zombies… no guilt there.

      • Anton

        The only politically correct enemy is a Nazi zombie. These zombies are not nazis, therefore, there is guilt.

        These are hard-working Martian-American zombies, goddamn it!

        • Benj

          What about FemiNazi Zombies?

          … I really really want this to be in Infinite Warfare now.

          • Anton

            I’m not touching that with a thirty-foot pole.

          • Benj

            That’s some very patriarchal imagery you’re using there. Why not a thirty-foot pair of pink curtains, huh?

            [what the fuck am I doing?]

          • qorl123

            …Because that would be reinforcing traditional gender roles, the opposite of what you’re jokingly arguing for

          • Wolfie

            Pounding it around a hornet’s nest. Pounding it. Pounding it. Pounding it. Pounding it.

            Pounding it.

          • Artemiy

            Well, no glory kills for you then.

        • Gervasius

          But most Nazis we’re only Nazis because they would be executed otherwise. The only politically correct Nazi Zombie is Nazi Zombie Hitler.

          • Anton

            Yeah, but there’s only one of him.

            Plus, we’d have to get his brain out of that shark.

            Unless…*ponders intensely*.. to the cloning tanks!!!!!

          • Gervasius

            There is always cloning.

        • qorl123

          I’m not sure who exactly you are parodying.

  • archvile78

    Excellent review Jim, very happy to see the reception the game’s getting for its Single Player.

    In recent years, its good to see wolfenstein and DOOM back in full force.

    • Andy Spencer

      Now we just need another Quake, and the id Trifecta will be complete!

      • Mulecenter78

        What about Rage?

        Or did you forget about that like everyone else did lol

        • Andy Spencer

          No. I actually love that game quite a bit.

          • Mulecenter78

            It was fun and I liked the John Goodman voice acting but it didn’t make nearly the impact that other Id games have.

          • Andy Spencer

            True. But it was an extremely well-made, beautiful shooter that represented id trying to make something to fit in with modern shooters. It might have been a failed experiment, but especially compare with id’s other games, you have to admire the boldness of the attempt. And for something so different from all their other games, it did what it tried to do pretty damned well.

      • qorl123

        If only the new wolfenstein skipped the shit story

        • dfx7

          I think a lot of people liked the story of Wolfenstein New Order. The Side characters are all interesting. And BJ feels like a human being.

          Both games feel like modern expressions of old franchises.
          BJ was always a war hero so making him flawed and likable was a good idea. In the same way Doomguy was an expression of violence in the first 2 doom games so making him as he is now is a good decision.

          Now all we need is a mod where shooting the hellish monsters make them your friends.

    • Richard Cadman

      I really want them to do a Quake in this style, not exactly the same of course just old school fast paced no iron sights and the like

  • UnverifiedBacon

    I’m glad this game turned out decently despite the initial negativity. I do know that there are some relatively critical bugs in the PC build (rebinding keys over other functions, making one of the functions unusable.)

  • besark

    With the MP being so naff and also no review copies going out I was sure this would be a poor effort… oh how wrong I was.

    PS : Doom on PC is 40$ right now .

  • Jordan Unger

    When you talk about weapon modifications you misspelled “missiles.” Please don’t murder me.

  • Jordan Unger

    When you talk about weapon modifications you misspelled “missiles.” Please do not murder me.

  • gasmaskangel

    Doom is fantastic. I’ve already gone through the campaign once and am going through it again, this time aiming for 100% completion.

    • Jate

      Yeah, once i get everything on my Ultraviolence run, i’m gonna do nightmare, and then after that i’m gonna do “don’t kill me” difficulty with only the pistol

  • Even Luck

    I just saw the wanky spam G2A ham man in the comments here. Did they get banned already?

    • Anton

      Banned, murdered, and buried.

      Ahem, I mean, just that first thing

  • Focusing on gameplay while using the story for what it was meant to be, a frame for the action. Bravo id Software.

  • Stormagedon Dark Lord Of All

    9/10 it must have had better looking Lemons 😀

    • archvile78

      bloody gored lemon :3

    • Anton

      There are some lovely lemon trees in hell.

      • Uldi

        I always felt lemons were the Devil’s fruit. Always tempting me when made into a custard-based pie… Damn you, lemon meringue pie!

        • Chris Brytowski


      • Gervasius

        Yeah, what did you think the UAC is doing trying to get in there? They need something to replace the turnip juice.

  • RougeMephilesClone

    I believe you forgot to place a note underneath the review score, Jim. It starts with “Better than”.

  • CaitSeith

    Last week, I commented that Bethesda wasn’t sending reviews copies because they weren’t confident enough with the single-player campaign and, after the beta backlash, they didn’t want any more bad publicity. I also said that I didn’t know if those fears were actually funded. I’m glad they weren’t. The more I hear about it, the more I want to buy it.

    Just one question. Jim said that the game adds “some modern musical styles to keep things fresh” to the soundtrack. Does it include dubstep?

    • diamond

      I think they were confident, I think they were just being vindictive and did it as a “screw you” to people who were being negative towards the beta.

      • Richard Cadman

        That would make absolutely no sense…making money trumps being vindictive with big businesses any day of the week. For whatever reason as dumb as it may be, (maybe some trumped up overpaid marketing kid genuinely beleived having snapmap fully functioning in the game was important) they thought this was the best way to maximize sales, nothing else.

        • diamond

          Well review sites are becoming irrelevant anyways, so Bethesda had nothing to lose and everything to gain from this.

      • The outlaw Jesse McCree

        I don’t think you no how business work.

        • diamond

          I don’t think you do

      • Gervasius

        They were most likely terrified that after the beta reception people were going to hate the single player, anyway. I don’t blame them. (flashbacks of DmC).

        • Roler42

          To Bethesda’s credit though… At least they didn’t go out of their way to insult anyone who disliked the beta like the devs of DmC did

          • Gervasius

            If I recall correctly, the developers of DmC have received actual deat threats and petitions to the White House to prevent their game from ever being made because if the trailer, though.

    • Mike Gasparelli

      Lol no dubstep to be heard! There is a heavy electronic/industrial influence though, which fits the game perfectly. Feels like a heavy NIN soundtrack.

    • sillyskeleton

      There’s hints of dubstep, but it’s mostly full on heavy metal and industrial. I hate dubstep, but I love the soundtrack, so whatever is there is unobtrusive. Nine Inch Nails fans will be pleased.

    • RougeMephilesClone

      Mick Gordon composed the soundtrack. Other notable games he has composed for are the modern Killer Instinct (Seasons 1 and 2) and Wolfenstein: The New Order (as well as The Old Blood). KI contains a wide variety of different instruments and genres in its soundtrack, so there should be a decent amount of variety here.

  • Rob Bay

    So the ps4 version runs at 60? If so, I will DEFINITELY pick this one up!

    • Unless my eyes deceived me. Certainly felt that way.

      • Rob Bay

        Sweet! Great review by the way! Hope you aren’t letting the bullshit get to you.

      • Artemiy

        But can you set the performance reporting to NIGHTMARE on a PS4 version?

    • padaco

      it does. there are some drops but I think it’s pretty solid for the most part. digital foundry did an analysis if you want more specific details:

  • RougeMephilesClone

    But seriously, even as someone who completely missed the era of games that the original Doom heralded, I’m still overjoyed to hear that this Doom turned out so well. I’d like to pick this up as soon as I can.

    • Gervasius

      From the box art to the shitty development, there is literally no reason this game should be a good game. And yet they nailed it.

      • Jate

        Same could be said of Wolfenstein, i can’t wait for Quake, or whatever id does next

        • Gervasius

          I thought the box art in Wolfenstein was really powerful, actually. Also, did it go through development troubles?

          • Jate

            Well, on the boxart i disagree in a subjective way i guess, but the release did get pushed back several times, i remember because i was very excited to play a game about killing futurepast nazis

  • Leo Schue

    Does it have monster infighting?

    • padaco

      yes. I’ve seen revenants shooting at other demons many times.

    • Yes, infighting does exist and is essential for UV or higher.

      • qorl123

        HIGHER than Ultra Nightmare?

        • IronEleven

          Ultra-Violence. The one below Nightmare.

          • qorl123

            Oops, silly me.

        • Jate

          UV is ultra violent, just one under nightmare
          Ultra nightmare is the permadeath version of nightmare

    • Gervasius

      Yes, and SnapMap even has a grenade that converts demons to you
      Your team.

  • FTLTom

    Really having a hard time not logging into PSN and buying this right away. I don’t have TIME to play this right now, damnit!

    Also, so you’re saying it’s better than Uncharted 4? (trollface.jpg)

    • Gervasius

      It’s split into 13 levels that you can hop out at any time, so you can always make time. 😛

      • FTLTom


        • Gervasius
        • Gervasius

          But seriously there’s clear indications when you finish a level instead if the game using a cutscene as a loading screen. Maybe that’s a step back, but I found it refreshing: I never felt the subconscious need to continue to see where the story was going with that cliffhanger, i only continued because I felt like it.

          If MONEY is an issue, though, there’s a Steam Sale around the corner. And since Single Player is where the action is, you don’t have to worry about Doom going anywhere.

  • ben

    good, now mark Uncharted 4 down to a 7 and mark Starfox up to a 5 and we can be friends again.

  • Dave Dogge

    With this game I get that strafing dodging feeling, I’ve not had in almost 15 years,

    • Gervasius

      Plus, they somehow managed to make strafe-dodging vertical. 😛

  • I bet this is pretty good, especially if there could’ve been a mode to remove the JRPG elements, which DOOM should never need nor want.

    Unfortunately there’s a new digital divide that long set in, and also with it a division of patience, required to make all of the necessary preparations and concessions just to play a video game, that means there is no way I will be playing this for at least five or ten years, until the bar to entry is lowered.

    (Twas not the case for any previous game of DOOM.)

    • SeeJay the WeeJay

      “JRPG elements”


      • Gervasius

        It’s obviously turnbased.

        • Something “witty” here

          And Doom-Guy only talks in poorly translated moon-speak.

          • Gervasius

            Ultimately he overcomes the forces of the underworld with the power of friendship.

      • JRPGs, when it was a meaningful genre, were all about power fantasies based on abstract stat accumulation and utilization, considered too complicated for most players to fathom, much less enjoy … no one would’ve thought that sometime around 2005, every single western video game genre would adopt this play structure in some form, whereas previously this was unheard of.

        This is what defined the JRPG format. Everything else is stereotyping. You could say that today, everything seems to be a JRPG whether it’s appropriate or not, it’s expected.

        • Uldi

          I think you mean RPGs, because the Japanese got the stats-based combat and accumulation (leveling) from the West and games like Dungeons and Dragons.

          • Sorry, I was replying to your reply, but using the box under “You’re not talking about JRPGs.” instead. The replies are very similar 🙂

        • SeeJay the WeeJay

          You’re not talking about JRPGs. You’re talking about Western RPGs. WRPGs are all about stat accumulation and allotment, weapon upgrades, and various other number-crunching-related things. If anything, JRPGs are much less complicated than WRPGs as they’re basically stripped down versions of the earliest WRPGs like Wizardry and are focused more on story and combat strategy than anything. Final Fantasy VII is one of the top-selling video games of all time, so it definitely wasn’t too complicated for most players.

          • The approach between the two is quite different. JRPGs are shallow, whereas RPGs focus on roleplaying and character building, such that the “stats” part is meant to reinforce the roleplaying aspect, and is quite detailed, and not necessarily applicable to “gameplay.”

            (I do not mean they are shallow in that they are better or worse. They are just different. It would be very hard to make the argument that games like DOOM are borrowing from RPGs. They are borrowing heavily from JRPGs–for whatever reasons. There are lots of theories as to why JRPG-style “stats” management has become the salt, sugar, fat of video games of all stripes today.)

          • Yes. That’s it exactly. DOOM certainly isn’t on the “RPG” level. It’s on the JRPG level. (BTW: I apologize for replying to this reply twice. What I wrote before was in reply to another. I will move them I think.)

            Anyway, this is not super interesting 🙂

    • Gervasius

      I honestly found the Runes to be fun to use, and the unlockables gave me a steady stream of progression a la Devil May Cry. I never once felt like I was playing an RPG.

    • Wolfie

      You get more max health. Max armor. Max ammo. All great for slaughtering demons.

      Armor modification helps with stuff like better map information, or becoming immune to explosive barrels, or increasing some small movements that add up.

      Weapon mods are generally just fucking fantastic and give cool new abilities to weapons. Your heavy machine gun can fire micro-missiles. Gauss Cannon can get “siege mode” to help take out the big guys. Your gatling gun can get a second barrel for even faster firing rate.

      Your runes can do stuff like make armor drop from kills, and or give you infinite ammo as long as you have full armor.

      All the upgrades just make the gameplay more fun, if you ask me. Each adds its own thing to the gameplay that adds some variety to the way you can approach combat. Hell, you can switch weapon mods on-the-spot to adapt to a change in situation.

      And frankly, this gets to something that has really annoyed me. If you want it to be just like old Doom, go play old Doom. It’s been over twenty years now. Times have changed. There’s more complexity, better hardware and software, than there was back in ’93. Hell, stuff has changed dramatically even since Doom 3. If you want to live in the nostalgia of the old days, then go play those games from the old days, but to expect modern games to limit themselves to those old mechanics, which were often born out of limitation of the technology, then I don’t know what to even say to that other than it’s just foolish to think that the past should be a standard for today’s market.

  • Sean Fallon

    I was a big Doom kid I played and replayed to find all the secrets and shortcuts and as I grew older I found less and less that there was just mindless fun like these games I became jaded as a gamer and save some saving graces like Dark Souls and Xcom (though I hate almost any other strategy game) I have just coasted from what was good to the next. But stuff like this give me some hope that there a games and game makers that can still just make shit fun for a while.

  • Leah

    I found it fun for five minutes, then boring and repetitive

    • Kevin Wilson

      Doing the same thing over and over without a challenge and not engaging your brain has that effect on lots of people, it can also stimulate some peoples brains if it’s fast-paced and flashy enough, which I think has happened to the people giving this mediocre game such high praise

      • Leah

        Personally, I’d have been fine if there was a really compelling story behind it, but the game actively avoid its own story.

        • Kevin Wilson

          I didn’t find the game challenging enough and was bored after a few hours, after going through the game once I don’t want to play through it again now I have unlocked Nightmare mode. It should have been available from the start

  • Jim, SInce we all know reviews are objectibely quantifiable entities, i have to say you are clearly wrong for having given homefront a 1/10 and a game that is not homefront and did things different than homfront a 9/10. START BEING OBJECTIVE DAMMIT!!!!

    • Wolfie

      Homefront, a broken half-assed diarrhea-guzzling mess of a game.


      • which means Doom HAS to be 6/10! because they are both Videogames and thus it means they are the exact same in every aspect!

    • Vaughan MacDonald
      • i thought me describing reviews as “objectively quantifiable entities” made it clear i was being satirical, but i guess not.

        • WayWardNerd

          Yeah, I thought it was pretty obvious myself lol.

        • Kevin Wilson

          No, it was obvious

        • Batmatt

          it was pretty obvious, yes.

  • GodzillaGuy92

    I can’t tell you how happy this review makes me. This game positively won my heart at last year’s E3, so I’m overjoyed to learn that the apparent warning signs in the weeks prior to release haven’t held water. Thanks again, Jim.

  • Matt Slanchik

    I know exactly why they didn’t send review copies. After all these years, they wanted everyone to experience DOOM first-hand and not be turned off by some stupid 7.1 IGN review and just dismiss it as trash.

    It was a rare moment of a return to the old days of word of mouth advertising where you started hearing from your friends and random places how good it was, instead of some paid (or not) reviewer.

    • qorl123

      Because they knew exactly what score IGN would give it? Why does 7.1 mean it’s trash and should be dismissed? Maybe you should actually read the review because it seems the score was lowered due the reviewer not liking the multiplayer at all. “they wanted everyone to experience DOOM first-hand” Oh, oh, they were just looking out for us, were they? Maybe they shouldn’t have released the lackluster multiplayer beta then.

      • Matt Slanchik

        Yikes, you sound pretty angry.

        No, I don’t think they knew exactly what IGN would give it, but I bet they knew they didn’t pay them a lot and didn’t expect something good from them. That’s just one example.

        A beta is obviously not indicative of the final product. I and many others enjoy the multiplayer.

        I’m not sure why you’re mad. Also yes a 7 in American grading is nearly an F and is not a score I’m happy with personally. Why would I not want it to be 10? I did read the review, why do you assume I didn’t?
        It sounded like he barely even tried the MP and/or sucked at it. I don’t care about reviews but I know exactly why they didn’t send out review copies. It was a bold but brilliant business decision.

        • qorl123

          Holy shit, there’s so much wrong with this comment, it’s incredible.

  • Brad Fang

    Fuck yeah. Awesome.

  • Lloyd

    Was enjoying it until the game crashed and corrupted my save…

  • CloudyWolf

    Hell yeah! Seriously, this is what I always wanted. I’m gonna go out on limb & say that Bethesda knows what they are doing when it comes to their shooters, with both this DOOM & Wolfenstein The New Order being must plays when I finally move on to the current gen. I disagree though with the Cyberdemon being chump, Jim. He’s still damn tough even on Ultra-Violence(goddamn his energy sweep combo) & his fight is fun as hell. Speziale thanks for my pal Alison for lending me her Xbox One & the game to assuage muh fears.

    • qorl123

      “Bethesda knows what they are doing ” They published Rage, though…

      • Jate

        And then, along with id, they published Wolfenstein, and seemed to have learned from their mistakes with Rage, and now they have published DOOM, which seems to have further improved since Rage. (And, just my opinion, so i’m not saying you’re wrong, but i liked Rage, the weapons were fun, killing mutants was great, and the driving was… Fast, i gues)

        • qorl123

          The on-foot combat was great, the weapons had cool alt firing modes, the blade frisbee was hilarious and the custom enemy death and dodge animations were superb. It’s just that everything else about RAGE was misguided. But yes, improvements have been made, I was just implying that Bethesda doesn’t always know what they’re doing when it comes to fps.

          • Vaughan MacDonald

            Rage was actually damn solid, it’s problem was that they didn’t give it a story or much to do in this big world. You’d struggle to find a game that was as mechanically solid as Rage was during that year.

          • qorl123

            Yeah, real solid combat.

          • Vaughan MacDonald

            Audio was really weird though…. Like it had no bass at all so it was really loud and harsh on the ears.

          • Jate

            Rage Co-op was really good too, at least from the little amounts i played

          • qorl123

            Who…who was the second guy then? A clone? Or was there a separate campaign for that?

          • Jate

            It was a separate set of missions, assigned to two bounty hunter types (they just looked like average wastrels as far as i can recall) by several characters: the first one takes place in a prison and is assigned by John Goodman, i think he wanted you to retrieve an old rifle of his. The maps were made up of some maps from the single player campaign, and some that weren’t
            It was just cool to team up with a buddy and kill Super-Future-Russians and stuff

          • Weasel Biggs

            Rage was what happens when you let a studio crap out a glorified Tech demo. It’s only real selling point was Carmack’s last hurrah at id, pushing megatextures like they’d be the next greatest thing.

            With John Carmack gone, maybe id’s learned a lesson and figured out that while Carmack’s axiom about games and porn might be applicable; gameplay needs to be polished out and rendered fun to the player.

            That was Rage’s greatest sin, honestly. Once you went past Tech 5’s Wow factor, all you had left was a generic post-apoc shooter with drivey bits.

      • CloudyWolf

        Yeah, there’s that. Which to be frank was one of the most boring FPS I’ve played in my lifetime. But they did learn their lesson at least. “Don’t fix what isn’t broken, instead just improve it.”

  • Zen110

    a little extra waiting *is* well worth it, not “it”

    Pleas don’t hate me

  • Rob

    You took off a whole 1 point because the cyberdemon was easy to kill?

    • qorl123

      “10(Sterling)- Such a score is not given lightly, and is reserved for true pinnacles of the medium”

      • Sterling D Wirth

        So basically Deus ex?

        • Dany Rivest Gaudreault

          PFF it was a good game back in the but now its unplayable the only thing still good about it is the level design

    • Andrew Christianson

      He mentioned the build-a-map was clunky, and the loading was bad. So yes, 9/10. You have to be a perfect game to get a 10 from Sterling.

      • Rob

        That’s now how I read it. He said that cyberdemon went down like a chump then gave it a 9 right after. I can read between the lines there.

        • qorl123

          Oh, we’re having funsies. Okay.

        • Even Luck

          Load times.

        • Wolfie

          Sometimes the white space is just that, white space.

        • gokartmozart89

          …And ignoring his other criticisms in the process.

        • Vaughan MacDonald

          “That’s how I read it”

          Well, learn to read better then.

        • Za_Docta

          I think you can ONLY read between the lines there.

      • Even Luck

        Not perfect, (because nothing’s perfect), but something that sets the bar, so to speak.

    • ENAY

      Loading times, mulitplayer could have better. Etc.

    • c00ch

      Obviously Activision paid him to shave that point off his score! Bloody sellout!!

    • For my own sanity I choose to read this as a joke.

      • Andrew Christianson

        At this point it has to be, or else all is lost. ALL IS LOST!

      • Rob

        It was mostly a joke.

    • I must have skimmed that part, but the last “boss” and end of DOOM 3 was a cyberdemon, and to say it was “easy to kill” would be an understatement. It felt somehow as if it would be impossible to not kill, even if you walked away, it would somehow kill itself …. it left a very bad taste in my mouth after a mediocre experience. (Still DOOM 3 was much better than most games. If mediocre.)

    • Daniel Maloney

      Jesus Christ…

  • Vaughan MacDonald

    I still think Doom 3 is one of the best example of sci fi horror there is. I’ve been tweaking my nipples in excitement for days waiting for my copy of Doom to arrive. The wait is killing me!

    • gokartmozart89

      Doom 3 wasn’t bad. It just didn’t feel like Doom 1 or 2. It was slower, more linear, relied on monster closets, and had way more of a story focus. In short, it didn’t deliver the same kind of experience that those early id games were known for. But that doesn’t make it a bad game.

      • Vaughan MacDonald

        I can totally agree that it’s more of a Doom spin off than a true sequel, but ID never went into it wanting to make another Doom or Doom 2, they wanted to make a really scary version of Doom and I say they nailed it. And I still think people who try to say it’s crap by comparing it to the originals are full of shit though.

        And the BFG edition is easily the bastardised version of the game.

        Also the flash light was integral to the atmosphere and anyone who complains about it is a moron who doesn’t understand horror.

        • gokartmozart89

          But those comparisons were inevitable. Sequels are always compared to their predecessors. If id didn’t want the comparison then they should have named it something other than Doom 3. The audience doesn’t care what the artists intended for. They paid $50 for a new Doom game and they got a game that played more like Halo than Doom. That’s not what the paying customers wanted, and that’s why the game got a bum rap.

          And I didn’t say anything about the flashlight.

          • Vaughan MacDonald

            Halo wishes it could be like Doom….

          • gokartmozart89

            I agree, but that didn’t stop id from making Doom 3 play more like Halo and number of other linear, narrative-driven FPS games from the early 2000s.

        • WayWardNerd

          I can see your argument. I do think they should’ve given it a subtitle as a opposed to a numbering so that people wouldn’t have reacted the way they did. Calling that game the third in the series implies continuation rather than subversion.

    • gasmaskangel

      Doom 3 sits along side Dead Space as games which fill a special niche in my heart labeled “the video game versions of Event Horizon”. Doom 3 especially, since it involves actual demons and hell.

      • Dany Rivest Gaudreault

        Riddick is a wayyyyy better scifi game then all of those

      • Vaughan MacDonald

        Except all Dead Space had was monster jumping out of air vents going ‘rawr’

  • Za_Docta

    Why is it that when a game’s marketing makes it look great it turns out to be shit (Colonial Marines) but when a game’s marketing makes it look shit it turns out to be great?

    • Gervasius

      Quality scares publishers.
      But seriously, that’s not always true. 😛 Blood Dragon had fantastic marketing and was fantastic.

      • Za_Docta

        Obviously counterexamples exist, but there seems to be this total disparity between what we see beforehand and what we actually get, and what surprises me is that that trend seems to go in both directions.

    • Jules

      I was looking at the e3 demo last night to see if it really looked as bad as i remembered, well I thought it looked mediocre at e3 but everyone else was going nuts about it being wet trash. And, I do think id really did change a lot since then, speeding up the combat and making the glory kills have a gameplay purpose other than ‘looking cool’. I think they might have taken some of that feedback on board, which is good.

      as much as people like to hate on bethesda because fallout 4 is the worstest game ever I do think they generally act pretty consumer friendly and willing to listen to criticism as a publisher, outside of the paid mods thing for skyrim which, to me at least, seemed like noble intentions acted on poorly.

      • Za_Docta

        Surely publishers must know by this point that not sending out review copies nets them so much more negative press than any negative review possibly could.

        • Jate

          Unless the game ends up being Just That Good

          • Za_Docta

            Yes, but then you have to question why they didn’t want to give anyone review copies. Unless the game wasn’t finished until the day it launched, they really had no reason to delay, as it demonstrably only got Doom a bunch of negative publicity.

    • Weasel Biggs

      The marketing goons are only ever concerned with making the Product look good. Sometimes, their attempt at it does the Product a disservice (Colonial Marines, where honesty would’ve made the failure slightly easier to swallow); and sometimes it reduces the Product to something that’s less than the sum of its parts (Doom 2016).

  • Jesse Helmfall

    I’m gonna sing the Doom song now!

  • thatdamnrat

    Jim, you forgot to add the required addendum, Better than Uncharted 4.

    • Nord – Zilla


  • Balls Mahoney


    Good times.

  • Muddy Scarecrow

    For a character who had no real definable personality (or even a name) this game really made me fall in love with the Doom Marine. The way he reacts to the things around him makes it feel like Id was trying to capture the testosterone leaking caveman brutishness that Duke Nukem Forever attempted and failed. Probably has a lot to do with the Marine not talking. Also how can you not love a guy who fist bumps a figurine of himself? =3

    • VoidOfOne

      The best part about this is how Hell thinks of the Doom guy.

      He’s a legend.

      • Weasel Biggs

        And I think Doomguy may have fallen for that too. If you look at the protagonist’s actions in a certain way, there’s a lot of pride pushed through – basically one guy deciding what’s best for the residents of distant Earth on his lonesome.

        Or it could be that Doomguy is just utterly exasperated with everything that’s going on.

        “Yeah, sure, Doc Hayden; I’ma be reeeeaaal gentle with that Argent thingy…”

        *wiggles his fingers and then punches his way through machinery*

        “Was that gentle? I thought that was gentle.”

        • qorl123

          He’s not from Earth, he’s not even human. Not really. Why would he care about earth’s energy needs?

          • Weasel Biggs

            I dunno, some vague sense of identification with Humanity seeing as he’s clearly anthropomorphic? It’s a good question, and one I don’t have an answer for.

  • Neo Genesis

    I was pleasantly surprised by Doom actually. After beating Doom 3 with it’s perpetually dark corridors, I rather expected more of the same. Instead, areas are often well lit and full of howling demonic hordes. And I love how the marine flat out ignores the guys advice. The game never needed a narrative, but the way they added one, even if the marine ignores it, is pretty awesome.

  • Putang Inamo

    Better than than Uncharted 4?


    On a serious note, when I was watching some gameplay, the imps cries are so FUCKING annoying.

    • qorl123

      Forget the imps, the possessed howl so fucking loudly, when there’s a couple of them alive, the howls are insufferable

      • MeatyMe

        When I find myself annoyed by the monsters I think: “What would the Doomguy do?”

        • Jate

          That’s the ticket. The ticket for THE NIGHT TRAIN!

    • Nord – Zilla

      HELL yeah it is. Don’t make me RIP AND TEAR you for not agreeing! nah, just kidding. To each their own, man, reviews are always subjective and should not affect what you think of the game. Uncharted 4 deserves the super high scores, even though I dont agree completely to them.

  • Jaakko Palm

    First shadow warrior, then Wolfenstein and now Doom. It seems like publishers are actually caring about old-school shooters and what comes to their reboots.

    • PassingAtRandom

      Except for Duke Nukem…

      • Jaakko Palm

        Lets pretend that it does not exist

        • CaitSeith

          Let’s not. We need it as an example of how not to do it.

    • Nord – Zilla

      Yes man!! and Shadow Warrior 2 is coming too! Like I said to a friend… Lo Wang, Blazkowitz, and Doom Guy survived what Duke sadly could not! PS DOOM is fucking awesome. Its kind of funny how story repeats again to 20+ years ago. Wolfenstein3d set the foundations for DOOM to build the fps genre, and now Wolf: the new order set once again the foundations for this new DOOM to show modern shooters how it is done!

      • Jate

        Blazkowicz IS doom guy 😉


      Don’t forget Rise of The Triad.

  • InAUGral

    Love the review once again Jim. To be honest been a fan of your work for some time. Long time lurker, first time poster (I think?).

    Gotta admit this game looked so bad and with a dull MP Beta. After reading this review I think I will enjoy it (and be as suprised) as much as Wolfenstein.

    Got the game ready to go on my gaming laptop (due to a broken motherboard). Cant wait to finally start it tonight.

  • jedimastercosmin

    It’s a great game. From time to time I experience some lag spikes and once it crashed on Ultra, but overall, it’s brilliant.

    My favorites are the easter eggs. The little doom guys and the older levels are awesome.

    • Jate

      Have you found the skyrim easter egg? That guy will never adventure again

      • jedimastercosmin

        Yeah, it was great. There is also a door on a level that has the vault tech logo :))

  • Jeremy Comans

    Bethesda again doing that stupid thing on Steam where a game normally costs US$60, which is AUD$80, so they price it in Australia at US$80, which is over AUD$100. No one else puts prices that high. Also twice the price of a key from ozgameshop…

    • Weasel Biggs

      I might be Canadian, but I feel your pain as a PSN user. The PlayStation Store freezes all of its full-scale digital releases at 80$, and only goes so far as to consider “flash sales” as meaning a mark-down to 60$. The only serious mark-down I’ve seen in the past (Destiny) came once Activision released a complete package for the game and its DLC.

      I’m saddened by this because I know a lot of longtime console gamers won’t even bat an eyelash, or they’ll assume that eighty bucks accounts for the single-player, multiplayer and SnapMap contents.

      In the meantime, I’d bet my nonexistent firstborn that Doom 2016 is going to receive some sort of rebate on Steam, during the Summer Sale – and that it’ll get slashed to somewhere below 60$.

      In my view of things, there isn’t a single game in all the world that warrants more than 60$ flat, in terms of investment. There’s Overwatch and Division bundles on the PSN that are priced at OVER A HUNDRED DOLLARS for a single game, plus cosmetics!

      It’s insane, honestly.

      • Jeremy Comans

        Yeah, the Doom + Season Pass bundle is AUD$160 on PSN (not even a discount from buying them separately). That’s just absurd. I don’t multiplayer, so it’s not relevant to me, but I hope that kinda of pricing does turn people off buying it. Not really my business how people spend or value their own money, but I don’t feel like that is appropriate pricing.

    • The high street price of console games has increased from 15 to 20 euros here in Ireland since the last console gen. A cellophane wrapped copy of Uncharted 4 will set you back 75 euros, which converts to 116 AUD based on a quick conversion check.

      Whereras the digital versions of UC4 and Doom on PSN are 60 and 70 euros repsectively. I struggle to make any sense of software pricing in the console market. If you buy games regularly, the PC is so much cheaper.

      • Jeremy Comans

        I was quite pleased to see that UC4 was only AUD$80 on PSN, which considering our purchasing power I think is the fair price for AAA games (though of course I’ll pay less if offered). Doom is AUD$100 – or $160 for the Deluxe version on PSN.

        • 160 dollars? I don’t know if it’s a deluxe version, but it’s certainly a deluxe price!

  • oh, i’m a bit disappointed by the “Superb” rating, after BattleBorn, I would hope it would say, better than Uncharted 4 XD

    • Jeremy Comans

      If we use a completely objective rating scale they are both 4/4.

  • Sapphire Crook

    So, how come this gets a Better / Uncharted 4?
    Uncharted 4 is ART. It has POLYGONS and FEELS. It has several central obstacles and arcs you never directly act on (marriage problems) and disconnects the player from the more relevant character moments.
    New Doom is just dumb. It’s POOPIE BUTT PICKLES. You shoot the guy but your guy never talks and has a bad marriage so I, an unmarried man, can relate too much to him and its dumb because the central plot is shooty bang bang and the gameplay is shooty bang bang so WTF. Immersion, empathy and relations with my protagonist, WTF NEW DOM. POOPY BUTT.

    • Weasel Biggs

      You’re asking why Doom got a better score than Uncharted. It’s simple, really.

      It’s Jim’s opinion. Period.

      If you’re in the mood for something that’s character-driven, then go play Uncharted 4. Savor it. Enjoy it to the last drop. It’s that good. Doom 2016, however, exists to sate a different kind of need: self-aware cheap thrills that hearken back to the nineties’ hectic FPS campaigns. It’s a game with zero ambition other than delivering what the package promises. It isn’t as though anyone would play a Doom game for the sake of a coherent plot, anyway – despite Doom 3’s half-hearted Half-Life-esque approach to its subject matter.

      New Doom isn’t dumb, it just isn’t what you’re looking for – and that’s fine. For the exact same reasons, I gave Uncharted 4 a pass because, y’know, I can always purchase and enjoy it at a later date. It’s not going away anytime soon. With that in mind, I went with something that, to me, seemed fresh and reinvigorating. As much as I can appreciate skillfully-wrought narratives, sometimes all you really want is big, dumb fun.

      I mean, do *you* always go out for pancetta as dressing for your pasta? I guess not – I’ll even assume you sometimes have zero qualms with using El Cheapo bacon for your Cesar salad.

      And that’s fine. We’re all happy when the medium produces another gem of storytelling and interactivity – but sometimes you just gotta shoot demons in the face, is all.


        I’m going out on a limb here but I think he was being sarcastic.

        • Weasel Biggs

          Yeah, the “it has POLYGONS” bit should’ve been a dead giveaway, but I chose to err on the side of honesty.

          T’was my undoing.

      • VanessaMagick

        pretty sure he was just joking, boss

        • Weasel Biggs

          Fool me twice and whatnot, then.

          It’s hard to tell, sometimes.

          • Daniel Maloney

            When he is using langauge like “POOPY BUTT PICKLES” it’s not that difficult.

          • Weasel Biggs

            True – I did a half-assed job of reading his comment in the first place, typed my response, walked away, came back a few hours later and more or less just went “Oh.”

            Note to self: no more late-night second coffee cups, because our reading ability suffers for it.

          • Daniel Maloney

            But, on the flip side.

            Coffee is a godly concoction.

          • Weasel Biggs

            Oh God, yes. Yes, it is.

  • Sam

    I just had a thought. Next time you’re in an uncharted situation, you should give the game something like an 11 out of 13.
    People will want to scream at you for not giving it a perfect score, but will also be thinking “…but… he gave it higher than a 10…”
    And they’ll just be too confused and won’t bother complaining.

    • Jeremy Comans

      ‘won’t bother complaining’… Methinks it’ll take more than some unusual numerals to make this thing happen. But I like the positivity.

      • Sam

        Well I feel like people have been gradually programmed to have unconscious reactions to the site of certain numbers.
        10 is perfect, 7 is not that great, 4 is so bad no game has ever even received such a score, and no other numbers exist and if anyone tells you they think they saw a 6 once, they’re lying.
        With that attitude, I wonder if giving scores out of arbitrary numbers like 12 or 14 or 19 (staying away from multiples of 5) might actually bypass those reflexive reactions and require them to think just that little bit more before they start typing their comment.

        • Jeremy Comans

          Hide the numerical score cleverly in the text of the review, so people have to read the words in order to get the number. Then maybe people whose desire is just to scroll down and react might go somewhere else.

        • BAH!

          Maybe Jim should only use prime numbers.

          • Artemiy

            I say he should use aleph numbers. They exist, look it up on Wikipedia. =P

      • Artemiy

        “I give the game… e out of π”.

  • Jeremy Comans

    This game doesn’t have FMV’s, or a sexy latino woman as the bad guy.

    • Weasel Biggs

      In which case, you need the latest Command and Conquer. There’s no Latinas in sight, but there’s plenty of pretty laydays on offer.

      Plus, you get George Takei as the super-stereotypical ruler of a pan-Asian alternate present confederacy.

    • Artemiy

      I’d love FMV segments to come back.

  • I have a really important question that wasn’t answered by this review: Does it have Aerosmith on the soundtrack?

    • Fuck.

      Should’ve given it a 1/10 for missing it.

  • Dooid

    I had fingers and toes crossed that this was going to be good and I’m relieved to say that I’m loving it. I’m surprised at how compelling the level exploration is, I find myself searching out every corner of each level, even after all the demons are dead. The one thing I’m a bit disappointed with are the sound effects; the weapons seem subdued and not as aurally impactful as I would expect. I loved the way in the original Doom that the weapons had this really meaty and substantial feel to them, visually it’s there in the new game but not so much the sound effects.

    After doing such a great job with Wolfenstein and now Doom, Quake has to be next, doesn’t it? I’m hoping we’ll see something at E3. Gotta give Bethesda some respect, another solid title.

  • big_no_no

    I’m not very far into it (still got Old Hunters to finish), but I absolutely love what I’ve played so far in both campaign and multiplayer. It’s the best game I’ve played in a while.

  • lesboa

    With the MP being so naff and also no review copies going out I was sure this would be a poor effort… oh how wrong I was.

    PS : Doom on PC is 39$ right now

    • jedimastercosmin

      Add Bot Returns: Ressurection

  • SirAngry

    So I’ve finally played this today. Don’t entirely agree with Jim’s gushing praise, but you know what? It is a hell of a lot of fun, and I’ve really enjoyed it. It has it’s faults, like most games, but they seem to just add to its character. Well worth a look if you are into having fun.

  • Jim Cravat

    Thanks mate, great review!

    Half way through and really enjoying it, but there’s a thing I want to float out there that’s irritating me but doesn’t seem to be riling anyone else; I’m not a huge fan of the checkpoint system. I don’t mind that it’s there – I DO mind that it’s there at the expense of a traditional quick-save function (on PS4 at least); some of the arena fights can get tricky once the heavier enemies spawn in, and whilst I’d expect my tolerance for repeating entire sections to have increased after Dark Souls 3, it feels a bit off in a Doom game. Be nice in other words to just drop a little quick save to keep the momentum going. Anyone else feel this?

    Also, I think maybe Eurogamer touched on this in their write up, but I think it’s a super smooth move having the classic maps as secrets – juxtaposed as they are within the structure of the level. To me it feels like a shrewd way of anticipating and offsetting the inevitable dismissive grumblings of an “elite” who want to show off how-much-they-were-there and complain about 2016’s distance from 1993. “Well here IS that game from 1993, to-the-pixel” Id seems to be saying, “…and you’re SURE this is what you wanted?” Total masterstroke, or maybe I’m just reading too much into it..!

    • Gorantharon

      Checkpoints are really frequent, though, and you get one after each mass fight, and the game autosaves every secret, upgrade token, etc, discovered on top of that.

      I think it’s fine to expect from the player to take on one engagement in full.

      • Jim Cravat

        Yeah fair enough, it’s not a massive complaint of mine by any means. Git Gud etc!

  • lesboa

    With the MP being so naff and also no review copies going out I was sure this would be a poor effort… oh how wrong I was.

    PS : Doom on PC is 39$ right now

  • George

    I’ve never been a fan of FPS’s…they’re just not my thing…but what I am really glad to see is a return to basics and less emphasis on trying to be “Emotions.”

    Don’t get me wrong being “Emotions” does have it’s place in video games and joy itself is an emotion but not every game needs to have a “serious” (usually grim and gritty) plot shoehorned into their experience so they look “Artistic.”

    Actually this review kind of reminded me of Bayonetta 2…Fundamentally different from Doom (apart from the butchery of monsters) but both of them seem to have a similar philosophy. It’s good to see.

  • Daniel Maloney

    This review parrots my time with this game.

    It’s everything I hoped it would be, and nothing I feared it would.

    I have adored every second I have spent with DOOM, and it has been a breath of fresh air.

    A few little niggles here and there do not overshadow what to me is one of the best shooters I’ve played in a very long time, and the shooter I hope will open the doors to more old school style FPS.

    • Gaealiege

      Judging by your profile picture, you weren’t really around for “old school style FPS” games. Good to see that the kids step away from CoD and appreciate some of what came before though.

      • Daniel Maloney

        At 23 years old, I began playing DOOM from a very young age (I would’ve been 6-7) and it been only a few years old, then Hexen, Heretic, Duke 3d, Rise of the Triad all followed.

        I have never liked CoD so stepping away from it wasn’t exactly difficult.

        • Gaealiege

          Well you truly blow my mind! I’ve not met many younger gamers that stay away from the modern gaming fads.

          Good on you!

          Also, fuck yes for Hexen/Heretic, Duke, and RotT!

          • Daniel Maloney

            Oh absolutely, it’s been a shame to see the current state of what was my favourite genre.

            The visceral combat and speed was just a small part of it though, when regenerating health became the norm shooters really genuinely felt bad to play in my eyes. It just removed all difficulty from it, any feeling of suspense when ducking behind cover made you invincible…With the introduction of linear, easier gameplay we lost the satisfaction of outsmarting the game, finding our own path, and sadly that meant when you finally beat the game you didn’t get that feeling of achievement like the shooters of old gave you.

            If there is no challenge in the adventure, the end will just feel…a bit shit to reach.

  • Kevin Wilson

    “Hacks can be equipped for temporary bonuses, such as the power to see enemies through walls or earn XP for other players’ kills”

    I remember the old days of Doom and Quake multiplayer where that was a literal hack, Nowadays it seems like they add these old cheats into games for the kids and console players. Quite funny they actually call it a hack in this game, PC gamers, working as programmers taking the piss out of console perks, or just a name for a shitty console perk?

    Edit: The game would have dropped points for the terrible MP and 9 hour campaign of shooting gallery’s. it’s not worth the price of the PS4 version that Jim reviewed this game on so don’t be fooled. Only way it gets a pass is if you buy it for £40 on PC. I used WAB’s GMG code and got 25% off, £30. I am barely happy at that price so take that how you will, 9/10 this is not, not even close and not worth console price in any sane persons mind

    • The brave, the bold, the PC gamer.

      • Kevin Wilson

        ….That started gaming on a mega drive in 1992, has owned every PS console starting in 1995 and enjoys all games on all platforms depending on if they are good, in his opinion….

        Love ya Jim x

    • Daniel Maloney

      “for the kids and console players”

      It’s another PC gamer looking for the special snowflake award!

      • Kevin Wilson

        I’m a console player as well, played consoles longer than I’ve played PC’s and just completed Uncharted 4, the point is, these games are dumbed down! A perk that allows you to see through walls is an old cheat hack that is added into many MP games nowadays. They try and make the game as easy as possible so the kids can enjoy it, I said “console players” but what I meant was console kiddies, that’s my term for people that just play consoles and actually enjoy these things in video games as they don’t know any different. This was never a thing in the PS1/PS2 days when games were a challenge, trust me, I played all those games

        Go and watch a PC user playing this game, are they stopping time and changing weapons? no they’re not. If I played this on console I wouldn’t want the ability to cheat like that either and it would be a valid criticism/opinion on the game. same as the perk that allows you to cheat and see other players through walls, the people on BOTH platforms looking for a game that involves skill above shite like that will be disappointed. The fact is, these are being added by developers in the belief that everyone who plays on console is a 12 year old, I’M NOT

        • Themoonlightwolf1

          Having actually played the multiplayer, the hack modules aren’t nearly as op as one would imagine, most offer just a brief effect after spawning giving you a glimpse at enemy positions though with the speed of the game these become inaccurate very quickly, the most useful hack modules are those that tell you the location of a power-up which is a helpful hint for those of us who haven’t learn’t every map inside out yet but still keeping us at a disadvantage against those who have.
          As for the campaign have you even played nightmare difficulty, its difficult, you die very fast, glory kills are just the way you keep momentum, and you need to think about most every shot because killing something without a glory kill means you don’t get the precious health you need to stay alive. Freezing time to select weapons is a console workaround because consoles don’t have a convenient 8-10 keys that can be assigned to weapons, On PC there is absolutely no reason to use this and I never have, since the number keys work just fine but on console with the speed of the game suggesting console players pull up a weapons menu and select weapons in real time is just silly, on harder difficulties they would die every time. Its not pandering to kids its sensible design for those playing with a controller.

          • Kevin Wilson

            They offer a huge advantage just knowing roughly where the other players are and which direction they are going. Many times they are already fighting an ally allowing you to jump in and help….I can’t like this perk or the loadouts. The MP maps and gameplay is damn average Imo even if you took that perk out, it just happens to be a pet hate of mine which makes the MP even harder to enjoy

            I just completed the game yesterday on the hardest difficulty available to me at the start, I have no intention to jump back in straight away after being bored and glad to finish it. I mentioned this in another post, my first impression has been soured and the nightmare mode should have been available from that start.

            The slow down time mechanic is a cheap and easy way that console users accept without even a mild criticism. I consider myself skilled with a controller (not comparing it to PC) and can quite easily swap weapons and map buttons to it given the chance. I’ll compare it to the last first person shooter I played on console Farcry 4 (borrowed as I only buy FPS games on PC, for the above reasons). That game had a weapon wheel in which you could set 8 weapons directional swipes on the DS4’s touch pad. I could swap weapons with a swipe of the thumb mid-combat quite fluidly, easily even

            In War Thunder I spent 2 hours in practice mode mapping my DS4 for tanks and planes. It was a comprehensive rebind menu, I used the right button as a shift and had 38 different controls mapped to the DS4. I can compete equally with PC players online using this set-up, just takes a bit of skill and time to set-up.

            I don’t buy the argument that consoles NEED these mechanics, I certainly don’t. Let me scroll weapons with the d-pad or use the touch pad over pausing the game at least.

          • MechaSlinky

            Great. There’s some stuff you don’t like, and you are good at key rebinding menus apparently. Thanks for sharing.

          • Kevin Wilson

            It seems….

          • MechaSlinky

            I guess? To be honest, I kind of got bored and forgot what we were even talking about.

        • MechaSlinky

          “I said “console players” but what I meant was console kiddies, that’s my term for people that just play consoles and actually enjoy these things in video games as they don’t know any different.”

          Are you trolling or serious? Honestly, I want to know, I can’t tell which.

          • Kevin Wilson

            Oh, I’m being deadly serious ye wee whippersnapper!

            I’ll give you my personal definition if you’d like?….. No? tough, you’ll have to read it once your notified, and your pride won’t let you not reply 🙂

            Console kiddie: A person who was at a young age coinciding with the release of the PS3 and xbox 360 and has only ever played console games. These gaming younglings have only ever experienced those consoles and/or the recently released PS4 and Xbox one. They never had the experience of the best console ever released in the PS2 or the birth of 3d gaming on the PS1, they have also never gamed on a PC and have played literally no skill based games or any of the old ground-breaking video games. Their opinion is meaningless when comparing video games old and new, talking about how gaming has evolved/changed over the years and will vehemently defend all the shitty games they play, like COD and AC

          • MechaSlinky

            “I’ll give you my personal definition if you’d like?”
            I’d like that very much, thank you.

            No, sir, I said yes, please!

            “tough, you’ll have to read it once your notified, and your pride won’t let you not reply”
            Are… um… are you sure you want me here for this? Seems you have both sides of the conversation covered.

            “Console kiddie: A person who was at a young age coinciding with the release of the PS3 and xbox 360 and has only ever played console games.”
            Alright, makes sense.

            “they have also never gamed on a PC”
            Unlikely, but okay.

            “have played literally no skill based games”
            That’s silly. There are plenty of skill-based games on all machines.

            “Their opinion is meaningless when comparing video games old and new, talking about how gaming has evolved/changed over the years and will vehemently defend all the shitty games they play, like COD and AC”

            Your definition has too much opinion in it. They may not be as knowledgeable about the whole spectrum of video games, but that doesn’t mean their opinions are meaningless. I mean, they probably would be meaningless, because kids are dumb, but you never know until they open their stupid shitty child-mouths.

            I’m not really a fan of CoD or AC (there have been one or two games in each series that I like well enough, so I can see the appeal) but I wouldn’t consider it a bad thing to defend a game you like when someone else calls it shit, as long as you’re not an unreasonable prick about it.

    • Wolfie

      Your wit is so sharp, I’m cutting my wrists with it. You’re too good. I can’t live with myself anymore.

      • Kevin Wilson

        I wasn’t even trying to be witty so your comment fell flat

        • Wolfie

          So does your criticisms. So I guess we’re even.

          • Kevin Wilson

            Funny that, I’ve never known any person into arena-type shooters that has said “you know what this game needs? a perk that allows you to see through walls”

            … you can parrot your first comment again, I at least attempted wit/humour (humor) there

          • MechaSlinky

            Perfect Dark had a sniper rifle that let you see and shoot through walls. I frigging loved that gun. Having a perk that just lets you see through walls doesn’t seem too bad to me. Seems like it would just act like an advanced radar, which could add some additional layer of strategy. Sounds fun to me.

            Would be nice if there were an old-school multiplayer mode that stripped away all of the extra shit, though. Just levels with guns, ammo, and health to pick up and people to shoot.

            Would SnapMap be able to make this happen, or is it strictly for single-player/co-op stuff?

          • Jim Cravat

            Yeah, seems Snapmap’s the only place you can find traditional deathmatch – it was impossible for me to find a match on launch day, either because no-one was interested or the matchmaking’s broken (no dedicated servers). Haven’t tried it since but might give it a go now just to see if it’s picked up at all. Big shame really, it was such an easy win to include it as part of the main multiplayer suite and I’d’ve happily sunk hours into it…

          • MechaSlinky

            Agreed, but at least there’s a way to put it in ourselves. That would be enough for me to go online once in a while. I loved making maps in TimeSplitters: Future Perfect and would probably make a ton of single-player and straight deathmatch stuff with SnapMap if I had the new Doom.

          • Kevin Wilson

            “I like cheap, easy kills” is what I got from that. If you like to snipe people through walls then good for you. I prefer skill-based MP games that include map control and working as a team. Doom’s MP had nothing about it that appealed to me or my taste. Hell, even Jim said he barely played it and it’s a common opinion that the MP side of this game is fucking balls

            So, you like being able to see AND shoot people through walls AND like to make up in your head that you have an advanced radar to cover the fact that it’s just a standard perk that is in most console games nowadays….

            I don’t think me and you will agree on anything. Your taste is completely different from mine and you come across like a fanboy defending every little thing in your new favourite game.

            I’ll leave it there

          • MechaSlinky

            We will definitely not agree on much, as you read way too much into shit you know nothing about and ignore shit that literally agrees with some of what you said.

            The Perfect Dark sniper rifle (Farsight, I think?) bit was just a random thought. The talk of seeing through walls being a recent console trend just reminded me of an old console game that had one weapon that let you see and shoot through walls. It actually wasn’t easy to kill with, since it only offered a very narrow view through walls when zoomed in (no seeing through walls otherwise) and its aiming was so fucking slow that you pretty much had to aim somewhere someone was going to go, then time the shot perfectly.

            Point was, these perks don’t sound like that. They only let you see your enemies through walls, but nothing else. Apparently they only last for a few seconds, at that, so the advanced radar thing (which you so delightfully tried to mash together with the Perfect Dark Farsight thing as if I had said something that you needed to dismiss) doesn’t really hold up.

            “Your taste is completely different from mine and you come across like a fanboy defending every little thing in your new favourite game.”

            You come across as someone desperate to defend a myopic point of view that looks down on anyone for having even slightly different feelings about things.

            I haven’t played the new Doom yet. I won’t be playing it for a few years, probably, as I have nothing that it will run on. I don’t think the multiplayer looks that interesting, as it misses the appeal of it being Doom in the first place. I was making the point that the multiplayer could still be fun for anyone who liked their Call of Duty-style multiplayer, but it won’t be holding my attention.

            That’s why I said, “Would be nice if there were an old-school multiplayer mode that stripped away all of the extra shit, though. Just levels with guns, ammo, and health to pick up and people to shoot.” That’s where I would spend my multiplayer time. If SnapMap can bring back old-school deathmatch, I’ll be all over that shit.

            Calm the fuck down, stop being so fucking defensive, and get the fuck over yourself.

          • Wolfie

            What you attempted is a foolhardy and intellectual barren criticism predicated on nostalgia for the past from over twenty years ago and expecting the modern market, and especially from a major AAA developer, to conform to arbitrary standards because your can’t let go from old feels of your childhood.

            Perhaps I should whine and bitch about how games today now allow for better control when back in the day, you had a total of five buttons. D-pad, start, select, A, and B. I mean, I never heard anyone say back then they wanted more buttons on their controllers, people today are just a bunch of fucking scrubs because they want to bind keys and shit.

            The times have fucking changed, and you just want to be a self-important bitch who wants to dig in and scream at the people enjoying a new venture into an old genre because it isn’t down to the fucking letter like it was back in “the glory days.” This isn’t me being witty or trying my hand at humor, this is me being an ornery cunt.

            Oh, and for the whole “see through walls?” Funny thing about that, it isn’t in the fucking campaign. From what I heard, cause I haven’t played that part myself, it’s a multiplayer ability which, oh yeah, which is pretty much universally agreed to be one of its weaker aspects.

            If you want your precious old times back, why not go fucking play the old games. You can ejaculate your smugness all you want over your monitor then. Fucking Jesus Christ.

          • Kevin Wilson

            I made a point about the hacks in these games ironically being similar to the literal hacking cheats that players of old arena shooters will be all too familiar with. It was an observation and criticism, trust me, you don’t want my full, honest criticism of the MP side of this game.

            My criticisms of the challenge/difficulty being locked off was pretty fair Imo and my criticism of the weapon wheel that pauses the game in the console version is valid and backed up with an explanation of how you can have 8 weapons mapped to the DS4 touch pad, easily switched while in combat, there’s no need for it and it takes you out of the game, not to mention allows players to cheat and is completely stupid

            I’ll say what I said to the other guy; If you think I hated this game you’re wrong, I actually thought it was pretty decent, I just wished the higher difficulty was available so I didn’t get so bored and had a challenge. I am judging this game as a £30 game as well, because I always factor price into the equation when doing so. Jim has given this a 9/10 on the 9 hour, £60 single player alone! If this game is a 9/10 and it’s campaign is worth the £60 alone then you’re all mental! I’ll now happily buy another, better game for £30 knowing all you morons actually believe Jim’s and your own bullshit

          • Wolfie

            Then I guess we’re all mental, because I paid $60 and fucking don’t regret it yet. And I haven’t even touched multiplayer. Better than fucking trash like Homefront Revolution.

          • Kevin Wilson

            For what version? $60 is the PC version is it not? In my country I bought the PC version for £30 ($44) and the console version that Jim reviewed is £60 ($88). This review is of a $88 dollar game to me, let’s just say 1/3 rd more than what you paid. $60 or £40 is what the PC version costs in my country, but I got 25% off. I said it gets a pass at that price in my original comment. Why you mad?

          • Wolfie

            Because I’m sick of the damn “it’s not like the original” nostalgia mentality. It was bullshit to begin with, it’s still bullshit now, and also, if I may reiterate, I’m an ornery son of a bitch with a bad temper.

            Let alone shit like “you’re all mental” and “all you morons actually believe Jim’s and your own bullshit” because I’m also an open, unabashed hypocrite and give zero fucks about it. You piss me off, and so that’s how I’m going to be in kind.

    • Jim Cravat

      Yeah, brilliant – I mean who doesn’t love being made to feel small and invalid because of what machines we put in our homes? Also: “real men cheat” – is that the message here? Did I get that right?

      • Kevin Wilson

        It’s nothing against consoles or people who play them at all, you just chose to take it that way. I own every PS console and an Xbox 360 so that should make you feel better.

        It’s more to do with developers adding these things in, they annoy me even as a console player. I’m tired of switching off auto-aim, I’m tired of cheat perks and I’m tired of hand-holding in video games, I’m not a kid any more but it seems developers make these games for them.

        Real men cheat? where the hell did you get that from? Hackers cheat in games and wall hacks were the most popular in the old doom and Quake games

        • Jim Cravat

          Chose to take it that way, hey – yeah, me and a stack of other people it seems. That’s semantics for ya, I guess. “Real men cheat”; okay I admit that was careless of me, as I guess you were getting at the fact that us console knuckle-draggers need developers to provide us with programmatic work-arounds for us to compete online, whereas the PC ubermensch just use their l33t skills. Which is obviously a much more valid point.

          Finally – are you REALLY complaining about having to go into an options menu?

          • Kevin Wilson

            You can’t turn off other peoples ability to see through walls, you can’t turn off a weapon wheel that slows down time and you can’t turn off the the health and ammo drops that make the game one of the least challenging games I have ever played. “oh you’re below 30% health, here’s some health drops for you you fucking noob”

            I don’t think console users need those things to compete against other console users, it’s of my opinion that these perks and ability’s take away from the skill involved in MP games. If an enemy can see me through a fucking wall then that is not fair and he doesn’t deserve the kill, works in the PC version as well. If you like that dumbed down shite then fair enough

          • Alex

            Surely if you also have the opportunity to see people through walls it is the very definition of fair.

            Maybe I’m missing something here, I have yet to play this game, but if you know that people can see you through walls sometimes then shouldn’t that change your playstyle to match? I mean, take UAV’s on CoD. Once you know a UAV is a thing, assuming you’re a capable gamer you might start to tread with a little caution instead of barrelling around each corner (or indeed barrel around every corner so fast that the UAV doesn’t help).

            It’s not unfair if everyone can do it and it’s not like it breaks the game or anything. I hope.

          • Kevin Wilson

            That would feel like a cheap tactic to me, I don’t think I’d get the feeling of accomplishment that I would look for in a FPS. Call of Duty is the worst offender so don’t get me started on that game

            To each their own I guess. I’ll still complain about it and stick to other games where these things aren’t present. It takes away from the immersion in first person when you have blue and red silhouettes visible through walls

            Maybe growing up on old arena shooters and skill based games was a bad thing? I wish I had started gaming on the PS3 and was 12 years old sometimes

          • MechaSlinky

            It’s fine that you like the old ways. I like them, too. But drop the fucking attitude that people who like the new stuff only do so because they’re children that “don’t know any different” (your words) because, first off, it’s ironic as hell, and second, you’re no fucking better than anyone just because you played a bunch of fucking games.

          • Kevin Wilson

            How would you be able to compare the games of the PS1 and PS2 to modern games otherwise? I believe I’m qualified to point these things out in games and say, “hold on, Imo they were better when you couldn’t see through walls and could pause the game to select weapons”

            I apologise if you don’t like my attitude but tough luck, people don’t always say things you will agree with, and I’d say standing out from the crowd is a better way to get your point across….Judging by the offensive responses so far I’d say it has worked, and you’re a hypocrite with that irony filled comment “Drop the fucking attitude” actually made me lol thanks for that

          • MechaSlinky

            “How would you be able to compare the games of the PS1 and PS2 to modern games otherwise?”

            By not being a dick.

            “I believe I’m qualified to point these things out in games and say, “hold on, Imo they were better when you couldn’t see through walls and could pause the game to select weapons””

            Yes, and that’s fine. I want to hear your opinions, and I don’t even disagree with all of them, but stop being a dick.

            “I apologise if you don’t like my attitude but tough luck, people don’t always say things you will agree with,”

            The only thing I don’t agree with is being a dick.

            “and I’d say standing out from the crowd is a better way to get your point across….Judging by the offensive responses so far I’d say it has worked,”

            No, it just got people to miss what you were actually saying and focus on how you’re being a dick.

            “and you’re a hypocrite with that irony filled comment “Drop the fucking attitude” actually made me lol thanks for that”

            I’m not sure you understand irony. See, it’s ironic that you complained about children while acting like a child. It’s wasn’t ironic that I suggested you stop being a dick.

          • Alex

            I don’t buy that If you can see through walls the game is not challenging, irrespective of why, how and when the boon is conferred or y’know, game balancing around the ability.
            Maybe I’m being foolish and naive (and 12 apparently) but I don’t see it, it doesn’t count as a cheap tactic to me any more than having a top down mini bloody map is cheating.

            CoD is the worst offender…for…a false sense of accomplishment? I mean, it’s pretty heavy handed when it comes to that but I can think of worse offenders at lavishing praise on mediocrity. CoD may be the most obvious example though.

            I can see how it might hamper your personal immersion but to be honest it doesn’t faze me and I’m surprised at your inability to cope with what is frankly not a difficult concept, nor one exceedingly beyond the realms of what tech might be able to do. So we’re upset because we can see through walls but not because we can’t demolish them, or sniff the cordite or leave the arenas…these things are more immersion breaking than the abilities (presumably) granted by your in-universe HUD.

            Why the cheap shots though? I’m not 12, I didn’t start gaming on a PS3 and more importantly it doesn’t matter. My age and experience are useful to help quickly gauge an argument but the argument stands by itself. Assume I’m a 12 year old PS3 rookie if you want but please, stick to the argument okay?

          • Jim Cravat

            To be honest with you, I don’t really rate Doom’s multiplayer at all – I think they’d’ve been better off re-inserting Doom 3’s 4 player deathmatches with no perks or loadouts or any other modern trappings – but I also didn’t feel the need to come screeching into a public forum with language bound to antagonise anyone playing Doom on a console in order to express myself.

            “you can’t turn off the the health and ammo drops that make the game one of the least challenging games I have ever played.”

            I’m deeply sorry this game isn’t hard enough for you. That must be truly awful. Is there someone you can maybe talk to about this…?

            “I own every PS console and an Xbox 360 so that should make you feel better.”

            …and again, I’m really sorry to report that this information has not made me feel any better. I’m actually off work with some kind of sinus infection today and I was really hoping this might be the answer. Appreciate the effort though!

          • Kevin Wilson

            Well glad we can agree on something at least. I wasn’t meaning to antagonise console players as I am one myself, I should have worded it better

            You’re just fighting fire with fire with your reply’s though:

            “I’m deeply sorry this game isn’t hard enough for you. That must be truly awful. Is there someone you can maybe talk to about this…?”

            Many people like some semblance of challenge in a video game, when the hardest difficulty available on the first play-through doesn’t provide this then it’s a valid criticism. I breezed through the game in 9 hours, only died a handful of times and, now that I’ve unlocked nightmare mode, I’m bored of the game and my first impression was soured (hardest difficulty locked is another valid criticism not even mentioned in this review)

            I’ve only had a couple times on here where I have managed to upset/antagonise people with my opinions, It’s not something I look to do or take enjoyment from, I was just trying to point a few things out about the game to counter Jim’s OTT praise…. especially the reviewed and overpriced console version of the game which many people will go and buy at full price off the back of this review.

            9/10….but if you are looking for a challenging single player, don’t mind playing through twice to unlock it, don’t like these dumbed down mechanics or are looking for a skill based MP arena shooter to accompany the single player experience (many people will expect that for £60)…. the score drops significantly

          • Jim Cravat

            “I was just trying to point a few things out about the game to counter Jim’s OTT praise….”

            See, I just can’t believe that mate, I’m sorry: if that were true, why not just select a phrase like “9/10’s a little high for me, since I found this a breeze compared to the Doom’s of the 90’s”? Why the diatribe about Id software pandering to children? All that’s done is make those of us who Are suitably challenged by this game annoyed at the suggestion that we share the same skillset and aspirations as 12 year old “console kiddies”, and not those of monster-cock mlg arena shooter totes hardcore warriros like yourself. What’s so wrong with being 12 anyway? Sure as shit wish I was 12 again. I’m 30, for the record, and yes I too played doom and doom 2 and Duke Nukem 3d and Rise of the Triad and Quake and UT and SiN and Half Life and really honestly NONE OF THAT makes me feel any better about myself, or any worse about Doom 2016.

          • Kevin Wilson

            My original comment was about the wall hack thing and that alone, I added in the other stuff after about the challenge after.

            If you actually go back to my original comment, try and see who I was trying to have a go at with the wall hack thing. “I remember the old days of Doom and Quake multiplayer where that was a literal hack, Nowadays it seems like THEY (the developers) add these old cheats into games for the kids and console players.

            All I said was it seems like they add these things in for kids and console users….. If I said “console kiddies” or whatever it would have been worse. I tried to separate the 2 as to not tar all console users as kids, I’m certainly not, and the fact is that THEY are adding this shit in for the kids AND console users, I can’t get around this or word it any better for you, if they add it for kids then they add it for console users as well….. I hope my other comments to other people in this thread explain myself better.

            These are all common mechanics added to console games nowadays, it’s like they work off a check-list now. I don’t want auto aim, I don’t want a weapon wheel that pauses the game and I don’t wan’t a perk that allows people to see me through walls. I too am 30 years old and have been using a controller for a long time, I’m used to challenging games from the past when these mechanics didn’t exist. I played HL2 and Battlefront on PS2 ffs I can swap weapons without pausing the game.

            You should try this on PC and you will breeze through it. With the added movement and aiming speed the game is far too easy. It wouldn’t surprise me if the enemy’s and difficulty are the same across the 2 platforms, making the game challenging for console users and piss-easy for PC users

          • Jim Cravat

            “These are all common mechanics added to console games nowadays, it’s like they work off a check-list now.”

            Yeah I’ll give you that mate, I’m sure there’s been lots of box ticking here as with most big budget releases these days. My biggest worry with Doom prior to release stemmed from knowing that the Id software of today is not the Id software of 1993 – with Bethesda’s money looming over them, there’s no way I figured they could maintain the carefree arrogance of the Carmack and Romero days. There’d be targets to hit now, shareholders to please, investments which need a return…in some ways it’s a depressing state of affairs which I think leads to the homogeny you describe, but equally I think there’s also lots of positives to the videogame industry being big business. Suits’ll always be suits though, and they’ll want to guarantee sales the only way they know how: by looking at what sells best and trying to emulate. The question for developers who aren’t content to simply me-too is how much of their original vision they can preserve – and the question for us as consumers is how much compromise can we stand. I’m gonna go with Jim in his review though and say that Id software made the best Doom game possible in the current landscape. And if it’s too much of a compromise for you, there’s still Brutal Doom.

          • Kevin Wilson

            Hey, I agree with nearly everything you said there, I don’t blame console users at all, I blame developers and the market, they have to play it safe nowadays, I get that. I just try and point out the good and bad when I see it. When I saw this getting such high praise I couldn’t believe this game I just completed was a 9/10 on the single player alone, the £60 PS4 version no less, that’s why I got a bit pissed off….

            If you think I hate this game you’re wrong, I can just see it’s far from as good as Jim says it is for the price. Now, I got it for £30 and completed it in 9 hours and in 3 sittings/days, and I have no idea if I’ll go back to it any time soon. I just felt like I was coasting through the game, I wished there was a higher difficulty but ,low-and-behold, It’s locked until you complete the game. This coasting resulted in my brain literally turning off and I got bored quick. I also didn’t like the MP (which was outsourced and doesn’t even feel the same control wise), So I’ve just spent £30 for a pretty mediocre 9 hour experience.

            If I bought this on console for £60… me, I’d be a lot harder on this game. If this single player experience is a £60, 9/10 experience then my name is Buffalo Bill…and I like skin

        • Zachiepoo

          no no no. first, YOU DONT HAVE TO USE THEM none of the hacks are forced on you, second, auto-aim is for people who need it but if you dont want it, turn it off. you do realize jim has talked shit about people like you? people who see modes and abilities in games that are OPTIONAL or dont even effect your style of play and yet you have to complain and worsen the game in your mind because it doesn’t appeal 110% to you. get over yourself, baby boy.

          • Kevin Wilson

            Yeah already covered that 1 comment below this, still can’t stop other people using them, can’t unlock the higher difficulty before completing the game and console users can’t turn off the time stopping weapon wheel 🙂

            why you mad though?

    • And the prize for the longest dick goes to…

    • Zachiepoo

      god you stupid, ignorant, elitist fucking PC cunts. fuck off and die

      • Weasel Biggs

        No opinion is worth that much anger, friend.

      • Kevin Wilson


  • eaglos

    With the MP being so naff and also no review copies going out I was sure this would be a poor effort… oh how wrong I was.

    PS : Doom on PC is 39$ right now

    • Daniel Maloney

      Please stop shilling fucking links, especially to CD key reseller sites.

      If you support the developers, you will see more games like DOOM come out if you like it so damn much.

  • eaglos

    With the MP being so naff and also no review copies going out I was sure this would be a poor effort… oh how wrong I was.

    PS : Doom on PC is 39$ right now

    • Kevin Wilson

      fuck off with those shady sites.

  • eaglos

    With the MP being so naff and also no review copies going out I was sure this would be a poor effort… oh how wrong I was.

    PS : Doom on PC is 39$ right now

  • Francesco Kasta

    Does IDDQD still work?

    • High Plains Bifta

      In the console yes, along with a whole host of others. Though none of them work for Ultra Nightmare difficulty which is as it should be.

      • Francesco Kasta


  • danielpitro

    After that disastrous beta ,and then the review copies embargo thing , I thought it will be a poor game for sure , but boy I was wrong big time .

    Also: Doom on PC is 39$ right now

  • danielpitro

    After that disastrous beta ,and then the review copies embargo thing , I thought it will be a poor game for sure , but boy I was wrong big time :p.

    Also: Doom on PC is 39$ right now

  • goombacrusher

    Doom is the best single-player shooter in at least a decade. It’s designed more like an action game the likes of which you’d see from Platinum than the cutscene and setpiece-driven design that we’ve been taught to expect from the likes of Call of Duty. The only problems I have with the campaign is that the story gets a bit confused at times about whether or not it actually gives a shit, and the presence of lengthy data logs seems a bit at odds with the frantic design. Wolfenstein was a great surprise but Doom is something really special that we haven’t had nearly enough of in modern gaming.

  • danielpitro

    After that disastrous beta ,and then the review copies embargo thing , I thought it will be a poor game for sure , but boy I was wrong big time :p.

    Also: Doom on PC is 39$ right now

    • Even Luck

      Try as they may the bot couldn’t succeed
      In baiting us readers to do what they need.
      The link is foreboding, the scam they’re promoting.
      So don’t click on it, if you please

  • danielpitro

    After that disastrous beta ,and then the review copies embargo thing , I thought it will be a poor game for sure , but boy I was wrong big time :p.

    Also: Doom on PC is 39$ right now

    • Kevin Wilson

      this should be illegal

  • danielpitro

    After that disastrous beta ,and then the review copies embargo thing , I thought it will be a poor game for sure , but boy I was wrong big time :p.

    Also: Doom on PC is 39$ right now .

    • Fallen Prime

      Or you could NOT.

    • And that is why you don’t pre-order and wait for the reviews.

      • BAH!

        It’s a spam bot, and the site is a key reseller.

  • J-P

    I also completely misjudged this game. Do the developers not know what is good and appealing about Doom? none of the previews, beta, ads ever got across the appeal of the single player campaign like Jim describes in this review.
    Now, between finishing up DS3, to Overwatch coming out next week, I just have to find the cash to buy Doom, and the time to play it.

    • Snatch Gaming

      The gameplay trailer that was out last year (I think) showed exactly what you were getting. It was the only thing that kept me from canceling my preorder. I figured it (hopefully) had to have a campaign resembling that gameplay and thankfully it did.

    • FrostAceIV

      Oh, the developers do. It’s the higher-ups and the marketing departments that don’t get it. Hence why every game on the face of the planet seems to have the same box art, too – Dude With a Gun Facing the Screen.

  • Whimsy

    I’m super surprised this game turned out as well as it did. When Bethesda announced they wouldn’t be releasing review copies ahead of launch day, I was positive they were writing it off.

    • Jim Cravat

      Definitely shared this fear! Is it like company policy? Did this happen with Fallout 4? Can’t remember…

  • danielpitro

    After that disastrous beta ,and then the review copies embargo thing , I thought it will be a poor game for sure , but boy I was wrong big time :p.

    Also: Doom on PC is 39$ right now

  • Max Whiteley

    I agree 100%

    I’m loving this game, I’ve found myself litterally screaming “DOOM!” At my tv screen! It makes feel like an over excited child again.
    As the only game releasing this year which I knew I was going to buy on day one, I can say my gut instinct didn’t let me down.
    Not playing the multiplayer beta helped as well because I went in blind!

    You should have said 9/10 (better than uncharted)

    • Gervasius

      From henceforth, always compare each game to Uncharted 4.

  • Max Whiteley

    I have to add too jims review that this game does in fact have micro transactions.
    There nothing big and aren’t part of the multiplayer.
    They are hidden away in snap map, u use them to customise the weapons and characters in your created map or single player/co-op mission

    • Gervasius

      Wait, it does? I mean, it has credits you get by playing the game, I didn’t realize you could buy them.

      • Max Whiteley

        No I just don’t understand how snap map points work!

        I take back everything I said.

  • danielpitro

    After that disastrous beta ,and then the review copies embargo thing , I thought it will be a poor game for sure , but boy I was wrong big time .

    Also: Doom on PC is 39$ right now

  • danielpitro

    After that disastrous beta ,and then the review copies embargo thing , I thought it will be a poor game for sure , but boy I was wrong big time :p .

    Also: Doom on PC is 39$ right now

    • xamaryllix

      Considering the beta was MP only, I don’t know why anyone was using it to judge the single player campaign beforehand. A little narrowminded, I’d say.

      • chrisbrady

        Because people and the general gamer audience, work on ‘first impressions’, and the MP Beta was it.

      • Uldi

        Generally, the MP is at least in shouting distance of the single player experience, and can give at least a broad impression of the game. In this case though, the MP is incredibly different from the single player. There were several mentions that they might be different, since it wasn’t id that did the MP portion of the game. But id did approve it, so it made people wary. Add in the “no review code before launch”, and gamers got nervous. So you had a nervous and cautious consumer base until the first single player streams were up and that base could see the gameplay for themselves.

  • Ben

    I can’t believe for a minute that this is better than uncharted…lol

    • xamaryllix

      Better believe it.

    • Snatch Gaming

      Depends on what you want.

    • Daniel Maloney

      You don’t have to, it’s Jims opinion.

      One I share, I got bored nearing the end of Uncharted 4, and DOOM hasn’t faltered in grabbing my attention.

    • I think scores do not work when comparing one game’s to another’s, because the number’s intend is to put on a scale how close is the game to accomplishing what it set out to do. All permeated in the beholder’s expectations and tastes.

      So look at it like this: Doom succeeded 9/10 in what it set out to do (based on Jim’s impressions, that was marrying the feeling of old Doom with what current gen consoles have to offer), while Uncharted 4 achieved it’s purpose a little less higher, based on what Jim thought that was.

      Add to that how you feel about both games’ genres and themes and you’ll find what you’re looking for: What’s the better suit for you.

      • MechaSlinky

        This may be one of the best ways to describe the idea that reviews are subjective and scoring games isn’t a science. I only wish the people who need to know this had the mental capacity to learn it.

        • It’s the kind of reviews I like. Because it reall depends on how a score greatly relies on what the reviewer intends it to be.

          One of my fav review sites was Game Trailers and I think I started to morph my way of thinking because of their reviews, which used to always linger in the high end of the score spectrum. GT’s were the only reviews I’d check even I were not interested in the game. Brandon sort of makes this implication in his writing that the only bad games are those which miss the mark of their own scope, be it for technical, design or artistic shortcomings. A 7/10 is only mediocre if you’re not invested in the genre and only play game of such ilk every once in a while, and that’s because you won’t see as clearly what the developers were trying to accomplish. Otherwise, a 7/10 is pretty solid.

          Don’t wanna drag this too long but I got mad at an article on Kotaku where they said they’ve “always said” that scores are toxic to the community. That’s ludicrous, score being divisive is a symptom of us being a bit of a childish community. It’s also kinda understandable given how much time and investmente games require of us compared to other digital entertainment hobbies so it only makes sense we get passionate about them, but that’s in no way a problem the score system brings to the table. It’s great when you us it as a gauge for game design craftmanship!

    • FrostAceIV

      Personally, yes. UC4’s visuals were stunning, as were its cinematics, but I’m into games for the mechanics, systems, etc. too, and that’s where UC4 doesn’t click with me. It’s a hodgepodge of gameplay systems that aren’t bad, but none of them are excellent either. I felt refreshed going from beating UC4 to Doom’s campaign, where I don’t feel compelled to speed through the actual game just to get the story bits. The action’s enjoyable.

    • I can’t believe for a minute commenters like you still exist…lol

  • HisDivineOrder

    The best thing you can say about the Doom (2016) story is that it’s incredibly minimalistic. As in, Doom presents the Doomguy as basically the Jason Voorhees for demons. Their screams and wails and roars are all basically them running for their lives as he tears through them, quite literally.

    And Hell is his Camp Crystal Lake.

    • thatdamnrat

      In your analogy wouldn’t Mars be Camp Crystal Lake? And does that mean the demons are smoking drugs and having premarital sex?

      • asdfghjkl

        Well they are demons, and you know, sins and all that jazz

  • Shui Gor

    Great review, Jim: Doom 2016 is probably the most purest form of the entire genre to date.

    • Alexey Loginov

      Well if a genre you’re defining is console arena shooter, then, yes. As a pc gamer, im severely dissapointed.

  • Snatch Gaming

    This described my experience more eloquently than I’ve been attempting to the last few days. The game doesn’t try to be anything it’s not, and is better for it. It’s not a game that lends itself well to ticking off boxes on a checklist, but it’s FUN. It’s a violent, no frills, no nonsense game and that’s precisely WHY it’s fun. Some of these bigger devs and publishers need to realize there’s more than one way to skin a cat when making a successful big budget game, and that the safe route might not always have the benefits of doing something that runs counter to everything else that’s on the shelves that day.

  • danielpitro

    After that disastrous beta ,and then the review copies embargo thing , I thought it will be a poor game for sure , but boy I was wrong big time :p .

    Also: Doom on PC is 39$ right now

    • Daniel Maloney

      One day, it’d be nice to comment on a review and Jim’s hard work without wading through a collection of “this comment has been deleted” or CD Key Reselling scum shills…

      …But alas, today is not that day.

  • danielpitro

    After that disastrous beta ,and then the review copies embargo thing , I thought it will be a poor game for sure , but boy I was wrong big time :p .

    Also: Doom on PC is 39$ right now

    • Daniel Maloney

      If you give the $39 to me, I can write “FUCK OFF” with a nice font and everything, a much better use of $39 wouldn’t you agree?

  • Calamity2007

    I admit I was skeptical when this game was shown in the beta, as many people were, but come release it proves to be awesome. I am not sure if I would be willing to pay $60 yet for it but I will definitely pick it up one day. I am surprised the shite marketing Bethesda did for it. I guess they hate the idea that a linear game with actual fun gameplay can beat a mediocre open world game *cough* Fallout 4 *cough*

    • Gervasius

      Yeah, the marketing for Doom made me feel like Bethesda wanted to make sure the game, under no circumstances, ever, sold a single copy.
      And here, I’m like… “Whyyy?”

  • danielpitro

    After that disastrous beta ,and then the review copies embargo thing , I thought it will be a poor game for sure , but boy I was wrong big time :p .

    Also: Doom on PC is 39$ right now

    • Gervasius

      Literally nothing about the development of this game showed promise.
      And yet.

  • Kyle Pierce

    So what you’re saying is… Doom is better than Uncharted 4? xD

    • Alexander Yordanov

      Is that a surprise?

  • Peter O’Hanraha-hanrahan

    In many ways this is what I wanted from the recent wolfenstein games.

    No story getting in the way of the all important ultra-violence and a cavalcade of cool weapons and monsters to mess with.

    Don’t give a fuck about multiplayer tbh but the snap map thing is pretty cool. Already made myself several simple wave based arenas, can’t picture getting bored with this any time soon.

    • Gervasius

      Actually I loved the story aspect of Wolfenstein: The New Order. Who knew? I didn’t like the crap like the micro-diving-machine, though.

      • Peter O’Hanraha-hanrahan

        Didn’t really fit for me personally, it certainly wasn’t awful but it just felt out of place and tonally at odds with the run and gun gameplay.

        But for me I think the real reason I struggled to get into it was the lack of occultism and demonic nazi shenanigans. I missed it dearly and no amount of robodogs could replace it.

        • Gervasius

          Yeah, you gotta love the creepy, paranormal stuff.

          • Uldi

            But that didn’t play a large role in Wolfenstein until “Return to Castle Wolfenstein”; even “Spear of Destiny” didn’t have much paranormal stuff until the end of the game. And it wasn’t developed by id software, just published by them.

        • Benson

          have you tried the old blood?

        • Thomas Pierson

          Recommend you give The Old Blood a look. No BS plot getting in the way and some genuine humor.

        • zeeby

          you should try the old boot.

      • camolot the creator

        New Order was… Alright, I guess? Kind-of felt like a run-of-the-mill FPS to me; my time might have been spent better elsewhere.

        Final score: Meh.

        However, I will agree that the story was surprisingly good and compelling.
        Then, of course, there’s the part where you shoot Nazis.
        With space lasers.
        ON THE MOON.
        If you can’t tell, that was my favorite part.

    • Jim Cravat

      Peter you’re lying in a news grave…

    • Alexander Yordanov

      Wolfenstein had the story aspects in them since 1982(for the time). It was a stealth game. And RTCW, had a story and was both an action and stealth game.

      TNO followed suit. Only Wolf 3D is pure action.

  • Viggo

    Since this is 0.5 better than Uncharted 4, I’ll get Doom instead.

  • danielpitro

    After that disastrous beta ,and then the review copies embargo thing , I thought it will be a poor game for sure , but boy I was wrong big time :p .

    Also: Doom on PC is 39$ right now

  • nagatsu

    Where are all the Uncharted fanboys losing their shit over the score?

    Oh well, great review anyway, Jim.

  • danielpitro

    After that disastrous beta ,and then the review copies embargo thing , I thought it will be a poor game for sure , but boy I was wrong big time :p .

    Also: Doom on PC is 39$ right now

    • Dan

      Yeah.. really nice to support a gray market seller that has been proven to sell stolen keys.
      I approve of people trying to save money, but at least try to think where you buy and where the stuff you buy comes from.

    • I AM A TENT

      Also: SPAM

  • twigcollins

    I know you were leery of this one after all the pre-game shenanigans. I hope you can point to this review in the future when anyone suggests that you don’t give games the benefit of the doubt or enjoy it more when a game is shit.

    I love being proven wrong when a game throws up warning signs and still ends up being great.

    • Thomas Pierson

      I LOVE that! It doesn’t happen often, but when it does I willfully part with the cash.

  • Thomas Pierson

    I can’t wait to get my hands on this one; have to do adult stuff first though; damn kids and their need for food. What a pain!

    • MechaSlinky

      Let the kids eat each other. Every problem solved!

      • Gervasius


  • chrisbrady

    I so want this game, but at 80 bucks CDN, I’m going to have to wait for a sale. And even, I doubt I can do 40. But I WILL TRY! Everything I’ve seen makes it look AWESOME!

    • Shui Gor

      From a fellow Canadian, the campaign alone is WORTH the $79.99 price tag.

      • chrisbrady

        From what I’ve seen, I agree. Thing is, being crippled, and thus uncared about by the Provincial and Federal government level, I’m poor. I can’t afford an 80 dollar game anymore.

        I want to. Dear God, I want this game! But… Oh well. Maybe in a couple of years.

  • danielpitro

    After that disastrous beta ,and then the review copies embargo thing , I thought it will be a poor game for sure , but boy I was wrong big time :p .

    Also: Doom on PC is 39$ right now

    • Bosch

      For everyone else’s information, I don’t think this spam is actually from G2A itself. I fed the link into and it resolves to a G2A referral URL (the ones that follow the format of /r/insert-username-here). Folks get a kickback from the site if someone buys something after following a referral link to it. Not saying there aren’t plenty of other reasons to be peeved at G2A, but I don’t think they’re behind this, or there would be no need to tie it to a referral to an account. Besides that, if G2A were running bots, I’m pretty sure they’d be romping all over the site instead of focusing on just this article (unless they are and I’ve just missed it). It’s probably just some lone twit trying to scam some cash, be it a bot or just persistent copy-and-paste.

      • kanizDS

        Jim is making money here , the spamming dude is also making some leftovers , and boy you wrote an article there just for the sake of it , just flag and move on pfffffffffffffffff

        • Bosch

          I understand. The only reason someone would make a comment that a comment they didn’t have to read was too long for their tastes would be if someone is in their house, a gun to their head, forcing them to read Disqus comments, and they’re trying to get out a coded cry for help. The police have been called. Hang in there. You’re going to be okay.

          • camolot the creator

            Initiate the slow clap.

  • danielpitro

    After that disastrous beta ,and then the review copies embargo thing , I thought it will be a poor game for sure , but boy I was wrong big time :p .

    Also: Doom on PC is 39$ right now

  • danielpitro

    With the MP being so naff and also no review copies going out I was sure this would be a poor effort… oh how wrong I was.

    PS: Doom on PC is 39$ right now

  • BornFlunky

    The game’s great! That’s fantastic.

    That makes the fact that there were no pre-release review copies all the more baffling.

  • Nobody’s Fanboy

    I’m officially curious.

    Tell me one thing, if you can: How is the atmosphere? Maybe it’s just nostalgia, but DOOM was always a horror game at its core: Alone, outnumbered, and not enough ammo to do the job right. Somewhere in the darkness, in the sprawling labyrinth of a map, was a pinky. It was close, you could hear it, but where was OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK.

    Then again, that may just be me proving my age, given that even the last few Resident Evils have been absurd power fantasies.

    I’d have to play it to know, but I could probably live with “Bulletstorm with Demons”.

    • Joseph Smith

      I’ve played about six hours of the campaign at this point, and I’ve not had any of that having just returned to hell with Mister Bigdemon. It’s just been a big, bright, beautiful blood fountain to frolic through (playing on the second easiest difficulty).

      Generally there are arenas to duke it out in that you pass through with a couple of lower leveled demons sprinkled in between.

      You may get the tension with higher difficulties when you’re playing cat and mouse with the final demon left in an arena, but from my experience I wouldn’t go in expecting that kind of experience.

      I hope that answers your question!

      • Nobody’s Fanboy

        A very good answer, thank you!

    • DaDillsta

      DOOM was never a horror game at it’s core? DOOM 3 maybe but DOOM 1 and 2 were pure action/puzzle games.

      • Kelerak

        The original DOOM was going to be a horror game, I believe, but Romero came along and said “Fuck that!” and tossed it out.

    • grenadeh

      Doom was never a horror game at it’s core. Sorry. And there was always enough ammo.

  • danielpitro

    With the MP being so naff and also no review copies going out I was sure this would be a poor effort… oh how wrong I was.

    PS: Doom on PC is 39$ right now

    • I AM A TENT


  • Mr. Q

    “here’s your story: demons over there, KILL THEY ASS.” – Yahtzee Croshaw

    Of course, he was talking about Ninja Gaiden at the time but I’m sure it can apply to Doom 2016.

  • danielsouhi

    To be honest , I wasn’t expecting i to be this good , they handled everything poorly this far , bad PR and garbage Mp , but the campaign is something to behold .

    Ps; Doom on PC is 37$ right now

  • Vaughan MacDonald

    I think I broke the game during the Cyberdemon fight, because I stun locked him into oblivion with the shotgun (which did more damage than just about any other weapon). I can -kinda- see what Jim meant by him going down like a chump….

    • Chewbakka

      I hope they add even more difficulties for the campaign 😛

      • Artemiy

        Everything kills you in one hit, including the posessed. Also there’s permadeath. =)

    • grenadeh

      He said CD went down like a chump because it was the easiest fight in the history of Doom. It was literally harder to kill the first set of Barons you fight in Doom 1.

  • danielsouhi

    To be honest , I wasn’t expecting i to be this good , they handled everything poorly this far , bad PR and garbage Mp , but the campaign is something to behold .

    Ps; Doom on PC is 37$ right now

  • StoneBasilisk

    This is the game Duke Nukem: Forever WISHES it had been.

  • danielsouhi

    To be honest , I wasn’t expecting it to be this good , they handled everything poorly this far, bad PR and garbage Mp , but the campaign is something to behold .

    Ps; Doom on PC is 36$ right now

    • I AM A TENT


      • Chewbakka

        Its g2a so its not like its an untrustworthy site. Just someone pointing out the deal 😛

        • I AM A TENT

          It’s the same message repeated over an over by multiple accounts in the comment section. It’s spam.

  • danielsouhi

    To be honest , I wasn’t expecting it to be this good , they handled everything poorly this far, bad PR and garbage Mp , but the campaign is something to behold .

    Ps; Doom on PC is 36$ right now

    • I AM A TENT

      Still SPAM

  • danielsouhi

    To be honest , I wasn’t expecting it to be this good , they handled everything poorly this far, bad PR and garbage Mp , but the campaign is something to behold .

    Ps; Doom on PC is 36$ right now

  • Ultimate Survivor

    People who are so… passionate about the score really baffle me. It’s being rated similarly by most other sources and publications, why is Jim being singled out then?

  • danielsouhi

    To be honest , I wasn’t expecting it to be this good , they handled everything poorly this far, bad PR and garbage Mp , but the campaign is something to behold .

    Ps; Doom on PC is 36$ right now

  • sadirnachor

    It was expected , this game to perform poorly but not 1/10 poorly , it’s a bit rough even for a game that is garbage .

    PS: Homefront: The Revolution is 42 on PC right now

  • Xono

    With the MP being so naff and also no review copies going out I was sure this would be a poor effort… oh how wrong I was.

    PS : Doom on PC is 36$ right now .

  • Charlie MacLean

    Jim, I’m curious what difficulty you played on – the review seems spot-on to my experience (I’m on one of the final few levels), but I was extremely impressed with the Cyberdemon fight. I was initially a little let down, but much like some of the best Dark Souls 3 bosses, its second-wind threw me for a loop. Thought it was mechanically varied and satisfyingly lengthy. For reference, I played most of the game on Ultra-Violence, but I’m also using a controller, which may add some difficulty in its own right.

  • BigPrimeNumbers

    I am loving what I’ve seen so far in the campaign; thought the executions might be an unwanted addition, but turns out they’re actually fast and tactical (kind of like Bloodborne’s Regain system).

  • Xono

    With the MP being so naff and also no review copies going out I was sure this would be a poor effort… oh how wrong I was.

    PS : Doom on PC is 36$ right now .

  • Za_Docta

    What we could have had instead:

  • TonyTwoToes


    At the very least he must be a fan of the jimquisition/ podquisition.

  • camolot the creator

    With all the weird little things that were orbiting this game prior to release (bad showing, negative reaction to multiplayer beta, lack of review copies) I was honestly afraid we were going to get another Sonic Boom: a game that was part of an old and respected series that turned out to be the worst yet.

    However, all of these fear were, gratefully, proven completely false upon the release, when it turned out to be even better than we could have ever hoped.
    Good work, Bethesda; first Fallout 4, then this? You’re shaping up to be my favorite AAA publisher!

    Not that that’s saying much, but still…

  • Xono

    With the MP being so naff and also no review copies going out I was sure this would be a poor effort… oh how wrong I was.

    PS : Doom on PC is 36$ right now .

  • Gripper 6

    Hey you made it big, id has noticed your review and used it on the steam image you might not be able to see the imafe but a bit of the reveiw is there

    • Mark S

      Love how no one even cares about IGN’s reviews anymore since they hit joke-meme status years ago.

  • Xono

    With the MP being so naff and also no review copies going out I was sure this would be a poor effort… oh how wrong I was.

    PS : Doom on PC is 36$ right now .

  • grenadeh

    A very literal Hell? Jim sir you clearly don’t understand the word Hell. Hell in this game is “very literally” an alternate reality, or dimension, or simply another planet. It is far closer to Outworld from Mortal Kombat in story and appearance.
    The original games weren’t overly concerned with the popular Christian and Dante Alighieri depictions of Hell either, but this one put absolutely no effort into giving hell any personality beyond “There’s lots of blood and skulls and look here’s the dead Icon of Sin.”
    I couldn’t disagree much more with every word in this review. The soundtrack was awful 95% of the time. It was just a hodgepodge of Demon Hunter and Slipknot and Meshuggah-esque riffs that made the game ring like a hollow attempt at presenting a more fun version of Killing Floor 2.
    Sadly, the lore of this game was actually the best part.