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Publisher Description

Barkhuis publishes books, journals, and websites for the academic community. They also publish books for a broader audience, generally written by academic specialists.

Books in JSTOR from Barkhuis
24 Books in JSTOR Copyright Date
Alexander Romance in Persia and the East 2012
The Ancient Novel and Early Christian and Jewish Narrative: Fictional Intersections 2012
Antarctic policymaking and science in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany (1957-1990) 2009
Authors, Authority, and Interpreters in the Ancient Novel: Essays in Honor of Gareth L. Schmeling 2006
The Bakhtin Circle and Ancient Narrative 2005
The Construction of the Real and the Ideal in the Ancient Novel 2013
Echoing Narratives: Studies of Intertextuality in Greek and Roman Prose Fiction 2011
Fictional Traces: Receptions of the Ancient Novel - Volume 2 2011
Fictional Traces: Receptions of the Ancient Novel - Volume 1 2011
The footprint of Polar tourism: Tourist behaviour at cultural heritage sites in Antarctica and Svalbard 2011
The Greek and the Roman Novel: Parallel Readings 2007
Greek Identity and the Athenian Past in Chariton: The Romance of Empire 2007
Het topje van de ijsberg: 35 jaar Arctisch centrum (1970-2005) 2005
LASHIPA: History of Large Scale Resource Exploitation in Polar Areas 2012
Lectiones Scrupulosae: Essays on the Text and Interpretation of Apuleius' Metamorphoses in Honour of Maaike Zimmerman 2006
Metaphor and the Ancient Novel 2005
Paideia at Play 2008
A Passion for the Pole: Ethological Research in Polar Regions 2008
Permanence in Diversity: Netherlands Ecological Research on Edgeøya, Spitsbergen 2004
Philosophical Presences in the Ancient Novel 2007
Readers and Writers in the Ancient Novel 2009
The Recollections of Encolpius: The Satyrica of Petronius as Milesian Fiction 2004
Seeing Tongues, Hearing Scripts: Orality and Representation in the Ancient Novel 2007
Space in the Ancient Novel 2002