아이허브 신규가입 크게 증가해, ‘무려 29%’

새해 맞이 세일이 효과를 발휘해 건강 상품 온라인 쇼핑몰인 아이허브(iHerb)의 신규 회원 가입이 크게 증가했다. 1월 달에 아이허브의 신규 가입자는 전 달 대비 29% 상승했다고 아이허브에서 16일 공식 발표하였다. 아이허브는 이런 회원 증가세를 2024년 새로이 시작된 해에 신규 피드백 프로모션의 성공이 크게 기여했다고 보고있다. 새해를 맞아 아이허브가 신규 회원들에게 선보인 전품목 할인 프로모션은 광범위한 할인

Unveiling the Key Benefits of Precision Alignment Exercises

Let’s dive into a realm where achieving the perfect posture becomes a reality through the practice of precision alignment exercises. This transformative approach to enhancing your well-being delves beyond the conventional techniques, aiming to refine and optimize the alignment of your body for improved health and vitality. The Foundation of Precision Alignment Exercises Precision alignment

The Thrill of Rock Climbing: A Beginner’s Guide to the Basics

Have you ever felt the rush of adrenaline as you conquer a towering rock face, relying solely on your strength and skill to reach the summit? If not, then rock climbing may just be the perfect adventure for you. Often referred to as the ultimate outdoor sport, sports climbing is a challenging and exhilarating activity

The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to CrossFit

Introduction to CrossFit CrossFit is a high-intensity fitness program that combines elements of weightlifting, gymnastics, and cardiovascular training. It is designed to improve overall fitness and endurance through a variety of functional movements. CrossFit is known for its constantly varied workouts that challenge both the body and mind. If you’re new to CrossFit, it’s essential

The Power of Bodyweight Exercise for Achieving Fitness Goals

Introduction In the realm of fitness, one of the most underrated yet effective forms of exercise is bodyweight training. This type of workout requires no equipment, making it accessible to everyone, regardless of their location or budget. Bodyweight exercises utilize the individual’s weight to create resistance, helping to build strength, improve flexibility, and enhance overall

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