Kenneth L. Marcus: King Canard and the Lie of Anti-Semitism By Arthur Topham


Kenneth L. Marcus: King Canard and the Lie of Anti-Semitism

A response to the Marcus Interview in the Canadian Jewish News


Arthur Topham

UPDATE: DEC. 23/15

Editor’s Note: In the interest of dialogue I posted the following comment on the Canadian Jewish News website where Kenneth L. Marcus’s interview was published. When I clicked “send” the following window appeared:


Four hours later when I checked to see if my comment had appeared on the site I found this:


So I suppose it proves the point that I’ve been trying to make when it comes to dialoguing with the Zionist Jews:

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A dear friend recently alerted me to a Jonathan Dick email interview in the Canadian Jewish News with Kenneth L. Marcus, self-chosen founder, president and legal beagle for his Zionist propaganda organization titled the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law. The reason for doing so was because Marcus had mentioned my trial here in Canada in response to a question from Dick regarding whether he could provide readers with any specific examples of anti-Semitism “in a Canadian context”.

Marcus’s interview was mainly focused on the Zionist’s ongoing attempts at equating “anti-Semitism” with criticism of Israel and its Zionist ideology within the context of what the Zionists perceive as a growing resurgence of “anti-Semitism” on U.S. campuses. My response is as follows:

In his interview with the Canadian Jewish News Kenneth L. Marcus tells us that he “sadly discovered that anti-Semitism was surging on university campuses” but of course fails to address the reasons why he perceives such a phenomenon occurring today.

In response to the question, “How do you feel about the EU’s recent ruling in the labelling of products originating from Israeli settlements? Could this type of legislation bolster anti-Semitism globally?” Marcus replies that “The European Union’s labelling policy is classically discriminatory in that it subjects products produced in Jewish-owned businesses to adverse treatment. It is no mere response to occupation.” and then goes on to state that “Other countries are engaged in occupations, but Europe does not treat them in this way.” This of course is pure, outright hypocrisy and bigotry veiled behind a lame, undocumented accusation that other nations are doing it so why can’t Israel.

Marcus then attempts to suggest that the reason for Israel being singled out is simply because it is a “Jewish state” as if that, in itself, was something warranting a positive response. Merely making such a confession is proof enough that Israel is a RACIST, Jews-only state that treats its own non-Jewish, Arab and Christian citizens as second class, thus refusing them equality under state laws.

To then further his sophistry Marcus has the unmitigated gall to state that “The EU’s actions make sense only as an example of anti-Jewish hate. The EU may protest that they are not anti-Semitic. But their actions speak for themselves.”

It didn’t take Marcus too long to get to the “hate” factor which is the essence of his groundless accusations against the EU, “hate” of course being the semantic oil that the Zionist Jew applies liberally to every aspect of Jewish misfeasance and crime against humanity in order to make their “anti-Semitism” canard run smoothly throughout their global network of lies, deception, and brainwashing.

Marcus adds, “Whether consciously or unconsciously, Europe’s leaders are treating Israel as the collective Jew, assailing its legitimacy in the same way that their ancestors challenged the legitimacy of the Jewish people.” It begs the question as to whether or not Marcus actually expects readers to fall for such simplistic, transparent jingoism given that during the last genocide of the Palestinian people of Gaza by the Israeli state the Israeli people were 95% in favour of the wanton bombing and killing of thousands of innocent men, women and children. No Marcus you’re wrong. Israel IS the collective Jew in that its Jewish population, as a collective, whole-heartedly endorses mass genocide of innocent Palestinian citizens and the theft of their legitimate territory and it therefore begs the question as to why it’s that difficult for Marcus to understand such a simple and truthful concept?

Then, to add further injury to his already pretentious, self-righteous accusations, Marcus has the chutzpah to reference the charlatan of all modern-day charlatans, Elie Wiesel and allude to his fictional, propagandist novel, Night, as a “classic”. Yes, Kenneth it truly is a classic alright; a classic example of pure, fictional lies and hate propaganda designed to promote endless Germanophobia and prop up the Zionist 6 Million “holocaust” lie that the Jew media has been inculcating into gentile minds since the end of WW II. It’s lies and bigotry are only surpassed by that other hideous “classic” Jewish “hate” novel, Germany Must Perish! penned by the American Jewish writer Theodore N. Kaufman back in 1941.

Of closer note though are references to your traitorous Canadian Jew associates/advisers like Irwin Cotler who has been working tirelessly for decades to undermine Canada’s Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms by conspiring with like-minded dual-citizen Israeli/Canadian Jews and gentile sycophants to promote his brain-scheme the “Ottawa Protocols” along with infesting Canada’s judicial system with Talmudic-driven “Hate Propaganda” legislation such as Sec. 319(2) under which I was recently falsely accused, tried and (thus far) found guilty on one count out of two of “promoting hatred” toward “people of the Jewish religion or ethnic origin”.

Your remark that, “Part of the problem is that anti-Semitism is not widely enough understood.” is a classic statement in itself Kenneth. Most intelligent observers of the actions of the state of Israel are quite aware of the discrepancies that exist within that government’s policies toward non-Jews, be they the second-class citizens within Israel or the Arab people of Palestine, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that Israel’s actions are legally and morally reprehensible and most worthy of condemnation by any normal, civilized nation or individual. No, Kenneth, we don’t need any more “education” from the Zionists about what Jewish hatred toward non-Jews is all about. We see it enacted daily around the world in both the open and hidden actions of the Zionists everywhere. The only “problem” is you and your ilk who cannot seem to grasp the obvious truth that it’s your actions against others that call forth the indignation and displeasure of decent people around the world; healthy, natural reactions which you refuse to acknowledge because of your own grotesquely perverse mindset that sees any attempt to dissuade you from your killing and destructive behaviour as merely “anti-Semitism”.

As for young people today on campuses reacting with horror and revulsion upon witnessing the actions of Israel against the defenceless Palestinian people of Gaza and the West Bank this is no different than the reactions of young people on campuses back in the 1960s when the Viet Nam war was being enacted before the world. Judging from your age you were likely still in diapers at the time or else unborn but I clearly recall the temper of those times. The only difference now is that it’s not the US military doing the slaughtering but the IDF and so for students to be able to recognize who the guilty culprits are is as simple as going online and watching the devastation. But not only have you got this wrong Kenneth you’re also out to lunch as well in stating that “North American campuses often harbour radical left-wing movements that are hostile to Israel, Zionism, and the Jewish people.” If you knew your “left-wingers” you’d know that most of them support the actions of Israel for the “left” is but another category of the Zionist conspiracy. It’s the truth-revealers and those on the right who condemn Israel’s heinous actions not the “left”.

Your attempt to lay blame on the German people (again) for being the original instigators of boycotts like the BDS movement is another futile gesture which others have exposed in the comments section below your CJN article. Again, it all boils down to your refusal to look into the mirror and see yourself for what you are – a pretentious fool so entangled in your own convoluted, Talmudic “logic” and sophistry that you cannot extricate yourself from an identity that’s leading you and your Zionist cohorts to the edge of that same self-created abyss you’ve always arrived at throughout history.

Your advice to college students again illustrates the degree to which you misinterpret what’s happening to Jewish people everywhere due to the actions of the Zionist element which is apparently now beyond redemption. To suggest that people should “maintain the moral high ground” and not “use the vicious tactics of Jewry’s enemies” has got to be another gross example of Zion’s fatuous, deluded mentality given the incredibly immoral actions on the part of the state of Israel which you are attempting to legitimize in your interview. The same goes for your advice to “Stay safe”, “Stand tall”, “Organize”, “Collaborate”, “Educate”, “Cooperate”, “Laugh” and “Fight”. These are actions for individuals who are ethical and moral beings; people who understand what truth and freedom and justice mean. It’s obvious from the stance that you take in this interview that none of those qualities could ever apply to people who condone what the state of Israel is doing to the Palestinian people and others around the world.

In a further question form Dick “Could you provide specific examples of recent anti-Semitism in a Canadian context?” you replied, “More recently, one thinks about the trial of Arthur Topham [emphasis added. A.T.]”

It’s good that you should think about the trial of Arthur Topham Kenneth Marcus. You and all the rest of the Zionist Jews across Canada, the USA, the EU and elsewhere in the world. That trial is far from over and there will be additional lessons to be learned by studying its unfoldment. It’s not, as you would suggest, a case involving “anti-Semitism” but rather a case revealing to the world the TRUTH about the extent of Zionist Jew collusion and conspiracy, not only in Canada, but in every democratic nation around the planet. It’s a case of wilful collusion designed to destroy the civil and legal rights of individuals and prevent people from expressing on the internet their opinions and thoughts on political matters relevant to their own lives, the lives of their families and friends and their respective nations. What’s really on trial in the Arthur Topham case Kenneth is whether Truth or Deception will reign supreme in the future of free and democratic countries around the world. Your “anti-Semitism” canard is but an old, worn-out, transparently duplicitous epithet whose time is long past and will never serve to cover up the crimes of the Zionists as it once did when you controlled all the major media sources.

Dick’s final question to Marcus: “Where do you see Israel in ten years? Where do you see the state of global anti-Semitism/anti-Zionism in ten years?”

Your final comment Kenneth that the future of Israel and of the Jewish people is “in our hands” couldn’t be closer to the truth although you obviously cannot envision what that truth is or how it might unfold for the “Jewish people”.

The “truth” is unfolding before your eyes and before the eyes of all Zionists today, be they Jewish or gentile, yet you are unable to recognize it for what it is because of your own lack of prejudicial understanding and the age-old handicap known as the Talmudic mindset that has formed the foundational basis of your religious/political ideology over the past two thousand years.

Seeing as how Christmas and Hannukah are currently underway it might be a fitting time to draw some analogies from these two historic events.

Just as Jesus Christ attempted to convince the Jewish Pharisees and Sanhedrin of old that their stifling, dead letter approach to divine Law was no longer relevant in a world evolving toward love, peace, universal brotherhood and freedom of the individual, so too now, as the world at large is attempting to tell you once again that your actions and Israel’s actions are no longer acceptable to the freedom-loving people of the world today, you are still doing your utmost to deny what’s happening and resorting to the only escape you feel is available which is to delude yourselves and others into thinking that the truth-revealers who are trying to help you avoid the ultimate pitfall actually “hate” you and wish to do you wrong. Nothing could be further from the truth Kenneth.

Your Pharisaic, Talmudic legacy was responsible for the murdering of the prophets of old in a vain attempt to co-opt the divinity of the heavenly Father and claim Providence as your own but that time has now passed away. As things stand today it’s inconceivable that Israel will still exist as a nation in ten years if it doesn’t break free from its Pharisiac-imposed, ghetto consciousness (psychosis) wherein it sees every action designed to enlighten it and bring it back into the family of man as mere “anti-Semitism”. The global truth movement Kenneth will not be stopped. It’s unstoppable as the rising sun is unstoppable. The Zionist’s licence to indiscriminately kill has been revoked. The light of truth is increasing at an exponential rate and cannot be resisted without having major detrimental effects upon those who fight against it. You do have the power to change Kenneth but that power will only come from recognizing the error of your ways and returning to a path of peace and love for all of humanity not just your own tribe. Only then will you and the rest of humanity achieve what you term “justice for all”.

Topham, Zionist Elders and their Trial Protocols by Eric Walberg


Topham, Zionist Elders and their Trial Protocols

Thursday, 26 November 2015 

By Eric Walberg

The trials and tribulations of Arthur Topham reveal details about the penchant of Zionists for conspiracy even in the minutest details. The key document, as described earlier, was Israel Must Perish!, Topham’s parody based on a now forgotten book Germany Must Perish! (1942) by Theodore Kaufman. Next the tired, old Protocols of the Elders of Zion were trotted out as evidence. Officially the Protocols were declared a forgery in a Swiss court in 1935, though no one ever made clear just what it was a forgery of, and they are easily available on the internet, so what makes Topham particularly guilty of anything in regards to them remained a mystery, despite the rigours of Canadian justice.

Another part of the Crown’s “Book of Evidence” was Elizabeth Dilling Stokes’ book The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today (1964, self published). Dilling Stokes was–I quote Wikipedia: “an American anti-communist and later antisemitic social activist, as well as an anti-war campaigner and writer in the 1930s and 1940s. She stood trial for sedition in Washington in 1944. The author of four political books, Dilling claimed that Marxism and ‘Jewry’ were synonymous.”

Dilling Stokes was both an American anti-communist (that’s OK) and later an antisemitic social activist (that’s NOT OK). A noisy isolationist, she was tried for opposing WWII when it was no longer fashionable. The gripe against her today is her claim that Marxism and “Jewry” were synonymous, though this was the view of such eminent pundits as Winston Churchill, and is still fervently believed today, though no one but Topham is being persecuted for it.

And finally, The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed, a popular WWII correspondent. Reed’s Insanity Fair (1938) was a hit in 1938 warning of Hitler’s mad rush to war. A militant anti-fascist. Sounds good to me. Reed wrote Controversy in the 1950s, but could find no publisher, and it only saw the light of day in 1978. His concern was “the continued role of the Middle East as the tinderbox, that can become the cause of the next world war, and the continued suppression and misrepresentation, in the media, of all news and discussion,” according to Knud Eriksen. Reed also dabbled in Jewish history, convinced that there is a long running conspiratorial history behind Judaism.

But, I again quote Wikipedia: “When The Times ran his obituary, it condemned Reed as a ‘virulent anti-Semite,’ although Reed himself claimed that he drew a distinction between opposition to Zionism and anti-Semitism.” Reed later wrote that Ian Smith’s apartheid Rhodesia should be defended “as ‘the last bulwark against the Third World War, just as Czechoslovakia should have been defended against Hitler in 1938.”

No mention in his writings of wiping out Israel, or hating Jews. On the contrary, Reed’s final words in Controversy are, “I think, that the Jews of the world are beginning to realize the wrong of revolutionary Zionism, the twin of the other destructive movement, Communism, and that towards the end of this 20th Century they will finally have decided to join in the ranks of mankind.”

Who wrote the “Book of Evidence”?

Why my niggling references to Wikipedia? Because I could just as easily be footnoting the “expert witness” “Book of Evidence” submitted by the accusers at Topham’s trial. Written without attribution.

Quotes require a citation (or at the very least, a rewrite). Well, the “expert witness” in Topham’s trial, Len Rudner (if it was him) was not so rigorous. In preparing his “Book of Evidence”, he just cut-and-pasted his bits and pieces of pseudo-proof of anti-Semitism at Wikipedia and no doubt elsewhere. As with his submission of the sizzling graphic as evidence of Topham’s hatred, Rudner seems to be working for the Jews’ purported enemy (much like the tragic Kaufman).

But is Rudner the ‘brains’, or the Jewish Sancho Panza? The stooge? The sequence of events in the farcical trial actually starts with Bernie Farber, the original “expert witness”. Farber is–I’m quoting his statement to the Court on September 30, just days before the trial was to start–“Executive Director of the Mosaic Institute, a research ‘think tank’ that supports multiculturalism and pluralism in Canada.” Prior to that, he was “Chief Executive Officer of Canadian Jewish Congress and in that capacity testified [sic] for the Crown as an expert on Jewish issues”.

Farber submitted his “Book of Evidence” and then suddenly recused himself. His charge against Topham: claiming “Jewish control of media and banking and the sowing of corruption and religious discord”.

Whoa. A few statistics can show Jewish pre-eminence in media and banking. It’s not hard to prove “sowing corruption and religious discord” either. Pretty thin ice.

Enter Faber’s “roady” Rudner, as performer Atzmon affectionately calls him. From the start, there was serious doubt about just how “expert” Rudner was. The Crown tried to verify this only once–under pressure–after Topham’s lawyer, Barclay Johnson, challenged Rudner and embarrassed him, as he couldn’t even define anti-Semitism or Zionism without read from his notes, an odd inarticulateness for an “expert”. Finally the Crown, Jennifer Johnston, was forced to ask Rudner: “Did you write this document?” to which he answered: “To the best of my knowledge I wrote this document”.

An “expert witness” who couldn’t even define anti-Semitism without cribbing from his notes. Atzmon had seen Farber’s notes as the original expert witness, and when he read

Rudner’s, he saw they were identical, but were being pawned off as Rudner’s. Even more devastating, Farber had forgotten to turn off ‘viewing mode’ ‘mark up’ in the Word document, and Gilad noticed a comment on September 26 by Rudner: “Bernie. Let me know what books you want to use to support this position and I will add them as footnotes.” The emperor was wearing no clothes, and the Crown and judge chose not to notice.


Perjury? Call a mistrial and go after Rudner? At the very least, this was a blatant attempting to deceive the jury.

And why didn’t Rudner just ‘fess up? Why perjure oneself? Atzmon joked to the author, “If I was asked under oath: Did you write Altneuland (Old New Land) [by Zionism’s founder Theordore Herzel] I would just say NO!”

And why didn’t Farber stick with his task? Cold feed? Farber is eager to join the electoral ranks as a Liberal and an ugly, skewed trial with him at the centre would muddy the waters. Even worse if he lost. Maybe Farber had a kind of Jewish Damascus moment: he saw the light, that the case was pathetic, far more injurious to the cause than helpful. And far more injurious to himself as a future prime minister.


Atzmon & Johnson: the real Quixote and Panza

And why was Atzmon asked every time he opened his mouth to testify: “Is what you are saying your own words?” Rudner was asked only once. Come to think of it, who hacked Topham’s site in 2006 and wiped it out at the very time that Rudner was harassing him? Would Rudner answer: “Not me–to the best of my knowledge”?  Mystery after mystery. How can there not be a conspiracy (many conspiracies) in all this?

Personally, I’m in no position to be sued by powerful and ruthless conspirators (excuse me: legal opponents), so let me state here for the record: I’m not accusing anyone of anything–other than Farber (or Rudner) for cribbing. (I hope they donate to Wikipedia very generously.)

Topham’s crime

Topham’s only sin was exercising his freedom of speech, providing sharp graphics and free downloads of quaint books at his site, and telling the truth there about Zionist control of western politics, especially Canadian. Topham’s little soldiers of truth were hacked to death in a Zionist rage in 2006, but the undeterred Topham resuscitated them. That was his crime.

Thank you once again, Mr Rudner, for alerting world citizens to Topham’s quixotic mission, however unkosher it may be. I will certainly have a look at Reed’s Controversy (I’ve read and written about the Elders of Zion and don’t need a refresher course).

Update: In a Zionist setback, on November 20, the Crown prosecutor’s attempt to criminally charge Topham for allegedly publishing Crown documents, and to close his website, were dismissed. The Crown also sought unsuccessfully to prevent outside media from speculating on the reasons for the jury’s decision to find Topham guilty. So consider this expose a journalistic scoop.


Eric Walberg

‘Connect with Eric on Facebook or Twitter
Canadian Eric Walberg is known worldwide as a journalist specializing in the Middle East, Central Asia and Russia. A graduate of University of Toronto and Cambridge in economics, he has been writing on East-West relations since the 1980s.
He has lived in both the Soviet Union and Russia, and then Uzbekistan, as a UN adviser, writer, translator and lecturer. Presently a writer for the foremost Cairo newspaper, Al Ahram, he is also a regular contributor to Counterpunch, Dissident Voice, Global Research, Al-Jazeerah and Turkish Weekly, and is a commentator on Voice of the Cape radio.

From Zundel to Topham: Zionist theatre by Eric Walberg

From Zundel to Topham: Zionist theatre

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Eric Walberg


The trials of Arthur Topham, Canadian journalist and publisher of Radical Press, for “hate crime” (2007) and “hate propaganda” (2012) under new Criminal Code “Hate Propaganda” legislation, have resulted in exactly the opposite of what the prosecution, B’Nai Brith, wanted. Instead of quietly muzzling the gadfly critic, the result has been the highlighting of past Jewish hate crimes, and the increasing control by Zionist groups of Canadian politics to promote Israel and censor anti-Zionist criticism.

Topham’s trial is a storybook battle of the brave little guy against goliath.  The 68-year-old Topham lives on an isolated farm in BC, and has worked as a carpenter, miner, farmer, and journalist-publisher. The crown’s chief witness against him was Len Rudner from the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA). Prior to this trial, Rudner had attempted to force Topham’s internet provider to shut down his web site, and no doubt took satisfaction when a hacker mysteriously wiped out its contents in 2006.

As evidence of hate, Rudner presented Topham’s political poster which truthfully (if provocatively) shows the theatrical state of Canadian-Israeli relations today. (thanks Len, for bringing this sizzling graphic to the attention of millions of Canadians).


Puppet theatre

Germany Must Perish!

Then the trial turned to Israel Must Perish!, Topham’s parody based on a now forgotten book Germany Must Perish! (1941) by Theodore Kaufman.

One of the most bizarre literary careers in America is that of the now obscure Theodore Kaufman, a  pacifist member of the American Federation of Peace, born in 1910, whose first publication was “Life Liberty Pursuit of Happiness – Where? In The Graves of European Battle Fields?” (1938). He, like most Americans at the time who bothered thinking about it, realized the insanity of WWI, and even in 1938 was, again, like most Americans, staunchly against US participation in the coming war. He differed from most American Jews, who by then were pressing the US to join in the battle against Hitler, who was openly persecuting Jews in Germany and had vowed to clear Europe of them.

As the US war began and the evidence against Nazi crimes mounted, Kaufman drew inspiration, and wrote his startling book Germany Must Perish!, advocating the sterilization of all German males. A few hausfraus could be left to breed, but preferably with non-Germans, so a defanged German identity could be left extant.

Whew! What a hot potato that seems these days. But hardly warranting a prison sentence for the author. And in any case eugenics and sterilization were not taboo in the 1930s. The British Eugenics Education Society (1907) and the American Eugenics Society (1921) promoted eugenics. Patients with mental illness were sterilized not only in Nazi Germany but in Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Japan, and Sweden. At its peak of popularity, supporters of eugenics included Winston Churchill, HG Wells, Theodore Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover and George Bernard Shaw. Granted, sterilizing all Germans sounds a bit over-the-top.

Just before his epiphany and the publication of Germany Must Perish!, pacifist Kaufman went so far as to advocate sterilizing all American troops: “A possible plea to Congress….


Kaufman’s post-war Europe

Have Us All Sterilized! … If You Plan On Sending Us To A Foreign War … Spare Us Any Possibility Of Ever Bringing Children Into This World — Into This Country Of Ours!” Kaufman’s book was ignored in the US. 1941 was not a good year for civil rights advocates, especially of German rights. Americans of German descent were being herded into prison camps along with Japanese Americans and communists.

Kaufman’s greatest fan

Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels read the book and immediately grasped its value, writing in his diary: “This Jew did a real service for the enemy [German] side. Had he written this book for us, he could not have made it any better.” Under Goebbels’ direction, Germany Must Perish! became a staple of German radio and press, convincing wavering Germans that killing Jews was necessary and justified, till the last Jewish death was registered as the Reich collapsed.

What a horrifying legacy for the gentle, militantly pacifist Kaufman, who apparently soon rued his rhetoric.

Theodore N Kaufman

His final publication at his Argyle Press was the March 1942 brochure titled “No More German Wars! Being an outline for their permanent cessation”, advocating democratic re-education of the German population. But it was read by no one.  He tried to atone, dropping his pacifism, and enlisting in the US Army, along with his three brothers. After World War II, Kaufman disappeared entirely from public life and died in 1986, not in Israel but in his ‘homeland’ in New Jersey, in obscurity. Not feted by Israel as a Zionist icon—with good reason, as he  greatly facilitated the murderous deeds of the Nazis through his success in promoting hatred of his own people through his scandalous screed.

Kaufman’s surprising legacies

In a bizarre twist, Israeli Zionist hate literature continues the shortlived propaganda life of Kaufman, promoting daily murder and occasional campaigns of mass ethnic cleansing and wholesale slaughter of Palestinians. In yet another bizarre twist—more hopeful—the Zionist version of Kaufman’s screed—Palestine Must Perish!—has inspired millions of people—including Jews—to fight Zionism.

In his defense, Kaufman’s plans were not so different from FDR’s (Jewish) Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, who advocated dismantling postwar Germany’s industrial base, turning it into a harmless (destitute) rural nation. Lucky for the Germans, the US occupational forces did not follow directions for large-scale destruction of mines and industrial plant, giving wide-ranging discretion to the military governor and Morgenthau’s opponents at the War Department.

Celebrating Zundel’s 30th anniversary

This trial recalls the legendary trials of Ernst Zundel, a German Canadian jailed in 1988 for publishing literature “likely to incite hatred against an identifiable group” as a threat to national security, and in Germany in 2007 for charges of “inciting racial hatred”. He lived in Canada from 1958 to 2000 but was denied citizenship.

In 1977, Zündel founded Samisdat Publishers, which issued his “The Hitler We Loved and Why” and Richard Verrall’s “Did Six Million Really Die? The Truth At Last”.  In 1984, the Ontario government initiated criminal proceedings against Zündel based on Holocaust survivor Sabina Citron’s complaint, charging him with spreading false news by publishing “Did Six Million Really Die? The Truth At Last.”

He underwent his first criminal trial in 1985, where he was found guilty, though this conviction was overturned on a legal technicality, and he was tried again in 1988, when he was again convicted and sentenced to 15 months imprisonment. In 1992 this conviction was overturned by the Supreme Court of Canada who ruled that the law under which he had been charged—reporting false news—was unconstitutional.

Wow! In 1992, Canada’s Supreme Court ruled that you can question the veracity of the official Holocaust narrative.

But Zundel’s trials were far from over. His house was destroyed in an arson attack in 1995. The leader of the Toronto wing of the Jewish Defense League, Meir Weinstein, denied involvement in the attack; however, five days later, Weinstein and American JDL leader Irv Rubin were arrested trying to break into the property. No charges were ever filed. Weeks after the fire, Zündel was targeted with a parcel bomb that was detonated by the Toronto Police bomb squad. A suspect was arrested but again, no charges were laid. Finally, he was deported to Germany and in 2007, convicted and sentenced to the maximum term of five years in prison (released in 2010).

The more oppressive political climate today vs the 1980s is shown by Topham’s fate. Despite strong support from Jews and Gentiles alike, and though Topham’s credentials as civil libertarian and anti-Nazi are impeccable (none of Zundel’s baggage), he was nonetheless found guilty on one of two “promoting hate” counts (they were indistinguishable, covering two periods of Topham’s website publications). British-Israeli anti-Zionist activist Gilad Atzmon flew to BC to testify that contemporary opposition to Jewry is driven by political and ideological arguments, that no one criticizes Jews as a race or a biology, that Israel Must Perish! was a harmless parody, but to no avail.

Topham is now out on bail, pending an appeal (the prosecution also wants to appeal). Meanwhile, Zionists are free to promote hatred of Topham, such as Ezra Levant (“I Hate Arthur Topham” on the Sun News Talk Show “The Source”). When Topham heard this, he debated whether to sue Levant, and instead, just laughed.  The circus continues.


Eric Walberg

‘Connect with Eric on Facebook or Twitter

Eric’s From Postmodernism to Postsecularism is available here

Eric’s Postmodern Imperialism: Geopolitics 

and the Great Games is available here

Canadian Eric Walberg is known worldwide as a journalist specializing in the Middle East, Central Asia and Russia. A graduate of University of Toronto and Cambridge in economics, he has been writing on East-West relations since the 1980s.

He has lived in both the Soviet Union and Russia, and then Uzbekistan, as a UN adviser, writer, translator and lecturer. Presently a writer for the foremost Cairo newspaper, Al Ahram, he is also a regular contributor to Counterpunch, Dissident Voice, Global Research, Al-Jazeerah and Turkish Weekly, and is a commentator on Voice of the Cape radio.

Arthur Topham, Editor of The Radical Press, on ITEL Radio – 11.8.14

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Arthur Topham, the editor and publisher of “The Radical Press“, was interviewed on Inside the Eye – Live! on Saturday, November 8, 2014. Arthur appeared in the second hour of the show, or 11am Eastern. Topham, 67, has gained somewhat of a “dissident status” as he has been hounded by Canada’s B’nai B’rith and the Harper government in Ottawa due to Arthur’s honest and open discussion of Israel and Canada’s unequivocal support for Jewish genocide in Palestine.

Bolshevik Laws in Canada to Penalize Speaking out against Jews


Arthur Topham is currently in the docket in Canada for a rather Orwellian and nebulous charge of “spreading hatred towards Jews”. The very act of someone being charges with such a crime is itself a damning tact to be taking, because how can you not have hatred for Jews when Jews are eagerly seeking to prosecute another adult simply for writing, speaking, or publishing works in a manner that would be quite acceptable in Israel, and yet is a criminal act if done by a “lowly goy” outside of Israel?

The obvious to anyone not living in this Orwellian macabre world that Jews are seeking to create for Canada and Canadians is that Jews have become something like the Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union: there can be no criticism of the “The Comrade”, nor can there be criticism of anything that “The Comrade” deems to be materially important.


For instance, why should any mature adult be forced to accept unequivocal support for a terrorist nation as Israel? To demand such is to be absurd to the point of tyrannical, yet that is precisely what Jews are demanding in Canada!

From the article “The Jewish Takeover of America“,

Here is what B’nai B’rith Canada would like to see incorporated into Canadian law:

“We must repeat again and again these basic facts — TO BE ‘anti-Israel’ IS TO BE ANTI-SEMITIC. TO BOYCOTT ISRAEL, ISRAELI PROFESSORS and ISRAELI business, these are not political acts, these are acts of hate, acts of anti-Semitism! Anti-Israel hysteria is anti-Semitic hysteria. They are one and the same.”

The above statement was made in 2009 by Yuli Edelstein, Israeli Minister of Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs, The capital letters are his.

Of course, one has to to take a step back and think. “Spreading hatred towards Jews?” is somehow a criminal charge? And then B’nai B’rith is seeking to enshrine into Canadian law points and opinions which are being made by an Israeli ultra-nationalist?

Isn’t this exceptionally anti-democratic at the face of it and treason at a wholly ideological level? And what of the emotion of “hate”? It is, after all, a human emotion.

Should people not hate the fact that B’nai B’rith is seeking to operate as a foreign agent for Israel and impose Jewish ideology onto the whole of Canadian society?


So does that not make B’nai B’rith guilty of spreading hate – I know I would hate that if I saw such brazen acts of treason in the United States – consequently, should not B’nai B’rith be disbanded for “spreading hatred towards Jews” by their very actions and efforts?

When Jews are allowed to go down such a slippery slope, when will it end and should it end with Jews themselves as the ultimate victims of the very laws they sought to tyrannize the host countries with?

An Ideological War


It is absurd for any mature political society in the West to ever stoop down to the Bolshevik mindset where “thought and words” are “crimes”. The very idea of a “hate crime” has purely one purpose: to preclude people from criticizing the body politic which “just happens” to be largely dominated by and run for and on the behalf of Jewish interests.

It is so brazenly obvious the tactics being employed by Jewish political groups.

What is at stake is an ideological war being waged by organized Jewish political and social organs against all the citizenry of “the West”.

After having been thrown out of so many countries in their history as vagabonds and usurpers, apparently they believe that they can create legal strangleholds on the indigenous populations that are so tyrannical that no people will ever consider “tossing them out” again”.

To clearly demonstrate the hypocrisy of Jewish thinking, we can simply show how Jews openly call for genocide of others even to this day, and yet when the target ethnicity for which Jews call for genocide is simply replaced back with the word “Jew”, using, in other words, Jewish words to describe Jewish thinking, but projecting Jewish thinking back onto Jews themselves, Jews somehow are befuddled and confused as to how someone could call for genocide of Jews!

The total moral and intellectual insanity of the Jewish legal and rational position be damned in the eyes of Jews who shamelessly twist reality and facts to paint realities that simply did not nor do exist.

Take for example the book “Germany Must Perish”. Written in 1941 by a scion of Jewish society (he is insane to most of us but quite normal and lucid in Jewish intellectual and social circles), the book called for the total genocide of the German people – in 1941 – a date LONG BEFORE the supposed “gas chambers” and the mythical 6 million figure.


What Arthur Topham did was simply to replace the word “German” with the word “Jews”, and so forth.

From the article “The Jewish Takeover of America”,

In order to highlight the enormity of what this psychotic Jew was actually suggesting, Arthur employed the ingenious device of republishing the book on his website with a few significant alterations. First, he changed the title to Israel Must Perish! Then he substituted the word “Israel” for “Germany”, “Jew for “German”, and “Netanyahu” for “Hitler”. This at once transformed Kaufman’s hateful book into a Swiftian satire.

The point Arthur Topham was making was unmistakable. If it is permissible to call for the mass extermination of the GERMAN people by enforced sterilization of every single GERMAN MALE, then it was equally permissible to call for the extermination of the JEWISH people by the enforced sterilization of every single JEWISH male. The logic was impeccable.

Such perfect logic, however, was displeasing to B’nai B’rith Canada, Driven to desperation, this Jewish organization then resorted to dirty tricks. First it alleged, falsely, that Arthur had actually published a real, hard copy book called Israel Must Perish! He had done no such thing.

Yet, even to this day, we can find comment after comment of Jews in all corners of the world calling for the genocide of others.

In a post written by someone who appears Jewish and supports Kaufmann’s position of genocide against all Germans, we find this comment:

Seymour Zak
October 4, 2014 at 11:42 am

As for Kaufman’s book “Germany Must Perish”, I can’t see what all the fuss is about. Sure, this Kaufman guy wanted to castrate every single German male in the world. I don’t see anything wrong with that. The Germans killed 6 million Jews, don’t forget, so what’s the big deal if you cut off all their balls to teach them a good lesson? Anyway, the New York Times wouldn’t have given the book such a good review if it had thought cutting off all the German’s people’s balls was the wrong thing to do. – source

So you see, it is ideological. Jews clearly have no qualms about murdering others, even if these “qualms” are based on lies, distortions, or pure mythology. Jews have no problems “spreading hatred” for others, so long as they are able to achieve their ideological and very real geopolitical goals without these goals being drawn into the light.

In a body politic where the citizens are mature, intelligent, and schooled in Reason and Logic, the farce of the campaign against Arthur Topham would never see the light of day, and the perpetrators of this attempted tyranny would find themselves in deep legal and political trouble.

Why would courts and the people stand for such obnoxious idiocy of “censoring” another adult when it is clear that such forms of censorship are merely tools of political repression? Such repression shows a clear ideological warfare by Jews against The West.


Arthur Topham on ITEL Radio – 11.8.14

Click on link below to listen in:


Harper Zionists seek to boost Canada thought crime law by Brandon Martinez

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Harper Zionists seek to boost Canada thought crime law

Brandon Martinez
April 11th, 2014


The Zionist ruling clique of Canada, through their front-man Stephen Harper, is seeking to beef up the already-existing Orwellian “hate propaganda” law which has been primarily used to curtail criticism of Zionists and Israel.

The conspicuous change is buried in the Harper government’s proposed cyberbullying law, Bill C-13.

The existing law in Canada’s criminal code makes it illegal to “promote hatred” (whatever that means) of people “distinguished by colour, race, religion, ethnic origin or sexual orientation,” explained The Chronicle Herald, but Bill C-13 intends to expand that category to include age, sex, mental or physical disability, and most disturbingly, “national origin.” In other words, you cannot criticize anyone for any reason at all!

This means, say, if you condemn Israelis for their inhumane treatment of Palestinians, you could find yourself in court facing down the self-appointed thought police and commissars of political correctness.

The … law against “hate speech” is illegitimate and ridiculous to begin with. The idea of allowing a government to legislate against opinions and feelings is patently absurd – it is pulled right out of George Orwell’s dystopian classic 1984.

British Columbia native Arthur Topham has felt the wrath of Canada’s censorious establishment. In November 2012, at the instigation of the Zionist society of B’nai B’rith, Topham was charged with a ‘hate crime’ for publishing anti-Zionist articles on his website

One of the items on Topham’s site that made the Zionists convulse and contort with unrestrained anger and rage was a satire called Israel Must Perish. The text was nothing more than a spoof of a 1941 book authored by a Zionist … named Theodore Kaufman entitled Germany Must Perish! In that text Kaufman called for “a final solution” of German extinction. Topham merely substituted the words “German,” “Germany” and “Nazi” with “Israel,” “Jew” and “Zionist” throughout the text. Despite writing a clearly-worded preface explaining the satirical nature of the text, Topham was arrested by the RCMP and now faces the possibility of spending up to two years behind bars for violating Zionist sensibilities.

Many will recall the sad saga of German-Canadian publisher Ernst Zundel. In the mid-1980s Zundel was charged with “spreading false news” after he published a book, Did Six Million Really Die?, which questioned some aspects of the official “holocaust” story. In the ensuing show trial, Zundel and his team of revisionist historians as well as his indefatigable defence lawyer Douglas Christie brought the holocaust lobby to its knees with facts and information refuting many claims made by Zionists about Germany’s WW2 concentration camps.

Over the span of three decades, Zundel was dragged from courtroom to courtroom, from jail cell to jail cell, merely for expressing a viewpoint deemed verboten by the … Zionist establishment – the self-appointed architects of public discourse, the self-declared arbiters of truth and morality, the self-proclaimed “chosen people” whose faults are unseen and whose character is unimpeachable.

Zundel, a self-described pacifist with no criminal record, was physically assaulted on numerous occasions by Jewish Defence League thugs. His Toronto home, which also housed his publishing and graphic arts businesses, was bombed and torched by Zionist terrorists. He received death threats on a daily basis from members of the “chosen race of God,” but the Toronto Police did almost nothing to prevent any of it and was entirely uninterested in pursuing the criminals and thugs responsible for the campaign of terror against Zundel and his associates.

Zundel’s story is a testament to the power and control of Jewish extremists in Canada, whose agenda is anything but altruistic and whose disposition is more racist than the Klan.

In the “New World Order” being imposed on us by self-interested, ethnocentric megalomaniacs, no man has the right to explore, investigate and come to his own conclusions about history — that is the sole responsibility of the tyrannical monarchs of the NWO, who tell us what and how to think; free thought be damned.


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Brandon Martinez is a freelance writer and journalist from Canada whose area of expertise is foreign policy, international affairs and 20th and 21st century history. His writing is focused on issues such as Zionism, Israel-Palestine, American and Canadian foreign policy, war, terrorism and deception in media and politics. Readers can contact him at More articles by Brandon Martinez


Partisans of Israel: Canada’s Thought Police by Brandon Martinez


Partisans of Israel: Canada’s Thought Police

By Brandon Martinez

BrandonM 200

Whatsupic — It is indelibly etched in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: as Canadian citizens we are all granted the right to “freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication.”

However, some people in Canadian society don’t seem to respect Canada’s constitution and a number of them happen to be employees of the federal government. That thought worries liberty-minded Canadians like Marc Lemire, who knows all too well that the powers-that-be in this country do not share his enthusiasm for free speech.


In 2003, Lemire was faced with a “hate speech” complaint stemming from messages that someone posted on his online message board called Freedom Site. One of the postings was a poem that mildly mocked immigrants.

He was charged with violating Section 13(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act, which Lemire describes as the “Internet censorship provision” of a pre-existing law prohibiting what the government vaguely defines as speech that exposes an identifiable group to “hatred or contempt.”

As a result, Lemire was hauled in front of the Human Rights Commission, a quasi-judicial tribunal that presides over all Section 13 cases. “None of the comments were anything I wrote or approved of,” says Lemire. Despite not being the author of the comments in question, Lemire has been in and out of court for the past 10 years fighting the spurious charge and it has cost him close to $200,000 in legal fees. “Welcome to absurdistan,” Lemire jokes.

The experience has motivated Lemire to become an outspoken critic of Canada’s hate speech laws. The fanatical thought police who administer the Canadian Human Rights Commission are in the business of regulating opinions in Canada, says Lemire. He likens this to something out of George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel 1984, which depicts the animal-like existence of citizens living under a tyrannical police state.

“So-called ‘hate’ laws are tools used to stifle debate and criminalize your opponents — all risk free for the complainants,” Lemire says.

Until 2009, Section 13 cases had a 100 per cent conviction rate. In the quasi-judicial proceedings, defendants are not even allowed to present evidence in their defence, and are subjected to hefty fines and even lifetime speech bans. If they do not comply with the order to “cease and desist,” they can face up to five years in jail.

It does not matter if what you wrote or said is provably truthful, you’ll still be found guilty by the tribunal, Lemire says. It is reminiscent of Stalin’s show trials.

His ordeal with the self-appointed thought police awoke Lemire to the fact that Canada isn’t as free and democratic as our leaders claim. Since its inception in the 1970s, more than 100 Canadians have been targeted by the Section 13 legislation. These people include writers, publishers, website owners and participants on Internet message boards.

Another target of the dreadful law was Quesnel, B.C. native Arthur Topham, a former teacher who started a newspaper called The Radical in 1998, which now operates as a website under the name In 2007, a Section 13 complaint was initiated against Topham by Agent Z of B’nai B’rith Canada, a Zionist group known for its staunch pro-Israel partisanship.


Topham, a critic of Israel, points out that pro-Israel lobbyists have essentially been using Section 13 as their own “personal bludgeon” against critics of the self-defined Jewish state and its policies.

“The censors here in Canada are predominantly composed of the Zionist lobbyists of whom B’nai Brith Canada, the Canadian Jewish Political Affairs Committee, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs and the Canadian Jewish Congress are the most influential,” Topham says. “These groups instigated a Section 13 complaint against my website Radical Press and in November 2012 I was charged with a ‘hate crime’ under Section 319(2) of the Canadian Criminal Code.

 Topham rejects allegations of “hate” and says he is opposed to Zionism and what he sees as supremacist attitudes in the Jewish religion. One of the items on his website that Zionist groups took great umbrage to was a satirical piece entitled Israel Must Perish. According to Topham, the treatise was intended to mock a real book published in 1941 entitled Germany Must Perish. The author of that book was an American Jew named Theodore Kaufman, who publicly advocated the extinction of all Germans through a forced sterilization program. Topham took Kaufman’s exact text and simply substituted the words “Germany,” “German” and “Nazi” with “Israel” and “Zionist.” “I wrote an introduction clearly explaining that it was a satire of Kaufman’s hateful anti-German screed from 1941,” Topham says. “But this was completely lost on the RCMP who arrested and charged me essentially for committing the crime of satire,” he adds, laughing.



Another critic of Israel from B.C., Greg Felton, had similar run-ins with pro-Israel lobbyists for his writings on the Israel-Palestine question. Once a full time writer for the Vancouver Courier, Felton took an interest in the conflict in the mid-1990s, and began writing columns about it for his paper. He explains that when he expressed sympathy for Palestinian victimhood in his column, Zionists threatened to boycott his employer.

“When I began to write about Palestine and Middle East, the Jewish lobby went crazy,” Felton says. “When the Courier was taken over in 1998 by a company owned by Conrad Black, I was told that I couldn’t write about the Israel-Palestine issue anymore.”

Not wanting to be censored, Felton parted with the paper and began freelance work. “When you write the truth or something that’s honest, you run into a brick wall,” Felton observes. “After 9/11, journalism in North America basically prostituted itself to the anti-Muslim hysteria, and I lost faith in the industry at that point,” he adds. “The ‘free press’ has been more of a myth than a fact. Most journalists are presstitutes who sell themselves to the owners, and do what they’re told.”

Felton opines that the Israel lobby has a “hammer lock” on the Canadian government and shuts down criticism of Israel through threats and intimidation.


Joshua Blakeney, a 28-year-old British-born journalist who now lives in Calgary, ran into similar problems while studying at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta. Blakeney is a skeptic of the official story of the September 11 attacks and was doing graduate work on the “origins of the global war on terror” when he found himself being assailed in the national media.

Because of his outspoken viewpoints on 9/11, Blakeney drew the attention of Jonathan Kay of the National Post who wrote several articles castigating Blakeney for his 9/11 skepticism.

“By attacking me, the media was seeking to send a message to other academics throughout the country: if you dare to question this one sacred event you will find yourself being ostracized in the press,” Blakeney says.

“At the time, I was writing very conservatively on the subject of 9/11, but I couldn’t help but notice that most of the people who were attacking me in the media were pro-Israel Zionists,” says Blakeney.

Blakeney explains that a Canadian-born former Israeli secret service agent named Michael Ross called his university to complain about him and cause him some grief. Blakeney points out that his primary media critic, Jonathan Kay, co-authored a book with Ross that glorifies the Mossad, Israel’s spy agency, called The Volunteer: The Incredible True Story of an Israeli Spy on the Trail of International Terrorists.

“I believe the main reason they attacked me is because Israel was involved in 9/11, and I started writing about it. It is a classic case of ‘thou doth protest too much,’” says Blakeney.

American lawyer Brian Woodbury is puzzled by Canada’s disregard for the principles of free speech, a concept that is ingrained in American political culture as a fundamental tenet of that country.

“We have a rich tradition of freedom of speech in the United States,” says Woodbury, who lives in New Orleans. “Our speech is protected by the First Amendment. Most Americans simply cannot fathom how our northern neighbour doesn’t have the same freedoms as us.”

But Americans are not immune from unconstitutional encroachments by their federal government. Shortly after 9/11, the Bush administration passed the Patriot Act, which Woodbury says “eviscerated the Fourth Amendment and privacy rights in this country.”

“Americans have always distrusted the federal government,” Woodbury observes, “but now anti-government sentiment is at a fever pitch with all of the violations of civil rights being revealed by [former NSA employee] Edward Snowden.”


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Brandon Martinez is a freelance writer and journalist from Canada whose area of expertise is foreign policy, international affairs and 20th and 21st century history. His writing is focused on issues such as Zionism, Israel-Palestine, American and Canadian foreign policy, war, terrorism and deception in media and politics. Readers can contact him at or visit his blog at

Other articles by the author on Whatsupic:

Has Canada Become a Tool of Zionism?

Canada Complicit with Mossad Crimes


Regina v LEGAL UPDATE #17



Regina v LEGAL UPDATE #17

January 27th, 2014


Dear Free Speech Advocates and Radical Press Supporters,

Due to the nature of this particular Legal Update, i.e., it being recent events connected to my Preliminary Inquiry, the necessity arose for editorial commentary throughout the report wherever I felt it was warranted. It also meant that it would be a rather long article as well. The need to present a general overview of my case now that it’s finally reached this stage is the reason for its inordinate length.

January 22nd, 2014 marked the 616th day since my arrest on May 16th, 2012 for the alleged crime of “communicating statements, other than in private conversation, [that] willfully promote hatred against an identifiable group, people of the Jewish religion or ethnic origin, contrary to Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code.” The actual section of the Criminal Code of Canada reads:

Wilful promotion of hatred

(2) Every one who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, wilfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group is guilty of

(a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or
(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

In the Legal Rights section of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, under “Proceedings in criminal and penal matters”, 11(b) it states:

11. Any person charged with an offence has the right
(b) to be tried within a reasonable time;

According to the stated legal rights of all Canadian citizens (as denoted in the above Section 11(b) of the Charter), one must assume that a wait of 616 days or 20 months plus should be construed as being a “reasonable time” in which to expect one’s case to be heard in a Canadian court of law. But of course 616 days is only the beginning of the arduous process of seeking justice within the Canadian court system. January 22nd, 2014 was not the day when my trial on these specious charges was set to commence; it was but the date set for the Preliminary Inquiry which is basically an opportunity afforded the accused wherein they are given an opportunity to dispute the actual evidence which precipitated the laying of charges based on the Crown’s allegations.

I will get to the actual proceedings but first I’d like to say a few words about this section of the Canadian Criminal Code (CCC) which is placed under the heading “Hate Propaganda” and exists as Sections 318(1) through to Section 320.1(1) of the Code itself. This vile, undemocratic section of the Criminal Code was inserted into law by Zionist forces operating within the Cohen Commission back in 1970 and remains the one critical section of Canada’s criminal code where the pro-Zionist elements within Canada – specifically the Jewish lobby organizations such as B’nai Brith Canada (BBC), the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC), the Simon Wiesenthal Centre (SWC) and the most recently formed Jewish umbrella organization, the Centre for Israel & Jewish Affairs (CIJA) – are now focusing their combined effort in a last ditch, desperate legal campaign designed to censor and silence Canada’s Internet and prevent Freedom of Speech from occurring without fear of legal reprisals.

When the Zionist’s previous weapon of mass deception/censorship, i.e., Section 13(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act, was repealed by the Parliament of Canada back on June 25th, 2012 there was already a frantic movement afoot to find some new legal avenue with which to threaten and intimidate Canadian citizens into fearing to publish and express on the Internet their opinions or ideas or the opinions and ideas of others on any matter pertaining to this particular element within Canadian society (the Jews comprising less that 2% of Canada’s total population). Having their tentacles firmly entwined throughout the federal judiciary the Jewish lobbyists, led by the likes of former Liberal Attorney General of Canada and staunch Zionist Irwin Cotler, were working overtime behind the scenes in order to formulate new policies within the Harper Conservative government; measures that would ensure that their Number One weapon – HATE – would continue to find a place of honour and litigation within Canada’s legal system and be available to this minority group to use in their ongoing promotion and defence of the Apartheid, Racist, Supremacist State of Israel and the promulgation of its contemptible political ideology known as Zionism.

Until Canada is free of all this Zionist Jew created “HATE” legislation we will never be able to say that we’re a democratic nation that values the one fundamental God-given right that must remain sacrosanct in order to retain all of our other inherent rights, that being the right to free and unfettered expression. All of it must be eliminated so that a level playing field will exist for every Canadian.

EndHateCrimeLegislation 2

The Preliminary Inquiry – Day One

Back in November of 2013 the date, January 22nd, 2014, was set for a full day to hold a preliminary inquiry into my Sec. 319(2) “hate crime” case involving the two complainants – B’nai Brith Canada (represented by Agent Z) and Ricardo Warmouse, a lawyer involved in numerous former Sec. 13 cases prior to the law’s repeal in June of 2012. My former lawyer, Doug Christie, had requested that at least one week of time be set aside for the preliminary inquiry in order to challenge all the specious evidence that Crown had used in order to gain its illegal search warrant then used to invade my residence and steal all my computers and electronic files plus other hard copy materials which weren’t covered in the warrant. Crown at that time agreed to four days.

After the passing of Mr. Christie in March of 2013 Crown Counsel Jennifer Johnston changed that time period to one day, telling the judge that in her estimation a single day was all the time necessary for Crown to – as Crown and Judge Morgan have been wont to say repeatedly, – “pass the Shepherd test” and move the case on to the trial stage. The “Shephard Test“, for those not versed in court legalese involved an extradition case back in the 1970’s out of which emerged a number of test arguments as to the degree of evidence required in order for a judge to determine whether or not to move the case forward.

Being self-represented and unaware of the machinations of Crown I ended up with one day in order to address all the issues including the sworn information of Cst. Normandie Levas provided to a Justice of the Peace in order to have the search warrant approved; information that contained numerous allegations which appeared to have been written by a Zionist script writer rather than by someone who was at the time relatively new to the controversial BC HATE CRIME TEAM and not versed in the whole array of research necessary to make expert commentary on issues dealing with what may or may not be alleged to be “hate” literature. All these allegations initially sworn in the Information regarding postings on the website were basically the same evidence that Crown was now introducing at the preliminary inquiry in order to convince Judge Morgan that there was sufficient evidence to commit my case to trial.

Initially Crown was planning to call a number of witnesses for the preliminary inquiry, the bulk of them being RCMP officers involved in the surveillance and later plunder of my home and theft of my computers and electronic files and firearms. The others were Barry Salt an expert in the field of forensic examination of computers and data and, of course, Det.Cst. Terry Wilson, the Lead Investigator for the BC HATE CRIME TEAM located in Surrey, B.C. I had made application to the court to have the judge order Crown to subpoena the other crucial witnesses – the two complainants who had filed the vexatious complaints in the first place and Cst. Normandie Levas, the second member of the BC HATE CRIME TEAM who, as the Affiant swearing the Information, was responsible for the act that led to the granting of the illegal search warrant used to enter my home and steal all of my computer equipment and firearms. Judge Morgan did eventually direct Crown to have Cst. Levas appear but as she was on “holidays” at the time of the scheduled inquiry a later date of March 13th, 2014 was set for cross-examination.


During an earlier focus hearing on January 3rd, 2014 Judge Morgan mediated some concessions between Crown and myself, which I agreed to, regarding some of the witnesses being called in order to prove where I lived and what firearms I had in my possessions and so on; items that would cut down the time which would otherwise have been wasted giving evidence for incidental aspects of the case that I wasn’t intending to challenge. As a concession to this Crown agreed to reconsider the second firearms count involving unsafe storage.At the time, I informed Judge Morgan that I recently had taken the PAL firearms safety course and received 100% of the written test and 90% on the practical test and was now in the process of sending my application off. I also informed Judge Morgan that I was planning to purchase a certified gun storage locker in which to store my firearms properly. Crown then stated that if these preconditions were achieved that they would consider staying the firearms charge.

What was scheduled to be a one day inquiry, like all great plans of mice and men, turned out to be a horse of another colour. I had made arrangements with my two witnesses, Mr. Frank Frost and Mr. Lonnie Landrud, to be at the courthouse at 9:30 a.m. on the morning of Wednesday, January 22nd. When my wife and I arrived around 9:15 a.m. it was evident that my case was not going to be the only one scheduled for the morning. Now this is not an uncommon occurrence in the Quesnel Courthouse (or in many other smaller communities throughout B.C.) and it all stems from government ineptitude (or design?) that there are never enough judges and prosecutors and courtrooms available to handle the volume of cases awaiting address. Nonetheless, I did expect that for a formal preliminary inquiry time would have been arranged so that it could occur without needless interruption.

After approximately twenty minutes of lawyers and Crown attempting to reschedule times, etc. my case began and Crown called their first witness, Det. Cst. Terry Wilson, lead investigator for the BC HATE CRIME TEAM. Det. Wilson informed the court as to his name and position within the RCMP and when Crown asked him about his involvement with he told the court that he been monitoring the website since April 28th, 2011. It was on that date he first received an email from Ricardo Warmouse who registered a Sec. 319(2) “hate crime” complaint against the site. I thought it was rather amusing given that it was right around the time of the last federal election (May 2nd, 2011) and I had just posted a long article on Harper only the day before on April 27th which I had titled “Hating Harper“. It’s possible that Warmouse didn’t appreciate the graphic header for the piece in question that caused him to lay the charge or it may have been my advice at the time to the Canadian electorate warning them of dire days ahead should Canadians hand Stephen Harper a mandate to govern the nation. Whatever it was, given the current controversy over Harper and his entourage of Zionist sycophant ministers and pro-Israeli band of Chabad Lubavicher controllers traveling at great taxpayer expense to the apartheid state of Israel and soiling Canada’s image as a sovereign nation with their unabashed grovelling and overt support for this criminal state, it was rather apropos that Warmouse would suddenly file a complaint against at that particular point in time.

Det. Wilson then went on to describe to the court how his unit has been investigating the website since that time (a period of approximately 32 months thus far) and in the process confirming to the judge that the articles and online books and links, etc. were available to the general public and that anybody could just go there and click on a link and read whatever they wanted without having to enter any passwords or penetrate any firewalls. I thought to myself as he was going on, “My goodness, an acknowledged alternative news site and all you have to do is click on the url to it and the home page or whatever document hyperlink you may have clicked on in the sidebar or the menu bar above just suddenly appears and you can actually view it and read it! What a genius that Arthur Topham must be!”

Det. Wilson also told the court that the website has been running and posting new materials on a regular basis ever since the original conditions of my bail were changed with the exception of a few days in November of 2012 when the site was transferred to a new host server.

It was at this point that Det. Wilson then set up his laptop and introduced the courtroom to a special computer software program that allowed him to show the judge, myself and Crown what appeared to be interactive video footage of my website that they had copied to the program. We all had our own individual monitor screens and sat there while Det. Wilson took us on a virtual journey around the home page explaining to the judge and Crown how the site operates. Given the fact that it operates as any normal WordPress program would it was like sitting through an introductory lesson on basic computer skills that one might offer a Grade 2 or 3 class of children. This went on for some time and we all observed with great interest as Det. Wilson clicked on a hyperlink in the Pages section on the side bar and lo and behold the article or book would suddenly appear right there on the screen! All of this was, ostensibly, being done to show that any person in Canada could easily access all the “hate” and “anti-Semitism” and “racism” toward the Jewish population that the Crown alleges is present on the website.

Having endured this little media sideshow the judge then called for a break at 10:15 a.m. after which court resumed and other cases once again intruded into the schedule. My inquiry ceased at that point. The lunch hour eventually came and when court reconvened at 1:30 p.m.for the afternoon session more cases consumed the time. It wasn’t until around 3:45 p.m. that the preliminary inquiry resumed. It was at this stage that Crown finally got down to the meat and potatoes of its argument. Det. Wilson was presented with a massive black binder that eventually was entered as Exhibit A in the proceedings. I had been given the same binder a couple of days prior to the inquiry as well and had time to peruse its contents beforehand so it wasn’t a surprise to me. What it contained was hard copy pages of four online books that are present on plus two articles of my own that were also on the site. Each was given a tab number and they appeared in the following order:

Tab 1: Germany Must Perish
Tab 2: Israel Must Perish
Tab 3: Protocols of Zion
Tab 4: The Biological [sic]
Tab 5: The Jewish Religion
Tab 6: Karen Selick: Just Another Hate-mongering Germanophobe Jew by Arthur Topham

Crown Counsel Jennifer Johnston then proceeded to ask Det. Wilson questions regarding the 6 items posted on

With respect to Tab 1 which was the online version of Theodore N. Kaufman’s book Germany Must Perish!  Wilson went on to describe the book and what it was about. He gave a reasonable outline of its aim and purpose which was to spread anti-German propaganda against the National Socialist government of Germany and the German nation.

When it came to Tab 2 Wilson presented his views in a somewhat modified form than his original statements wherein he was very emphatic about the fact that I had actually written a “real” book bearing the title, Israel Must Perish! Now he was admitting that it was a reproduction of segments of Kaufmann’s book and that I had only changed certain words like “Germany” and “German” and “Hitler” to “Israel” and “Jew” and “Netanyahu” and the rest of the text was actually Kaufman’s. Crown then asked Wilson if he had read the Preface to this “book” which was written my myself. Wilson responded in the affirmative and said that he had read it. At no time though did he broach the issue of my assertion (contained in the Preface) that it was actually a satirical article based on Kaufman’s original hard copy book.

Tab 3 was, of course, the infamous book that the Jews have been attempting to erase from the screen of world history ever since it first appeared back at the turn of the 20th century. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion has been attacked as an “anti-Semitic” book from day one and as the writer/journalist Douglas Reed, author of the classic study of Zionism, The Controversy of Zion, wrote, more money has been spent on trying to prove this particular book to be a fraud than any other book in history. And for good reason.

Again, Det. Wilson’s assessment of the book was that it was a fraudulent attempt to promote anti-Semitism and hatred of the Jewish population and added that those who promote it see the book as a “roadmap” of the Zionist Jews’ attempt to “take over the world” and create a Jewish one world government. Crown asked Det. Wilson whether the book existed on other websites as well and he confirmed that it could be found on many websites besides

Tab 4 was the online version of a book written by Eustice Mullins called The Biological Jew. Wilson then went on to describe the book as an anti-Semitic book that describes the Jews as “societal parasites”. It was also admitted that this book could also be found on other websites as well as on

Tab 5 referred to the book titled, The Jewish Religion: It’s Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling. Crown asked Det. Wilson to describe the book and he testified that it was in his estimation “anti-Semitic” and then went on to describe how bad it was and how the author accuses the Jewish rabbis of terrible things like having sex with very young children and so on. Crown then asked Wilson whether or not the author of the book, Elizabeth Dilling, was a “real person”. Wilson’s response was, “I have no idea if the author is a real person”.

Tab 6 was a reference to an article that I had published on back on August 13, 2013 entitled, Karen Selick: Just Another Hate-mongering Germanophobe Jew . Finally, I thought to myself, we’re getting to something that I, personally, had penned and I was waiting for Det. Wilson’s assessment of how he felt my writing was such an example of “hate” that it warranted inclusion in the Crown’s arsenal of classic cases of such literature. Det. Wilson then went on to explain to the court that it was a graphic image which I had included in my article that he perceived to be proof that it was yet another anti-Semitic, “hate” piece. I enclose that example directly below for the reader’s consideration.

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Following Wilson’s comments regarding Tab 6 Crown then asked him if all of these online books were still up on the website and Wilson replied that all of the books that he found on the website were still there and to his knowledge none had been removed since I was arrested back on May 16th, 2012. It was at this point that Det. Wilson stated, “This is a massive website.”

Crown asked a few other related questions about Det. Wilson’s role in the arrest and he explained that he wasn’t present at my home during the search and seizure of my computers and firearms but that Cst. Gill, the “Exhibit officer” has provided him with my property afterwards. It was then that Det. Wilson sent the computers and firearms for “forensic” analysis so that the RCMP could show the court that I was the actual owner of these stolen devices.

It was at this point that the day’s testimony concluded and we left the courthouse.

The Preliminary Inquiry – Day Two

Day two proved to be much more productive in terms of time and purpose although it got off to a bit of a rough start. One of my witnesses that I had subpoenaed to appear on my behalf, Mr. Frank Frost, had traveled down to Quesnel at his own expense to attend the Preliminary Inquiry. Given that I had been told I would get my full day in court I was not that impressed when I only had approximately an hour and a half thus far allotted for the process.

When we arrived at the courthouse on Thursday, January 23rd, at 9:30 a.m. the court list showed a number of other case listed for the morning. At that point I decided to challenge the court on the matter and when the judge entered the court room and began discussing the scheduling with Crown and other lawyers present I stood up indicating that I had something to say and the judge told me to take a seat momentarily and he would get right to me. I sat down and within a few minutes he called my name and I stood up and said to him, “Your honour, I notice again today the list is getting longer than even yesterday and I’m not getting my day in court. I see this as an attempt by the Crown to prevent my witnesses from testifying. My wife, who is Jewish, is greatly offended by these charges brought against me therefore, in the interest of fundamental justice I ask that the charges be dismissed with prejudice.”

Judge Morgan responded by saying that he was not about to dismiss the case and also stated that there was no design on the part of Crown to prevent my witnesses from testifying. He followed those comments with a short dissertation on the problems and challenges that small communities face where they don’t have enough time and resources to deal with the ongoing case loads and therefore have to juggle and schedule them in order to do the best they can. He assured me that my situation was no different than any of the others. I had made my point and didn’t pursue the issue any further. From then on matters began to unfold as they should and within a very short period of time I was able to begin my cross-examination of Det. Terry Wilson.

Being self-represented since the passing of my former counsel Mr. Doug Christie I was now faced with the task of cross-examining the testimony the arresting officer, Det. Wilson, had given to the court yesterday. I had prepared a series of questions that I planned to ask Wilson plus also a number of other court cases which related to the inquiry process which I intended to use if Crown began to object to any of the questions I had for Det. Wilson. Due to the length of all the questions, many of them not relevant at this point to the update itself, I will focus on only those that I feel are important to a general understanding of the case as a whole. As well, readers should bear in mind that Det. Wilson (and most likely B’nai Brith Canada’s agent Agent Z) monitor the website on a daily basis and I don’t wish to divulge certain matters which I intend to use later should the case go to trial.

Cross-examination of Det. Terry Wilson

[Editor’s Note: Please bear in mind that all of the exchanges between myself and Det. Wilson during my cross-examination are taken from my notes which I made at the time I was questioning him and they may not be 100% accurate. Once I obtain a written transcript of the inquiry I’ll know if I erred on any of the minor details but for the most part I’m only quoting the things that I wrote down immediately upon Wilson’s stating them. Readers should also bear in mind that during the questioning I asked Det. Terry Wilson to inform the court as to his level of education and he answered by stating that he had received an Honours Degree in History from the University of Guelph, Ontario.]

I began cross-examination of Det. Terry Wilson by first reading out the following:

“Det. Wilson, I’m going to begin by taking you to the Criminal Code section under which I am charged. Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code reads as follows:

‘(2) Every one who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, wilfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group is guilty of … an indictable offence … or an offence punishable by summary conviction.'”

I then asked Wilson the following question: “I believe you stated yesterday in your testimony that the BC HATE CRIME TEAM was formed in 2009 and that it consists of two people, yourself and your partner/assistant Cst. Normandie Levas. Is this correct? Could you please tell the court how many actual convictions your unit has successfully prosecuted under Sec. 319(2) of the CCC since the formation of the BC HATE CRIME TEAM.” Wilson’s reply was that to date his “Hate Crime Team” had not convicted a single solitary soul! He did say though that there were two cases pending, my own plus another investigation that’s still underway.

Given all the media hype about there being so much “hate” on the Internet it begs the question as to just how much this propaganda about hatred that’s being emphasize by Jewish lobby groups like B’nai Brith Canada, the Canadian Jewish Congress, the Simon Wiesenthal Centre and the Centre for Israel & Jewish Affairs is merely Zionist PR designed to justify the spending of vast amounts of taxpayer money in order to create these provincial “HATE CRIME UNITS” across Canada that ultimately only serve the interests of the foreign lobbyists who exploit them in order to monitor, harass, intimidate and punish critics of the Zionist ideology, their global mechanisms and the criminal state of Israel.

Considering Det. Wilson’s concerted effort to show the court that was wide open to the general public and that anyone in Canada could easily access the website plus all its accompanying links to a vast assortment of online books and articles, I asked Det. Wilson if he had any evidence that the material on the website was actually viewed and read by anyone. His reply was “Yes”. Then he stated that both of the two complainants, Agent Z and Ricardo Warmouse plus himself had accessed the site. That was the sum total of his evidence. No shit! That was it!

So it was manifestly obvious that no one else in all of Canada had gone on to the website, found it to be “anti-“Semitic” and then registered a complaint against it with the BC HATE CRIME TEAM claiming the site was promoting “hatred” contrary to  Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code. Yet, because two pro-Zionist agents of the Zionist Jew lobby group B’nai Brith Canada (one of them an ethnic, duel-citizen Zionist Jew and the other a gentile lawyer who made it his business to lay “hate crime” complaints and in many cases profit monetarily from Sec. 13(1) convictions) had filed complaints, that, in the Crown’s view, were reason enough to monitor my website; the RCMP did helicopter and ground surveillance of my home and property; stalked both my wife and myself in the days prior to my arrest; flew the “BC HATE CRIME TEAM” up from Surrey, B.C. (a distance of approximately 600 km) at great expense to the taxpayers of the province; conscripted a number of local police officers as well; stopped me on my way to Prince George on business; arrested me; handcuffed me; terrorized my wife; hauled me off to jail, leaving my wife on the highway in the middle of nowhere; then waited for some justice of the peace on the lower mainland to sign a phoney, illegal search warrant so the police could eventually enter my home, scavenge and steal what they could of my computers and electronic files, and make off with all of my firearms.

Does this sound like the “free and democratic society” called Canada that we see enshrined in the Charter of Rights or Freedoms or is it more in keeping with the Marxist Communist Bolshevik dictatorship under Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin where all it took was a single accusation from an enemy and you suddenly found yourself dragged before a tribunal of crooked, conspiring commissars where all your legal rights suddenly vanished, truth was no defence and you’re then subjected to humiliation and the abject opprobrium of the state and either sent off to spend your remaining years in some northern gulag wasteland or else escorted down into a dark dungeon to receive a bullet in the back of the head?

Two Gulags
For those readers who’ve yet to experience such tactics by the state this may all sound a bit fantastic but let me assure you that if it’s happening to me and my family and has happened to other Canadians in the recent past it doesn’t bode well for any of you either as this form of systemic covert repression on the part of the state continues to grow more bold and audacious by the day, aided and abetted by the Jewish lobbyists who now so blatantly advertise their power and influence over Canada’s elected Harper government.

As I thought about the two individuals who’s actions had precipitated all the endless angst of the police and the court against myself and my family I pondered what percentage of the Canadian population this would be when we consider that 2 out of 34.88 million people accessed and alleged that the site contained “anti-Semitic” articles and books that wilfully promoted hatred toward people of the Jewish religion or ethnic origin. A quick calculation indicated that it amounted to 0.00000573394495 % of the total population of Canada.

103,000 Missing Emails

Another area of contention was the matter of all of my private email communications contained in the two computers that the police had taken from my residence. I had only recently received a thumb drive from the BC HATE CRIME TEAM containing what is purported to be all of my stolen emails just days before the Preliminary Hearing and to date I’ve not had the time to check to determine how many are stored on the 32 Gigabit memory stick. Crown was supposed to have returned these emails back in 2012 and it was only recently that Judge Morgan finally requested that CC Johnston contact Det. Wilson and ask him to return them. I had indicated to the judge that there was a large volume of relevant data contained in the emails which I needed for my defence and given that email communications are considered to be “private communications” and not admissible as evidence in Section 319(2) offences they should be returned to me.

It has always been my contention that Det. Wilson took my computers in order to access the information contained in the private communications between myself and my many associates and friends. When questioned on this matter Wilson stated that the police have the right to take an accused’s computer in order to search for evidence that would prove in a court of law that the accused was in fact the person posting to the website. When asked whether or not he or anyone else accessed and read the emails or shared them with anyone else Wilson did his best to deny having done so although he did concede that he saw some of them in the course of investigating the various articles and online books that were now being used to convince Judge Morgan there was sufficient evidence to warrant trying the case but that his main object was to verify the material now being presented to the court as Exhibit “A”. I should add that when I later cross-examined Cpl. Barry Salt he confirmed that when he did his initial analysis of my computers that he found 103,000 emails and 5,500 documents. As well, he stated that the number was closer to 107,500 by now. Unfortunately it didn’t cross my mind at the moment to ask him how he would be aware of any increase in numbers but that’s an issue to be investigated later.

There are very good reasons for me to suspect that Det. Wilson did in fact go through the private emails contained on my iMac computer. This came out when I questioned Wilson on the following:

Det. Wilson, I’d like to ask you a few questions about your own history with regard to these kinds of investigations.

Q:    I understand that you once worked with the London Police Service. Am I correct in that regard?

[Wilson replied by stating that he had joined the police force in Ontario back in 1989 and the hate crime unit in 1995 and that he had moved out to B.C. in 2003 and eventually joined the BC Hate Crime Team in 2009. A.T.]

I also understand from the decision of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal in Warmouse v. Kulbashian, 2006 CHRT 11, that while employed by the London Police Service, you executed a search warrant at the residence of James Scott Richardson, an individual suspected of uttering threats.

“[78] Mr. Wilson obtained a search warrant for the apartment in question, and executed it on September 28, 2001. Mr. Richardson was found in the apartment when the police entered and was arrested. He was charged with uttering threats against property and persons, and counselling the indictable offences of murder and of property damage…

[80] A police crime analyst specializing in electronic evidence was involved in the search operation. He seized a computer found in the apartment, and once back at the police station, made a mirror image of its hard drive and examined its content. Amongst the directories on the drive was one that contained the logs of Internet relay chats in which the user of the computer had participated…”

Q:    Is that correct to the best of your recollection?

[Wilson’s reply was “Yes”. A.T.]

According to that same Canadian Human Rights Tribunal decision, you also executed an arrest warrant for Mr. Alexan Kulbashian, and a search warrant at the residence of Mr. Kulbashian’s parents:

[97] Mr. Wilson’s investigation eventually led him to conclude that “Totenkopf” and “Alex Krause” were pseudonyms for Mr. Kulbashian, and that he had also been involved in the publication of the September 14, 2001, Vinland Voice articles. Mr. Wilson therefore sought and obtained warrants for the arrest of Mr. Kulbashian (on charges similar to those filed against Mr. Richardson) and for the search of his residence at his parents’ home in North York. The warrants were executed on January 30, 2002…”

Q:    Is that correct to the best of your recollection?

[Again Wilson’s reply was “Yes”. A.T.]

And according to that same Canadian Human Rights Tribunal decision, the criminal charges against Mr. Richardson and Mr. Kulbashian were later withdrawn:

“[105] In the end, the Crown prosecutor apparently decided to withdraw the criminal charges against Mr. Richardson and Mr. Kulbashian before going to trial. According to Mr. Wilson, the Crown concluded that there was no reasonable expectation of conviction on the charges laid against them.”

Q:    Is that correct to the best of your recollection?

[Again Wilson’s reply was “Yes”. A.T.]

But despite the withdrawal of criminal charges against Mr. Richardson and Mr. Kulbashian, the evidence that you collected in the course of Criminal Code search warrants was later disclosed to the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

Q:    Is that correct to the best of your recollection?

[Wilson’s reply was that the evidence was disclosed to the CHRC but that it was divulged to them only after the commission had subpoena’d Wilson in order to get it. A.T.]

And that same evidence, collected by you in the course of executing Criminal Code search warrants was also disclosed to Ricardo Warmouse, an individual who pursued a complaint against Mr. Richardson and Mr. Kulbashian.

Q:    Is that correct to the best of your recollection?

[Wilson replied that the evidence had been disclosed to the commission itself and not specifically to Warmouse. A.T.]

Q:    When you disclosed this evidence to the Canadian Human Rights Commission, did you know Mr. Warmouse?

[Wilson’s reply was “Yes”. A.T.]

The Wilson/Warmouse Connection

Having established that Det. Wilson was involved with alleging and arresting and removing other individual’s computers from their homes over a decade ago I continued questioning Wilson as to his relationship with Ricardo Warmouse, the person who had first laid the Sec. 319(2) complaint against me back in 2011.

I asked Det. Wilson the following questions:

Q:    When did you first establish contact with Mr. Warmouse?

[Wilson replied that he first connected with Ricardo Warmouse a year or two after he had joined the Ontario hate crime unit back in 1995 and that it was likely due to Warmouse having contacted the unit with a complaint. A.T.]

Q:    Did you and Mr. Warmouse ever discuss the Section 13(1) complaint against Mr. Richardson and Mr. Kulbashian?

[Wilson’s reply was “Yes”. A.T.]

Q:    When did you first establish contact with Agent Z?

[Wilson replied that he first heard from Agent Z back in April of 2011. A.T.]

Q:    Did you initially make contact with Agent Z or did he make contact with you?

[Wilson testified that it was Agent Z who first contacted him. A.T.]

Q:    Were you aware, at the time you executed the search of my residence, that I was subject to a proceeding under Section 13(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act?

[Again Wilson affirmed that he was aware of my previous Sec. 13(1) “hate crime” complaint that Agent Z had filed against me back in 2007 but he attempted to downplay it by suggesting that his investigation focused on doing a whole new investigation separate from what was done (and still remains current) by the Canadian Human Rights Commission. A.T.]

Q:    Were you aware that Agent Z was the complainant in the Canadian Human Rights Act proceeding?

[Wilson: “Yes”. A.T.]

Q:    Were you aware of any involvement on the part of Ricardo Warmouse in the Canadian Human Rights Act proceeding?

[Here Det. Wilson states, “Yes, Warmouse was also a complainant in the Canadian Human Rights Act proceeding.” Of course, officially, Ricardo Warmouse was not a complainant in the CHRC complaint brought against myself and in 2007 although Wilson’s reply now ties in with evidence which I have suggested all along confirms the fact that he was involved but only in a clandestine manner. A.T.]

Q:    Did you ever discuss the Canadian Human Rights Act proceeding against me with Mr. Warmouse?

[Wilson: “Yes”. A.T.]

Q:    Did you ever discuss the Canadian Human Rights Act proceeding against me with Agent Z?

[Wilson: “Yes”. A.T.]

Q:    Did Agent Z ever express to you that he was concerned that the Canadian Human Rights Act proceeding against me might not be successful?

[Wilson’s reply was that during his investigation he had interviewed Agent Z and Agent Z had in fact mentioned his Sec. 13(1) complaint against me but that it was only in reference to Agent Z’s “fear” that this section of the Canadian Human Rights Act was likely going to be repealed. A.T.]

Q:    Has the evidence collected as a result of the search of my residence been shared with Ricardo Warmouse?

[Wilson says “No”. A.T.]

Q:    Has the evidence collected as a result of the search of my residence been shared with Agent Z?

[Again, Wilson says “No” but he then qualified that by adding it has been “just updated”, whatever that means. A.T.]

Q:    Has the evidence collected as a result of the search of my residence been shared with the Canadian Human Rights Commission?

[Wilson says “No”. A.T.]

Q:    Has the evidence collected as a result of the search of my residence been shared with anybody? If so, who?

[Here Wilson stated that only those directly authorized to be involved in the investigation have been privy to the evidence collected. A.T.]

Tabs 1 & 2 – Germany Must Perish! and Israel Must Perish!

At this point in my cross-examination I focussed on the first two tabs mentioned in Crown’s Exhibit “A”, those being the online book, Germany Must Perish! written by Theodore N. Kaufmann and my satirical article Israel Must Perish!.

I began my questioning by asking Det. Wilson if he was familiar with the term “satire” and, if so, could he define for the court its meaning. His response was that it more or less meant “poking fun at something”. I then went on:

Q:    Did Agent Z ever suggest to you that the article Israel Must Perish! was a form of satire?

[Wilson’s response was that Agent Z hadn’t told him anything that would lead him (Agent Z) to believe it (Israel Must Perish! ) was satire. A.T.]

Q:    Have you read the article Israel Must Perish!?

[Wilson: “Yes”. A.T.]

Q:    Are you familiar with the book Germany Must Perish!?

[Wilson: “Yes”. A.T.]

Q:    Were you, at the time you began investigating my website, familiar with the book Germany Must Perish!?

[Wilson: “Yes”. A.T.]

Q: Throughout the course of these proceedings you and the Crown have consistently referred to the article Israel Must Perish! as a “book”.  Could you please explain to the court why you have done so?

[Wilson basically dodged the direct question by saying that it was “sections of a book” meaning sections of Germany Must Perish! A.T.]

Q: Are you familiar with the acronym ISBN regarding book publishing? It stands for International Standard Book Number. Every book published has an ISBN that is unique to that particular publication. Do any of your records show an ISBN number for the purported book Israel Must Perish! ?

[Wilson’s response to the first question was “No” he wasn’t familiar with the acronym “ISBN”. As for the second part of the question Wilson looked again at the images of the article that were in the Exhibit “A” binder and then stated, “I don’t recall one.” A.T.]

Q:    Did it ever occur to you that the article Israel Must Perish! might be a satirical reference to the book Germany Must Perish!?

[Wilson’s response to this question was very telling indeed. He simply stated, “No sir.” A.T.]

Q: When you were reading the article Israel Must Perish! on the website HYPERLINK did you also read the Preface to it which was posted along with the article?

[Wilson: “Yes”. A.T.]

Q:    Are you familiar with the defence contained in Section 319(3)(d) of the Criminal Code, namely that “No person shall be convicted of an offence under subsection (2) … if, in good faith, he intended to point out, for the purpose of removal, matters producing or tending to produce feelings of hatred toward an identifiable group in Canada.”?

[Wilson: “Yes”. A.T.]

Q:    Do you accept that certain satirical material might fall within the protection of Section 319(3)(d) of the Criminal Code?

[Wilson: “Yes”. A.T.]

Tab 5: The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling

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Q: In your testimony yesterday, regarding Tab 5: of the Exhibit Index File 25166 which dealt with the book The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today, Crown Counsel Johnston asked you whether or not the author, Elizabeth Dilling, was a “real person.” You responded by saying, “I have no idea if the author is a real person.” Given the fact that you claim to be the lead “hate crime” investigator for the BC HATE CRIME TEAM Mr. Wilson did it not occur to you that you might take the time to investigate and find out whether Elizabeth Dilling was or was not a “real person?” I did a simple Google search of Elizabeth Dilling’s name last night after returning home from court and found a total of 211,000 results in less than 30 seconds listing the various works of the author plus biographical documentation from the Jewish-owned Wikipedia site, the free online encyclopedia, which verifies that Elizabeth Dilling was in fact a real person. Given the fact that in your professional opinion you have determined this book to be “anti-Semitic” and worthy of proof, in your estimation, that it constitutes “hate propaganda” or “anti-Semitic hate literature” could you please tell the court why you would not have taken 30 seconds of your time to check into this matter?

Before I was able to read out the whole question to Det. Wilson he interjected by grinning and saying that after yesterday’s court session he had checked and now was cognizant of the fact that Elizabeth Dilling was an actual author of the aforesaid book. He obviously had been caught off guard by CC Johnston’s question regarding the author. His reply to my question about why he didn’t take the time to check the authenticity of the author was that he was “more concerned with the content of the book than with authenticating whether the author was real or not.

Q:    Are you familiar with the defence contained in Section 319(3)(c) of the Criminal Code, namely that “No person shall be convicted of an offence under subsection (2) … if the statements were relevant to any subject of public interest, the discussion of which was for the public benefit, and if on reasonable grounds he believed them to be true.”?

[Wilson: “Yes”. A.T.]

Question Regarding the Search Warrant

Q: On Page 8 of the BC Hate Crime Team pdf  it gives an explanation for Sections 320 and 320.1 Warrants of Seizure. These warrant of seizure sections pertain to the removal of hate propaganda written material. This includes hate propaganda that is stored on computer systems and made available to the public, including through the Internet. A judge who is satisfied by information on oath that there are reasonable grounds for believing that any publication or electronic material—copies of which are kept for sale or distribution in premises or on a computer system within the jurisdiction of the court—is hate propaganda, may issue a warrant authorizing seizure of the copies or order the custodian of the computer system to provide an electronic copy of the material to the court.

Now I was charged under Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code. That section of the criminal code does not allow for warrants of seizure. Could you please tell the court how you were able to gain a search warrant for the removal of all of my computers and electronic files when I wasn’t charged under an offence that permitted such actions?

[Wilson responded by stating “Our search warrant was executed under Section 487 of the Criminal Code of Canada not under Section 319(2).”A.T.]

Q:    Do you accept that certain political commentary, even commentary which is extremely critical of an identifiable group of people, may fall within the protection of Section 319(3)(c) of the Criminal Code?

[Wilson replied “Yes”, he did accept that certain political commentary may fall within the protection of Sec. 319(3) of the Criminal Code “but not in the case of”.A.T.]

Q:    Could you briefly explain your expertise in identifying speech which is prohibited by Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code and not saved by one or more of the defences listed in Section 319(3) of the Criminal Code?

[Wilson replied by stating that he had graduated from Guelph University in Ontario with an Honours Degree in History and that he had been working with “hate crime” units both in Ontario and in B.C. for the past 18 years. A.T.]

Q: Could you define for the court the term “hate”?

[Wilson responded by stating that his “HATE CRIME TEAM” uses the definition of hate that was originally used in the R v Keegstra case. A.T.]

Q:    Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code includes an intent requirement. The promoted hatred must be wilful, meaning that the words must be intended to cause hatred. What causes you to believe that this is the case here?

[Without the actual transcripts I can’t state exactly what his reply was other than he started talking about Elizabeth Dillings book, The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today and her descriptions of what the Talmud states regarding children, Christians and non-Jews, aka “goyim” or cattle, and how this is intended to cause “hatred” toward those of Jewish ethnicity. A.T.]

Q:    Do you have any expertise in psychology which would qualify you to accurately assess my intent? [Wilson: “No.” A.T.]

Q:    I put it to you that the evidence you have given with regard to the material on my website is not expert evidence. Would you agree?

[Wilson: “Yes.” A.T.]

Q:    I put it to you that all of the evidence you have given is, in fact, unqualified opinion evidence. Would you agree?

[Here Wilson launched into the issue and began telling the court of his many years of investigative experience in the field of “hate propaganda” and “hate crimes” but rather than stating that he was an “expert” he preferred to refer to his work as “investigative knowledge”. A.T.]

Q:    What makes your opinion on the material on my website more valid than that of myself, the author and publisher of the material in

[Wilson’s reply to this question was that his opinion was “no more valid than anyone else’s.” A.T.]

Hatred on SunNewsNetwork by Ezra Levant

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This is just a screen shot. Please click on the url below to view.

Q:  On November 11, 2012 I sent a private email to you and Cst. Normandie Levas and Crown Counsel Jennifer Johnston titled, A Personal Appeal. In my letter I spoke about the then recent television interview between my former counsel Douglas Christie and SunTV News Network employee Ezra Levant, host of the show The Source. I explained to you that in the course of the interview, which was approximately six minutes in length, Ezra Levant, who is Jewish and a strong supporter of the state of Israel and the political ideology of that state known as Zionism, stated publicly the following about me:

“I call him an anti-Semite”
“I call Arthur Topham offensive”
“I don’t care much for Arthur Topham. He’s anti-Zionist. I think that’s code for anti-Semitic.”
“We’re showing you some screen shots from his website. I disagree with them. I find them gross. I find some of his comments repulsive.”
“I’m sure that Arthur Topham is motivated by a form of malice.”
“I see hate everywhere in Canada, especially in B.C.” [where I, Arthur Topham just happen to reside. A.T.]
“He’s a nobody”
“I think he’s an idiot. An anti-Semitic idiot”
“…right wing wackos like Topham”

Is this not inciting and spreading hatred toward myself in a manner far beyond that which the Crown is alleging is doing?

[Wilson’s response to this was that Ezra Levant didn’t break any law in stating what he did on national tv because he wasn’t communicating statements that wilfully promoted hatred against an “identifiable group”. In other words he was free to malign and smear and tell the whole world that he “hated Arthur Topham” but that didn’t count because I wasn’t a member of an “identifiable group”. I then said to Det. Wilson, “But I am a Christian and so I am a member of an identifiable religious group.” He had no further comment on that. A.T.]

Following this question to Wilson I then read out my letter to the court. Judge Morgan cautioned me that the letter did state that it was written “without prejudice” and that if I entered it into the record it could be used against me. When I told him that I never received a reply from any of the recipients that it was sent to he said okay, go ahead.

A Personal Appeal

Sunday, November 11th, 2012
Cottonwood, B.C.

Dear Jennifer, Normandie and Terry,

Without Prejudice

Yes, this is most likely very unusual for all three of you that someone whom you are determined to convict of a “hate crime” and strip of their constitutional rights would have the audacity to write to you directly but given the circumstances under which I am now placed, I would ask that you open your hearts and your minds, if just for a few brief moments, and take approximate 6 minutes of your time (if you haven’t already done so) to view this video of the television interview that my lawyer Doug Christie did with Ezra Levant on the SunTV News Network’s show, The Source, out of Toronto only a few short hours after our (yours Jennifer and mine) appearance in court on Thursday the 8th of November.

Whether or not you are aware of it that television show is broadcast across the nation and the world and the number of viewers who watched it exceed, by far, the number of readers who frequent my (as one of the mainstream media’s writers recently stated), “nasty little blog called Radical Press.”

Within the span of those six short minutes, Ezra Levant, who is Jewish and who also supports Zionism, publicly made the following disparaging statements about me and my website:

“I call him an anti-Semite”
“I call Arthur Topham offensive”
“I don’t care much for Arthur Topham. He’s anti-Zionist. I think that’s code for anti-Semitic”
“We’re showing you some screen shots from his website. I disagree with them. I find them gross. I find some of his comments repulsive.”
“I’m sure that Arthur Topham is motivated by a form of malice.”
“I see hate everywhere in Canada, especially in B.C.” [where Arthur Topham just happens to reside. A.T.]
“He’s a nobody”
“I think he’s an idiot. An anti-Semitic idiot”
“…right wing wackos like Topham”

If this is the sort of ‘impartial, objective and unbiased’ coverage that I can expect from Canada’s mainstream media throughout the upcoming trial do you find it that strange or unusual or unreasonable that I would want to hold on to my fundamental Charter right to be able to continue operating my website and posting my side of the story in my own defence for those who wish to have an alternative perspective to the one that the msm is now so blatantly broadcasting the minute that an Indictment has come down?

Do you not see the obvious slander, libel and defamation of my person and my motives and my work in these public statements? Do you not see how it already is prejudicing my chances for a fair and just trial? Does it mean nothing to you?

Is this what you, as professionals in the field of law and order and justice, condone and are striving to support in your apparent effort to take away my one means of defending myself from such open and mean spirited vituperation?

All I can say is that, in the stillness and quiet of your own inner mind and soul, you try to see and understand the injustice of what you are doing.


Arthur Topham
“Digging to the root of the issues since 1998”

Q:    Det. Wilson, are you familiar with Section 11(d) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

Q:    Section 11(d) of the Charter protects the presumption of innocence. I put it to you that this includes the idea that an accused person should not be punished for a crime unless and until he has been proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Would you agree?

[Wilson: “Yes.” A.T.]

Q:    Are you familiar with Section 11(e) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

Q:    Section 11(e) of the Charter provides that no accused person should be denied reasonable bail without just cause. I suggest to you that this means the state should not unreasonably interfere with the liberty of an accused person unless and until he has been proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Would you agree?

[Wilson: “Yes.” A.T.]

Q:    As of October 9, 2012, and to this day, there is no bail order preventing me from publishing content to pending trial. Is that correct?

[Wilson: “Yes.” A.T.]

Q:    And in January 2013, this court specifically determined that it would not be appropriate to impose a bail condition prohibiting me from publishing on pending trial. Do you recognize this as a decision of this court?

[Wilson: “Yes.” A.T.]

Q: On November 21, 2012 I received an email from my then web hosting company which contained an email letter which you had sent to Zach P of the legal department sometime between November 5th when the Indictment was handed down and November 21, 2012. In your letter you informed Zach P that I had been charged with a Section 319(2) Canadian Criminal Code offence, alleging that I had been distributing hateful speech and that you felt that the contents of my website (quote) “may in fact contravene” and be in breach of their policy. Is that correct?

[Wilson: “Yes.” A.T.]

Q:    What was your objective in writing to

[Wilson then explained that he had written to my web host server “To notify them of a potential breach of their policy.” A.T.]

Q:    By alleging that I had been distributing hateful speech and suggesting to that you felt that the contents of my website “may in fact contravene” and be in breach of their policy were you not in effect asking to do what this Honourable Court has been unwilling to do, namely shut down in advance of my trial?

[Wilson basically repeated what he’d just said about simply notifying them of a “potential breach of their policy.” A.T.]

Q:    Do you think you allegations contained in your letter to were appropriate in view of the presumption of innocence?

Q:    Do you think your allegations were appropriate in view of the right to reasonable bail on just terms?

[Again Wilson basically repeated what he’d previously stated. A.T.]

Q: Your allegations, as stated in your email to, resulted in my web hosting company giving me a 48 hour notice to remove all of the alleged “hateful speech” or else face having my website removed and losing seven years of publishing content. This sudden 48-hour ultimatum was impossible for me to rectify as had no idea what the alleged offending articles were and as a further result of your allegations they were unwilling to even negotiate with me. I was faced with having to move the site to another host server in an extremely short period of time and in the process of doing so all the content on the website was damaged and hundreds upon hundreds of articles are now in need of editing to restore them to their original condition. Were you at all concerned that your allegations to might result in the destruction of important evidence?

[Ditto. A.T.]

Testimony of Frank Frost and Lonnie Landrud


The final lap in the Preliminary Inquiry was the calling of two witnesses in my defence. Both Frank Frost and Lonnie Landrud are two of many individuals who have come to realize that the mainstream media no longer serves the general public when it comes to issues of social justice. Both these people have been through the wringer and the stories of the injustices that they’ve witnesses and been subjected to are nothing short of incredible.

The Lonnie Landrud story, should it ever receive the attention that it deserves, will undoubtedly go down in B.C. history as one of the most extraordinary and horrific examples of police corruption and government cover up ever to have occurred in this province. Mr. Landrud had the unfortunate fate in 1999 of witnessing the murder of a young woman by the name of Deena Lynn Braem in Quesnel by two RCMP officers, Cst. Paul Collister and Cst. Bev Hosker. When he called 911 and reported the incident it was the beginning of what is now 15 years of hell on earth for Mr. Landrud. He has had eleven attempts on his life since he first sought justice and at present the police have placed a $100,000 bounty on his head. Mr. Landrud has done everything conceivable to have his case investigated by an independent body and to date has had all of his honest and earnest efforts rebuffed by every level of government from the Prime Ministers office through to the RCMP Complaints Commission and the office of the Premier of British Columbia, Christy Clark. During one attempt on his life by the RCMP Lonnie Landrud, in self-defence, shot his attacker Cst. Paul Collister with a 12-gauge shotgun, severely damaging the police officers left arm to the point where ample DNA evidence was left at the scene of the shooting to verify the fact that the officer had been wounded. The whole incident was covered up and denied by the investigating agencies and to date no one is willing to investigate and verify the evidence that still exists which will prove all of the allegations which Mr. Landrud has been desperately attempting to have examined.

When I finally heard about Mr. Landrud’s story and watched the videos where he had been interviewed back in 2007 I ran his story on in order to assist him in getting the truth out about what he had witnessed and suffered since the night he stumbled on the murder scene. Lonnie Landrud’s story is best told in his own words and writings and for this reason I’ve placed the url to his videos below and also the url to (yet another) letter which Mr. Landrud wrote to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, NDP Opposition Leader, Thomas Mulcair, Federal Public Safety Minister Vic Toews, Federal Solicitor General, Rob Nicholson, Christy Clark, Premier of British Columbia and Adrian Dix, NDP Leader of the Opposition Party on April 24th, 2013.

Mr. Landrud testified at the Preliminary Inquiry and told the court about his case and the urgent need for alternative media sites like that are willing to carry his story where no none of the mainstream media would do the job.

LonnieVidHrClick on the url below to view


Mr. Frank Frost also testified before the court regarding the importance of the social media and alternative news networks like Mr. Frost is another individual who has been the victim of RCMP corruption and judicial misfeasance. Again, like Lonnie Landrud, Mr. Frost followed all the customary channels in an effort to expose the murder of a young child in Victoria, B.C. and was met with police and judicial cover-up every which way he turned. Framed and incarcerated for four months in the Prince George Regional Correction Centre where he was refused even a single phone call for FOUR MONTHS, Frank Frost has continued to take a pro-active position with respect to demands that the corruption that he’s exposing within the Ministry of Children and Family Development, the RCMP and the Courts be investigated and rectified. For further information on Mr. Frost’s case please watch his videos located here.

We have not heard the last from either of these two valiant, courageous individuals nor have we heard the last from with respect to the pervasive corruption within every level of Canadian government, the mainstream media and all levels of Canada’s judiciary.

This wraps up Legal Update #17 for January 27th, 2014.


Arthur Topham puts Zionist double-standards & hypocrisy on trial! Interview with Kevin Barrett of TruthJihad Radio

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This show was broadcast on December 17, 2013.
It is now archived HERE for everyone — Use Player

Or here:

Broadcast Tues., Dec. 17th 10-11 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on, archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows.

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Arthur Topham, publisher of the Canadian-based Radical Press website, is facing criminal charges. His crime: Parodying Zionist Jew Theodore Kaufman’s book “Germany Must Perish!” by changing “Germany” to “Israel” throughout the text.  This tiny change produced the satirical masterpiece “Israel Must Perish!” – and led Canada’s Zionist Power Configuration to have him jailed on “hate crime” charges!

The 1941 Zionist genocide manifesto Germany Must Perish! makes Mein Kampf look like a Mother Theresa homily by comparison. The mass murder of every German advocated by Kaufman was hailed by Time Magazine as “a sensational idea!” The annihilation of the women, children, and men of Germany was termed “a plan for permanent peace among civilized nations” by the Zionist flagship publication The New York Times.

The Zionist call for the genocidal murder of every German, exemplified by Kaufman’s book, led to the mass murder of German civilians in the militarily useless firebombings of German cities (such as the Dresden holocaust described by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. in Slaughterhouse Five.) It also led to the US military’s mass murder of as many as a million German POWs, who were penned up behind barbed wire without food, water, or shelter and left to die of hunger, thirst, and exposure. And it led to the postwar genocide in which at least three million German civilians (some estimates say closer to ten million) were starved in a brutal ethnic cleansing carried out by the US and Soviet occupations. These killings of millions were not accidental; they were the outcome of the partial implementation of the Morgenthau Plan – the official US government version of Theodore Kaufman’s call for the annihilation of Germans.

David Irving may be controversial, but no competent historian would dispute his assessment: “The Morgenthau Plan would have led to the death by starvation and pestilence of ten million Germans in the first two years after the war, in addition to the one million who had been killed in the saturation bombing and the three million killed in the enforced expulsion from Germany’s eastern territories.”

These historical facts do not excuse German war crimes. But they do raise the question of whether the victors’ version of history, including the (very likely exaggerated) sacred story of the gas-chamber holocaust, may be a classic case of the psychological defense mechanism known as “projection” – i.e. absolving oneself of one’s own evils by projecting them upon the Other.

Posted by Kevin Barrett at 8:07 AM

Eighty Years of Infamy – Enough Already! by

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by justice4germans


by Arthur Topham (Radical Press)

On Thursday, March 23rd, 1933 the newly democratically elected Chancellor of Germany Adolf Hitler and his cabinet, in a vote taken in the Kroll Opera House in Berlin by the Reichstag on proposed legislation known as the Enabling Act – the “Law for Removing the Distress of People and Reich,” were given a four year mandate to rule Germany, unrestrained by Parliament. The vote, when taken, was: 441 for and 84 against.

On Friday, March 24th, 1933 one day after this historic event, World Jewry openly declared war on Germany!


Thus was set the stage upon which Germany and the world at large would be continually forced to bear witness to World Jewry’s endless and psychopathic vengeful obsession with their ongoing campaign of vitriolic lies, racism and HATRED toward the German people and the German nation.

2013 marks the 80th anniversary of this planned strategy of intentional conditioning of generation upon generation of western civilization’s citizens to fear, loathe and despise first and foremost the National Socialist Party of Germany (termed “NAZI” by the Jew media), its leader Adolf Hitler and then, by extrapolation, the German people as a whole.

After eight decades of defamation and endless slurring it begs the question as to why World Jewry would continue to, as the saying goes, flog a dead horse over and over and over again? To what (or whose) advantage is is to constantly harken back nearly a century in order to reinforce what is now, thanks to the tireless efforts of historical revisionists, evidently the most profoundly provocative and colossal LIE ever foisted upon the world?

A day never passes when the so-called “mainstream media (MSM)  doesn’t make mention of either Adolf Hitler or the “Nazis”,  or the purported “Jewish Holocaust”.  Relentless and hard-hearted as the tax man or the bill collector the Jew-controlled MSM, like the ancient Mariner in Coleridge’s famed poem, holds the general pubic’s attention hostage with its “glittering (TV) eye” while spinning out its slanderous tales of endless misery and woe and persecution, all of which is maliciously and willfully designed to shore up a deceit that is now unraveling before the world, thanks to the miracle of the Internet!

Only those born before 1933 could honestly say that they lived in a period of history when libel of Germany wasn’t an all-pervasive reality and the numbers of people living today who are of that age and still conscious of their former world are few and far between.

Those of us born after World Jewry’s 1933 declaration have all been subjected to the unceasing assault on the German nation that still persists today [and have even participated in it].

It was writers like Theodore N. Kaufmann, quoted above, who spear-headed the intentional promotion of HATRED toward Germany prior to America’s involvement in a war that Hitler and the German nation never wanted and never were guilty of causing. Kaufmann and world Jewry’s aim was to change the attitude of the American people; one that was then either neutral or pro-German rather than anti and twist the truth about Hitler and the National Socialist government and their amazing accomplishments from 1933 until 1939.

And so his hate-filled screed titled German Must Perish! was promoted by the most prestigious MSM publications in the USA when it appeared in 1941 prior to America’s entry into the conflict. Magazines like Time and newspapers like the New York Times and the Washington Post lauded the idea of absolutely destroying the German nation and the German race as a whole referring to the grotesquely contemptible concept as a “SENSATIONAL IDEA!”


“This dynamic volume [Germany Must Perish!] outlines a comprehensive plan for the extinction of the German nation and the total eradication from the earth, of all her people.”

“It is a definite obligation which the world owes to those who struggled and died against the German yesterday, and to those who are fighting him again today, as it is the bounden duty of the present generation to those yet unborn, to make certain that the vicious fangs of the German serpent shall never strike again. And since the venom of those fangs derives its fatal poison not from within the body, but from the war-soul of the German, nothing else would assure humanity safety and security but that that war-soul be forever expunged, and the diseased carcass which harbors it forever removed from this world. There is no longer any alternative: Germany Must Perish!”
~ Theodore N. Kaufman, Germany Must Perish!, Argyle Press, Newark, New Jersey, 1941

Once World Jewry was successful in dragging the USA into the war via their choreographed “Pearl Harbour” maneuver all stops were pulled out and the vicious denigration of Hitler and Germany began in earnest never to abate even to this day.

Canadian children growing up during the war years were subjected to all the anti-German hatred propaganda that was carried in the media. Images of Hitler and the “Nazis” were ever-present and for all the German-Canadian citizens throughout the nation the devastating effect of such vile and systematic psychic abuse worked its way into the minds and subconscious of those who, prior to World Jewry’s intentions, had been respected members of Canadian society.

Continue reading here

COMMENT by Justice4Germans:

I am most grateful to Arthur Topham of the Radical Press for this piece, and for all of his hard work and dedication to these issues over many years, and at great risk to himself. Indeed it has put him into legal jeopardy here in Canada, because his opinions and the material he presents is not “politically correct”.  Freedom of  expression is a God given right and our most basic human right which “in a free and democratic society” as Canada purports to be, should never be subject to laws, prosecution and penalties, no matter who claims to be offended.   However, and what is worse, is when a select group is entitled to spew outright lies while being selectively protected from every criticism, much less from prosecution.

If Canadians honestly believed that they, or their soldiers,  were fighting in two world wars to protect such rights (as sold) then why, pray tell,  are such rights and freedoms subject to arbitrary limitations and punishment and selectively enforced.  It is shear hypocrisy and an affront to those who laid down their lives for such principles, even if they were misled about the reasons for the war in the first place. They too were victims of the BIG LIE.

To Arthur’s comments, that “the … images of Hitler and the ‘Nazis’ were ever-present and for all the German-Canadian citizens throughout the nation  … AFTER THE WAR too, and  …the devastating effect of such vile and systematic psychic abuse worked its way into the minds and subconscious of all those … forced to absorb this false history, causing continued widespread anti-Germanism!” I will add that I grew up in Canada and I experienced it many times in my childhood, right through into my adult life, and all based upon lies and absurdities!


It is high time that Canadians, and all others, learned the real, full, true history of World War I and II and realized how they have been blatantly lied to for nearly a full century, dating back to 1914, and understood that your soldiers were sent off to fight and die unnecessarily, and to commit unspeakable atrocities against the German people for the benefit of the International Bankster Gangsters, who in 1933 called themselves “World Jewry”.

With the help of a bunch of lying gangster friends who run the media in this country, and virtually everywhere else, and who also call themselves “Jews” (and are not)  they formed an international criminal cabal with a conspiracy to get good people, of all races, to fight their wars for their financial benefit, and for their sick New World Order agenda.  Only they benefited from both world wars, while crying victimhood, and it continues to this day, with new victims, namely:  any country which seeks independence from them and to do right by it’s people!  And the same method of operations, with the same lies, fear atrocity propaganda to manipulate the masses is employed, and time and  time again, believed.

Thus I say, a full century of treachery, lies and deceit, and of genocide and crimes against humanity … enough already!  WAKE UP WORLD!

And with that, I proudly declare …


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Karen Selick: Just Another Hate-mongering Germanophobe Jew by Arthur Topham

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“This dynamic volume outlines a comprehensive plan for the extinction of the German nation and the total eradication from the earth, of all her people. Also contained herein is a map illustrating the possible territorial dissection of Germany and the apportionment of her lands.”

~Theodore  N. Kaufmann, Germany Must Perish!


How tedious, onerous, and evil it all is having to observe Jews like Karen Selick posing as loyal Canadians and lying their face off about Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist Party of Germany in Jewry’s incessant and brazen bid to exploit to the max the cumulative hatred they’ve spent the past eighty years spreading throughout the world.

Selick and her ilk of pseudo-Left ‘Canadian’ Jews and their ceaseless, vituperative hate-fest against the German people as a whole knows no bounds. Glutted beyond excess with all their depraved Talmudic teachings, brains drenched beyond the point of saturation with vile, satanic enmity toward the German nation, constantly dripping lie upon lie, they’re more than willing to resort to every devious method and venue imaginable in order to perpetuate their venomous bile toward Germany, the German people as a whole and Adolf Hitler’s former government.

One such venue being used to mask their execrable intentions appears to be the Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF) whose motto reads: Protecting the Constitutional Freedoms of Canadians Through Education, Communication & Litigation. Obviously the CCF’s covert mission, in so far as “educating” Canadians, also includes the ongoing denigration of the German nation through ceaseless vituperations such as those found in the writings of Karen Selick.


Of course it’s all pure Zionist bullshit, subterfuge and window dressing, designed to hide the main purpose of pro-Zionist organizations like the CCF, that being the perpetuation of their two greatest LIES of the 20 Century: (1) the Mythical 6 Million Holocaust of Jews by the “Nazis” and (2) the nonstop, psychopathically-driven, mind-control propaganda designed to brainwash generations of people into believing that Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist Party of Germany (coined “Nazis” by the Jew media during WWII), and, by extension, the German nation as a whole, are the greatest cumulative evil ever to have existed upon this planet.

As a patriotic Canadian nationalist (not of German descent) what’s so exasperating for me is to witness dual-citizen Canadian/Israeli Jews like Selick twisting, then connecting, every injustice ever to have occurred, with the “Nazis” in their eternally cursed attempt to buttress their own inevitable failure to keep the masses of goyim (non-Jew cattle or Gentiles) fixated on Hitler and WWII rather than focussing on the real criminals (both of yesterday and today), those being the terrorist, gangster Rothschild Zionist Jew cartel, the very same entity responsible for fomented WW I and WWII in order to establish their “Jews Only” spiritual “Homeland” in the heart of Arab/Muslim territory and all the subsequent horror and terrorism and genocide of the Palestinian people.

Typical of this specious Zionist Jew propaganda are Selick’s slanderous, libellous, ignorant remarks inserted throughout her recent article posted on the Canadian Constitution Foundation website titled, “You Don’t Fight Nazis by Becoming a Nazi Yourself.” Here are some of her maliciously maligning deceits contained in the German hate propaganda piece:

“One of the crimes that the Nazis committed against European Jews in the 1930s and ’40s was to legalize, or at least facilitate, the theft of Jewish property, merely because it was owned by people whom the Nazis despised for their religious beliefs.”

“Wikipedia describes the National Alliance as a “white nationalist, anti-semitic, and white separatist political organization.” In short, they are neo-Nazis. As a Jew, I have no sympathy whatsoever with the National Alliance. They sound vile and loathsome to me.”

“The Nazis reviled the Jews and their religion, and felt that their revulsion justified them in depriving Jews of their property.”

“Nazism was evil not merely because it was anti-semitic, but also because it did not respect private property rights. A state that does not respect private property rights is evil like the Nazi state was, even though it may not be motivated by anti-semitism.”

Contentious, convoluted statements such as these are standard Zionist Jew hate literature full of lies, distortions and misrepresentations and presented as if it they were as factual as the rising sun on a clear morning when in truth they resemble more the chemtrail haze that the Rothschild Jews are now spraying over the heads of the unwary goyim around the world in order to poison, weaken and kill off both the natural environment and its useless eaters.

The truth, when distilled from the overflowing vats of Zionist disinformation and out and out lies, is that when Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist Party (NSP) came to power in 1933 via the most open and internationally monitored election in history, World Jewry immediately declared a “holy war” on the Germany nation thus making it virtually impossible for the National Socialists to maintain relations with the various and disparate groups of Jews who at that time were living in Germany.

Setting aside Selick’s silly, scatterbrained sophistry and fallacious reasoning for the moment it’s necessary to point out to the brainwashed bovine masses that the Jewish question in Germany when Adolf Hitler and the NS party gained power was far from simple as Selick would have readers believe. Germany at that time was populated with a large percentage of westernized Jews who had dwelt in Germany for generations and who, for the most part, felt they were first and foremost German citizens over and above their religious beliefs. In other words they had accepted assimilation as a way of life and a large percentage of them were married to Germans of Aryan blood. On top of that many German Jews had fought for Germany during WW I, along side Adolf himself and he wasn’t about to now turn on them just because the Zionists outside of Germany decided to declare war on the German nation. The greatest problem for the NS government was the mass influx of eastern Ashkenazi Jews that had flocked to Germany to escape the Bolshevik Communist Soviet Union and were attempting to exit to either America, Canada of Great Britain.

Ultimately the German government of the day chose to work in cooperation with the Jewish Rabbinate and the Zionist Agency, an organization that was formed to assist in the peaceful migration of those Jews deemed by the German rabbinate to be the most closely aligned with Judaism and the Zionist ideology and thus prime candidates for filling the quotas necessary for the Rothschild scheme of establishing the Jewish homeland in Palestine. From that point well into the beginning years of the war the Zionist Jews and their organizations worked in tandem with the German government in order to move as many Zionist Jews out of Germany as possible. If that peaceful migration of Jews was halted it certainly wasn’t the fault of the National Socialist government of Germany but more to do with the British government of the day that halted the said immigration in 1939 when it declared war on Germany.

It also must be clearly pointed out that those Jews who were deemed suitable for immigration to Palestine (chosen by the Jews themselves and not the Hitler government) were allowed to leave the country with their possessions and their wealth contrary to the simplistic assertions contained in Selick’s reckless and specious attempt to connect the government of Adolf Hitler with the machinations of what are in fact the Zionist influenced actions of the Harper government and its Zionist supporting cast comprised of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs and the Zionist hate rag the National Post and likely others such as B’nai Brith Canada, all the real bone fide censors existing in Canada today operating clandestinely as 5th columnist traitorous Jewish lobby groups and now, as shown in Selick’s article, involved in further attempts to stop the National Alliance from receiving its legally bequeathed gift from a Canadian supporter.

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Selick’s attempt to equate Adolf Hitler and the German nation with all the present subterfuge emanating from the Zionist Jews here in Canada is a cogent example of how the Zionist Jew mindset operates. They distort everything out of proportion; turn the facts 180 degrees upside down in order to force events to match their long list of lies that must be publicized on a regular basis so as to prevent the stupid goy from realizing what is really going on behind the scenes. It’s the Zionist way and Selick is living proof of just how clandestine and contorted and dangerous the Zionist ideology is when it comes to discerning truth from the fiction of lies that political Zionism is predicated upon.

If I might paraphrase the precise words of Selick, who, in her maligning slurs and aspersions aimed at the National Alliance, had the gall to state, “As a Jew, I have no sympathy whatsoever with the National Alliance. They sound vile and loathsome to me” I would unhesitatingly state that as a Gentile Christian I have absolutely no sympathy whatsoever with the Zionist Jews. They not only sound vile and loathsome to me but their actions over the past century and longer have convinced me that they ARE vile and loathsome and that they pose the greatest danger to world peace and harmony that this world has ever experienced.

The Morgenthau Plan for Israel by J.B. Campbell



Israel Must Perish!  It’s a Cancer Eating Up the World

by J.B. Campbell

Thursday, June 2nd, 2011

The Morgenthau Plan for Germany was presented to Franklin Roosevelt by his treasury secretary, Henry Morgenthau, Jr. George Patton said in his diary that the idea was presented to Morgenthau by Dwight D. Eisenhower during a visit to Patton’s camp in France a few weeks after D-Day. Harry Dexter White (Weit), a Soviet agent in Morgenthau’s Treasury Department whose parents were Lithuanian Jews, designed our post-war genocide of the Germans based on a book written in 1941 by Theodore N. Kaufman entitled ‘“Germany Must Perish!”

The Morgenthau Plan was the reason that millions of Germans, both prisoners of war and German civilians, were slaughtered on Eisenhower’s orders in the months and years following World War II. It was the reason that German industry was dismantled and taken to the Soviet Union. It was the reason that German children and adults were put through Jewish brainwashing to hate themselves and obey the Jews. It was all in the plan, all based on Kaufman’s vicious little book.

I don’t like to criticize Jews. It gives them too much power over our minds, by making us think about them, which is what they crave. It must however be done occasionally. We should therefore let them do the work.

Roy Arthur Topham up in Canada has come up with a truly brilliant way to do this. He has simply taken Kaufman’s book and replaced ‘“Germany” with “Israel,” “Germans” with “Jews” and “Nazi” with “Zionist.” In so doing, he has given us the weapon we need, a means of describing the menace of Israel as I myself could never do, either for lack of writing ability or inclination or both.

Israel and Judaism are deserving of our hate but it is not in our nature to do this properly. This is easily proven by reading Kaufman’s words. He knew how to hate and how to write about it. It is so odd that his lies about Germany become the truth about Israel. So odd but so fitting.

Israel must perish. It is a cancer eating up the world. Cancer is killing so many people because the ones we have trusted to fight cancer have deliberately made the disease more widespread by using cancer-causing but lucrative quack remedies such as radiation and poisonous chemicals. Surgery often spreads cancer but sometimes there’s no other way to get rid of a tumor. That is what is called for in the case of Israel. This malignant tumor must be cut out. Or starved out, the way Germany was starved out.

Henry Morgenthau and President Roosevelt

Of course, there is no political will in DC to do this. We need to get rid of the institution that represents only the interests of Israel, the US Congress. This body should be devoted to American interests, mainly in the creation of debt-free currency. But it certainly mustn’t be devoted to the military superiority of Israel, as is currently and traditionally the case.

What would have been the reaction of US Jews if it were revealed that all congressional candidates had to sign a pledge to maintain the military superiority of Nazi Germany in the 1930s and ’40s? Would we ever have heard the end of it?

So here is Roy Arthur Topham’s conversion of anti-German lies into anti-Jewish truth. What can Jewish critics say? The language is Jewish, written by someone with a blinding hatred of the German people, without doubt the finest and most creative and decent people on earth. It is only fair that the language is turned back on those who supported the mass murder of the Germans, a crime against humanity based on this very book.

The Germans have been libeled as “Hitler’s willing executioners,” for going along with the German extermination of Jews, something we now know neither happened nor was attempted nor even contemplated. But something that we do know is happening is the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians by Israel, something generally supported by Jews everywhere. Some Jews may say they do not support this but how many Jews say that Jews must get out of Palestine, which is the only solution to this crime against humanity? I’ve never heard one say it. Only Helen Thomas said it.

Therefore, we can say that Jews everywhere are ‘“Netanyahu’s willing executioners.”

Here is how Theodore N. Kaufman prescribed the treatment of such a bloodthirsty people, with the names changed to attack the guilty:

Arthur Topham has done something brilliant yet simple that it makes people such as myself ask, “Why didn’t I think of that?”

What Eisenhower’s army killers did to the Germans after World War II was so horrific and dreadful that you cannot find films of it on YouTube or Google, the owners of which naturally don’t want us to see what their synagogue brethren did to a prostrate and helpless people. If we could see what was done to Germans we could better grasp the same crimes being committed today against Arabs, by the same people.

What can anyone say about this idea? That it is hateful? Consider the source. This is just the Morgenthau Plan for Israel. It’s only fair. What follows is an excerpt from Arthur Topham’s conversion of Kaufman.

ISRAEL MUST PERISH! The Book that the Jews Fear

By Arthur Topham

May 27, 2011

Author’s Preface:

What is contained herein is but a synopsis and partial review of the verbatim text of an actual book first published in the USA back in early 1941 when America was still a neutral country. That book, Germany Must Perish! was written by a Jewish writer by the name of Theodore N. Kaufman. Its exact proposals are those contained herein.

It is assumed that the reader will already be fully cognizant of the Zionist agenda for global governance that is a given in today’s political reality, especially within the alternative media and on the Internet where Zionist “hate” laws are still not fully in place to restrict the natural flow of ideas and opinions that proceed from historical research and experience.

In 1941 Kaufman’s book was a brilliant piece of Zionist Jew propaganda designed to stir up anti-German hatred in America. Some say that it formed the basis of the infamous ‘“Morgenthau Plan” that was later signed in Quebec, Canada by President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill; one designed to dismember Germany after its defeat and reduce it to the status of “a goat pasture.” It was probably remains to this day the foremost example of hate literature ever to have been published and dispensed to the general public.

As the reader will surmise from viewing the image of the back page of Kaufman’s book some of America’s most prestigious newspapers and magazines were in full support of the objectives set down in this classic book of Jewish hate literature. Again, the reader is cautioned to bear in mind that I have changed the word “Nazi’ to “Jew’ in the quote from the Philadelphia Record as I have changed all the other words “German” and “Nazi” to “Jew” and “Zionist,” etc.

The striking thing about the vileness of the text is how, today, it seems to roll off the mind’s tongue as if it were as truthful and factual as the rising sun. As such I firmly believe that all of what the Zionist Jews write about others is actually but a reflection of their own inner, perverse, dislocated self. By projecting outward on to others their innate paranoid and deep-seated hatred for the rest of the world they’re able to meet the requirements of the Israeli state’s motto which reads, “By Way of Deception Though Shalt Cause War” and feel a sense of superiority and self-righteousness in doing so.

I would humbly ask the reader to be aware of these features as they read both the text and the context in which it was first written. I have, as the saying goes, only changed the names to protect the innocent. As for any further extrapolation I will leave that up to the reader.


In ISRAEL MUST PERISH! The Book that the Jews Fear, beginning with the Table of Contents page Topham makes this dramatic initial statement “This dynamic volume outlines a comprehensive plan for the extinction of the Jewish nation and the total eradication from the earth, of all her people.”  How do you like those apples so far? Talk about cutting to the chase!

From Chapter One: About This Book

‘“Today”‘ wars are not wars against Netanyahu. Nor are they wars against the Zionists.  Netanyahu is no more to be blamed for these Israeli wars than was Sharon for the last one. Nor Begin before. These men did not originate or wage Israel’s wars against the world. They were merely the mirrors reflecting centuries-old inbred lust of the Jewish nation for conquest and mass murder. These wars are being waged by the Jewish people. It is they who are responsible. It is they who must be made to pay for the wars. This time Israel has forced a TOTAL WAR upon the world.  As a result, she must be prepared to pay a TOTAL PENALTY.

And there is one, and only one, such Total Penalty, Israel must perish forever!  In fact, not in fancy!


ISRAEL MUST PERISH! The Book that the Jews Fear By Arthur Topham


ISRAEL MUST PERISH! The Book that the Jews Fear
By Arthur Topham

May 27, 2011

Author’s Preface:

What is contained herein is but a synopsis and partial review of the verbatim text of an actual book first published in the USA back in early 1941 when America was still a neutral country. That book, Germany Must Perish! was written by a Jewish writer by the name of Theodore N. Kaufman. Its exact proposals are those contained herein.

It is assumed that the reader will already be fully cognizant of the Zionist agenda for global governance that is a given in today’s political reality, especially within the alternative media and on the Internet where Zionist “hate” laws are still not fully in place to restrict the natural flow of ideas and opinions that proceed from historical research and experience.

In 1941 Kaufman’s book was a brilliant piece of Zionist Jew propaganda designed to stir up anti-German hatred in America. Some say that it formed the basis of the infamous “Morgenthau Plan” that was later signed in Quebec, Canada by President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill; one designed to dismember Germany after its defeat and reduce it to the status of “a goat pasture.” It was, and probably remains to this day, the foremost example of hate literature ever to have been published and dispensed to the general public.

As the reader will surmise from viewing the image of the back page of Kaufman’s book some of America’s most prestigious newspapers and magazines were in full support of the objectives set down in this classic book of Jewish hate literature. Again, the reader is cautioned to bear in mind that I have changed the word “Nazi” to “Jew” in the quote from the Philadelphia Record as I have changed all the other words “German” and “Nazi” to “Jew” and “Zionist,” etc.

The striking thing about the vileness of the text is how, today, it seems to roll off the mind’s tongue as if it were as truthful and factual as the rising sun. As such I firmly believe that all of what the Zionist Jews write about others is actually but a reflection of their own inner, perverse, dislocated self. By projecting outward on to others their innate paranoid and deep-seated hatred for the rest of the world they’re able to meet the requirements of the Israeli state’s motto which reads, “By Way of Deception Though Shalt Cause War” and feel a sense of superiority and self-righteousness in doing so.

I would humbly ask the reader to be aware of these features as they read both the text and the context in which it was first written. I have, as the saying goes, only changed the names to protect the innocent. As for any further extrapolation I will leave that up to the reader.


ISRAEL MUST PERISH! The Book that the Jews Fear By Roy Arthur Topham

Beginning with the Table of Contents page Topham makes this dramatic initial statement:

“This dynamic volume outlines a comprehensive plan for the extinction of the Jewish nation and the total eradication from the earth, of all her people.”

How do you like those apples so far? Talk about cutting to the chase!

from Chapter One: About This Book

“Today’s wars are not wars against Netanyahu.

Nor are they wars against the Zionists…

Netanyahu is no more to be blamed for these Israeli wars than was Sharon for the last one. Nor Begin before. These men did not originate or wage Israel’s wars against the world. They were merely the mirrors reflecting centuries-old inbred lust of the Jewish nation for conquest and mass murder.

These wars are being waged by the Jewish people. It is they who are responsible. It is they who must be made to pay for the wars.

…This time Israel has forced a TOTAL WAR upon the world.

As a result, she must be prepared to pay a TOTAL PENALTY.

And there is one, and only one, such Total Penalty:

Israel must perish forever!

In fact – not in fancy!”


“For quite patently, to fight once more in democratic defense against Israel with any goal in view save that country’s extinction constitutes, even though it lose the war, a Jewish victory. To fight, to win, and not this time to end Jewish Zionism forever by exterminating completely those people who spread its doctrine is to herald the outbreak of another Jewish war within a generation.”

When this day of reckoning with Israel comes, as come it will, there will be only one obvious answer. No statesman or politician or leader responsible for post-war settlements will have the right to indulge in the personal luxury of false sentiment and specious sanctimony and declare that Israel, misled by her leaders, shall deserve the right of resurrection!

… the beast that is Israel shall never roam the earth again!

It is a definite obligation which the world owes to those who struggled and died against the Jews…to make certain that the vicious fangs of the Jewish serpent shall never strike again. And since the venom of those fangs derives its fatal poison not from within the body, but from the war-soul of the Jews, nothing else would assure humanity safety and security but that that war-soul be forever expunged, and the diseased carcass which harbors it be forever removed from this world. There is no longer any alternative:

Israel Must Perish!

… And so it is with the people of Israel. They may respond for a while to civilizing forces; they may seemingly adopt the superficial mannerisms and exterior behaviorisms of civilized peoples but all the while there remains ever present within them that war-soul which eventually drives them, as it drives the tiger, to kill. And no amount of conditioning, or reasoning, or civilizing – past, present or future – will ever be able to change this basic nature. For if no impress has been made upon this war-soul over the period of some two thousand years is it to be expected that of a sudden, on the morrow, this miracle will occur?

This analogous linking of the people of Israel with a savage beast is no vulgar comparison. I feel no more personal hatred for these people than I might feel for a herd of wild animals or a cluster of poisonous reptiles. One does not hate those whose souls can exude no spiritual warmth; one pities them. If the Jewish people wish to live by themselves, in darkness, it would be strictly their own affair. But when they make constant attempts to enshroud the souls of other people in those fetid wrappings which cloak their own, it becomes time to remove them from the realm of civilized mankind among which they can have no place or right to existence.

We need not condemn the Jews. They stand self-condemned. For it suffices us to read and hear those words written and spoken only by Jews; to observe deeds performed solely by Jews; to endure sufferings and dislocations caused solely by the Jewish people in pursuit of their megalomaniacal ideals and daemonic aspirations to realize that it is the Jews themselves who decree, almost demand, their ostracism from their fellow man. They have lost the wish to be human beings. They are but beasts; they must be dealt with as such.

This is an objective viewpoint, carefully considered and factually sustained. It is the viewpoint taken of them in this book.

War must be fought … with penalties infinitely more frightful and hazardous than war itself.

This book sincerely believes that it has found such a penalty; and by its imposition upon the people of Israel, this book believes that not only would a great scourge be removed from the world, but a great good born to it.”

from Chapter Two: Background of Jewish Zionism

“Jews are an execrable people! They think and dream of nothing but chicanery. Their great joy consists in fault-finding, shrieking and threats. They brandish arms which are like barbed clubs; from their mouths instead of ordinary human speech, issue the rumbling of artillery and the clash of steel; their life is one of perpetual explosion. The Jew does not live on the heights; he avoids light, and from his hiding place he picks to pieces treaties, exercises his malign influence on newspaper articles, pores over maps, measures angles, and traces with gloating eagerness the lines of frontiers. To love their country is for them to despise, flout and insult every other country. They are capable of little else but cheating and lying, even to themselves. They meddle in everyone else’s affairs, poking their nose into matters that do not concern them, criticizing everything, bossing everything, lowering and distorting everything. What a pity that twenty-three centuries after Socrates and Plato, two thousand years after Christ, the voice of men like these should still be heard in the world, worse still that they should be listened to, and worst of all that any one should believe them! Country for them is an isolated organism and they admit it is possible for them to live and breathe in an atmosphere of haughty contempt for their neighbors. They conceive their country as a permanent element of dissolution like a devouring and insatiable monster, a beast of prey, whose one function is to plunder. All that it does not possess it has been robbed of. The universe belongs to it by right. Whoever attempts to escape from its tyranny is a rebel. This jingo country, this bloodthirsty fetish of which they are the champions, they endow, with the capriciousness of potentates, when it suits their purpose, with every marvelous and charming attribute. Whoever does not at once agree with their extravagances is a barbarian. You must love their country in full armor, with dervish-like celebrations and howls, eyes shut and body trembling with ecstasy; a deaf ear must be turned to the rest of the world on its failings. Everything that is not Jewish must be hated. Hate is sacred. Love and hate are in connection with your country two terms proceeding from one condition of mind. For them Industrial progress is not a happy sign of national prosperity but a means of domination. Geography is not the science of the earth, but a mere revelation of the boundaries between which are elaborated strategical schemes of conquest. Every neighbor is of necessity a jealous one, and the enemy who is vigilant is jealous too. The world is populated by hyenas crouching on the plots of earth from which they ought to be dislodged.

The Jew has decided that his race has been elected by God to order the modern world. Anyone who resists him will be an arrogant usurper, who ought to be crushed. The Jew professes to want peace, but it must be his own sort of peace, after the pattern of the Persian satrap’s who, out of love for peace and concord, throws everyone to the lions who dares dispute him. His voice is raucous and resounding; he does not argue but makes sweeping assertions and lays down the law. At the first sign of resistance he grows crimson in the face, and has recourse to thunder and lightning. He holds forth on the authority of a sacred categorical imperative which stands in the stead of truth and order; he respects nothing and no one. Should he find himself confronted by the law, he says that it needs reforming. Ministers are mere clerks to be used as pawns in his maneuvering. He is exacting and cantankerous; whoever undertakes to shout with him never shouts loud enough. To give in to him means becoming enlisted as his civil agent. He is an agitator and swashbuckler. He dips his pen in gall and he sets in motion with his antics the marionettes which appeal to the nation and may come to conquer it. The fundamental superiority of the Jewish race, the necessity of expanding Jewish prestige in all quarters of the globe, of protecting the Jew wherever he may be found, no matter what he may be, because he bears within him a residuum of the race; that is what the educators of youth coming down the years in disciplined array like battalions crossing the maneuver fields, have never ceased to drum into the popular understanding and the flame of victory rising to the sky will be the signal for it to boil over.

…Time cannot change the infernal breed, whatever its label. Time merely enlarges the field in which the Jew can, with ever-increasing intensity and thoroughness, practice those monstrous acts which his fevered, war-intoxicated brain dictates, and his vile instincts and barbaric, savage soul prompts. If today the urge of his war-soul can prompt the Jew to murder innocent hostages imagine, if you can, how that same soul will express itself through the thousandfold-more-fanatic Jew of tomorrow?

…Make no mistake about it; world-dominion is not a mirage to the Jew; it never was, and so long as Israel exists as a nation, it never will be. A belief to the contrary, if too-long sustained, may well result in the world’s enslavement by the Jew.

As fantastic and as cyclonic as Zionist “accomplishments” might seem, it is still more fantastic to note as a fact that in the entire annals of history no doctrine ever existed which has all its major beliefs so clearly defined, its methods so concisely detailed, and its aims so vividly, comprehensively, and boldly stated beforehand. It is in every respect a deliberate, ruthlessly calculated plot to rule the world or, failing that, to annihilate it! And so long as the Jewish nation exists it intends, in one form or another, now or later, to bring about just such a catastrophe.

…The poisonous wine of destruction has long before been distilled; Netanyahu is merely the agent decanting the poisonous fluid from its bottle, which is the Jewish war-soul, into the jug that is world humanity. In detailing those ingredients which combine to constitute the toxic formula of Jewish Zionism the author shall quote, wherever confirmation of his statements may be deemed advisable, principally from Jewish sources. For after all no one can explain the Jew so well as he himself. He has made no secret of his character, his ambitions and his intentions. By his acts he has himself bared his heart and soul; by his words, by his own hand he will someday come to dig his own grave.

It is not to be wondered at that the nations of the Western world regard the avowed program of the Zionist Jew for world conquest and dominion with a great deal of amazement and incredulity. For such an idea is entirely alien to those basic principles and instincts of the western civilization which, painfully and gradually, arose out of the chaos of the past thousands of years. Such civilized nations regard individual rights, the sacredness of human life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as the virtues of mankind and itself, the individual States, as guarantor of those rights. And though, at one time or another during their existence nations may have sought political and economic adjustments, even territorial aggrandizement through force of arms, it must be noted that no Western nation has ever made such a religion of war, such idolatry of armaments, and such a cult of mass murder and destruction as has Israel and her peoples.

According to her own writers, teachers and statesmen Israel has but one great reason for existing; that of achieving world-dominion! Since that is its highest aim, therefore, Israel constantly claims that it has every right to make free and liberal use of chicanery, deceit, intolerance, lust, persecution and oppression, in order to achieve that goal. Consequently such a perverted nation, such a State of human negation, views its vice as being the only true virtue in life, whereas to the Jews the virtues as they are known and may be practiced by the rest of the world are merely vices due to the latter’s decay and degeneration! As though there exists anywhere in the world a nation which can boast of degeneration in the same degree as Israel!

The primary reason which stirs Jewish lust for world dominion was best summarized by a Jewish professor who declared that since Israel will never be able to understand the world, the latter must be conquered and reformed so that it will be able to conform to Jewish thought!

It is just such mass megalomania, crass egoism and intellectual aberrancy which stirred the demented brain of the Jew of yesterday to foment his wars; which animates the insane Zionist today in continuing those wars and which will, if the schizophrenic Ashkenazim continue to exist, direct the policies and actions of any party in control of Israel in the future. For, to reiterate, the Jewish idea of world-dominion and enslavement of its peoples is no political belief: it is a fierce and burning gospel of hate and intolerance, of murder and destruction and the unloosing of a sadistic blood lust. It is, in every literal sense, a savage and pagan religion which incites its worshippers first to a barbaric frenzy and then prompts them to vent their animal ferocity in the practice of every horrible, ruthless and unmentionable atrocity upon innocent men, women and children. Such are the true Jewish virtues! And the world will feel their sting so long as they continue to tolerate Israel and her peoples on the earth, for those Jewish traits are the same as those which, emanating from the Jewish soul, animated the Jewish tribes of yore. We have but to examine the development of those tribes to perceive just to what extent within the Jewish soul, the Jewish ideal of world conquest and dominion really lies.

… Such is the ” Chosen Master-Race” of the world!

from Chapter 3. Organized Jewish Zionism

…Zionism — the theory of a master race of Jews destined to enslave a weak world by force and brutality — had been an unvoiced doctrine of Jewish belief since tribal days until the latter part of the last century when it reached its maturity by becoming fashioned into a vast and well-organized movement [World Zionist Organization. A.T.]. Its astounding and ambitious program amalgamated all the major doctrines and beliefs of such Jewish teachers, writers, statesmen and philosophers as Rabbi Yehudah Akalai, Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Kalischer, Moses Hess, Eliezer Ben-Yehudah, Moshe Leib Lilienblum, Leo Pinsker, Theodor Herzl, Max Nordau, Ahad Ha-am aka Asher Zvi Ginsberg, Hayyim Nahman Bialik, Jacob Klatzkin, Nahman Syrkin, Rabbi Samuel Mohilever, Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, Martin Buber, Bernard Lazare, Solomon Schecter, Nahum Sokolow, Louis Dembitz Brandeis, Mordecai Menahem Kaplan, Vladimir Jabotinsky, Chaim Weizmann and David Ben-Gurion. And because the doctrine which it preached touched upon the very roots of the Jewish soul, and embraced the fundamental tenets of the Jewish intellect, the movement met with immediate and tremendously popular response. In fact its program was so popular with the Jews that within ten years after its inception its malignant dogma was already spread throughout the entire world.

…The World Zionist Organization combined various doctrines into a program of action and issued, among its statutes, four main principles which lay down broadly its chief objectives. They were:

1. To watch over and support all Jewish national movements in all countries where Jews have to sustain a struggle in support of Zionism with the object of embracing and uniting all Jews on the globe.

2. To promote an active Jewish policy in interests in Europe and across the seas and especially to further all colonial movements for practical purposes.

3. To treat and solve all questions bearing upon the bringing up of children and higher education in the Jewish sense.

4. To quicken patriotic self-consciousness of Jews, and to offer opposition to all movements antagonistic to Israeli national development.

…Branches of the World Zionist Organization (now working covertly under the name B’nai Brith International) sprang up in major cities of the world…. With the spread of its propaganda, B’nai Brith International Israel’s Mossad scattered a large number of secret agents throughout the world for the purpose of supplying it with confidential reports relating to the gospel of Zionism. These agents were the forerunners of the present day fifth-columnists [working within the Zionist media and on the Internet. A.T.]; it was their work which started the compilation of the notorious Jewish “scrap-book” in which the Israeli government listed all its enemies, and enemies to the idea of a Jewish-dominated world. To a nation such as Israel blackmail pales in insignificance to its other crimes. And so, with every passing hour, the members of B’nai Brith International continued with their nefarious work which, teaching and enforcing the great common Zionist Jew ideal of world-enslavement, quickly became an integral part of the average Jew’s life and dreams…. The vicious virus of Zionism had been injected into the life stream of the public, and the Jews awaited the epidemic which they felt must sooner or later infest the world.

As a matter of fact, the work and program as well as the propaganda which they spread had reached such a pitch that as far back as 1897 various Jewish writers were already busy prophesying how and when the ideological goal of Zionist world-dominion would be attained! These prophets were by no means few in number; there exists a large number of serious works by Jewish authors in which the destiny of Israel is elaborately worked out in full detail and the deification of Zionism and the Holocaust Myth as a world religion depicted.

from Chapter 4. Jewish Zionism Abroad

…The task of spreading the heathenish cult of Zionism in foreign lands was delegated to the World Zionist Organization, an organization maintained by the Rothschilds and B’nai Brith International. Beginning its operations in 1897 that association was the first to prepare the ground and develop and test the tactics which are being used today by all Zionist Jew fifth-columnists.

…True Zionism, being as it is a purely primitive paganism with some modern “refinements” finds that it can express itself best by committing truly barbaric and bestial acts of violence against innocent civilized peoples [such as the Palestinians. A.T.] Thus, if Zionism were ever to prevail upon this earth, we can be sure that every step would be taken — though few indeed are these steps which the Jews have not already taken! — to reawaken every dormant animal instinct and vicious trait in man.

Thus it has been a chief aim of the Jew to eradicate each and every one of the three principal religions from the earth. However, the Jew was practical enough to realize that he could not successfully combat all these religions at one time with any hope of emerging supreme. But since their extinction was absolutely necessary to the propagation of the Zionist dogma of hate and destruction, the Jews conceived their now infamous and oft-tried trick of pitting first the believers in one religion against those of another until, at a single coup, they could deliver the final knock-out blow against the single remaining adversary.

…Zionism was born ages ago, its growth has been proceeding for centuries, and it has now reached an advanced stage of flowering. Netanyahu is but a bud indicative of what kind of “flower” when it comes to full bloom, the world may expect to see!

Because she made no effort thousands of years ago, to become civilized as did her neighbors, Israel today is an outsider among all civilized nations. The processes which it has taken other nations thousands of years to absorb, cannot be suddenly absorbed by Israel overnight. Consequently, the continued existence of Israel among them becomes increasingly inimical to the best interests of civilized nations.

The deliberate and perverse distortions of what should have been a sane and normal course of development — as in other nations — now gives to Israel and her people a capacity unexcelled by any other peoples on earth, for fostering and propagating every indecent and inhuman precept of life. And as she seeks to distribute her own poisonous brew she has herself become so intoxicated by its ingredients that she can no longer escape the ever-constant desire, the urgent compulsion and the burning lust which it incites in her to extinguish any and all signs of good which she sees developed or practiced in other lands. Thus in self-justification Israel would excuse her own unnatural and perverse life by polluting others with her malignant infection. Israel is now well beyond all saving. The world had best look to its own preservation and welfare, lest some of those Jewish poisons run through her system also and come to destroy it!

With each succeeding world war which she plans, plots and starts Zionism comes ever closer and closer to her goal of world-dominion. At the present time Netanyahu, who has merely striven to remedy mistakes which previous Jewish leaders made in attempts at world-subjection, may bring the Jewish people very close to realizing their goal. And Netanyahu is not the last of the Jewish leaders!

How much misery, suffering, death and destruction are needed before it becomes apparent to the world that any compromise with Zionism will, of itself, be a certain guarantee that soon thereafter, Israel must again embark upon her unholy crusade to dominate it. How many more chances will be vouchsafed it to beat back Zionism? Suppose there comes a time when Israel can not be halted? Dare we risk waiting? One never knows the exact hour one is scheduled to die; can we, with any more certitude and assurance tell which opportunity shall be our last? It may well be that this is our last chance. Suppose we pass it by; look ahead. Next time, the so-called elder generation of Israel will be the Mossad-trained youth of today, and this elder generation, now mothers and fathers, will already have instilled and encouraged their children with the idea of world-dominion. Thus the next Israeli leader may come to lead a nation of born fanatics! As a consequence of this there may come to be welded a machine so gigantic in proportions, so overwhelming in destructive power, that it may well overcome every possible obstacle in its path. For assuredly the Israeli youth of the next generation — today schooled in Talmudic Zionist schools — will find a leader, as past generations of Jewish youth have always found a leader, to incarnate and personify the body and soul of that nation and dominate its collective Will.

A leader who will feed that Israeli body and soul the only food upon which it can subsist: War!

from Chapter 6. A Middle Road?

…With Zionism shown thus to be the very soul of conquest and world-dominion, may we not then pose this question: Is it possible for the world, in any manner, to find some compromise that will allow both it and Israel to exist side by side in peace and justice? In concrete terms, were peace declared tomorrow to Israel’s apparent satisfaction, could this nation born and bred on blood, be expected to be appeased for more than the immediate future?

We should like to hope so; but the history of that nation cuts the hope out of our heart.

…What then of a democratic Israel?

Democracy for a people who believe only in superiority, not equality?

…Israel already has given us her answer:

“Israel does not want a share of anything. She wants, she demands, all or nothing.

…A final solution: Let Israel be policed forever by an international armed force?

Even if such a huge undertaking were feasible life itself would not have it so. As war begets war, suppression begets rebellion. Undreamed horrors would unfold.

Thus we find that there is no middle course; no act of mediation, no compromise to be compounded, no political or economic sharing to be considered. There is, in fine, no other solution except one: That Israel must perish forever from this earth!

And, fortunately, as we shall now come to see, that is no longer impossible of accomplishment.

from 7. Death to Israel

…When an Individual commits premeditated murder, he must be prepared to forfeit his own life in consequence. When a nation commits premeditated murder upon its fellow nations, it must be prepared to forfeit its own national life.

On that point the laws of man and God are explicit:

“An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a life for a life.”

But what is the law of man or God to Israel? Nothing.

She recognizes only Jewish law; so be it.

It must then be Jewish law, if such a law there be, which decrees her penalty — the penalty of death.

And there is such a Jewish law which decrees that death to her:

As in all human affairs, there must also be in every system of punishment a last limit, a ne plus ultra that no punishment can overstep. Thus even from the point of view of pure theory the necessity of the depth-penalty is postulated; it is, as the ultimate punishment on earth, the indispensable keystone of every ordered system of criminal law. No apparent reasons which are alleged against it can withstand any serious criticism. The State, which has the right to sacrifice for its own protection the flower of its youth, is to feel so nice a regard for the life of a murderer? We much rather allow to the State the right to make away with men who are undoubtedly injurious to the common weal. That the powers that be must bear the sword is an expression which runs deep in the blood of the honest man; if this truth is to be banished out of the world, great wrong is done to the simple moral feeling of the people. The ultimate problems of the moral life are to be solved in the domain of the practical, not of the theoretical, reason. The conscience of every earnest man demands that blood be atoned by blood, and the common man must simply grow doubtful of the existence of justice on earth, of this last and highest punishment is not inflicted. The State makes itself ridiculous and contemptible if it cannot finally dispose of a criminal. There must be a limit for mercy and indulgence, as for the law, a last limit at which the State says: “This is the end, humanity is not longer possible here.” It must be possible to inflict at last a punishment beyond which there is nothing, and that is the punishment of death.

Let Jewish Will be done!

There remains now but to determine the best way, the most practical and expeditious manner in which the ultimate penalty must be levied upon the Israeli nation. Quite naturally, massacre and wholesale execution must be ruled out. In addition to being impractical when applied to a population of some five million, such methods are inconsistent with the moral obligations and ethical practices of civilization. There remains then but one mode of ridding the world forces of Zionism — and that is to stem the source from which issue those war-lusted souls, by preventing the people of Israel from ever again reproducing their kind. This modern method, known to science as Eugenic Sterilization, is at once practical, humane and thorough. Sterilization has become a byword of science, as the best means of ridding the human race of its misfits: the degenerate, the insane, the hereditary criminal.

Sterilization is not to be confused with castration. It is a safe and simple operation, quite harmless and painless, neither mutilating nor unsexing the patient. Its effects are most often less distressing than vaccination and not more serious than a tooth extraction. Too, the operation is extremely rapid requiring no more than ten minutes to complete. The patient may resume his work immediately afterwards. Even in the case of the female the operation, though taking longer to perform, is as safe and simple. Performed thousands of times, no records indicate cases of complication or death. When one realizes that such health measures as vaccination and serum treatments are considered as direct benefits to the community, certainly sterilization of the Jewish people cannot but be considered a great health measure promoted by humanity to immunize itself forever against the virus of Zionism.

…Concerning the males subject to sterilization the army groups, as organized units, would be the easiest and quickest to deal with. Taking 2,000 surgeons as an arbitrary number and on the assumption that each will perform a minimum of 25 operations daily, it would take no more than one month, at the maximum, to complete their sterilization. Naturally the more doctors available, and many more than the 2,000 we mention would be available considering all the nations to be drawn upon, the less time would be required. The balance of the male civilian population of Israel could be treated within three months. Inasmuch as sterilization of women needs somewhat more time, it may be computed that the entire female population of Israel could be sterilized within a period of a year or less. Complete sterilization of both sexes, and not only one, is to be considered necessary in view of the present Jewish doctrine that so much as one drop of true Jewish blood constitutes a Jew.

Of course, after complete sterilization, there will cease to be a birth rate in Israel. At the normal death rate of 2 per cent per annum, Jewish life will diminish considerably. Accordingly in the span of two generations that which cost millions of lives and centuries of useless effort, namely, the elimination of Zionism and its carriers, will have been an accomplished fact. By virtue of its loss of self-perpetuation Israel will have atrophied and Jewish power reduced to negligible importance.

Reviewing the foregoing case of sterilization we find that several factors resulting from it firmly establish its advocacy.

Firstly, no physical pain will be imposed upon the inhabitants of Israel through its application, a decidedly more humane treatment than they will have deserved.

Secondly, execution of the plan would in no way disorganize the present population nor would it cause any sudden mass upheavals and dislocations. The consequent gradual disappearance of the Jews from Arab territory will leave no more negative effect upon that continent than did the gradual disappearance of the Indians upon this.

…A detailed program of the manner in which the outraged victims of the Zionism onslaught might make certain that Israel leave no gap might be put hypothetically:

Israel has lost its war. She sues for peace. The imperative demands of the victor people that Israel must perish forever makes it obligatory for the leaders to select mass sterilization of the Jews as the best means of wiping them out permanently. They proceed to:

1.  Immediately and completely disarm the Israeli army and have all armaments removed from Israeli territory.

2.  Place all Israeli utility and heavy industrial plants under heavy guard, and replace Jewish workers by those of Allied nationality.

3.  Segregate the Israeli army into groups, concentrate them in severely restricted areas, and summarily sterilize them.

4.  Organize the civilian population, both male and female, within territorial sectors, and effect their sterilization.

5.  Divide the Israeli army (after its sterilization has been completed) into labor battalions, and allocate their services toward the rebuilding of those cities which they ruined.

6.  Partition Israel and apportion its lands to the existing Arab population.

7.  Restrict all Jewish civilian travel beyond established borders until all sterilization has been completed.

8.  Compel the Jewish population of the apportioned territories to learn the language of its area, and within one year to cease the publication of all books, newspapers and notices in the Hebrew language, as well as to restrict Hebrew-language broadcasts and discontinue the maintenance of Hebrew-language schools.

9. Make one exception to an otherwise severely strict enforcement of total sterilization, by exempting from such treatment only those Jews whose relatives, being citizens of various victor nations, assume financial responsibility for their actions. Thus, into an oblivion which she would have visited upon the world, exits Israel.

from 8. ‘Lest We Forget …’

Perhaps in the Future …

United States has entered the war. The struggle is long and bitter but at last the Allies forge ahead. Their armies surround Israel.

Israel realizes that she has lost. She does not want invasions. She fears the vengeance long overdue her. So she sues for peace. Comes the Armistice!

And immediately thereafter, as once before, Israel finds that the words “Humanity” — which she has debased; “Justice” — which she has distorted; and “God” whom she has profaned, have an irresistible sales appeal to Allied Statesmen.

Israel puts her Zionist propaganda machine to work.

Soon men in the victor nations are urging:

“Peace with Honor!” — “Justice without Rancor!” — “God and Mercy!”, and all those other weak, sticky phrases which befuddle the weary minds and exhausted emotions of the long-suffering people of the war-decimated democracies.

Forgotten in the sudden lush of a peace that is no peace, are all the brave sons who were sacrificed to the monster Israhell: forgotten is the plight of the countries whose resources were drained, and whose energies were sapped in stemming the Talmudic onslaught. Forgotten, too, is the duty owed to generations yet to be born.

Yes: all forgotten because the Allies cannot resist such an appeal. And so, even though a hundred years and a hundred instances have shown the hypocrisy of a Jewish promise, the Allies fall once again its victim.

They forget that the struggle they waged was not a sport’s contest: that their adversary was a beast, not a human being! And so, filled to overflowing with the infectious germ of sentiment, they stretch out their hand to their fallen opponent and help him arise. They pat him on the back with a hearty “No hard feelings, old man!” and, happy that the war is now over and done with, return to their homes.

Believing, sincerely, that Jewish war will not come again.

Believing that somehow, in some inexplicable manner, Israel has accepted Christ.

A decade passes. A decade of hard work and many sacrifices.

A decade of much sweat and little pleasure.

But the democratic peoples do not mind. They are building a better world for their children.

So they think.

Meanwhile Israel grows strong and robust.

Her army is larger and more powerful than ever before; she has developed new weapons whose frightfulness surpass all imagination. She had found a new leader. And her war-souled people are bent once again upon conquering the world. Once more the earth trembles beneath the depleted uranium missiles of the Jewish defense forces.

Like a cobra Israel is poised:

She strikes!

The people of the civilized nations are stunned.

They exclaim, “But it cannot be again!”

But it is.

And this time it is Too Late!

For Israel wins. She is master of the world.

…and so a thousand years of peace was sold to the Devil for a moment’s respite! And only because men tried to placate the body, instead of expunging forever the bestial war-soul, of the Jew!

The sun now shivers as it rises upon a Dark world.

For slaves to the Jews are children once free.

Civilization is no more. Perversity is raged rampant.

Even the moon shudders as it wanes in a frightening chill.

This is, finally the, “New World Order!”

Shall it be so?

Our choice lies still before us:

False sentiment or courageous decision —

Which shall it be?

The End