

The AA6 Twitter campaign was a success, and as a result Capcom has released a special promo prologue anime for AA6!

Subs will be added.

Sorry for the wait! Subs have been added to the video (use the English captioning option.)


Dez gets up extra early to cook a morning meal for Toree, just as a small way to show her appreciation! ♥


the rumors are true: im soft and i just want to be loved


gf: hey

me: i have a gf…….


When you pause the film just right


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Please Read This! Part 2




The first post.

CNN and other mainstream media outlets are trying to brush off Bill Clinton’s illegal electioneering and voter suppression at Massachusetts polling stations by saying he just shook a few hands and didn’t talk to voters or campaign. That is a complete and total lie and another sign of the corruption involved in Hillary’s campaign.

They’re trying to cover this up:

This is all right outside of the polling station where people are waiting to vote.

Mayor Mitchell of New Bedford yells into the megaphone to the crowd of voters, “I have one question for you. Is New Bedford Clinton Country? I want us to be so loud every other Super Tuesday state is gonna hear us. Is New Bedford Clinton Country?”

Bill Clinton then takes the megaphone and says, “Thank you all for participating; I especially want to thank those of you who are supporting Hillary.”

In the last fifteen seconds the mayor gives a speech about Hillary and how she used to work with children and fought to give them opportunities a few blocks away from here, “to give them the opportunities that she’s fighting for for everybody right now” then tells everyone to do their part in “getting her over the hump now.”

As you can see above, blockades, security and crowds of people block off the entire street around the polling station and the parking lot. The woman who took the videos answered questions and gave more details on what happened here on reddit.

It’s blatantly voter suppression.

“It wasn’t just this polling station, it was about 3 different ones in New Bedford. His appearances locked down each voting site for a couple of hours each. What happened was that they plopped down their event pretty much right in front of the entrance and then barricaded it off with lots of security. This took place at the Normandin Middle School, Dottin Place and Taber Mills community house. I originally went to cast my vote at Normandin at around 9 am. A Bill Clinton and Jon Mitchell event took place pretty much right in the parking lot. As I approached the school, I was told I had to wait behind the barricade and am not allowed to vote at this time. Security guy told me to come back later. I went back an hour later and the event was still there and people were still not allowed to vote. Friends of mine confirmed that they staged similar events in those other two polling stations. I was busy so I have still not casted my vote and I don’t think I will now because it’s too much hassle to go out again.This may have taken place because everybody I know is voting for Sanders. Who knows, just speculating.”

Here is what the law has to say about what Bill and the mayor did:

“General Law chapter 54, section 65 prohibits within 150 feet of a polling location, among other things, the posting, exhibition, circulation, or distribution of material–including pasters, stickers, posters, cards, handbills, placards, pictures or circulars–intended to influence the action of the voter. G. L. 54, § 65 (1998 ed.). Consistent with the activities restricted by statute, the implementing regulations prohibit the solicitation of votes for or against, or any other form of promotion or opposition of, any person or political party or position on a ballot question, to be voted on at the current election.”

Accordingly, a person standing within 150 feet of a polling location, including observers in the polling location, may not: hold any campaign sign; hand any person literature intended to influence the voter’s action at the polls; wear any campaign buttons or identifying signage; solicit a person’s vote for or against a candidate or question on the ballot; or, distribute stickers. Circulators of nomination papers, initiative and referenda petitions are also restricted from soliciting signatures within 150 feet of a building entrance door to a polling place.”

Bill Clinton and Mayor Mitchell giving speeches about Hillary on megaphones right outside of the polling station clearly falls under the category of influencing voter action and soliciting votes. And as you can see in the pictures below it was clearly well within 150 feet.


According to this tweet “Michael Whouley, now advising Bill, previously used Gore’s 2000 motorcade to block Bradley voters from NH polls”

The woman who took the videos has another video showing that people with Hillary Clinton shirts were allowed to wear them, but Bernie shirts were not allowed:

Another video shows Sanders supporters being told to leave for doing much less than Bill Clinton just did:

Here’s a video of Bill inside a polling station in West Roxbury:

Here’s an imgur post with all of the Hillary Clinton signs illegally hung outside of polling stations: 

A reddit masterpost:

Here are the petitions calling for an investigation and possible arrest of Bill Clinton.

Please signal boost this.

Please let this post get as widespread as my dumb post about

whhhattt theeee fuckkkk


this history of japan thing is the best thing because finally I get memes about countries that aren’t fucking hetalia