Aug 20, 2010


myTunesControl is a Menu bar remote control for iTunes and allows to play/skip thru your library and playlists. It can be completely operated by keyboard.

You are free to directly make changes to your equalizer settings…

Or to take a look at the lyrics…

And of course you can search for playlists and tracks…

myTunesContol started as a simple test-project to learn something about the ScriptingBridge and I hate doing things theoretically. I’d rather create something you really can touch and use. And of course you can use myTunesControl - but it’s no application I want to sell and is only tested with my comparatively ‘small’ library (I’m a vinyl junkie). So feedback to its speed/performance when searching really large libraries is highly appreciated - but please don’t complain when you’ve to wait one or two seconds on your old MacBook with 124.678 tracks in your library.

Download myTunesControl for Mac OS 10.6.4+ (.app | 1.5 MB)  
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