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Important Dates and Events

Important Dates and Events (Homepage)

Nov 4, 2013, 08:37 AM
July 2016


Washington, DC, LSAC Law School Forum
September 2016


Canada (Toronto, ON) LSAC Law School Forum


LSAT Administration


LSAT Administration—Asia, Australia, and New Zealand


LSAT Administration—Saturday Sabbath Observers
October 2016


Miami LSAC Law School Forum


New York LSAC Law School Forum


New York LSAC Law School Forum
LLM Law School Forum in New York City


San Francisco LSAC Law School Forum


Houston LSAC Law School Forum


Atlanta LSAC Law School Forum
November 2016


Los Angeles LSAC Law School Forum


Boston LSAC Law School Forum


Chicago LSAC Law School Forum

Consent Decree

LSAC has entered into a Consent Decree with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing and the United States regarding testing accommodations for individuals with disabilities nationwide. For further information and to read the text of the Decree, please visit

Prospective Students

Future JD Students

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Future LLM Students

LLM applicants follow a different process than other law school applicants. We provide tools and resources to help guide you.

Diversity in Law School

Candidates from diverse backgrounds and the LGBT community may have additional questions about applying to law school. We can help you find the answers.