Ithaka S+R


Ithaka S+R, a not-for-profit service, provides research and strategic guidance to help the academic community navigate economic and technological change.

New York, New York

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  1. So pleased to see this response on the blog to my and 's article, thanks Danielle Cooper:

  2. And we are very happy to have Hartel's former student on staff

  3. Congratulations LJ/ALISE Excellence in Teaching Award winner Jenna Hartel!

  4. Faculty have questions about copyright/permissions for using/disseminating tech-mediated content

  5. How should qualitative research be incorporated into a library's research agenda? New post

  6. Thinking through & 's provocation on ethnographish research in libraries for the blog

  7. Detailed analysis of & recommendations concerning academic policies for teaching w. technology:

  8. Several of our staff were in DC yesterday connecting with others focused on change in higher ed. Thanks

  9. "Sustaining the Momentum for Innovation in Higher Education" Happy to have been part of White House symposium:

  10. One key to student success: faculty.

  11. New report outlines policy framework for faculty & administrators for online course creation/delivery:

  12. Dig into data. US Faculty Survey 2015 dataset now available

  13. As part of our efforts to ensure the preservation and access of datasets, our US Faculty Survey 2015 now available in

  14. Founded to accommodate enrollment of veterans post WWII continues to serve military students

  15. Ithaka S+R 关注了
    • @abhumphreys

      Head of JSTOR Labs at ITHAKA, intrapreneur, writer, tinkerer. Working at the weird confluence of scholarly communications, lean startup and digital humanities.

    • @ACRL2017

      ACRL 2017 is the premier professional development event for academic libraries. Join us March 22-25, 2017, in Baltimore.


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