About John McCormick

John McCormick

John McCormick is Jean Monnet Professor of European Union Politics at the Indianapolis campus of Indiana University in the United States.

About This Site

This is a site designed to encourage discussion about the benefits and advantages of the European Union, and to help students using my textbooks on the EU.


The UK referendum on the EU: Eight tips for winning the case to stay

The referendum on UK membership of the European will take place on 23 June 2016. This will be the most critical vote that the British people have cast in modern times; the future welfare of the UK is at stake, as it is very existence (a vote to leave might trigger another independence referendum in Continue reading..

Why is the EU debate so angry?

Not long ago, I was searching for a used copy of a particular book on eBay and happened across a seller who had one available. Clicking on the site for more details, I found that the seller – who lived on the English-Welsh border – was using eBay to share some deeply eurosceptic views.

Setting Continue reading..

Three of the most persistent myths about the European Union

As the European Parliament elections approach, it is worth pointing out some of the myths that continue to surround the debate about the EU. The cases are taken from the UK, but apply equally throughout the EU.


One of the most persistent myths about the EU promoted by its critics is Continue reading..

The role of academics in the debate about Europe

See text of my speech to Jean Monnet conference in Brussels, November 2013, on the role of academics in the debate about Europe, at http://ec.europa.eu/education/events/2013/confjm/mccormik_en.pdf

Let’s hear it from the pro-Europeans

In the ongoing debate over the pros and cons of the European Union, it has become far easier to learn what is wrong with it than what is right with it. Eurosceptic parties and their leaders have made themselves well known, and the eurosceptic media make their case loudly and incessantly.

The result is a Continue reading..