3D walk into the zone of ‘JOKER

Joker Movie Preview

Features 10-Aug-2016 12:15 PM IST RM Comments

Usually, commercial films would have lots of exaggerated elements to self-promote the movies and more reasons affirmed by the producers and promoters. But then, a substantial movie doesn’t need more than 3 reasons and sometimes, even one factor is more than enough. Such is the illustration we find in this week release ‘Joker’ and we bring you 3-Dimensional exploration of what could make it more appealing among the audiences.

Content is King

When many films are made based on the star-values and A-league technicians, few exceptional movies have proved that success doesn’t go with the brands, but with the factor ‘Content is King’. When it all turns to be an intriguing content that touches everyone’s hearts, it’s definitely to make an impulsive response. Much more than claiming himself to be a director, Raju Murugan is worthy of being ennobled as a writer of many appealing articles as a journalist, screenwriter and dialogues writer too.

Reality Really Bites

This is a blatant theory that makes an absolute impact of proving to be right all the time. Even the simplest themes have managed to win the hearts of audiences through the earnest reality concept that makes them reflect upon something as encountered in their real lives. ‘Joker’ would be one such element that would bring forth our very own reflections of being such a person in our very own lives.

Musical depth of tale

Narrating the film with a musical impact is always a bliss that would make you get more involved into the drama. Sean Roldan has been getting into the skin of every soul in the movie and in this one; it is surely to offer more impact. While the songs have already become decent hits, the background score is sure to bring up more intensity to the film.

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