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American English: /teɪk/
British English: /teɪk/

Translation of take in Spanish:

transitive verb past tense took past participle taken

  • 1 1.1 (to carry) take this file to Personnel
    lleve este expediente a Personal
    she took him the book
    le llevó el libro
    shall I take the chairs inside/upstairs?
    ¿llevo las sillas adentro/arriba?
    ¿entro/subo las sillas?
    shall we take our chairs into the garden?
    ¿sacamos las sillas al jardín?
    who's going to take the garbage out?
    ¿quién va a sacar la basura?
    he took the case to the Court of Appeal
    llevó el caso al Tribunal de Apelación
    if you decide to take the matter further
    si decide proseguir con el asunto
    I don't mind teasing, but she takes it too far
    no me importa que me tomen el pelo, pero ella se pasa
    which takes us to 2005
    con lo cual estaremos ya en 2005
    his ambition will take him far
    su ambición lo hará llegar lejos
    Example sentences
    • Donations of items to sell can be taken along, or if they are too large call in to arrange collection.
    • An ambulance was called and Mr Greally was taken to York Hospital and later transferred to Leeds.
    • They should be taken into the house about the beginning of November and wintered on hay and a few turnips at each end of the day.
    1.2 (to drive, to transport) I'll take you in the car
    te llevo en el coche
    we took him home/to the station
    lo llevamos a (su) casa/la estación
    this bus takes you into the center/past the hospital
    este autobús te lleva al centro/pasa por el hospital
    I must take the car in (to the garage)
    tengo que llevar el coche al taller
    Example sentences
    • They took my 1996 route to the pub, I beat them with my new one, and we had a nice drink in the sunshine.
    • They take the shortest possible route but do not know the height of their vehicle.
    • Schoolchildren were instead taking a longer route via Leigh Road and Chestnut Avenue.
  • 2 2.1 (to escort) he took them upstairs
    los llevó arriba
    she took us into her office
    nos hizo pasar a su oficina
    I took him out of the room
    lo saqué de la habitación
    I'm taking them to the movies
    los voy a llevar al cine
    I'll take you up/down to the third floor
    subo/bajo contigo al tercer piso
    te llevo al tercer piso
    to take the dog (out) for a walk
    sacar el perro a pasear
    he took us for a drive/for a meal
    nos llevó a dar una vuelta en coche/a comer
    Example sentences
    • His guide took him to visit a forest tribe said to have stopped eating human flesh only five years previously.
    • Later the guide takes us to a souvenir shop run by a friend of his.
    • Our guides then took us to a creek that was said to be one of the hardest in Norway.
    2.2 (to bring along) take an umbrella
    lleva un paraguas
    I'll take them some flowers
    les voy a llevar unas flores
    are you taking a friend?
    ¿vas con algún amigo?
    ¿vas a llevar a algún amigo?
    take me with you!
    she often takes work home (with her)
    se suele llevar trabajo a casa
    you can't take it with you
    no te lo puedes llevar a la tumba
  • 3 3.1 (to grasp, to seize)
    agarrar (esp Latin America)
    coger (esp Spain)
    he took her by the hand
    la tomó or (esp Latin America) la agarró or (esp Spain) la cogió de la mano
    he took her in his arms
    (embraced her) la abrazó
    (lifted her) la tomó en brazos
    he took the opportunity
    aprovechó la oportunidad
    he took control of the situation
    se hizo dueño de la situación
    he took the knife from her
    le quitó el cuchillo
    Example sentences
    • Lacey reached forward and took it, her eyes briefly skimming over the first few pages.
    • As she reached over to take my tray, she frowned then squinted at a glinting object in the seat in front of me.
    • My mother was reaching out and nervously taking Zachary's hand after my father had released grip of it.
    3.2 (to take charge of) may I take your coat?
    ¿me permite el abrigo?
    would you mind taking the baby for a moment?
    ¿me tienes al niño un momento?
    I'm taking the children for two weeks
    me voy a quedar dos semanas con los niños
    3.3 (to occupy) take a seat
    tome asiento [formal]
    this chair/table is taken
    esta silla/mesa está ocupada
  • 4 (to remove, to steal)
    somebody's taken my purse!
    ¡alguien se me ha llevado el monedero!
    has anything been taken?
    ¿se han llevado algo?
    it's like taking bread from their mouths
    es como quitarles la comida de la boca
    he was taken from us when he was still a child [euphemistic]
    se lo llevó el Señor cuando era todavía un niño [euphemistic]
    Example sentences
    • There always has to be somebody in the tent to prevent thieves from taking the paltry property they have left.
    • Alarms can deter thieves from not only stealing your van, but also taking items from within it.
    • Jack is a thief, he takes one card from the top of your opponent's deck and adds it to your hand.
    Example sentences
    • Stagecoach staff managed to stop him driving off and the police came to take him away in a van.
    • Travis reached up and took the flower from my mouth and dropped it on the floor carelessly.
    • He reaches out and takes the pins from her hair, so it loosens in sections, unfolding around her.
  • 5 (to catch unawares) it took us by surprise
    nos sorprendió
    he was taken completely unawares
    lo agarró or (esp Spain) lo cogió completamente desprevenido
    to be taken ill
  • 6 6.1
    (to capture) (town/fortress/position)
    to take somebody prisoner
    tomar prisionero a alguien
    Example sentences
    • The victims had been removed from a hospital by members of a Yugoslav army force which had taken Vukovar.
    • The Soviet forces took more than 30,000 Romanian prisoners and all their equipment.
    • After the German armies took Prague, Hájek was forced to work for the German armament industry.
    Example sentences
    • If the black king takes the rook, black loses the queen.
    (to win) (prize/title)
    hacerse con
    6.3 (to earn) we took over $10,000
    hicimos or sacamos más de 10.000 dólares
    Example sentences
    • What would you say if I told you that the video game industry takes in more money per year than the movie entertainment business?
    • That means that the government spends less money than it takes in and applies the surplus to the NIB.
    • It means they can respond quickly to calls, and drivers can take more money with fewer dead miles between jobs.
  • 7 7.1 (to buy, to order) I'll take this pair
    (me) llevo este par
    I'll take 12 ounces
    déme or (Spain also) póngame 12 onzas
    Example sentences
    • He has agreed to take a total of 48 and they are currently arriving in batches.
    7.2 (to subscribe to) we take The Globe
    nosotros compramos or recibimos or leemos The Globe
    Example sentences
    • I took the magazine for a year but did not renew it.
    7.3 (to rent)
    coger (Spain)
    we took an apartment there for the winter
    alquilamos or (Spain also) cogimos un apartamento allí para el invierno
    Example sentences
    • After Nelson's victory at Copenhagen, she considered taking a London house again but feared the expense.
  • 8
    he mustn't take solids
    no debe tomar sólidos
    no debe ingerir sólidos [formal]
    to take tea
    tomar el té
    I don't take sugar in my coffee
    no le pongo azúcar al café
    have you taken your tablets?
    ¿te has tomado las pastillas?
    not to be taken internally
    para uso externo
    Example sentences
    • When he got caught taking other drugs they would increase his methadone script so that he didn't need any other drugs.
    • This comes down to your personal choice and drugs education, if you take these harder drugs.
    • She would say that she wanted to get away from the life but the drugs she took controlled everything.
  • 9 9.1
    (to collect) (sample)
    we took regular readings
    tomamos nota de la temperatura ( or presión etc. ) a intervalos regulares
    Example sentences
    • The nurse takes the child's vital signs and assesses his or her oral cavity for any excessive bleeding.
    • It appears that measurements had been taken but not submitted at the previous hearing.
    • Mr Murphy said they agreed it was a nuisance and were due to return to take further measurements.
    9.2 (to record) he took my measurements/temperature
    me tomó las medidas/la temperatura
    9.3 (to write down)
    can I take a message?
    ¿quiere dejar un recado?
    he took my name and address
    me tomó el nombre y la dirección
    Example sentences
    • In an ideal world it would also link to the collaborative Hydra notes that were taken for pretty much every session.
    • Kathy took a few more notes before watching the interviews from the back of the room.
    • By taking notes he wanted Sydney to write down all the important parts and help him make a decision.
    9.4 (Photography)to take a photograph
    sacar or tomar una foto
    he's always taken a good picture (US)
    siempre ha salido bien en las fotos
    siempre ha sido muy fotogénico
    Example sentences
    • In police custody, his solicitors came with a digital camera and took nineteen photographs of his injuries.
    • Mo came round today with her digital camera and took a photograph of what will probably be my image on the publicity.
    • As an additional safeguard, the firearm also contains a tiny camera which takes a photograph every time it is fired.
  • 10 10.1
    (to withstand, to suffer) (strain/weight/load)
    his reputation has taken a few knocks
    su reputación ha sufrido unos cuantos reveses
    Example sentences
    • He has not stopped scoring since and all this after taking a 75 per cent pay cut when he moved to Hanover.
    • To answer the first question we have to ask ourselves who actually takes offence at receiving Christmas cards?
    • But the slight decline in revenue is good news compared to the loss Sun took in the quarter.
    10.2 (to tolerate, to endure) I won't take any more nonsense from you
    no pienso aguantarte más tonterías
    he can't take a joke
    no sabe aceptar or no se le puede hacer una broma
    it was more than I could take
    ya no pude aguantar más
    I don't have to take that from her
    no tengo por qué aguantarle or permitirle eso
    I can't take it any longer!
    ¡no puedo más!
    ¡ya no aguanto más!
    Example sentences
    • It has been three years of patiently taking rejection, accepting smaller parts, non-speaking roles.
    • She was so sucked into her own lies she took the abuse and accepted it as a way of life.
    • I have always advocated that players must stand up and take criticism and accept that.
    10.3 (to bear) how is he taking it?
    ¿qué tal lo lleva?
    she's taken it very badly/well
    lo lleva muy mal/bien
    see alsoheart 2 2
  • 11 11.1 (to understand, to interpret)
    I don't know how to take that remark
    ese comentario no sé cómo tomármelo
    she took it the wrong way
    se lo tomó a mal
    lo interpretó mal
    don't take it personally
    no te lo tomes como algo personal
    to take something as read/understood
    dar algo por hecho/entendido
    I take it that you didn't like him much
    por lo que veo no te cayó muy bien
    I take it we're all agreed on that
    sobre eso estamos todos de acuerdo ¿no?
    everyone takes him to be a troublemaker
    todo el mundo cree que es un alborotador
    I take the passage to mean that …
    yo entiendo que el texto quiere decir que …
    I take this to be a misprint
    me imagino que esto será un error tipográfico
    see alsotake for
    Example sentences
    • Seen from a distance, such armed bands were often taken for brigands themselves, and so the panic spread.
    • I'd advice you take everything I write with a pinch of salt anyway, so to speak.
    • Don't take anything that Gibson wrote about as gospel on what Voudoun is about.
    11.2 (to consider) (in imperative) take Japan, for example
    mira el caso del Japón, por ejemplo
    take Doris, she doesn't worry about these things
    mira a Doris, ella no se preocupa por estas cosas
    Example sentences
    • To take only one example, the CWI used Youth Against Racism in Europe in much the same way.
    • Just take for example, you and I were at a party and we had a bit of an argument and it got a little bit out of hand.
    • Another example we might take is the fact that human beings have hearts on the left of their bodies.
  • 12 12.1 (to adopt an attitude of) he takes the view that …
    opina que …
    es de la opinión de que …
    she took an instant dislike to him
    le tomó antipatía inmediatamente
    if you're going to take that attitude, …
    si te vas a poner así, …
    si vas a adoptar esa actitud, …
    see alsoliking 1, → offense 2 2, → shape 1 1 1 etc
    12.2 (to experience) he took great pleasure in humiliating her
    disfrutó enormemente humillándola
    I take no satisfaction from proving her wrong
    no siento ningún placer or no disfruto al demostrar que está equivocada
  • 13
    (of time) (job/task)
    it took longer than expected
    llevó or tomó más tiempo de lo que se creía
    painting the ceiling won't take all morning
    pintar el techo no va a llevar or tomar toda la mañana
    how long does it take to make?
    ¿cuánto tiempo lleva hacerlo?
    ¿cuánto tiempo se tarda or (Latin America also) se demora en hacerlo?
    it takes 48 hours to dry
    tarda 48 horas en secarse
    the flight takes two hours
    el vuelo dura dos horas
    the project took five years to complete
    (se) tardaron cinco años en terminar el proyecto
    it took weeks for him to recover
    tardó semanas en recuperarse
    they took six months to reply
    tardaron or (Latin America also) se demoraron seis meses en responder
    the letter took a week to arrive
    la carta tardó or (Latin America also) se demoró una semana en llegar
    if you take long to get ready or (in) getting ready …
    si tardas or (Latin America also) (te) demoras mucho en arreglarte …
    don't take too long about it!
    ¡no tardes or no te entretengas or no te demores demasiado!
    Example sentences
    • His pleas fell on deaf ears as the jury took less than an hour to find him guilty.
    • The jury took less than an hour to come to a unanimous decision - insane, unfit to plead.
    • The jury took just over two hours to return a majority verdict of death by natural causes contributed by neglect.
  • 14 (to need) accepting defeat takes courage
    hay que tener or hace falta or se necesita valor para aceptar la derrota
    it took four men to lift it
    tuvieron que levantarlo entre cuatro hombres
    se necesitaron cuatro hombres para levantarlo
    it only takes one mistake to spoil everything
    basta un solo error para estropearlo todo
    it takes more than that to shock me
    yo por eso solo no me horrorizo
    it takes nothing at all to upset him
    se molesta por nada
    it took the death of another child to …
    tuvo que morir otro niño para …
    his performance will take some beating
    su actuación va a ser difícil de superar
    that'll take some doing
    no va a ser fácil
    to have (got) what it takes [colloquial]
    tener lo que hay que tener or lo que hace falta
    he's got what it takes to succeed
    tiene lo que hay que tener or lo que hace falta para triunfar
  • 15 15.1 (with shoes, clothes) what size shoes do you take? she takes a 14
    usa la talla or (Río de la Plata) el talle 14
    15.2 (to run on) this car takes diesel/super
    este coche consume diesel/super
    15.3 (Linguistics)
    construirse con
    Example sentences
    • There is no infallible rule identifying the verbs that take both, but they generally form nouns in tion.
    • However, some transitive verbs take a prepositional phrase instead of an indirect object.
    • For example, the open command takes as an argument the name of the file containing the data.
  • 16 (to accept)
    he wouldn't take the money
    no quiso aceptar or (Latin America also) agarrar or (Spain also) coger el dinero
    do they take checks?
    ¿aceptan cheques?
    take it or leave it
    lo tomas o lo dejas
    take his advice
    sigue sus consejos
    haz lo que te dice
    you'll have to take my word for it
    vas a tener que fiarte de mi palabra
    take it from me
    hazme caso
    you tell her: she'll take it (coming) from you
    si se lo dices tú no se lo tomará mal
    díselo tú que a ti te hará caso
    I take your point, but …
    te entiendo, pero …
    I won't take no for an answer
    no me voy a dar por vencido así como así
    are you going to take the job?
    ¿vas a aceptar el trabajo?
    take that, you scoundrel! [dated] you'll have to take me the way I am
    tendrás que aceptarme tal como soy
    you have to take things as they come
    hay que tomarse las cosas como vienen
    Example sentences
    • We readily accepted, and took delivery of the pilot showreel the next day for an internal focus group.
    • If they offered you the Irish manager's job would you take it, I ask mischievously.
    • McCarthy is a good manager, in my opinion, much better now that when he took the job six years ago.
  • 17 17.1 (to hold, to accommodate) the tank takes 20 gallons
    el depósito tiene cabida para 20 galones
    we can take up to 50 passengers
    tenemos cabida para un máximo de 50 pasajeros
    I can take two more in the back
    detrás (me) caben otros dos más
    17.2 (to admit)
    coger (Spain)
    they take lodgers
    alquilan habitaciones
    we don't take telephone reservations or (British) bookings
    no aceptamos reservas por teléfono
    does the machine take 100 peso pieces?
    ¿la máquina funciona con or acepta monedas de cien pesos?
    Example sentences
    • If you have friends taking the same subject you could always have an informal chat about an aspect of the subject with your friends.
    • These can be taken in place of subjects such as history, geography and modern languages.
    • They were in medieval French, a subject she had never taken at school.
  • 18 18.1
    coger (esp Spain)
    we had to take a taxi
    tuvimos que tomar or (esp Spain) coger un taxi
    are you taking the car?
    ¿vas a ir en coche?
    I had to take the bus back
    tuve que volver en autobús
    we had to take the escalator
    tuvimos que subir/bajar por la escalera mecánica
    agarrar (esp Latin America)
    coger (esp Spain)
    take the second right or (British) the second turning on the right
    toma or (esp Latin America) agarra por or (esp Spain) coge la segunda a la derecha
    we'll have to take another route
    vamos a tener que ir por otro camino
    I took the wrong road
    me equivoqué de camino
    (to negotiate) (bend)
    coger (esp Spain)
    he took the stairs two at a time
    subió las escaleras de dos en dos
    the car doesn't take hills very well
    cuesta arriba el coche no va muy bien
    Example sentences
    • And then the K1200S takes the corners, like no other bike I’ve ridden.
  • 19 19.1
    she didn't take any notice
    no hizo ningún caso
    to take a walk
    dar un paseo
    he took a step forward
    dio un paso adelante
    take a look at this!
    ¡mira esto!
    she took a deep breath
    respiró hondo
    to take an interest in something
    interesarse por algo
    Example sentences
    • So as I opened up a new packet of crayons for my son, I held them up to my nose and took a long deep breath.
    • Then they took a mock written driving test, which everyone tried his or her best in.
    • The key stage three English test is the final key stage test, and is taken by 14-year-olds.
    19.2 (to deal with) would you take that call, please?
    ¿puede atender esa llamada por favor?
    he is taking my patients while I'm away
    él se va a hacer cargo de mis pacientes mientras estoy fuera
    can you take my class tomorrow?
    ¿me puedes dar la clase de mañana?
  • 20 20.1 (British) (School) (to teach)
    darle clase a
    she takes us for Chemistry
    nos da clase de química
    20.2 (to learn)
    I'm taking classes/a course in Russian
    voy a clase/estoy haciendo un curso de ruso
    20.3 (to undergo) to take an exam
    hacer or dar or (Southern Cone) rendir or (Mexico) tomar un examen
    examinarse (Spain)
  • 21
    (to begin) empezar
    (continue) continuar
    we'll take it from scene six
    vamos a empezar desde la escena seis
    you take the story from there, Jane
    Jane, continúa la historia a partir de ahí
  • 22 (to lead) this path takes you to the main road
    este camino lleva or por este camino se llega a la carretera
    her job often takes her to Paris
    va con frecuencia a París por motivos de trabajo
  • 23 23.1 (to acquire)
    to take a wife/husband
    she took a lover
    se buscó un amante
    23.2 (in the sexual sense) [literary]
    Example sentences
    • He took her violently and they shook and trembled as they came together.

intransitive verb past tense took past participle taken

  • 3 (British) (to bite)
  • 4 (to receive) learn to give as well as take
    aprende a dar además de recibir
    all you do is take, take, take
    no piensas más que en ti
  • 5 (Games)


  • 1 (Cinema)
    Example sentences
    • I wanted to keep cool throughout the take and not show that my foot was caught.
    • I think it was totally different to any animation movie I have seen before, it was another type of take.
    • When one of them kisses Robbie a little too passionately, Tasha yells out and ruins a take.

Phrasal verbs

take aback

verb + object + adverb (usually passive)
I was taken aback by his attitude
su actitud me sorprendió or me desconcertó

take after

verb + preposition + object
salir a
parecerse a
he takes after his father
sale a su padre
se parece a su padre

take along

verb + object + adverb, verb + adverb + object
I took him along (with me)
lo llevé (conmigo)

take apart

verb + object + adverb
1 (dismantle) 2 (search thoroughly) [colloquial]the police took the place apart
la policía lo dejó todo patas arriba [colloquial]
3 (show weakness of)
echar por tierra
4 (defeat heavily) [slang]
hacer pedazos

take around

(British) take round
1 1.1verb + object + preposition + object (show)
enseñar (esp Spain)
1.2verb + object + adverb (guide, accompany) I took them around and introduced them to everyone
los llevé por la oficina ( or el colegio etc. ) y se los presenté a todo el mundo
take them around to Ellen's
llévalos a casa de Ellen
2verb + object + adverb, verb + adverb + object (circulate with)

take aside

verb + object + adverb
llevar aparte or a un lado

take away

1verb + object + adverb, verb + adverb + object 1.1 (carry away)
he took the empty dishes away
retiró or se llevó los platos vacíos
not to be taken away (on book)
para consulta en sala
1.2 (lead off)
1.3 (remove, confiscate) to take away somebody's hopes
quitarle las esperanzas a alguien
to take something away from somebody
quitarle or (Southern Cone also) sacarle algo a alguien
he took the ball away from the children
les quitó la pelota a los niños
her children were taken away from her
le quitaron a los niños
they took their children away from the school
sacaron a los niños del colegio
1.4 (erase, obliterate) this will take the pain/taste away
con esto se te pasará or se te quitará el dolor/gusto
nothing can take away my memories of that trip
nada me puede quitar el recuerdo de aquel viaje
1.5 (Mathematics)34 take away 13 equals 21
34 menos 13 es igual a 21
if you take away 13 from 34 …
si a 34 le restas 13 …
2verb + object + adverbtake it away! [colloquial]
3verb + adverb + object (British)
to eat here or take away?
¿para comer aquí o para llevar?

take away from

verb + adverb + preposition + object
it takes away from one's enjoyment of the music
hace que uno disfrute menos de la música
these criticisms do not take away from her achievement
estas críticas no le restan valor or méritos a su logro

take back

1verb + object + adverb, verb + adverb + object 1.1 (return) it was too big, so I had to take it back
era demasiado grande, así que lo tuve que devolver
I took him back the book he'd lent me
le devolví el libro que me había prestado
1.2 (repossess)
1.3 (accept back) they took back the shoes
aceptaron la devolución de los zapatos
she wouldn't take back the money she'd lent me
no quiso que le devolviera el dinero que me había prestado
I can't understand why she ever took him back
no entiendo cómo aceptó que volviera
1.4 (withdraw, retract)
you'll take back what you just said!
¡retira lo que acabas de decir!
I take it all back
2verb + object + adverb (in time) this song takes me back!
¡qué recuerdos me trae esta canción!
it takes me back to my childhood
me transporta a mi niñez
let me take you back to the night of the fifth of …
permítame remontarme otra vez a la noche del cinco de …

take down

1verb + object + adverb, verb + adverb + object 1.1
(unhang, unfasten) (curtains/decorations/notice)
1.2 (dismantle)
(tent/market stall)
1.3 (lower) to take down one's pants
bajarse los pantalones
1.4 (write down)
have you taken all that down?
¿has tomado nota de todo?
¿lo has apuntado or anotado todo?
2verb + object + adverb (cause to descend)
hacer bajar

take for

verb + object + preposition + object
tomar por
I took him for a patient
pensé que era uno de los pacientes
lo tomé por uno de los pacientes
what do you take me for?
¿pero tú qué te crees (que soy)?
¿pero tú por quién me has tomado?
sorry, I took you for somebody else
perdone, lo confundí con otra persona

take from

1verb + object + preposition + object 1.1 (derive) the town takes its name from …
la ciudad debe su nombre a …
the title of the book is taken from the Bible
el título del libro está tomado de la Biblia
I took the idea from a newspaper story
saqué la idea de una noticia del periódico
1.2 (subtract)
restar de
2v + prep + otake away from

take home

verb + adverb + object
she takes home less than £600
su sueldo neto or líquido es de menos de 600 libras

take in

1verb + object + adverb, verb + adverb + object 1.1
(give home to) (orphan)
1.2 (do) she takes in washing
es lavandera
lava para afuera (Southern Cone)
1.3 (grasp, register)
she explained it so fast I couldn't take it all in
lo explicó tan rápido que no lo pude asimilar todo
he looked around taking in every detail
miró a su alrededor captando todos los detalles or sin perderse ni un detalle
he didn't take in what was happening
no se dio cuenta de lo que estaba pasando
1.4 (make narrower)
meterle or tomarle a
1.5 (insert)
2verb + object + adverb (deceive) I'm not taken in by it
a mí no me engaña
many people were taken in by his apparent sincerity
su aparente sinceridad engañó a muchos
3verb + adverb + object 3.1 (include)
3.2 (visit)
incluir (en el recorrido)
on the way back we took in Alsace
(en el camino) de regreso visitamos Alsacia

take off

1verb + object + adverb, verb + adverb + object, verb + object + preposition + object 1.1 (detach, unfasten)
I've got to take the wheel off
tengo que sacar la rueda
the hurricane took the roof off the house
el huracán le arrancó el tejado a la casa
1.2 (clean, strip away)
sacar (esp Latin America)
she took her make-up off
se quitó or (esp Latin America) se sacó el maquillaje
this will take the stain off the tablecloth
esto le quitará la mancha al mantel
(cut off) (branch/shoot)
I asked the hairdresser not to take too much off the back
le pedí al peluquero que no me cortara mucho atrás
1.4 (deduct) they take $15 off if you pay cash
te descuentan 15 dólares si pagas en efectivo
that haircut takes years off him
ese corte de pelo le quita años de encima
1.5 (have free) she's taken the morning off (from) work
se ha tomado la mañana libre
I took a week off work to attend the conference
falté una semana al trabajo para asistir al congreso
I took time off from my schedule to visit the Prado
hice un hueco en el programa para visitar el Prado
1.6 (rescue, transport)
2verb + object + adverb, verb + adverb + object 2.1 (remove)
sacar (esp Latin America)
to take one's dress/watch/shoes/mask off
quitarse or (esp Latin America) sacarse el vestido/el reloj/los zapatos/la máscara
(discontinue) (film/play)
sacar (esp Latin America)
2.3 (imitate) [colloquial]
3verb + adverb 3.1
3.2 (succeed)
tomar vuelo
the economy took off in the fifties
el despegue económico se produjo en los años cincuenta
la economía empezó a florecer en los años cincuenta
sales of the book took off immediately
el libro se empezó a vender muy bien enseguida
3.3 (depart)
largarse [colloquial]
take off, buddy! (US) [colloquial]
¡mira, vete por ahí! [colloquial]
¡andá a pasear, che! (Río de la Plata) [colloquial]
4verb + object + adverb (convey) they took her off to prison
(se) la llevaron a la cárcel
to take oneself off
I'll take myself off now
5verb + object + adverb, verb + object + preposition + object 5.1 (remove)
sacar (esp Latin America)
take your feet off the sofa
quita or (esp Latin America) saca los pies del sofá
take your foot off the clutch
levanta el pie del embrague
take your hands off me!
¡quítame las manos de encima!
¡no me toques!
5.2 (erase, exclude) your name has been taken off the list
te han eliminado or tachado ( or borrado etc. ) de la lista
the soup has been taken off the menu
han quitado la sopa del menú
5.3 (transfer from) I'm taking you off this case
quiero que dejes el caso
5.4 (take away from) [colloquial] I took the gun off him
le quité or (Southern Cone also) le saqué la pistola

take on

1verb + object + adverb, verb + adverb + object 1.1
(take aboard) (passengers)
to take on fuel
1.2 (employ)
tomar (esp Latin America)
(undertake) (work)
encargarse de
hacerse cargo de
she takes on too much
se echa demasiado encima
se carga de responsabilidades
nobody wants to take the job on
nadie quiere encargarse or hacerse cargo del trabajo
(tackle) (opponent)
enfrentarse a
aceptar el reto de
their company can't take on the European giants
su compañía no está en condiciones de enfrentarse a los gigantes europeos
I bet $20 he wins: who'll take me on?
apuesto 20 dólares a que gana ¿quién me acepta la apuesta?
2verb + adverb + object
(assume) (expression)
the leaves take on a reddish hue
las hojas adquieren una tonalidad rojiza
the town took on an air of festivity
el pueblo asumió un aire festivo
3verb + adverb (distress oneself) [dated]don't take on so
no te pongas así

take out

1verb + object + adverb, verb + adverb + object 1.1 (remove physically) take your things out of my drawer
saca tus cosas de mi cajón
we had to take everything out again
tuvimos que sacarlo todo otra vez
1.2 (exclude) 1.3 (transport) we'll get them taken out by helicopter
los sacaremos en helicóptero
1.4 (US)
food to take out
1.5 (withdraw)
1.6 (deduct) 1.7 (produce) he took out a gun
sacó una pistola
he took a pipe out of his pocket
sacó una pipa del bolsillo
2verb + object + adverb, verb + adverb + object 2.1
(extract) (tooth)
extraer [formal]
2.2 (obtain)
2.3 (eliminate)
3verb + object + adverb (accompany, conduct) he'd like to take her out
le gustaría invitarla a salir
to take the dog out for a walk
sacar el perro a pasear
you never take me out
nunca me llevas or me sacas a ningún lado
he's taking me out to dinner/to the opera
me va a llevar or me ha invitado a cenar/a la ópera
4verb + adverb + object (Law)to take out an injunction
obtener un mandamiento judicial

take out of

verb + object + adverb + preposition + object
1 (remove from)
sacar de
I took the toy out of the box
saqué el juguete de la caja
we're taking her out of that school
la vamos a sacar de ese colegio
to take somebody out of herself/himself
hacer que alguien se olvide de sus problemas
2 (extract, drain) it takes all the fun out of it
le quita toda la gracia
the antibiotics have taken all the energy out of her
los antibióticos la han dejado sin fuerzas
to take it out of somebodythis weather certainly takes it out of you
este tiempo lo deja a uno sin ganas de nada
the fight really took it out of him
la pelea lo dejó hecho polvo [colloquial]

take out on

verb + object + adverb + preposition + object
she takes her frustration out on her children
descarga su frustración en los niños
there's no need to take it out on me/the furniture
no tienes por qué desquitarte or (Latin America also) agarrártela conmigo/con los muebles

take over

1verb + adverb 1.1 (assume control) when the Democrats took over
cuando asumió el gobierno demócrata
he hopes his son will take over when he retires
espera que su hijo se haga cargo or lo releve cuando se jubile
you've been driving for hours, shall I take over?
llevas horas manejando or (Spain) conduciendo ¿tomo yo el volante?
the night shift takes over at eleven
los del turno de la noche toman el relevo a las once
to take over from somebody
sustituir a alguien
(in shift work)
relevar a alguien
1.2 (seize control, overrun)
hacerse con el poder
a world in which computers have taken over
un mundo en el que las computadoras han llegado a dominarlo or controlarlo todo
2verb + object + adverb, verb + adverb + object
(take charge of) (responsibility/role)
hacerse cargo de
his co-pilot took over the controls
el copiloto tomó los mandos
tourists take over the town every summer
los turistas invaden la ciudad todos los veranos
3verb + object + preposition + object 3.1 (show)
enseñar (esp Spain)
3.2 (arguments/points)I'll take you over the main points again
repasemos otra vez or volvamos sobre los puntos principales

take round

take around

take through

verb + object + preposition + object
he took me through everything I had to do
me explicó paso por paso todo lo que tenía que hacer
I'll take you through the different steps again
repasemos otra vez or volvamos sobre los distintos pasos

take to

1verb + preposition + object 1.1 (respond well to, develop liking for) he didn't take to life in the country
no se adaptó a la vida en el campo
she doesn't take readily to change
no se adapta bien a los cambios
I don't take kindly to being talked about behind my back
no me hace ninguna gracia que hablen de mí a mis espaldas
she took to teaching immediately
enseguida le tomó gusto a la enseñanza
la enseñanza se le dio bien desde el principio
they took to each other at once
se gustaron inmediatamente
I never took to him
nunca llegó a gustarme
1.2 (form habit of) to take to drink
darse a la bebida
to take to -ingshe's taken to painting
le ha dado por pintar
we've taken to using the car more
hemos empezado a usar más el coche
she's taken to calling us at all hours
le ha dado por llamarnos a todas horas
1.3 (go to) to take to the hills
huir al monte
ir por el monte
everyone took to the fire escape
todo el mundo se precipitó hacia la salida de incendios
to take to the streets to take to one's bed
meterse en cama
2verb + object + preposition + object (use on) [colloquial]I had to take a hammer to it
le tuve que dar con un martillo
she took a belt to him
le dio con una correa

take up

1verb + object + adverb, verb + adverb + object 1.1 (pick up)
agarrar (esp Latin America)
coger (esp Spain)
1.2 (accept)
1.3 (adopt)
hacer suyo ( or mío etc. )
1.4 (begin) he's taken up pottery/badminton
ha empezado a hacer cerámica/a jugar al badminton
when she took up her new role as director
cuando empezó a desempeñar or cuando asumió sus funciones de directora
he took up a job in a factory
se puso a trabajar en una fábrica
1.5 (Finance)
1.6 (remove, lift)
(continue) (story)
1.8 (pursue)
volver a
I'd like to take up what my colleague just said
quisiera volver a lo que acaba de decir mi compañero
1.9 (join in) the refrain was taken up by the audience
el público se unió al estribillo
(shorten) (skirt/trousers)
(raise) (hem)
2verb + adverb + object 2.1
(use up, absorb) (time)
getting the rooms ready took up most of the afternoon
preparar las habitaciones llevó la mayor parte de la tarde
the afternoon was taken up with the visit to the factory
la tarde estuvo dedicada a la visita a la fábrica
most of my time is taken up with …
se me va casi todo el tiempo en …
running the business takes up all her energies
toda la energía se le va en llevar el negocio
he's completely taken up with his family
la familia absorbe todo su tiempo
2.2 (take on board)
2.3 (move into)
3verb + object + adverb (cause to ascend)
(hacer) subir
to take somebody up in a plane
llevar a alguien en avión
4verb + adverb (follow on) the second episode takes up at the point where …
el segundo episodio retoma el hilo en el momento en que …

take upon

verb + object + preposition + object
to take something upon oneselfhe took the responsibility upon himself
asumió la responsabilidad
she has taken all the work upon herself
se ha encargado de todo el trabajo
se ha echado encima todo el trabajo
to take it upon oneself to + infinitiveshe took it upon herself to see them home
se le ocurrió que tenía que acompañarlos a casa
he took it upon himself to invite her to my party
se creyó con derecho a invitarla a mi fiesta
tuvo el tupé de invitarla a mi fiesta [colloquial]

take up on

verb + object + adverb + preposition + object
1 (take person at word) I may well take you up on that
a lo mejor te tomo la palabra or te acepto el ofrecimiento
can I still take you up on that drink?
¿aquella invitación a tomar algo sigue en pie?
2 (challenge) he must take her up on these accusations
tiene que pedirle explicaciones sobre estas acusaciones
I must take you up on that
sobre eso discrepo con usted
sobre eso quisiera hacer algunas puntualizaciones

take up with

1verb + adverb + preposition + object (form relationship with) [derogatory]
empezar a juntarse
2verb + object + adverb + preposition + object (raise with) I shall be taking the matter up with the manager
le voy a plantear el asunto al director
there are a couple of points that I'd like to take up with you
hay un par de cosas que quisiera discutir con usted
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