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Teacher training and development

Parliament's Education Service provides training and support for trainee teachers and teachers of political literacy-related subjects.

Teacher training and development

Teacher development in your school

Parliament's Education Outreach team runs teacher development sessions via webinars or in schools around the country to help you inspire and engage your students in their political literacy lessons.

Online CPD and workshops

CPD at Parliament

Join us at the Houses of Parliament for a free one-day seminar or a tailored CPD session.

Whether you are a teacher, a trainee or an educational professional, you'll get new ideas for approaching general Citizenship, SMSC and British Values, or more in-depth Government & Politics topics.

Programme of seminars and CPD sessions

Teachers' Institute

A residential programme in Westminster - immerse yourself in the politics of Parliament with this unique professional development opportunity.

Find out more about Teachers' Institute

Teacher placements

A selected number of teacher placements are available throughout the academic year for current teachers or trainee teachers (on a PGCE, PGDE or degree with QTS).

About teacher placements

Initial Teacher Training

The Education Outreach team offers excellent training opportunities for all trainee teachers following PGCE, BEd, ITT, Scottish PGDE and equivalent qualifications. Our free service complements a wide range of subject courses across the UK, enhancing and enriching trainees’ experiences.

Opportunities for trainee teachers