Michael Ramirez by Michael Ramirez

Michael Ramirez

Comments (3) (Please sign in to comment)

  1. nlkilpat

    nlkilpat GoComics PRO Member said, about 1 month ago

    Mr. Ramirez prefers to remain 100% negative. He is never for anything, and is usually virulently opposed — to whatever you have. In this case, he could have offered other candidates as preferable.

  2. Illegal Seagull

    Illegal Seagull said, about 1 month ago

    At least he’s not those 17 other wusses.

  3. exoticdoc2

    exoticdoc2 said, about 1 month ago

    For all of Trump’s faults the Hildebeast is undeniably infinitely worse. She and her rapist husband both are some of the skeeviest, most corrupt, dishonest, scumbag, worthless pieces of human debris this government has ever seen. And THAT is saying something,

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