Michael Ramirez by Michael Ramirez

Michael Ramirez

Comments (12) (Please sign in to comment)

  1. Crow Nobo

    Crow Nobo said, about 19 hours ago

    Trump has never been voted for, he is a rank political amature.
    If you like lies, racism, threats to use nuclear weapons and religious discrimination, he’s your man.

  2. papasan173

    papasan173 GoComics PRO Member said, about 18 hours ago

    Trump is not only a threat to our way of life, but to LIFE itself if he gets the nuclear codes!

  3. Silmenume

    Silmenume said, about 17 hours ago

    @Crow Nobo

    If you think that Trump is unqualified for office because he’s a “rank political amature” then you must also believe that Obama was also unqualified because he too was a “rank political amature.” More so, we can see that his entire tenure in of office has been complete incompetency mix with authoritarian impulses. His administration has accumulated more power into his office unconstitutionally than even FDR – and has used that power to disenfranchise entire blocks of US voters.

    If you have a problem with lies then how can you even support Obama whose administration is more opaque than Richard Nixon’s ever was? Obama lied about Benghazi, “If you like your Dr, you can keep him/her”, we had to use cash to send to Iran because we couldn’t wire it – 2 days later it comes out that we had wired huge sums of money to Iran last year several times, we only sent $400M – oh I mean we sent $1.7B and on and on and on…

    Religious discrimination? Obama has waged the most aggressive war on Christianity in the history of this country. Christian adoption agencies forcibly shut down because of anti-Christian policies. Sisters of Charity – who house and feed the elderly who have no money are being driven out of business because of anti-Christian policies.

    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the FREE exercise thereof”. Small businesses attacked and destroyed by the full power and might of the federal government because the enforcement of Obama Care does abridge the FREE exercise of religious beliefs.

    You’re worried about Trump and nuclear codes? Please. This vainglorious president who can’t stop talking about himself has done more to create the conditions where a country might chance a pre-emptive nuclear strike and thus start a nuclear war.

    Trump is a businessman not an ideologue. Businessmen tend to be much more pragmatic than politicians – they have to be or they wouldn’t stay in business. Obama has done nothing substantive to stop North Korea from getting nukes and just wired Iran billions of dollars that will be spent on their already advanced nuclear program while cutting the US arsenal unilaterally. (Note – Russia is upping their nuclear capabilities).

    This president has been an absolute disaster in foreign policy and militarily. Rank amateur indeed.

  4. DrDon1

    DrDon1 said, about 17 hours ago

    Trump has never been accountable to an electorate! Both President Obama and former Sec. of State Clinton held elected office before running for President. Something that Ramirez conveniently overlooked and others may not grasp.

  5. msgreymare

    msgreymare said, about 17 hours ago

    Did Trump not get the most VOTES in the primary? Pretty sure this is what Ramirez means. And as for nuclear codes, etc., the same was said about Reagan and everything turned out okay.

  6. armcomdes

    armcomdes said, about 17 hours ago


    Wasn’t Obama a “no show” senator that voted “present” in most cases (no opinion either way). Is that what you mean by “held elected office”?

  7. NC Geezer

    NC Geezer said, about 16 hours ago


    How can anyone not admire such clever and creative spelling?

  8. jack75287

    jack75287 said, about 13 hours ago

    All of the above.

  9. DrDon1

    DrDon1 said, about 13 hours ago


    If you think Trump is qualified, then, by all means, vote for him.
    Those of us who think Trump is an arrogant, bigoted ignoramus will vote for another candidate.

  10. BillW101

    BillW101 said, about 13 hours ago


    DrDon says:Trump has never been accountable to an electorate!
    and that is one of his best selling points, real change not fake Obama or Hillery change.

  11. DrDon1

    DrDon1 said, about 13 hours ago


    Most commentators understand that to have “held elected office” means that the person cited ran for and was elected to a ( usually ) legislative office where he/she answered to constituents. ( Sometimes the office is an executive one. ) Despite your incredulity, President Obama was both.

  12. DrDon1

    DrDon1 said, about 12 hours ago


    You’re assuming that all change is good. Plus, there are no good selling points in Trump’s universe, so dream on ….

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