Mystery Continues: Professor theorizes black substance on roads is actually radioactive particles — “Phenomenon occurs even in regular soil containing no cyanobacteria” — All roadside dirt can have high radiation, regardless of color

Published: June 14th, 2012 at 4:06 pm ET
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Subscription Only: Radioactive ‘black soil’ patches: A scourge or a solution?
Asahi Shimbun AJW
June 14, 2012

Koichi Oyama noticed something strange when he was measuring radiation levels in Minami-Soma, Fukushima Prefecture. In many places where the readings jumped, the municipal assembly member found patches of dried dark soil.


One reason for the wide prevalence of the black soil is that it contains a micro-organism known as cyanobacteria that is common around Japan.


The bacteria is of a blue-green color, but it turns black upon drying.

There are two major theories on why the cyanobacteria in the black soil has such high levels of radiation, but nothing has been confirmed.

One theory posits that the radiation becomes concentrated in the cyanobacteria. There is scientific evidence that cyanobacteria absorbs cesium, but confirmation has yet to be made on whether such radiation concentration has occurred in the cyanobacteria found in the black soil samples.

Hayakawa’s theory is that the high radiation levels are due to radioactive cesium from the Fukushima nuclear accident that was pushed by rain and wind and accumulated along roads. He believes that the phenomenon occurs even in regular soil containing no cyanobacteria.

According to Hayakawa’s theory, all dirt along roads is capable of recording high radiation levels, regardless of the color of the soil.


Published: June 14th, 2012 at 4:06 pm ET
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8 comments to Mystery Continues: Professor theorizes black substance on roads is actually radioactive particles — “Phenomenon occurs even in regular soil containing no cyanobacteria” — All roadside dirt can have high radiation, regardless of color

  • fireguyjeff fireguyjeff

    "…believes that the phenomenon occurs even in regular soil containing no cyanobacteria."


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  • TheBigPicture TheBigPicture

    Yep, just theories at this point, as is most everything with radiation. One thing certain though, it causes cancer and kills. And does it when you have no idea it's happening.

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  • Heart of the Rose Heart of the Rose

    I think both oxidized nuclear material and radiation filled algae is present.

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  • Sharp2197 Sharp2197

    First step is a theory.
    second step is tests to prove or disprove the theory.

    We have been hearing about this for months, when will someone work on the second step.

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  • jg35

    Cyanobacteria are simply photosynthesizing bacteria. They are common throughout the world in moist soil and bodies of water. (When a pond turns pea soup green with a nasty smell that's due to a bloom of a particular species of cyanobacteria.) So even if the radiation is only concentrated by cyanobacteria that still means that it can be concentrated almost anywhere.

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  • Jean-Pierre Dalles Jean-Pierre Dalles

    From France where so many people think of you :
    Here is a link I found ,quite frightening indeed .The question is :has the black substance already been analized at the atomic level?In other words,ok for bacteriae but what do they have precisely ingested that humans could have themselves in their bodies ?The alarming info (needing verification) is in the first grey encadré of this page
    The video they mention ,about black clouds,is worth viewing although at times uneasy to understand because of their strong australian accent.

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