Comparing the Effectiveness of Three Types of Furnace Air Filters

Photo of Researcher

Researched by Cassidy B.


The purpose of this experiment was to compare the effectiveness of three different types of air filters used in furnaces.

I became interested in this idea when I learned that some types of air filters were supposedly better than others. I also have two cousins with asthma. It made me wonder if the more expensive types would filter more pollen and dust to help lessen the chance for them to have an attack. I wanted to see if paying for so-called “better” filters was worth the extra money.

The information gained from this experiment could help people with asthma, or other allergies, and possibly save people money depending on the outcome.


My hypothesis was that the 3-M brand filter would filter more particulate mass from the air.

I based my hypothesis on the “Filtrete’s” packaging graph. The graph shows that the Filtrete micro allergen filter catches the most particulate.


The constants in this study were:
•    The homes used in the study.
•    The time the air filters were left in the house.
•    Method for weighing filters.
•    Use of plastic bags to keep filters uncontaminated during storage.

The manipulated variable was the type of air filter used.

The responding variable was the mass of particles collected in the filter.

To measure the responding variable, I used a triple beam balance to weigh the unused filter before putting it into the home, and again after 3 weeks of use. The difference was the amount of particulate collected. 


1                          triple beam balance
1                          permanent marker
1                          mask (to avoid inhaling any dust)
1                          pair of latex gloves (to keep dust off hands)
1(box)                 white garbage bags
3                         American Air Filters
3                         Dirt Demon Dust Shield Air Filters
3                         Filtrate Air Filters


1.    Find 6 home furnaces available for use during testing.
2.    Purchase the same 3 types of filters for each of the 6 furnaces.
3.    Weigh each filter using a triple beam balance.
4.    Write initial mass on each filter using a permanent marker.
5.    Put the filter into a clean plastic bag.
6.    Label bags with permanent marker (name, install date, remove date, size, and return in bag).
7.    Create a rotation schedule to insure that each type of filter gets used for 3 weeks in each furnace on a staggered basis.
8.    Rotation schedule as follows
Houses    Install 11/12 remove 12/3    Install 12/3 remove 12/24    Install 12/24 remove 1/14
A                           $                                               $$                                       $$$
B                         $$$                                              $                                         $$
C                          $$                                             $$$                                        $
D                           $                                               $$                                       $$$
E                          $$$                                             $                                          $$
F                           $$                                            $$$                                         $

9.    Install filters in furnaces (see rotation schedule).
10.    Leave filters in running furnaces for three weeks.
11.    Collect used filters.
12.    Put filter back in labeled bag.
13.    Install next filter to be used in each of the 6 furnaces (see rotation schedule).
14.    Weigh filters using a triple beam balance.
15.    Calculate difference from initial mass (record).
16.    Repeat steps 10-15 with next filter in schedule for each furnace.
17.    Leave filters in running furnaces for three weeks.
18.    Collect filters.
19.    Put filters in labeled bags.
20.    Weigh filters using a triple beam balance.
21.    Calculate difference from initial mass (record).
22.     Average mass for each type of filter.


The original purpose of this experiment was the purpose of this experiment was to compare the effectiveness of three different types of air filters used in furnaces.

The results of the experiment were for the American Air Filter average particulate collected was 1.68g, the Dirt Demon Dust Shield’s average was 2.18g, and the Filtrate Air Filter’s average was 3.49g.

See the table and graph on next page.


My hypothesis was that the 3-M brand “Filtrete” filter would filter more particulate mass from the air.

The results indicate that this hypothesis should be accepted, because the
3-m brand air filter, overall, collected the most particulate the brands tested.

After thinking about the results of this experiment, I wonder if I were to conduct this experiment in a drier or damper area, would the results be the same?

If I were to conduct this project again I would conduct it in the summer so there would be more dust, pollen, and other particulate to be filtered so a bigger difference in the weight would be present. I would also use more furnaces and do more tests. I’d leave the filters in longer, at least a month, maybe five weeks. My results showed some strange and inconsistent values. I would redo my experiment with much greater care taken when weighing the filters and recording scores.


Air quality is one of the most important factors in our life. Without clean air a healthy life would be almost impossible. Although our air is not always clean, filtration helps take out air pollution and other air particulate.

Filtration is the process of removing solid impurities from liquid, air, or gas. Filtration occurs by passing the air or liquid through a filter. For example you can separate water from sand by passing the water through a screen. The screen acts like a sieve and separates the water from the sand. The sand that is left in the screen is called residue. The liquid is called the filtrate. Vehicles use gas filters to filter impurities that are entering the carburetor. Some filters are made from sand or crushed charcoal, which are called granule filters. Some may be made of paper or cloth such as in coffee makers.

Different Types of Air Filtration
There are many types of air filtration. Mechanical air filters remove particulate on a filter medium. This material makes up the filter element. The mechanical air filters use many different types of dry media. All of the usual throwaway filters are mechanical air filters. These include HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) air filters.

Filters are made of many different materials. Some filters include woven fiberglass. These filters aren’t very high-tech but they can filter out considerable amounts of dust, bacteria, and plant spores, which without the filters we would be breathing. Another kind is the pleated type. It is more efficient than the fiberglass one because it has a larger surface to trap particulate on. There are also pleated filters that are electro-statically charged. The charge helps hold the particulate on the filter.  

Electric air filter. These contain a series of wires that are charged with electricity. The charged wires (or plates) attract the particulate moved by the heating/cooling fan. When the filter is coated with particulate its efficiency lowers. Therefore it doesn’t collect as much particulate until it is clean.

Ion Generators. These types of filters create negative ions that make the particles charged. Once charged they attach themselves to any positive surface area (wall, floor, furniture, ceiling, etc.) Once they have lost their charge they return to the air. This is not a particulate removal system.

Gas Phase Absorption. It uses an absorption media like carbon. It is used to absorb gases and odors. These don’t filter solid particulate. They are used in commercial and industrial applications. They can absorb 33% to 50% of their weight in gases. For example a 15lb filter can remove 5-7lbs of gases per week. They take the gases and odors out of the air.

Air Pollution
Air pollution is the result of harmful substances that have been discharged into the air. The effects it has on people are health problems including burning eyes and nose, itchy irritated throat, and breathing problems (such as asthma). Some of the chemicals in polluted air can cause cancer, birth defects, brain and nerve damage, and long-term injury to the lungs and breathing passages. Certain air pollutants are dangerous to a high level and can cause serious injury or death.

Besides hurting humans, polluted air can also hurt the environment and property. Trees, lakes, and animals suffer from air pollution. It thins the ozone layer which may contribute to global warming.

Some major air pollutants are carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, lead, nitrogen, and sulfur dioxide.

Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas. The molecular formula for carbon monoxide is CO. It is formed by a carbon atom bonded to an oxygen atom. This is a result of poor installation of a appliance, damage to a appliance, improperly burned fuel, or poorly ventilated rooms when it can’t escape. Since it is colorless, tasteless, and odorless, it is very dangerous.

Carbon dioxide is the greenhouse gas emitted by human activity (burning of coal, oil, and natural gas). It is also caused by volcanic out gassing, or organic matter combustion. Plants utilize carbon dioxide during photosynthesis.

Chlorofluorocarbons are chemicals used in great quantities in refrigerators. They are haloalkanes with chlorine and fluorine. They are used widely in industries. They are used as refrigerants, propellants, and cleaning solvents. The use of chlorofluorocarbons are now prohibited.

Lead is a highly toxic metal which has many hazardous effects on young children. The chemical element has the symbol of Pb. Lead is bluish white when freshly cut, but turns dull gray when exposed to air. It is used in building, lead-acid batteries, bullets and shot. Lead is a part of solder, pewter, and fusible alloys. It has the highest atomic number of all stable elements, and has poor electrical conductivity. It’s Highly resistant to corrosion, and is used to contain corrosive liquids.

Nitrogen is a major cause of smog and acid rain, and particulate matter which is any type of solid air matter that can be taken out by air filtration. Has the periodic symbol of N. The atomic number for nitrogen is 7. It is also colorless, odorless, and tasteless. It forms 78 percent of the earth’s atmosphere. Nitrogen forms many important compounds such as amino acids, ammonia, and nitric acid.  

Sulfur dioxide is caused by burned coal and oil. It usually occurs over power plants and during metal smelting. Sulfur dioxide is emitted in other industrial processes as well. This causes temporary breathing defects in children and adults with asthma who do outside activities often.

Asthma & Allergens
Asthma is a disease that can occur in any human. It is a disease of the respiratory system. Asthma is caused by genetics, development, and environmental factors. When a human with asthma has an attack, the airway closes. To relieve these symptoms, the person has to use an inhaler, a medical device that delivers medication into the lungs and helps the person breathe. You can be born with asthma, or asthma can also be caused by second hand smoke, or other repeated irritants.  

Allergens are stimuli that cause allergy attacks. There are many different types of allergens such as pollen, animal dander, and dust. When exposed to these, people with allergies have symptoms such as inflammation and redness, itchy burning skin, sneezing, and closing of the airways. Filtration helps to take out those particles to make the life of those with allergies easier.  Allergies, also called Type 1 hypersensitivity, are an immune malfunction. A person’s body becomes hypersensitive to different things such as pollen.  

Although our air may not be the cleanest, it is improved with the help of filtration. You can find filters in any modern furnace. Schools and work places use filters to keep the air clean and healthy for the people in the buildings. Air is a vital factor in our life and it is important to keep it clean.


  • “Air Filters and Filtration” Airpure International. 12/14/05 <>
  • “Air Filtration Fundamentals” Pure Air Systems Incorporated. 12/14/05 <>
  • “Air Pollution Fact Sheet” Environmental Health Center. 12/7/05 <>
  • “Asthma” Net Doctor. 10/28/05 <>
  • “Carbon dioxide” Wikipedia.  19 January 06 <>
  • “Chloroflourocarbons” Wikipedia. 1/18/06 <>
  • “Lead” Wikipedia. 1/18/06. <>
  • “Nitrogen” Wikipedia. 1/18/06 <>
  • Petrie, Gavin and Klenerman, Paul. “What is asthma?” Net Doctor. 10/28/05 <>
  • “What is carbon monoxide,” Carbon monoxide kills. 2005 <>


I would like to thank the following people for helping make my project possible:
•    My parents for encouraging me to do my best and helping me whenever needed.
•    My brother for telling me and encouraging me to do the program.
•    Mr. Newkirk and Mrs. Viernes for helping me along the way.
•    All 6 homeowners who allowed me to use their furnaces for my testing.

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