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End Times Chart

Introduction and Key


AD70 Dispensationalism: According to that view, AD70 was the end of 'this age' and the start of the 'age to come'.    Those who lived before AD70 could only 'see in part' and such, lacking the resurrection and redemptive blessings which supposedly came only when Herod's Temple in Jerusalem fell.    Accordingly, AD70 was not only the end of Old Testament Judaism, but it was also the end of the revelation of Christianity as seen in the New Testament.


"Full preterist" material is being archived for balanced representation of all preterist views, but is classified under the theological term hyper (as in beyond the acceptable range of tolerable doctrines) at this website.  The classification of all full preterism as Hyper Preterism (HyP) is built upon well over a decade of intense research at, and the convictions of the website curator (a former full preterist pastor).  The HyP theology of final resurrection and consummation in the fall of Jerusalem, with its dispensational line in AD70 (end of old age, start of new age), has never been known among authors through nearly 20 centuries of Christianity leading up to 1845, when the earliest known full preterist book was written.  Even though there may be many secondary points of agreement between Historical/Modern Preterism and Hyper Preterism, their premises are undeniably and fundamentally different.



Lack of Christological Focus Hurts Christianity

Focusing on Shadows Instead of Substance

At what point does AD70 hinder the message/messenger?

Hyper Preterism: Defining "Hyper Preterism"- Criticisms from the Inside - Criticisms from the Outside || Progressive Pret | Regressive Pret | Former Full Preterists | Pret Scholars | Normative Pret | Reformed Pret | Pret Idealism | Pret Universalism

Upon realizing the fundamental error of "Full Preterism" in 2006 (which is 'mistaking the shadows for the substance of prophecy'), I began a study into whether the view of totally fulfilled eschatology was simply mistaken, or if it was indeed a critical departure from acceptable Christian doctrine.  I say "acceptable" because there comes a point where the doctrinal departure is large enough to create a message different from that originally received and delivered.  Any doctrine that corrupts and/or distorts the "present gospel" of Jesus Christ is both ichabod and anathema.   This is a serious charge which was not made without a great deal of sacrifice.  Only fools would dismiss it out of hand, especially considering the credibility of this source. founded the full preterist movement on the Internet and built it to a position above where it lies today.

The hyper preterist position that the New Covenant didn't really come into maturity until AD70 (despite the fact that Christians had already been given access to the "holiest of all" 40 years prior -- cf. Hebrews 10:19-22)  results in a different gospel message than that originally received from the pen of Inspiration.   At Calvary, Jesus said "It is finished".  This statement was confirmed by the tearing of the veil of separation in Herod's temple.   To teach that access into the holiest of all is based on something other than Calvary is a horrible error.  There are many other examples of AD70 becoming a primary focal point, outshining the glory revealed in the Sacrifice of the Lamb.   The AD70 Storyline is Fundamentally Different from Historical Christianity's clear and united focus on Calvary as the definitive statement of the faith.   [Full Preterist Response: "I categorically state that the physical object of the cross, wood and fiber, is not worthy of the love and adoration of Christians."]


"Hyper" Preterism is defined here as that form of "fulfillment eschatology" which goes too far in declaring AD70 prophetic fulfillment and/or completion.  In many cases, this threshold is reached by declaring that the shadows and types which were given to point to the Eschaton were actually the fulfillments themselves.   One need not be a "Full Preterist" to embrace aspects of Hyper Preterism ; however, Full Preterist systems consistently apply Hyper Preterism to all areas of doctrine.  Therefore, one could consider Full Preterism to be "Consistently Hyper Preterism", "Fully Hyper Preterism" or "Systematic Hyper Preterism".   The point being that Full Preterism is actually systematized Hyper Preterism... and is ever so much dangerous than the more inconsistent forms of Preterism, or Historicist and Futurist systems which may advocate particular hyper preterist doctrines.

  • Larry Siegle: "There are three aspects to the events of A.D. 70 that deserve clarification in order to achieve a proper balance in our understanding of exactly what happened in the first-century. There are those who draw conclusions that are not necessarily the logical implications and therefore takes a person down a very long and dark pathway into error in their understanding of the Scriptures. Unless one is able to properly discern what “ended” in A.D. 70, in contrast with what “began” and therefore what “remains” his conclusions will be to take an extreme position concerning the truth."




The valor and determination of Full Preterists to conquer error is reminiscent of the Romans who first came against Jerusalem.   These adventurous soldiers, simplistically seeing an open path to the walls, overzealously charged up to her very gates, only to find themselves suddenly surrounded on all sides (with Providence alone saving the life of General Titus).  Full Preterism, driven by its initial sincere and noble desire in the pulling down of Futurist error, charges too hard and far in the setting up of perceived truth, having incorrectly assessed the situation due to the speed of attack (and emboldened by the pride that always comes with initial victories).   This imagery also applies to the Jewish defenders of Jerusalem who, flushed with pride at the victory at Beth-Horon, diligently pursued an ultimately Apocalyptic Catasrophe.

There is no question that Jerusalem's history is rich with theological wealth and meaning ; however, she was - and will always be - a deadly harlot who betrays those who succumb to her alluring charms.  If you approach too closely to her she will strike you like the serpent she is -- and her poison goes straight to the heart.  Please consider my decade of leadership experience in forming and shaping the online movement -- and my observation of countless people in this situation -- by accepting at face value my warnings for what they are - sincere attempts to help .   If you have gotten too close to the harlot, having lost your senses in wonderment (as did John prior to being rebuked), AWAKEN AT ONCE before the pride of puffed up knowledge blinds !!  Set your eyes upon the spotless bride instead of the filthy whore, and you will be saved to carry on the battle with the Banner of Truth.


It is important to keep in mind that many ideas and doctrines full preterism appeals to are by no means distinctive to that view.  A primary example is in the early dating of Revelation -- which is a belief shared by many non full preterist systems.  Such is also  the case with objections to the errors of Dispensationalism..  and with seeing the complete end of the Old Covenant world in AD70.   Exponentially more non HyPs believe these things than HyPs ever have, so it is important to keep in mind that one need not embrace a Hyper Preterist system in order to endorse these (and like) ideas or doctrines.   Following are exceptional doctrines which, so far as I've seen, are only taught by adherents of Hyper Preterism.:


  • All Bible Prophecy was Fulfilled By AD70

  • Atonement Incomplete at Cross ; Complete at AD70

  • The Supernatural Power of Evil Ended in AD70

  • The Spirit of Antichrist was Destroyed in AD70

  • "The Consummation of the Ages" Came in AD70

  • "The Millennium" is in the Past, From AD30 to AD70

  • Nothing to be Resurrected From in Post AD70 World ; Hades Destroyed

  • The Christian Age Began in AD70 ; Earth Will Never End

  • "The Day of the Lord" was Israel's Destruction ending in AD70

  • The "Second Coming" of Jesus Christ Took Place in AD70-ish

  • The Great Judgment took place in AD70 ; No Future Judgment

  • The Law, Death, Sin, Devil, Hades, etc. Utterly Defeated in AD70

  • "The Resurrection" of the Dead and Living is Past, Having Taken Place in AD70

  • The Context of the Entire Bible is Pre-AD70 ; Not Written To Post AD70 World

(under construction)

  • Baptism was for Pre-AD70 Era (Cessationism)

  • The Lord's Prayer was for Pre-AD70 Era (Cessationism)

  • The Lord's Supper was for Pre-AD70 Era (Cessationism)

  • The Holy Spirit's Paraclete Work Ceased in AD70 (Cessationism)

  • The Consummation in AD70 Caused Church Offices to Cease (Cessationism)

  • The Resurrection in AD70 Changed the "Constitutional Principle" of Marriage (Noyesism)

  • Israel and Humanity Delivered into Ultimate Liberty in AD70 (TransmillennialismTM)

  • The Judgment in AD70 Reconciled All of Mankind to God ; All Saved (Preterist Universalism)

  • Adam's Sin No Longer Imputed in Post AD70 World ; No Need to be Born Again (Preterist Universalism)

  • When Jesus Delivered the Kingdom to the Father in AD70, He Ceased Being The Intermediary (Pantelism/Comprehensive Grace?)

  • The Book of Genesis is an Apocalypse; is About Creation of First Covenant Man, not First Historical Man (Covenantal Preterism)

Key discoveries unearthed in PreteristArchive's tenth anniversary year (2006) included the fact that the two earliest known full preterists -- Robert Townley and P.S. Desprez -- had also matured into a wiser view of prophecy's telos and eschatos.   These two, as well as the others, were as convinced of AD70 Dispensationalism as many contemporary preterists are today.  


"hyper-preterism" defined...
 and self applied by Full Preterist Book:

 "It may surprise students of Biblical theology: When we combine the eschatological teachings of the great theologians of the Reformed church throughout the centuries, we arrive at "hyper-preterism":

(A House Divided Back Book Cover)

From the back cover - "hyper-preterism" is what is arrived at:

Richard Anthony

  • Scriptures Say When Jesus Would Come! (2002) "If Jesus didn't come back in the first century when he said that he would, then you might as well throw your Bible out"

    • Every man was rewarded according to his works in AD70

    • Every reference to the Lord's coming is a time statement pointing to AD70

    • "Jesus was a liar if his second coming wasn't in AD70

    • Scripture is not inspired if Jesus' second coming wasn't in AD70

Brad Baker

  • What We Are Saved From? (2009) "Salvation was only for the first death and separation from God. All of mankind has been resurrected from that sin and first death which reigned from Adam to Christ.. Since AD 70 the resurrection of the unrighteous were punished in the presence of God where they are tormented in the spiritual realms"

    • The first death was destroyed in AD70

    • Spiritual death was completely destroyed in AD70

    • Separation from God was destroyed in AD70

    • All of mankind saved from sin and death

illiam H. Bell Jr. - Church of Christ

  • Do You Pray For The Kingdom to Come? (2009) "As a third grade student, we had devotionals in our public school classroom everyone morning which involved the class singing in unison what is typically known as the Lord’s prayer, See Matt 6:9–13.after studying the prayer, I discovered that I could not conscientiously pray that prayer as Jesus taught his disciples to pray it...  We no longer live in expectation. We therefore should no longer pray, your kingdom come, but rather, offer gratitude and thanks for the kingdom and live as it demands." ("AD70 Dispensationalism")

    • Lord's prayer is not applicable post AD70

    • Christians aren't supposed to live in expectation or anticipation post AD70

    • The harvest was in AD70

    • Christians should not expect Jesus to come past AD70

  • When Did Miracles Cease? - "If that redemption were "completed" at the cross or on the day of Pentecost, then miraculous gifts were a useless commodity to the church"
    • The church came under a new dispensation after AD70

    • There are no "miraculous operations of the Spirit" after AD70

    • The gift of inspiration to apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers ceased in AD70

    • Christian Age on earth doesn't start until AD70

    • Christian Age on earth is without end

    • Supernatural power of evil ceased in AD70

    • The earnest and sealing of the Holy Spirit was only until AD70

    • The "day of redemption" was in AD70

    • In AD70 God was seen "face to face"

    • In AD70 the church came to the unity of faith

  • The Parousia and Acts 1:11 - "Any interpretation of Acts 1:11 that fails to honor the time limitations for the parousia is not "exegesis" but "eisegesis"!"

    • Jesus' prayer "thy kingdom come" no longer valid - kingdom came in AD70

    • God anticipated the errors of "parousia delay" by placing related verses next to time texts

  • The Dead Are Raised - "Yes, the dead are raised. Hades has been destroyed. The way into the holiest of all is now manifest. Thanks be to God who gave us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
    • The "eternal new covenant age" is earthly, and started in AD70

    • There was no resurrection prior to AD70

    • Sonship in Christ is equated with resurrection

    • Jesus' declaration that there is no marriage in the AD70 age to come doesn't preclude marriage

    • The patriarchs were resurrected into the eternal kingdom when it came in AD70

    • The saints from the east, west, north and south sat down and inherited the kingdom in AD70

    • The gathering of the elect from the four winds happened at the fall of Jerusalem in AD70

    • The great sound of the trumpet happened in AD70

    • Hades was destroyed in AD70

    • The way into the holiest of all was made manifest in AD70

  • A Boat Divided Against Itself Cannot Float (1998) "Noah's ark cannot be split according to scripture. The division in Matthew is unsupported, unsubstantiated and indefensible. Luke 17 links Noah with the fleeing event, all in the day when the Son of Man is revealed. A future coming of Christ that disregards these facts simply cannot be as it was in the days of Noah."
    • God anticipated the errors of "parousia delay" by placing related verses next to AD70 time texts

    • Christ's only coming was in AD70, the parousia limited to that event

  • Challenging Concepts Of The Resurrection - "The resurrection of saints from Hades and the change of the "living" as far as we know, was not perceivable to the physical eye. The limits of physical observation do not deny, disprove, or otherwise negate the clear teachings of scripture that the resurrection occurred in 70 A.D."
    • Israel's captivity was symbolic of the saint's captivity prior to AD70

    • The "fall of Babylon" is the fall of national Israel in AD70

    • AD70 was the resurrection of the saints to their homeland, the new heaven and earth

    • The deliverance of the saints in AD70 was the opening of the graves and the bringing forth of all into judgment

    • The indwelling of the Spirit ceased in AD70

    • The dead saints were resurrected from Hades in AD70

    • The resurrection of the "living" occurred in 70 A.D., in connection with the fall of Jerusalem

  • This Present Evil Age - "Eternal life will be seen in Matthew where it is seen in Hebrews, in A.D.70, at the fall of the temple and Jewish commonwealth. "
    • "the gospel which Paul held firmly till his death (2 Timothy 4:6-8) did not belong to the "present age" of scripture"

    • The Bible was written in a different dispensation, as it was all written prior to AD70

    • The Christian age didn't start until AD70

    • The "world to come" is earthly in nature, and started in AD70

    • The saints deliverance from "this age" was in AD70 at the return of Christ

    • "the law" is the "Jewish age"

    • Jesus taught that the consummation of the age was Jerusalem's fall in AD70

    • Matthew 24-25 cannot be divided -- all referring to AD70

    • The church could not enter into the holy of holies until AD70

    • Eternal life did not come until the fall of the temple in AD70

  • The Illusion Of The Conclusion - "Old Covenant Israel must be introduced into the equation as consideration of the creation in Romans 8. There was a real need to deliver them from the bondage of sin-death. Christ took on the nature of his brethren (Old Covenant Israel) that he might suffer sin-death with them in order to destroy the power of Satan and subsequently deliver his brethren from that bondage,."

    • Old Covenant Israel was the creation that was to be freed from sin/death in AD70

    • Christ took the nature of Old Covenant Israel to die sin/death and deliver them from bondage

    • The "present age" was a transition period from Old Covenant to the establishment of the New  in AD70

    • This transition was from AD30 to AD70

    • Judaizers persecuted Christians because of their teaching of an imminent return of Christ

    • The "sufferings" were eschatological in nature

    • The creation's reception of glory came in AD70

    • The "world" of 1 John 3:1-2 was Jewish

    • The consummation of the ages was in AD70

    • The New Testament saints were freed from the bondage of corruption in AD70

    • New Covenant saints were perfected in AD70

    • The Holy Spirit completed his work in AD70

  • Philippians 4:5 - Spatialogy or Eschatology - "No mild fit of intellectual wresting can sever this text from the subject of the Parousia, nor lessen its emphatic nearness."
    • Universal acknowledgment of Christ's sovereignty came in AD70

    • The resurrection was completed in AD70

Alexander Brown

  • The Great Day of the Lord: A Survey of New Testament Teaching on Christ's Coming in His Kingdom, the Resurrection, and the Judgement of the Living and the Dead (1890)  "To sum the whole into a sentence — with the fall of Jerusalem, the then existing age was ended, the dead were judged, the saints were raised to heaven, and a new dispensation of a world-wide order instituted, of which Christ is everlasting King, and ever present with His people, whether living here or dead beyond." (p. 257)   - A simple but fundamental mistake, confining the new aion within the brackets of carnal chronology.   It is the same exact mistake of Futurism, except that the incorrect HyP AD70 dispensational line in history past has immense theological consequences with which Futurists will never have to deal, placing their dispensational line as they do in history future (thereby not ever having to deal with the myriad complications of living in a global change of spiritual economy -- which yields theological Universalism of some sort.. hence the high concentration of Universalist/Pantelist/Comprehensive Grace teachers within full preterism).

Charles Geiser - Church of Christ

  • New Testament Eschatology: Jude - Jude wrote of the end time, at least in part of his letter, of the Jewish estate just prior to A.D. 70.

    • All Bible prophecy fulfilled by AD70

    • God's scheme of redemption was fulfilled in AD70

    • The blessings of the kingdom were inherited in AD70

    • Saints were kept by the Lord until AD70

    • The sinning angels were kept in chains until "the great day" in AD70

    • The one judgment day was in AD70

    • The Lord came with 10,000 of His saints in AD70

    • The mercy of Christ came in AD70

    • Christians were presented faultless in AD70

    • Christians received their redemption in AD70

  • A Survey: Eschatology In Hebrews - Contains fulfillment, prophecy, promises, and the blessings of the new heaven and new earth.

    • Redemptive salvation came in AD70

    • All prophecies regarding "the coming world" are about Earth post AD70

    • The earth was made new in AD70

    • There were two habitable earths from AD30-70

    • The Sabbath rest for the people of God came in AD70

    • The judgment was in AD70

  • Greek Word Studies: Time Substantives - "There are at least five Greek terms denoting relative time factors in regards to "near future" events prophesied to take place within the first century milieu or genea (see Matthew 24:34)."

    • The Roman saints were raised out of sleep in AD70

    • The Roman saints were redemptively saved in AD70

    • The everlasting kingdom of Jesus Christ was established in AD70

    • The resurrection of all dead was in AD70

    • AD70 was THE judgment day

  • The Advent of Christ & Acts 2 - "The establishment of the eternal kingdom is equated with the time of Christ's coming in His kingdom with power, which is commonly assigned to Pentecost Day. But this is an assumption lacking scriptural proof."

    • Salvific redemption came at AD70

    • The Times of the Gentiles ended in AD70

    • Otherwise, same line of argumentation used by orthodox preterists such as DeMar and Lightfoot.

  • The Sermon on the Mount - "Traditionally in churches of Christ many future references in God's Word have been interpreted for individual Christians in each succeeding generation through time."

    • All promises regarding eternity were fulfilled in AD70

    • All promises regarding the everlasting kingdom were fulfilled in AD70

    • All of the countless blessings of the kingdom came in AD70

    • The kingdom of Christ came at the Fall of Jerusalem

    • The rewards of the kingdom came in AD70

    • Salvation/Redemption came in AD70

    • God's heavenly things in the new age came in AD70

    • The meek inherited the Earth in AD70

    • Christians were filled with God's righteousness in AD70

    • Mercy was obtained in AD70

    • Spiritual rewards were given in AD70

    • The pure in heart saw God in AD70

    • The kingdom of Christ was consummated in AD70

    • The resurrection of the dead was in AD70

    • The living were changed in AD70

    • Forgiveness, mercy, grace, God's love, salvation, etc. came in AD70

  • Are Christians Today "Strangers and Pilgrims?" - "Would you rather "hope" (as a pilgrim) or "have" as a Christian enjoying and realizing eternal life and the forgiveness of sins?"

    • The Christian inheritance was received in AD70

    • Salvation was revealed and realized in AD70

    • Grace was brought to Chrsitians in the revelation of Christ in AD70

    • The one and only "day of visitation" was in AD70

    • AD70 was the "day of redemption"

    • The establishment of the kingdom of Christ was in AD70

    • Christians are not strangers and pilgrims on the earth since AD70

    • Christians have been immortal and incorruptible since AD70

    • All the blessings of God were received in AD70

  • Hebrews 1:14 in Realized Eschatology - "We shall subscribe some concepts to this passage in this writing which we believe are consistent with a realized fulfillment of Bible prophecies concerning salvation in the new heavens and new earth of God which we believe exists today as the eternal kingdom of God."

    • All Bible Prophecy fulfilled by AD70

    • The eternal kingdom of God is the post AD70 Earth

    • Salvation came in AD70

    • Every use of the Greek word "mello" in Hebrews is about AD70

    • The "continuing city" of God came to Earth in AD70

    • Final inheritance of all things new came in AD70

    • Eternal life came in AD70

    • Ministering spirits were for pre AD70 saints.

    • The world that bore thorns and briars was Judaism

  • Heaven & Earth: OT Studies, Parts I-III - To materialize stars, moon, sun, etc., in Bible prophecy is to step out of the true redemptive history and goal of the promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - If one stays with the Biblical definition of 'earth' in eschatology, then II Peter 3:10-13 will not be saying that this physical planet we call earth is what is meant."

    • In Bible Prophecy, "heavens and earth" only means Judaism

    • "The princes of this world" are only Jewish priests

    • Prophecies of "this world" and the "world to come" are only to be taken spiritually

    • "heavens and earth" passages refer to the nations earlier and Israel later in the OT

    • The children in bondage, in fulfillment of the prophecy of Gal 4, were in Jerusalem


David Green

  • If Futurism Is True, Are Preterists Anathema? (2009) "If preterists today are wrong when they say “the resurrection” of 2 Timothy 2:16-18 is past, are preterists under the condemnation of Hymenaeus and Philetus?   Absolutely."

  • New Covenant Salvation - "We must not say that the Old Covenant was a covenant intended to save man through obedience and that the New Covenant is a covenant of grace. "

    • All promises regarding eternity were fulfilled in AD70

    • All promises regarding the everlasting kingdom were fulfilled in AD70

    • Salvation incomplete until AD70

    • Jesus' Presence came to earth in AD70

    • "In the regeneration" applies to AD70

    • The end of OC Judaism is the end of Bible Prophecy

    • One couldn't break the NC until AD70

    • "Man was condemned through the cross and the [AD70] Parousia (Coming of Christ), but it was through the cross and the Parousia that God justified His elect"

    • Works salvation was sifted out of God's Kingdom in AD70

  • Preterism and the Ecumenical Creeds (1999) "A time is coming when preterism must be answered with the Scriptures in an ecumenical council in order to authoritatively find whether it is damnable, erroneous or true. History has never seen such a council on prophecy, much less on preterism. We preterists look forward to that council. Until that time, our creedalist brothers who refuse to prove or disprove us from the Scriptures should wisely withhold their fiery indignation until and unless such a time comes as it may be appropriate. "

  • The Arbitrary Principle of Hyper-Creedalism (2004) "response to Ken Gentry's chapter in Keith Mathison's multi-authored book When Shall These Things Be?  The main purpose of Gentry's chapter is to show that because (full) preterism deviates from the Ecumenical Creeds of the historic Church, we must conclude that (full) preterists are teaching a corrupt form of Christianity."

  • 101 Preterist Time-Indicators in the New Testament (2002) "The incredible eschatological confusion that has plagued the Christian world since the days of the Reformation is a testimony to (the power of denial)."

  • Baptism Now Saves You - "As Noah and his family endured patiently in the ark, so were the first-century Christians patiently enduring a spiritual baptism, sharing the sufferings of Christ. Old-Covenant baptisms were a fading and ceremonial removal of the filth of the flesh, but New-Covenant, Spiritual baptism in Christ became the appeal of a good conscience toward God (Heb. 10:2). "- "As Noah and his family endured patiently in the ark, so were the first-century Christians patiently enduring a spiritual baptism, sharing the sufferings of Christ. Old-Covenant baptisms were a fading and ceremonial removal of the filth of the flesh, but New-Covenant, Spiritual baptism in Christ became the appeal of a good conscience toward God (Heb. 10:2). "

  • The Gift of Tongues and That Which is Perfect - "The condemning, old (covenant) things passed away long ago.  All (covenant) things were made new.  Since the old-testament temple fell, Christ in the heart is forever the true "Tabernacle of God among men."

  • And it Came To Pass - A Review (1994) "the people of the first century actually saw Jesus physically coming on the clouds with the angels. He says this because of the account of Josephus in The Wars of the Jews, Book VI, Ch. V, Sec. 3, where it is written that "chariots and troops of soldiers in their armor were seen running about among the clouds, and surrounding the cities."

  • A Response to With Unveiled Face (1998) "I believe that it is scripturally demonstrable that the cessation of the gifts at the Coming of Christ (in A.D. 70) is a biblical doctrine. There is biblical basis to say that for a preterist to be a charismatic he must bring the charismatic view to the Bible and give up the meaning of certain passages as unsolved mysteries. In contrast, the cessationist view is explicitly taught in various places which taken together produce an exegetically solid, systematic doctrine."

  • What do Preterists Believe About the Lord's Supper?


Daniel Harden - Reformed

  • Dan Harden's Response to Walt Hibbard's Support of Ian Harding's Book (2006) "..(O)ur spiritual condition is drastically different from those of the pre-Parousial saints, based solely on the fact that our High Priest returned and brought back with Him our completed atonement.  Christ has made us whiter than snow, blameless before the Lord, despite our shortcomings.  What was a promise / deposit for the pre-Parousial saints is a reality for us today -- even while living on Earth.  Our going to Heaven when we die is BECAUSE of these fulfilled promises.  We don't look forward to them being fulfilled in fullness when we die, or else we would never be qualified to make it on our own, for we are unable to do so on our own.  Indeed, if we didn't have glory in fullness already, we couldn't go to Heaven at all, for God cannot abide anything less than perfection.  But our entrance into Heaven is assured because we already have Eternal Life in fullness NOW!"

  • Rebuttal to "Absent From the Body"

  • Split Decision: Olivet Stands United "While Dr. Gentry uses other terms to identify Preterism, it needs to be made clear that the only true Preterist is what some call Full Preterists, and that Partial Preterists aren’t truly Preterists at all, but Futurists with Preterist tendencies. So for the purposes of this article, when I refer to Preterism, I mean "Full Preterism".


Jim Hopkins

  • The Binding of Satan (1999) "People are unable to accept that the Kingdom of God is present. They think in the physical realm where Satan still exists. But in the spiritual realm Satan has been removed from between man and his maker."

    • NT Prophecies which speak in past tense as having been fulfilled at the cross were actually not fulfilled until AD70

    • Satan was placed beneath the Church's feet in AD70

    • Satan is no longer in charge of the world starting in AD70

    • The Lord's Day of Wrath is AD70

    • Sin will continue on earth forever

  • The Use of the Old Testament - "Ending the Jewish age at the cross and inserting a Christian age in between 'the coming age' is not handling aright the word of truth."

    • The Old Covenant ended in AD70, not the cross

    • The New Covenant started in AD70, not the cross

    • The Spirit was consummated in AD70

  • The Day Drawing near - To place the end of the Jewish age at the cross, rather than at Israel's judgment, leads one into conclusions which tend to make void the prophecies of the Old and New Testaments and promote a false expectation and hope"

    • The day of the Coming One is AD70

    • The only Day of the Lord is AD70

    • The Lord's Day of Wrath is AD70

    • The kingdom was established in AD70

    • The kingdom was possessed in AD70

    • Every single Bible prophecy was fulfilled by AD70

    • The restitution of all things was in AD70

    • The Fullness of the Gentiles came in at AD70

    • All Israel was saved in AD70

    • Vision and Prophecy ceased in AD70

    • A fountain was opened for sin and uncleanness in Jerusalem in AD70

    • The perfect came in AD70

  • The Martyrs of Jesus - "The existance of these witnesses also does something else; it gives credibility to the early date of the book of Revelation. The persecution that befell the witnesses was all about their having seen Jesus and they were still alive to tell it."

  • Dating the Book of Revelation - "The date of the Apocalypse I now assign, with the majority of modern critics, to the year 68 or 69 instead of 95, as before."

  • The Consummation (End) of the Age - "In the first century, the earnest of the Spirit was consummated in the receiving of the kingdom."

  • Redating the First Deportation of Judah - Redating the First Deportation of Judah From 606 B.C. to 597 B.C.


Don Preston - Church of Christ

  • The Passing of the Elements: II Peter 3:10 - "The word translated as world is from cosmos. It is unfortunate that when this word is used in scripture most people think it has to speak of the physical universe."

    • The Greek word "stoicheia" only has reference to the rites of Old Covenant Israel

    • For Paul, the destruction of the world meant the passing of the Old Covenant world

    • The passing of the "old world" and the coming of the "new world" was in AD70

    • The "day of the Lord" was exclusively AD70

    • The crucifixion initiated atonement, but left it incomplete until the second coming.

    • Atonement was completed in AD70

  • An Airtight Argument? - "We are convinced the only construct of Mark 8:38-9:1 and parallels which satisfies the chronological and contextual demands is to understand Jesus predicting his return in full glory to judge all men... This happened in 70 A.D. when he destroyed Jerusalem"

    • The kingdom was not full grown until AD70

    • The scheme of redemption was completed in AD70

    • Kingdom established, yet not fully established on Pentecost

    • Jesus returned in fully glory in AD70

    • Jesus returned, with his angels, to judge every man in AD70

  • Misconceptions About Misconceptions - "Since the disciples did not lack understanding as has been generally assumed, it is easy to correlate the parallel passages of Mark 13 and Luke 21 with Matthew 24."
    • The parable of the tares was fulfilled in AD70

    • The parable of the pearl was fulfilled in AD70

    • The parable of the fish net was fulfilled in AD70

    • Matthew 24 is a singular discourse about the only parousia of Christ, which was in AD70

    • AD70 Dispensationalism


  • When All Things That are Written Must Be Fulfilled

    • The Old Covenant ended in AD70, not the cross

    • The New Covenant was fully established in AD70, not the cross or Pentecost.

    • The Messiah's Age came in AD70

    • The Messiah's Age is the New World

    • The Spirit was consummated in AD70

    • The Fall of Jerusalem represents the fulfillment of all Bible prophecy

  • World Without End

    • The Old Covenant ended in AD70, not the cross

    • The New Covenant was fully established in AD70, not the cross or Pentecost.

    • The Fall of Jerusalem represents the fulfillment of all Bible prophecy

    • The "Age to Come" is identified as an earthly aion

    • Earth will exist forever

    • Sin will continue forever

    • Death will continue forever

    • AD70 Dispensationalism

  • Typology and Covenant Eschatology

    • Noah's flood was solely a type of the "AD70 flood"

    • The Great Supper of God was in AD70, when the Roman armies surrounded Jerusalem

    • Otherwise, mostly the same stuff taught by orthodox preterists

  • Toussaint, Matthew 23:39 -- The Song of Ascent

Thomas Rattray

  • The Regal Advent and the Resurrection, of the Past (1878) "The subject of the regal advent as accomplished in A.D.70 is not a novelty. The learned Grotius of the seventeenth century, and some others of note in that and subsequent times advocated it.

Larry Siegle

  • New Wine, Old Wineskins (2009) "I do believe that some statement must be made to provide a sense of balance to the recent departure from (full) Preterism of some, back from whence they came. These actions are neither new, nor are they surprising as often is the case when the strongholds of “tradition” are neither broken, nor forsaken. .   The greatest error of Preterism is in our reluctance to “kill the beast” of allegiance in the hearts and minds of the people to their vain “traditions” and obsessions with conformity to the doctrines and practices of those who created the corpses of denominations that are dying all around us today... When I heard of the recent departure of some within the community my honest reaction was a deep sense of sadness in the very depth of my being."





Identifying "the age to come" solely with an earthly aion is under consideration for a special warning label, in that this misconception has become axiomatic in all "consistent preterist" theologies.  Certain orthodox preterists claim this "ages view" as well, so I won't at this time classify it as "Hyper Preterism".  It will suffice for now to simply call attention to the consequences of the "AD70 World/Age Hypothesis".

Luke 20:35 But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry , nor are given in marriage ("Worthy to obtain" demonstrates that the "world to come" isn't received based upon simple chronology (i.e. AD70), but upon the grounds of worthiness, which can only be one's identification with the Cross of Jesus Christ.)


It is important to note that when Jesus prophesied the fall of the temple, he was speaking of Calvary.  To move the focal point to Herod's temple is obvious idolatry.  This form of iniquity against the temple of God is the ultimate charge of sin cast against Israel.

Habakkuk 2:17. For the iniquity of Libanus shall cover thee, and the ravaging of beasts shall terrify them because of the blood of men, and the iniquity of the land, and of the city, and of all that dwell therein.

"The iniquity of Libanus. . .That is, the iniquity committed by the Chaldeans against the temple of God, signified here by the name of Libanus." Douay Rheims Bible (1586)

Those who attempt to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem today are guilty of this charge.   Those who attempt to patch up the veil of separation for 40 years are likewise guilty.  This "rebuilding of the temple to destroy it again" (40 years later) is exactly the same doctrine Dispensationalism holds to today.

The blessings of a single mind and heart (heaven and earth) redirected towards the fall of His temple  is worth 1,000 redirected to the fall of their temple,

The Reality of Just How Different HyP Actually Is

N.T. Wright "You may be allowed to eat meat offered to idols, but you cannot deny the future bodily resurrection and claim that denial as an allowable Christian option."

(The Resurrection of the Son of God, pg 331) 


"Thus, like the reformation period, I believe that full preterism is in a very similar state as Luther in the first major reformation (no surprise to you of course that I might say that). Does it bother me that we don't have hundreds of writers who agree with us? Nope...not one bit. My conscience refuses to simply accept the traditions of popular opinion, scholarly or otherwise, because they are in abundance, when no scholar has yet to convince me that they are correct...or that they can finally agree with one another for once! " Joe Vincent 1/20/11 on Fb


Universalism in America, Volume II : Bibliography "And having satisfied our minds respecting the time of the coming of the Son of man to judge and reward men according to their works, and being assured that that event took place when Jerusalem was destroyed, and the Jews dispersed; it remains an easy task to settle the question respecting the meaning and fulfillment of all the passages in the New Testament which speak of that judgment, and the awful calamities which fell on the people. But we must always keep in mind the fact that all those scriptures were fulfilled in that generation in which Jesus and his disciples lived." (Hosea Ballou, 1805 - Treatise on the Atonement) | Tentmaker Books | Online Bible Books: Ed Stevens' "What Happened in AD70?" - List Preterist Universalists




Don Preston

MS Cheo - Singapore Preterist

David B. Curtis - Reformed

Kenneth Davies - Evangelical

Dan Delagrave

Gene Fadeley

Michael Fenemore

Ward Fenley

Bryan Forgy

Elton Foster - Comprehensive Grace

Eric Fugett, Author of A Personal Revelation

Joseph E. Gautier, Jr.

Gabor Gombor - Reformed

Danny Green

Jim Gunter

Walt Hibbard - Reformed

Matthew Hocker

Tom Huber

Timothy James

David Johnson

Max R. King - Transmillennial (TM)

Michael Krall - Pristine Grace

Brian L. Martin

Vern Mason

Richard McPherson

Jack C. Scott Jr. - Church of Christ

Larry Siegle - Church of Christ

Daniel T. Silvestri

Terry Siverd - Church of Christ

Edward Stevens - Reformed

Bruce Terry

Daniel Thompson

Tracy D. VanWynGaarden

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